The narcissism of humanity


Gold Member
Oct 8, 2013
The human race has thought it was the center of the universe for thousands of years. The Jewish people have always thought THEY are God's chosen people. The Catholics used to think the sun revolved around the earth. The Nazi's and the U.S. believe that they are the masters of the world.

But after science has shown everyone how many billions of planets and stars and galaxy's there are, what is the odds that this marble is the only one in the universe with "so called" intelligent life? If humanity is the best God can do, I'm really disappointed in God.
Why on earth would you think that humanity, in it's fallen state, is the best God can do? You are looking at the product in the middle of production and you are wonder why it's not better?

When the Lord is done with us we will be far more than you can imagine:

Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. (1 John 3:2)

Jews are merely one tribe of the Lord's covenant people. And all may be adopted into that covenant through the blood of Christ.

And the odds that this is the only planet in the universe with intelligent life is completely improbable and another testament that God lives.
The human race has thought it was the center of the universe for thousands of years. The Jewish people have always thought THEY are God's chosen people. The Catholics used to think the sun revolved around the earth. The Nazi's and the U.S. believe that they are the masters of the world.

But after science has shown everyone how many billions of planets and stars and galaxy's there are, what is the odds that this marble is the only one in the universe with "so called" intelligent life? If humanity is the best God can do, I'm really disappointed in God.

I believe that wet rocks in space are a dime a dozen and living wet rocks in space happen often.

It's thrilling to think that few and far between may be living worlds with the luck and time for Sentience to evolve.

You're almost there, Monkeys. First generation to implement fair and simple taxes gets to watch their grand kids play among the stars.
:thup: True Story!​
The human race has thought it was the center of the universe for thousands of years. The Jewish people have always thought THEY are God's chosen people. The Catholics used to think the sun revolved around the earth. The Nazi's and the U.S. believe that they are the masters of the world.

But after science has shown everyone how many billions of planets and stars and galaxy's there are, what is the odds that this marble is the only one in the universe with "so called" intelligent life? If humanity is the best God can do, I'm really disappointed in God.

Who is supposed to take this rant seriously?
I was hoping this was going to be a discussion of micro-narcissism, and how people's inherent selfishness is growing exponentially in society and the absolute sickness of humanity as we now know it.
The human race has thought it was the center of the universe for thousands of years. ... If humanity is the best God can do, I'm really disappointed in God.

That religion where mankind is expelled had an idea, they then became its greatest enemy -

If humanity is the best God can do, I'm really disappointed in God.

speaking of the disingenuous ...


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