The Mystery of Romney's Exit From Bain


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Now there's a debate over when the GOP presidential candidate left his private equity firm—and what it means.

The Romney campaign and Bain insist that Romney had not a thing to do with Bain after February 1999, though he signed filings and pocketed millions. But they won't answer specific questions about Romney and Bain during this period—just as Romney won't come clean on his tax returns. (See this Vanity Fair blockbuster report on Romney's personal finances and what is still unknown about them.) He remains the opaque quarter-billionaire—with mystery surrounding his wealth and the business career he touts as a steppingstone to the presidency. He has yet to be fully vetted.

More: The Mystery of Romney's Exit From Bain | Mother Jones
Now there's a debate over when the GOP presidential candidate left his private equity firm—and what it means.

The Romney campaign and Bain insist that Romney had not a thing to do with Bain after February 1999, though he signed filings and pocketed millions. But they won't answer specific questions about Romney and Bain during this period—just as Romney won't come clean on his tax returns. (See this Vanity Fair blockbuster report on Romney's personal finances and what is still unknown about them.) He remains the opaque quarter-billionaire—with mystery surrounding his wealth and the business career he touts as a steppingstone to the presidency. He has yet to be fully vetted.

More: The Mystery of Romney's Exit From Bain | Mother Jones

As soon as we fully vet Obama, we can do Romney. College transcripts and all!
Now there's a debate over when the GOP presidential candidate left his private equity firm—and what it means.

The Romney campaign and Bain insist that Romney had not a thing to do with Bain after February 1999, though he signed filings and pocketed millions. But they won't answer specific questions about Romney and Bain during this period—just as Romney won't come clean on his tax returns. (See this Vanity Fair blockbuster report on Romney's personal finances and what is still unknown about them.) He remains the opaque quarter-billionaire—with mystery surrounding his wealth and the business career he touts as a steppingstone to the presidency. He has yet to be fully vetted.

More: The Mystery of Romney's Exit From Bain | Mother Jones

Mittens has hidden so much of his past that only a fool would pretend its not important. The idiots who say, "... oh yeah? What about Obama?" do their country a disservice.

If you really believe that the etch a sketch who has no opinions, no verifiable past, no real record of anything other than supporting other countries and other bans, if you are so foolish as to believe that all that matters is that he is not Obama,

You are STUPID FOOLS indeed.

Did you learn nothing from the $$arah fiasco?

In point of fact, we know more about President Obama than any other president in the past but that is not the point, should not be the point and certainly should not be important to those who would vote for the anti-American Romney.

Every other president, including Obama, has made his tax returns public.

What is your Etch A Sketch HIDING?

Why does he hide his off-shore dealings? He hides everything ... his time with Bain, the horror he perpetrated on the US when he "saved" the Olympics buy stealing money from the taxpayers.

FACT - your hero has never actually done anything. Nothing. Not one thing.

Except lie.

Yes, I admit that he does lie very well.
The leftists have a sitting President who has given away BILLIONS of dollars of American taxpayer money to union cronies, alternative energy corporate scam artists, Wall Street banks, etc., and the leftists are worried about how much money Mitt Romney earned during the time he was a PRIVATE CITIZEN?

This is just another glaring example of the leftist game of "re-direction", "spotlight-shifting", and of course, pathological HYPOCRISY.
Romney still makes money from Bain.

He's never "exited".

The gist of the disagreement comes down to this: There’s no question that numerous public filings and some contemporaneous press references say Romney was still running things at Bain after 1999. But his campaign insists that whatever securities filings may have said, in practice, he was so busy running the 2002 Winter Olympics that he actually had no role at Bain after early 1999. That’s possible in theory. But there’s no evidence for it besides self-interested claims by Romney. And there’s plenty of documentary evidence to the contrary. After all, what you tell the SEC is really supposed to be true.

Romney’s argument is that it doesn’t matter what he said on these SEC filings. Whatever they say, he really wasn’t at Bain anymore. But absent of any evidence, how is it that anyone can be expected to disregard what Mitt actually told the SEC at the time?

No, Romney Didn’t Leave Bain in 1999 | TPM Editors Blog

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