The Multicultural Narrative Is Collapsing Before Our Eyes

Multiculturalism is complete bullshit. Right down there with AGW and other leftwing wetdreams.
Multiculturalism is complete bullshit. Right down there with AGW and other leftwing wetdreams.
Yep. Unfortunately several generations of Americans have bought into it and its deeply ingrained in American society right now. Its something that's going to have to be ripped out root and all before America can become great again.

As it should. Its a beautiful sight....unfortunately in the US its still attached quite Europe its falling apart...and fast....can't wait for it to hit the US.

If we were Rome Progressive would be rooting for the Barbarians

Most of the founders of this country were of 'barbarian', not Roman, descent.
I do believe he is talking about the Visigoths,Vandals etc....but anyways he is correct because the definition of Barbarian is this

Barbarians — a word that today often refers to uncivilized people or evil people and their evil deeds — originated in ancient Greece, and it initially merely referred to people who did not speak Greek.

Put it as people who don't speak English and that would be the invaders invading America at our governments welcoming arms! We are broke but gonna invite 100's of thousands of more welfare recipients to our shores so the government can continue to apologize for eeeevvvvvilllll raaacccisssmmmm

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