The Most Open Administration In History


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Strikes again.

Guys and gals, this isn't about Health Care or Insurance.

This is about how one party consistently and constantly lies to you.

I know that most dims think, "Well, that's okay because if it's good for the Collective, we can live with lies....."

But it isn't okay, people.

This is a sick, dishonest, criminal regime.

Obama Regime 2010 Estimate Of Number Of Employer Plans That Would Be Cancelled Under Obamacare


*Dates based on original employer mandate effective date before Obama unconstitutionally delayed it.

Of course they knew, they always knew the vast numbers of people that would be dropped.

They know it now too, yet nothing is being done to stop it, only to delay the effect until after the midterm elections.
Can't you read your own graphic, dipshit? It says "RELINQUISHING THEIR GRANDFATHERED STATUS". It does not say "Employer Plans That Would Be Cancelled".

Get your vision checked.

It is also for the period 2011 to 2013. It is now 2014.

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And once again the far left show they do not understand what was posted and answers with far left Obama drone propaganda.

Please show us that 69 percent of employer plans were cancelled between 2011 and 2013. Hell, let's go with the low end estimate, even though your fellow rubes have been harping on the high end estimate for weeks now.

Show us 39 percent of employer plans were cancelled between 2011 and 2013.
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Can't you read your own graphic, dipshit? It says "RELINQUISHING THEIR GRANDFATHERED STATUS". It does not say "Employer Plans That Would Be Cancelled".

Get your vision checked.

It is also for the period 2011 to 2013. It is now 2014.


Ooops. Well, it's not a vision problem. It's a bias problem. Or maybe it's a literal problem. But last time I checked relinquish was not a synonym for cancel. Edgetho goes down in flames again....good thing he's wearing that silly armor.
Can't you read your own graphic, dipshit? It says "RELINQUISHING THEIR GRANDFATHERED STATUS". It does not say "Employer Plans That Would Be Cancelled".

Get your vision checked.

It is also for the period 2011 to 2013. It is now 2014.


Relenquish - verb - to voluntarily cease, or give up. (Please don't go playing the grammarian "cancelled" is more than an apt descriptor.)

Perhaps you need to have your vision and your reading comprehension skills checked. A grandfathered plan is a individual or group plan that existed before 2010. One type is provided by an employer, the other is bought by the individual. They are not immune to the changes brought on by Obamacare, and in most cases will be cancelled because of such. Cancelled.

The Assertion:

The Contradiction:
"These cancellations are, essentially, a lot of grandfathered plans exiting the insurance marketplace. From an insurance company's vantage point, grandfathered plans are a bit of a dead end: They can't enroll new subscribers and are really constrained in their ability to tweak the benefit package or cost-sharing structure. There's not a whole lot of business sense, for a managed care company, in maintaining a health plan that doesn't meet the health law's new requirements."

This is why Obamacare is canceling some people?s insurance plans
Can't you read your own graphic, dipshit? It says "RELINQUISHING THEIR GRANDFATHERED STATUS". It does not say "Employer Plans That Would Be Cancelled".

Get your vision checked.

It is also for the period 2011 to 2013. It is now 2014.


Relenquish - verb - to voluntarily cease, or give up. (Please don't go playing the grammarian "cancelled" is more than an apt descriptor.)

Perhaps you need to have your vision and your reading comprehension skills checked. A grandfathered plan is a individual or group plan that existed before 2010. One type is provided by an employer, the other is bought by the individual. They are not immune to the changes brought on by Obamacare, and in most cases will be cancelled because of such. Cancelled.

The Assertion:

The Contradiction:

"Relinquish grandfather status" means any exemptions from the minimum standards of insurance that were granted to employer plans which existed prior to the enactment of ObamaCare will be reliquinshed, idiot. Relinquished means "voluntarily give up". The employers would give up their grandfather status.

It in no way means the plans are cancelled. It does not automatically follow that an employer who lost their grandfather status would cancel their employee's insurance, as you morons keep claiming.

How do we know this? Because between 2011 and 2012, 55% of employer plans were not cancelled! That's what was predicted, right? 55% would lose their grandfather status between 2011 and 2012, and so your idiot logic dicates that's how many would have been cancelled.


The employer mandate extension did not happen until July of 2013. So any plans which relinquished their grandfather status prior to that were still under the old mandate.


Your idiot premises fail in every way.
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"These cancellations are, essentially, a lot of grandfathered plans exiting the insurance marketplace. From an insurance company's vantage point, grandfathered plans are a bit of a dead end: They can't enroll new subscribers and are really constrained in their ability to tweak the benefit package or cost-sharing structure. There's not a whole lot of business sense, for a managed care company, in maintaining a health plan that doesn't meet the health law's new requirements."

This is why Obamacare is canceling some people?s insurance plans

That article is about individual plans, not employer plans.

Thanks for playing.
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Can't you read your own graphic, dipshit? It says "RELINQUISHING THEIR GRANDFATHERED STATUS". It does not say "Employer Plans That Would Be Cancelled".

Get your vision checked.

It is also for the period 2011 to 2013. It is now 2014.


Relenquish - verb - to voluntarily cease, or give up. (Please don't go playing the grammarian "cancelled" is more than an apt descriptor.)

Perhaps you need to have your vision and your reading comprehension skills checked. A grandfathered plan is a individual or group plan that existed before 2010. One type is provided by an employer, the other is bought by the individual. They are not immune to the changes brought on by Obamacare, and in most cases will be cancelled because of such. Cancelled.

The Assertion:

The Contradiction:

"Relinquish grandfather status" means any exemptions from the minimum standards of insurance that were granted to employer plans which existed prior to the enactment of ObamaCare will be reliquinshed, idiot.

It in no way means the plans are cancelled. And it does not automatically follow that an employer who loses their grandfather plan will cancel their employee's insurance as you morons keep claiming.

How do we know this? Because between 2011 and 2012, 55% of employer plans were not cancelled! That's what was predicted, right? 55% would lose their grandfather status between 2011 and 20012.


The employer mandate extension did not happen until July of 2013. So any plans which relinquished their grandfather status prior to that were still under the old mandate.


You idiot premises fail in every way.

They haven't cancelled plans because the OBAMA DELAYED THE INDIVIDUAL MANDATE UNTIL 2015 WISE ASS.

Sigh. They will still be cancelled, just a year later. Your premise is toast. Go have a seat, child. Just because they didn't cancel them in 2013 doesn't stop them from doing so in 2014. You seriously need to learn deductive reasoning.
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"These cancellations are, essentially, a lot of grandfathered plans exiting the insurance marketplace. From an insurance company's vantage point, grandfathered plans are a bit of a dead end: They can't enroll new subscribers and are really constrained in their ability to tweak the benefit package or cost-sharing structure. There's not a whole lot of business sense, for a managed care company, in maintaining a health plan that doesn't meet the health law's new requirements."

This is why Obamacare is canceling some people?s insurance plans

That article has NOTHING to do with employer plans.

Thanks for playing.

Seriously? From the link:

So why is this happening right now?

Some -- or maybe even most -- of the plans offered on the individual insurance market right now don't meet certain requirements in the health-care law. They may not offer preventive care without co-payment, for example, or leave out coverage of maternity care, one of the health-care law's 10 essential benefits.

Some of these plans have stuck around for a little bit. The health law allowed plans that existed back in March 2010, when it became a law, to keep selling coverage. These are known as "grandfathered plans:" They don't meet the health law's requirements, but as long as they don't change much, insurers can keep offering them.

Insurance companies typically do like to change their insurance plans, making changes to cost-sharing or the benefits they offer. That means that grandfathered plans have disappeared. We don't have great data about how quickly this is happening in the individual market, but we do see it in this Kaiser Family Foundation survey of the employer market.


These cancellations are, essentially, a lot of grandfathered plans exiting the insurance marketplace. From an insurance company's vantage point, grandfathered plans are a bit of a dead end: They can't enroll new subscribers and are really constrained in their ability to tweak the benefit package or cost-sharing structure. There's not a whole lot of business sense, for a managed care company, in maintaining a health plan that doesn't meet the health law's new requirements.

Did you read the article or make an assumption?
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Relenquish - verb - to voluntarily cease, or give up. (Please don't go playing the grammarian "cancelled" is more than an apt descriptor.)

Perhaps you need to have your vision and your reading comprehension skills checked. A grandfathered plan is a individual or group plan that existed before 2010. One type is provided by an employer, the other is bought by the individual. They are not immune to the changes brought on by Obamacare, and in most cases will be cancelled because of such. Cancelled.

The Assertion:

The Contradiction:

"Relinquish grandfather status" means any exemptions from the minimum standards of insurance that were granted to employer plans which existed prior to the enactment of ObamaCare will be reliquinshed, idiot.

It in no way means the plans are cancelled. And it does not automatically follow that an employer who loses their grandfather plan will cancel their employee's insurance as you morons keep claiming.

How do we know this? Because between 2011 and 2012, 55% of employer plans were not cancelled! That's what was predicted, right? 55% would lose their grandfather status between 2011 and 20012.


The employer mandate extension did not happen until July of 2013. So any plans which relinquished their grandfather status prior to that were still under the old mandate.


You idiot premises fail in every way.

They haven't cancelled plans because the OBAMA DELAYED THE INDIVIDUAL MANDATE UNTIL 2014 WISE ASS.

Sigh. They will still be cancelled, just a year later. Your premise is toast. Go have a seat, child. Just because they didn't cancel them in 2013 doesn't stop them from doing so in 2014. You seriously need to learn deductive reasoning.

"Relinquish grandfather status" means any exemptions from the minimum standards of insurance that were granted to employer plans which existed prior to the enactment of ObamaCare will be reliquinshed, idiot.

It in no way means the plans are cancelled. And it does not automatically follow that an employer who loses their grandfather plan will cancel their employee's insurance as you morons keep claiming.

How do we know this? Because between 2011 and 2012, 55% of employer plans were not cancelled! That's what was predicted, right? 55% would lose their grandfather status between 2011 and 20012.


The employer mandate extension did not happen until July of 2013. So any plans which relinquished their grandfather status prior to that were still under the old mandate.


You idiot premises fail in every way.

They haven't cancelled plans because the OBAMA DELAYED THE INDIVIDUAL MANDATE UNTIL 2014 WISE ASS.

Sigh. They will still be cancelled, just a year later. Your premise is toast. Go have a seat, child. Just because they didn't cancel them in 2013 doesn't stop them from doing so in 2014. You seriously need to learn deductive reasoning.




So why is this happening right now?

Some -- or maybe even most -- of the plans offered on the individual insurance market right now don't meet certain requirements in the health-care law. They may not offer preventive care without co-payment, for example, or leave out coverage of maternity care, one of the health-care law's 10 essential benefits.

Some of these plans have stuck around for a little bit. The health law allowed plans that existed back in March 2010, when it became a law, to keep selling coverage. These are known as "grandfathered plans:" They don't meet the health law's requirements, but as long as they don't change much, insurers can keep offering them.

Insurance companies typically do like to change their insurance plans, making changes to cost-sharing or the benefits they offer. That means that grandfathered plans have disappeared. We don't have great data about how quickly this is happening in the individual market, but we do see it in this Kaiser Family Foundation survey of the employer market.


These cancellations are, essentially, a lot of grandfathered plans exiting the insurance marketplace. From an insurance company's vantage point, grandfathered plans are a bit of a dead end: They can't enroll new subscribers and are really constrained in their ability to tweak the benefit package or cost-sharing structure. There's not a whole lot of business sense, for a managed care company, in maintaining a health plan that doesn't meet the health law's new requirements.

Did you read the article or make an assumption?

Can't you read your own graphic, dipshit?


The only plans they mention being cancelled in the article are individual plans. They do not say employers are cancelling plans.
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They haven't cancelled plans because the OBAMA DELAYED THE INDIVIDUAL MANDATE UNTIL 2014 WISE ASS.

Sigh. They will still be cancelled, just a year later. Your premise is toast. Go have a seat, child. Just because they didn't cancel them in 2013 doesn't stop them from doing so in 2014. You seriously need to learn deductive reasoning.



You can't show 55 percent of companies cancelling plans, can you?

Didn't think so.

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