The motivation of the leaker.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
When I was in the Army we were taught that there were four possible motivations for someone to betray us. This was when the Soviets looked unstoppable so the training was geared towards them. I believe that it fits the modern world to a great extent, especially considering the news out there this week.

The hunt is on for the inside leakers in the Hillary tell-all campaign book - Hot Air

CIA, FBI launch manhunt for leaker who gave top-secret documents to WikiLeaks

The Clintons are searching for the person who leaked inside information on the campaign, and the FBI and CIA are searching for the person who gave the tech secrets to Wikileaks.

Why would people do that? The answer is the acronym MICE. Money Ideology Coercion or Comprise and finally Ego.

Motives for spying - Wikipedia

I'm going to start with the CIA spying. Most of those that release the information to either the press or Wikileaks are driven more by ideology than any other motivation.

Ideology is not just a belief that the other side is better. As shown many times, the leaker honestly believes their own side is doing something wrong. That was the motivation of Snowden according to several interviews.

So we don't know the motivation of the CIA leaker this time, but we can make an educated guess that it will fall into the ideology category. The leakers believe that the United States is violating the law or at least acting unethically.

That was the motivation of the last several leakers. They honestly believed the nation was behaving badly. I tend to agree. We were and are behaving badly.

But that does not describe the motivation of the leakers from the Hillary camp. For that you have to skip on by the money, ideology might play a small part. But the big one was ego.

Ego is the most likely answer. Remember all the State party officials who were raging after the election about how they warned Hillary's campaign about the weakness of the party in the Blue Wall States? Ego is for the people who tried to earn the bosses that Dragons were along the path they were taking and were ignored, belittled, and probably mocked.

They saw the decisions that were screwing up their chances at victory and were furious about it. This sort of anger has been seen many times in history. The Engineers at NASA who warned about cold temperatures endangering Challenger. The Naval officers who worried that the silk bags that gunpowder for the cannon was stored in would build up a static charge and explode.

After the event they want to scream that they were right and if they had been listened to this never would have happened. And that is true. But there is always someone predicting gloom and doom and if you listen to all of them you will never accomplish anything. Doctors worried during the early stages of the space program that humans could not function in zero gravity. They predicted that the eyes of the astronauts would change and the pilots would be blind and a thousand other predictions that some function or need would fail in zero G.

For every one who correctly predicted a bad result, there were a thousand predictions that were merely alarmist crap.
Don't much give a fuck about motivations, leak everything, shine the light of day on this corrupt authoritarian system.
Don't much give a fuck about motivations, leak everything, shine the light of day on this corrupt authoritarian system.

you are a danger to the cosmos

I wouldn't agree with that. The principle behind our system of Government is informed consent of the Governed. We the people who elect our representatives should be informed about what our Representatives and by extension our Government is up to.

We have to ask ourselves why the Espionage Act was passed. The Wilson Administration was publishing captured German Documents regularly. This created the perpetual and ongoing scandals affecting German relations. Yet almost immediately as the War started the Espionage act was passed. The reason was the one secret that could not be known to the public.

It is generally recognized that the Zimmerman Telegram was the cause of the Americans declaring war. The telegram was published to the newspapers within days of the American government getting it. So what secret was there left? Ways and Means of how it was decrypted. But that was fairly minor. The big secret was this. Wilson personally authorized the Germans to send messages in their own code on the State Department Cable. Those messages included the Zimmerman Telegram. Wilson helped the enemy plan their attacks on us. It was a violation of international law and if it had gotten out while he was President he would not have survived it. He would have been impeached certainly and by popular demand.
When I was in the Army we were taught that there were four possible motivations for someone to betray us. This was when the Soviets looked unstoppable so the training was geared towards them. I believe that it fits the modern world to a great extent, especially considering the news out there this week.

The hunt is on for the inside leakers in the Hillary tell-all campaign book - Hot Air

CIA, FBI launch manhunt for leaker who gave top-secret documents to WikiLeaks

The Clintons are searching for the person who leaked inside information on the campaign, and the FBI and CIA are searching for the person who gave the tech secrets to Wikileaks.

Why would people do that? The answer is the acronym MICE. Money Ideology Coercion or Comprise and finally Ego.

Motives for spying - Wikipedia

I'm going to start with the CIA spying. Most of those that release the information to either the press or Wikileaks are driven more by ideology than any other motivation.

Ideology is not just a belief that the other side is better. As shown many times, the leaker honestly believes their own side is doing something wrong. That was the motivation of Snowden according to several interviews.

So we don't know the motivation of the CIA leaker this time, but we can make an educated guess that it will fall into the ideology category. The leakers believe that the United States is violating the law or at least acting unethically.

That was the motivation of the last several leakers. They honestly believed the nation was behaving badly. I tend to agree. We were and are behaving badly.

But that does not describe the motivation of the leakers from the Hillary camp. For that you have to skip on by the money, ideology might play a small part. But the big one was ego.

Ego is the most likely answer. Remember all the State party officials who were raging after the election about how they warned Hillary's campaign about the weakness of the party in the Blue Wall States? Ego is for the people who tried to earn the bosses that Dragons were along the path they were taking and were ignored, belittled, and probably mocked.

They saw the decisions that were screwing up their chances at victory and were furious about it. This sort of anger has been seen many times in history. The Engineers at NASA who warned about cold temperatures endangering Challenger. The Naval officers who worried that the silk bags that gunpowder for the cannon was stored in would build up a static charge and explode.

After the event they want to scream that they were right and if they had been listened to this never would have happened. And that is true. But there is always someone predicting gloom and doom and if you listen to all of them you will never accomplish anything. Doctors worried during the early stages of the space program that humans could not function in zero gravity. They predicted that the eyes of the astronauts would change and the pilots would be blind and a thousand other predictions that some function or need would fail in zero G.

For every one who correctly predicted a bad result, there were a thousand predictions that were merely alarmist crap.
Nice long rant.

Now, in summary, could you please list your 4 categories ?!

You promised this to your reader in your opening sentence but you never delivered it throughout your whole rant.

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When I was in the Army we were taught that there were four possible motivations for someone to betray us. This was when the Soviets looked unstoppable so the training was geared towards them. I believe that it fits the modern world to a great extent, especially considering the news out there this week.

The hunt is on for the inside leakers in the Hillary tell-all campaign book - Hot Air

CIA, FBI launch manhunt for leaker who gave top-secret documents to WikiLeaks

The Clintons are searching for the person who leaked inside information on the campaign, and the FBI and CIA are searching for the person who gave the tech secrets to Wikileaks.

Why would people do that? The answer is the acronym MICE. Money Ideology Coercion or Comprise and finally Ego.

Motives for spying - Wikipedia

I'm going to start with the CIA spying. Most of those that release the information to either the press or Wikileaks are driven more by ideology than any other motivation.

Ideology is not just a belief that the other side is better. As shown many times, the leaker honestly believes their own side is doing something wrong. That was the motivation of Snowden according to several interviews.

So we don't know the motivation of the CIA leaker this time, but we can make an educated guess that it will fall into the ideology category. The leakers believe that the United States is violating the law or at least acting unethically.

That was the motivation of the last several leakers. They honestly believed the nation was behaving badly. I tend to agree. We were and are behaving badly.

But that does not describe the motivation of the leakers from the Hillary camp. For that you have to skip on by the money, ideology might play a small part. But the big one was ego.

Ego is the most likely answer. Remember all the State party officials who were raging after the election about how they warned Hillary's campaign about the weakness of the party in the Blue Wall States? Ego is for the people who tried to earn the bosses that Dragons were along the path they were taking and were ignored, belittled, and probably mocked.

They saw the decisions that were screwing up their chances at victory and were furious about it. This sort of anger has been seen many times in history. The Engineers at NASA who warned about cold temperatures endangering Challenger. The Naval officers who worried that the silk bags that gunpowder for the cannon was stored in would build up a static charge and explode.

After the event they want to scream that they were right and if they had been listened to this never would have happened. And that is true. But there is always someone predicting gloom and doom and if you listen to all of them you will never accomplish anything. Doctors worried during the early stages of the space program that humans could not function in zero gravity. They predicted that the eyes of the astronauts would change and the pilots would be blind and a thousand other predictions that some function or need would fail in zero G.

For every one who correctly predicted a bad result, there were a thousand predictions that were merely alarmist crap.
Nice long rant.

Now, in summary, could you please list your 4 categories ?!

You promised this to your reader in your opening sentence but you never delivered it throughout your whole rant.

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4 - ________________

You missed it. MICE.

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