The Nation’s Spooks Played The Game ‘Kill Mike Flynn’


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"...the tactics hurled against Flynn over the last few months were the type of high profile hard-ball accusations previously reserved for top figures in enemy states, not for White House officials."
--- 'Political Assassination' by Top Intel Agency Leaders And Obama holdovers.

EXCLUSIVE: How The Nation’s Spooks Played The Game ‘Kill Mike Flynn’

"National Security Advisor Gen. Michael T. Flynn (ret.)who resigned Mondaywas the victim of a “hit job” launched by intelligence operatives, Obama government holdovers and former Obama national security officials, according to former intelligence officials who spoke with The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group.

The talk within the tight-knit community of retired intelligence officers was that Flynn’s sacking was a result of intelligence insiders at the CIA, NSA and National Security Council using a sophisticated “disinformation campaign” to create a crisis atmosphere. The former intel officers say the tactics hurled against Flynn over the last few months were the type of high profile hard-ball accusations previously reserved for top figures in enemy states, not for White House officials."

'Crisis Atmosphere:
There was no crisis. Flynn Resigned NOT because of anything unethical or illegal - he resigned due to the 'Crisis Atmosphere' these agencies created - the PERCEPTION of wrong-doing, NOT because of 'wrong-doing'. The FBI has come out and said Flynn did NOTING ILLEGAL!

This was a hit job,” charged retired Col. James Williamson, a 32-year Special Forces veteran who coordinated his operations with the intelligence community.

Noting the Obama administration first tried to silence Flynn in 2014 when the former president fired him as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Williamson called Monday’s resignation, “stage Two of ‘Kill Mike Flynn.

Former intelligence officials who understand spy craft say Flynn’s resignation had everything to do with a “disinformation campaign” and little to do with the December phone conversation he had with the Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

They charge officials from America’s top spy counsels leaked classified government intercepts of Flynn and President Trump’s conversations with world leaders and had “cutouts” — friendly civilians not associated with the agency — to distribute them to reporters in a coordinated fashion."
Flynn’s death is his own fault. Had he not lied to the VP he'd likely still be employed.

He got what he deserved
I would agree - the cover-up, especially when it's a cover-up of something not even illegal, is usually what gets you. He thought he was doing something wrong - he wasn't (according to the FBI), and he lied.

'Deserved'? Matter of opinion.
"...the tactics hurled against Flynn over the last few months were the type of high profile hard-ball accusations previously reserved for top figures in enemy states, not for White House officials."
--- 'Political Assassination' by Top Intel Agency Leaders And Obama holdovers.

EXCLUSIVE: How The Nation’s Spooks Played The Game ‘Kill Mike Flynn’

"National Security Advisor Gen. Michael T. Flynn (ret.)who resigned Mondaywas the victim of a “hit job” launched by intelligence operatives, Obama government holdovers and former Obama national security officials, according to former intelligence officials who spoke with The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group.

The talk within the tight-knit community of retired intelligence officers was that Flynn’s sacking was a result of intelligence insiders at the CIA, NSA and National Security Council using a sophisticated “disinformation campaign” to create a crisis atmosphere. The former intel officers say the tactics hurled against Flynn over the last few months were the type of high profile hard-ball accusations previously reserved for top figures in enemy states, not for White House officials."

'Crisis Atmosphere:
There was no crisis. Flynn Resigned NOT because of anything unethical or illegal - he resigned due to the 'Crisis Atmosphere' these agencies created - the PERCEPTION of wrong-doing, NOT because of 'wrong-doing'. The FBI has come out and said Flynn did NOTING ILLEGAL!

This was a hit job,” charged retired Col. James Williamson, a 32-year Special Forces veteran who coordinated his operations with the intelligence community.

Noting the Obama administration first tried to silence Flynn in 2014 when the former president fired him as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Williamson called Monday’s resignation, “stage Two of ‘Kill Mike Flynn.

Former intelligence officials who understand spy craft say Flynn’s resignation had everything to do with a “disinformation campaign” and little to do with the December phone conversation he had with the Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

They charge officials from America’s top spy counsels leaked classified government intercepts of Flynn and President Trump’s conversations with world leaders and had “cutouts” — friendly civilians not associated with the agency — to distribute them to reporters in a coordinated fashion."
"Take The Kill Shot On Flynn"

LTG MIKE FLYNN’S SENTENCING DELAYED — AGAIN: Powerline’s Scott Johnson stays on the sordid story of the man set up by dirty cops Comey and McCabe. There’ve been a lot of courtroom twists and turns. So stay tuned.

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