The Moment Sandy Hook Parents start cashing in their kids..

..they became assholes. Some law firm enticed them with a bunch of zeros and now they're going to exploit the "good fortune" of their children being killed and laugh all the way to the bank.

I have the utmost compassion for anyone who loses a child, especially to a senseless act of violence. But that compassion dries up quickly when the victims become the agressors, filing a lawsuit that has no merit because people generally understand you can't hold manufacturers responsible for the misuse of their product because that is entirely out of their control.

So to those nine families I would say, don't plan on meeting your little angels in heaven because avarice is the shortest route to hell. much has the NRA made off the deaths of those innocent children? Billions?

Loaded how gun manufacturers and the NRA capitalise on tragedy Sadhbh Walshe Comment is free The Guardian

The cunning geniuses in the NRA are on track to make millions of dollars in the wake of the massacre by developing a whole new revenue stream with their plan to have armed guards in every American school. Not to be left out, security companies are also getting in on the action by launching new ranges of bulletproof clothing and accessories designed exclusively for school children. It might seem counterintuitive for a society to respond to the threat of gun violence by enriching the manufacturers of guns and their allies in the security business, but apparently, this has become the price of our freedom, or at least the price of the freedom to own guns.

very well presented ^^^. Your post was insightful too; too bad the Crazy Right Wing is only capable of posts = to "ain't it awful" and personal attacks of those who don't buy their, well not their, but ideas they parrot.

Of course no law is perfect, few can prevent the crime they hope to regulate. But do we repeal infractions, misdemeanors and felonies because they do not prevent all crimes? Why when most of us obey the laws do we still keep penal codes, civil codes, business and profession codes, etc., and require business licenses, driver's licenses, and even fingerprint teachers never accused or arrested for a crime?

Answer to the above: due diligence.

Why do we vet and train LE Officers so thoroughly before they are allowed to patrol without direct supervision; and still allow almost anyone to own, possess or have in his or her custody and control a deadly weapon?

Of course all the time and money spent on background checks of LE can't prevent mistakes or worse. And the NRA advocates putting millions of guns into the hands of millions of people, even after recent events of gun violence by vetted and trained officers of the law.

Current gun policy in the United States is insane, and the NRA and members of congress who do their bidding will continue to support this policy.

the only insanity is the blatantly unconstitutional nature of federal gun laws. gun banners are scum and should be treated as treasonous bastards

The insanity is those with a tiny little penis need to have bigger and bigger guns. How big a gun does turtledude have? Not one big enough.

See how easy it is to write a personal attack. Simply, defending ones argument is much harder. Try it sometime, little one.
..they became assholes. Some law firm enticed them with a bunch of zeros and now they're going to exploit the "good fortune" of their children being killed and laugh all the way to the bank.

I have the utmost compassion for anyone who loses a child, especially to a senseless act of violence. But that compassion dries up quickly when the victims become the agressors, filing a lawsuit that has no merit because people generally understand you can't hold manufacturers responsible for the misuse of their product because that is entirely out of their control.

So to those nine families I would say, don't plan on meeting your little angels in heaven because avarice is the shortest route to hell. much has the NRA made off the deaths of those innocent children? Billions?

Loaded how gun manufacturers and the NRA capitalise on tragedy Sadhbh Walshe Comment is free The Guardian

The cunning geniuses in the NRA are on track to make millions of dollars in the wake of the massacre by developing a whole new revenue stream with their plan to have armed guards in every American school. Not to be left out, security companies are also getting in on the action by launching new ranges of bulletproof clothing and accessories designed exclusively for school children. It might seem counterintuitive for a society to respond to the threat of gun violence by enriching the manufacturers of guns and their allies in the security business, but apparently, this has become the price of our freedom, or at least the price of the freedom to own guns.

very well presented ^^^. Your post was insightful too; too bad the Crazy Right Wing is only capable of posts = to "ain't it awful" and personal attacks of those who don't buy their, well not their, but ideas they parrot.

Of course no law is perfect, few can prevent the crime they hope to regulate. But do we repeal infractions, misdemeanors and felonies because they do not prevent all crimes? Why when most of us obey the laws do we still keep penal codes, civil codes, business and profession codes, etc., and require business licenses, driver's licenses, and even fingerprint teachers never accused or arrested for a crime?

Answer to the above: due diligence.

Why do we vet and train LE Officers so thoroughly before they are allowed to patrol without direct supervision; and still allow almost anyone to own, possess or have in his or her custody and control a deadly weapon?

Of course all the time and money spent on background checks of LE can't prevent mistakes or worse. And the NRA advocates putting millions of guns into the hands of millions of people, even after recent events of gun violence by vetted and trained officers of the law.

Current gun policy in the United States is insane, and the NRA and members of congress who do their bidding will continue to support this policy.

the only insanity is the blatantly unconstitutional nature of federal gun laws. gun banners are scum and should be treated as treasonous bastards

The insanity is those with a tiny little penis need to have bigger and bigger guns. How big a gun does turtledude have? Not one big enough.

See how easy it is to write a personal attack. Simply, defending ones argument is much harder. Try it sometime, little one.

I don't expect he will ever do that. I've seen him post a lot and not once has he backed up anything. Childish insults is his game.
Grief can make people act in all sorts illogical ways. I do not support this lawsuit and believe it will ultimately fail. That being said, claiming these folks are going to hell as result of this lawsuit is a bit much.
Avarice is one of the seven deadly sins.
i think you had better explain what Avarice is to these ignorant (?) and/or stupid liberdummies..., awwww heck i'll save you the time and do it myself,

insatiable greed for riches; inordinate, miserly desire to gain and hoard wealth.

I am well aware the definition of avarice. I am also aware that I believe these parents are so grief stricken that they are searching for anyone to blame for this senseless act. They are also being lead down a foolish path by money hungry/agenda driven lawyers. This lawsuit is bunk and should get tossed out on its ears. If this makes me one of the "libberdummies" then I guess I am guilty as charged.
The NRA Myth of Gun-Free Zones Mother Jones
Among the 62 mass shootings over the last 30 years that we studied, not a single case includes evidence that the killer chose to target a place because it banned guns. To the contrary, in many of the cases there was clearly another motive for the choice of location. For example, 20 were workplace shootings, most of which involved perpetrators who felt wronged by employers and colleagues. Last September, when a troubled man working at a sign manufacturer in Minneapolis was told he would be let go, he pulled out a 9mm Glock and killed six people and injured another before putting a bullet in his own head. Similar tragedies unfolded at a beer distributor in Connecticut in 2010 and at a plastics factory in Kentucky in 2008.

Or consider the 12 school shootings we documented, in which all but one of the killers had personal ties to the school they struck. FBI investigators learned from one witness, for example, that the mass shooter in Newtown had long been fixated on Sandy Hook Elementary School, which he'd once attended.

Proponents of this argument also ignore that the majority of mass shootings are murder-suicides. Thirty-six of the killers we studied took their own livesat or near the crime scene, while seven others died in police shootouts they had no hope of surviving (a.k.a. "suicide by cop"). These were not people whose priority was identifying the safest place to attack.

No less a fantasy is the idea that gun-free zones prevent armed civilians from saving the day. Not one of the 62 mass shootings we documented was stopped this way.
..they became assholes. Some law firm enticed them with a bunch of zeros and now they're going to exploit the "good fortune" of their children being killed and laugh all the way to the bank.

I have the utmost compassion for anyone who loses a child, especially to a senseless act of violence. But that compassion dries up quickly when the victims become the agressors, filing a lawsuit that has no merit because people generally understand you can't hold manufacturers responsible for the misuse of their product because that is entirely out of their control.

So to those nine families I would say, don't plan on meeting your little angels in heaven because avarice is the shortest route to hell.

Such is the nature of evil... and such is the reason for 'Sandy Hook'.

Just as such is the nature of the spike of mass-murder which occurred shortly after we learned of the "Fast And Furious" treachery.

The respective idiots were warriors in the war against America... they were set by operatives of Leftist insurgency to murder innocent people by the gross... this was all suppose to merge with the Media "Reports" of US Gun Manufacturers selling "ASSAULT WEAPONS" to Terrorists and Gangs across the border... all to hype the hysteria which would result in the grand return of the great BAN ON ASSAULT WEAPONS.

Most of that scam or uh... 'plan' was scuttled with the public exposure of "Fast and Furious", which is when the NYT and WaPo dropped their Op-Eds 'reporting' the US FireArm Manufacturers Illegal Sales... but the pre-programmed Left-bots were still on schedule and right on time they went to work mowing down innocent people, FOR THE CAUSE!

And here we are, with the families of those the Left murdered, suing the people who were setup by Deceit, fraudulently advanced as a means to influence THEM... the ignorant.

It's nothing new or unique. It's simply Left-think doing what evil does. Producing Chaos, Calamity and Catastrophe.

But how poetic that those parents are suing, on behalf of the very cause that MURDERED THEIR CHILDREN?

Ya gotta give points for the Depth reached, by THAT Evil.
When children are murdered by guns anywhere in the world, people try to figure out how to keep them safe. Except for Republicans and extremists. They try to figure out ways to protect the rights of the murderer.

Let's not go overboard shall we. Adding more restrictions on law abiding citizens will do nothing to deter the lone-wolf gunman hell bent on shattering lives. They have no interest in following the law in the first place. This idea of punishing the collective because of the monstrous acts of criminals is ludicrous.
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It seems to me that people are responding to the Leftists capitalizing on tragedy to pass gun control legislation that wouldn't have prevented the event to begin with. Amazing how the demonic Left accuses the NRA of doing precisely what the Left is doing, exploiting a tragedy to further an ulterior agenda.

Being Left or Right has no bearing on having empathy (only callous conservatives are devoid of this very human emotion). I hesitate (only for a moment) in characterizing this obsession with guns and gun rights as a mental disorder, but the more callous and angry are those so afflicted, suggests they are not humane and thus mentally 'different' than the rest of us.

I reflect on the horror of the murder yesterday of over 130 children, it's obvious that those who carried out this mass murder also lack empathy, are also callous and their mental state is little different than that of those who dismiss the annihilation of human life in mass killings in the US with an "Oh well, shit happens" attitude. Something is wrong with them and I doubt it is fixable.
Sorry, didn't make it past your claim that only conservatives can lack empathy. You're a leftwat hack. Bye.

I'm so sorry you cannot comprehend the written word. I will copy what I wrote and color in the words which you seem unable to understand, adding a short sentence or two to help you get past your disabilities:

Being Left or Right has no bearing on having empathy (only callous conservatives are devoid of this very human emotion). Now read this slowly: "only callous conservatives are devoid of this very human emotion" Devoid means you ain't go empathy, if you are a Callous Conservative. Understand now?
I read it just fine and relayed back exactly what was tendered. Clearly you think only conservatives can lack empathy.

You are either very stupid, very dishonest, or both.
I guess that means you're out of arguments. Better luck next time, champ.
I think we already determined you are the cowardly one. I'll go outside without a gun.

You are too scared to explain your own insults. Pathetic.
pillow biter is obvious-its a bottom boy. most gun banning males are eunuchs or fairies

Ah so you are some kind of homophobe too? Is there anything you aren't scared of?

I think this alone supports our right to carry and to use guns. You chicken shit bastards aren't going to take away MY right to defend myself, no matter how many rounds I think I might need.

Fact: Of the 2,500,000 annual self-defense cases using guns, more than 7.7% (192,500) are by women defending themselves against sexual abuse.

Fact: When a woman was armed with a gun or knife, only 3% of rape attacks were completed, compared to 32% when the woman was unarmed. 18

Reported Rape Rates 1995–2003 (per 100,000 pop.)
1995 - 2003 %Change
Australia 72.5 91.7 +26.5
United Kingdom 43.3 69.2 +59.8
United States 37.1 32.1 -13.5

Fact: The probability of serious injury from an attack is 2.5 times greater for women offering no resistance than for women resisting with guns. Men also benefit from using guns, but the benefits are smaller: Men are 1.4 times more likely to receive a serious injury. 19

Fact: 28.5% of women have one or more guns in the house. 20

Fact: 41.7% of women either own or have convenient access to guns. 21

Fact: In 1966, the city of Orlando responded to a wave of sexual assaults by offering firearms training classes to women. Rapes dropped by nearly 90% the following year.

Fact: Firearm availability appears to be particularly useful in avoiding rape. The United Kingdom virtually banned handgun ownership. During the same period handgun ownership in the United States steadily rose. Yet the rate of rape decreased in the United States and skyrocketed in the other countries, as shown in the table.

Fact: More Americans believe having a gun in the home makes them safer. This belief grows every year the survey is taken. 22

Fact: Arthur Kellerman, a researcher whose work is often cited by gun control groups, said “If you’ve got to resist, your chances of being hurt are less the more lethal your weapon. If that were my wife, would I want her to have a .38 Special in her hand? Yeah.” 23

2.5 million a year? There are only about 230 justifiable homicides each year in defense with a gun. You are an idiot if you believe there are 2.5 million defenses. More people shoot themselves each year than shoot criminals.
True. 70% of all gun related deaths are suicide. I've posted the links before. And oddly strange. Most of the suicides are white guys in Red States.
If that were true you Leftwats would be putting guns in the hands of every white person hoping they would off themselves.
Sometimes you can use a gun for self defense and never have to fire a shot. Besides, I believe those are probably world wide statistics BRAIN. :blahblah:

You believe which stat is worldwide? Do you not understand that statistics you posted? Shocking. So I guess you are an idiot? You really believe there are 2.5million defenses and only 230 criminals get killed each year? That is funny.

ALL of the data is referenced in the link. A lot of is from the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Now what?

Gun Facts Gun Control Guns and Crime Prevention

So what stat in there do you think is worldwide? You didn't answer my question.

Actually, I just did a little research and, shockingly, that IS in the US alone. How about that? Wow! That's a lot of law-abiding citizens using guns to defend themselves against attackers! Right?

GunCite-Gun Control-How Often Are Guns Used in Self-Defense

There are approximately two million defensive gun uses (DGU's) per year by law abiding citizens. That was one of the findings in a national survey conducted by Gary Kleck, a Florida State University criminologist in 1993. Prior to Dr. Kleck's survey, thirteen other surveys indicated a range of between 800,000 to 2.5 million DGU's annually. However these surveys each had their flaws which prompted Dr. Kleck to conduct his own study specifically tailored to estimate the number of DGU's annually.

Subsequent to Kleck's study, the Department of Justice sponsored a survey in 1994 titled, Guns in America: National Survey on Private Ownership and Use of Firearms (text, PDF). Using a smaller sample size than Kleck's, this survey estimated 1.5 million DGU's annually.

There is one study, the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), which in 1993, estimated 108,000 DGU's annually. Why the huge discrepancy between this survey and fourteen others?

Yes it is all in the US. So you actually believe there are like 2 million defenses but only 230 criminals shot each year? You will believe anything.
Leftardicus Maximus,
Most self defense encounters don't involve shooting. The presence of a gun is enough to stop a criminal. I've seen it myself more than once.
..they became assholes. Some law firm enticed them with a bunch of zeros and now they're going to exploit the "good fortune" of their children being killed and laugh all the way to the bank.

I have the utmost compassion for anyone who loses a child, especially to a senseless act of violence. But that compassion dries up quickly when the victims become the agressors, filing a lawsuit that has no merit because people generally understand you can't hold manufacturers responsible for the misuse of their product because that is entirely out of their control.

So to those nine families I would say, don't plan on meeting your little angels in heaven because avarice is the shortest route to hell. much has the NRA made off the deaths of those innocent children? Billions?

Loaded how gun manufacturers and the NRA capitalise on tragedy Sadhbh Walshe Comment is free The Guardian

The cunning geniuses in the NRA are on track to make millions of dollars in the wake of the massacre by developing a whole new revenue stream with their plan to have armed guards in every American school. Not to be left out, security companies are also getting in on the action by launching new ranges of bulletproof clothing and accessories designed exclusively for school children. It might seem counterintuitive for a society to respond to the threat of gun violence by enriching the manufacturers of guns and their allies in the security business, but apparently, this has become the price of our freedom, or at least the price of the freedom to own guns.

very well presented ^^^. Your post was insightful too; too bad the Crazy Right Wing is only capable of posts = to "ain't it awful" and personal attacks of those who don't buy their, well not their, but ideas they parrot.

Of course no law is perfect, few can prevent the crime they hope to regulate. But do we repeal infractions, misdemeanors and felonies because they do not prevent all crimes? Why when most of us obey the laws do we still keep penal codes, civil codes, business and profession codes, etc., and require business licenses, driver's licenses, and even fingerprint teachers never accused or arrested for a crime?

Answer to the above: due diligence.

Why do we vet and train LE Officers so thoroughly before they are allowed to patrol without direct supervision; and still allow almost anyone to own, possess or have in his or her custody and control a deadly weapon?

Of course all the time and money spent on background checks of LE can't prevent mistakes or worse. And the NRA advocates putting millions of guns into the hands of millions of people, even after recent events of gun violence by vetted and trained officers of the law.

Current gun policy in the United States is insane, and the NRA and members of congress who do their bidding will continue to support this policy.

the only insanity is the blatantly unconstitutional nature of federal gun laws. gun banners are scum and should be treated as treasonous bastards

The insanity is those with a tiny little penis need to have bigger and bigger guns. How big a gun does turtledude have? Not one big enough.

See how easy it is to write a personal attack. Simply, defending ones argument is much harder. Try it sometime, little one.

I don't expect he will ever do that. I've seen him post a lot and not once has he backed up anything. Childish insults is his game.


There are 230,000 guns stolen each year. Is each gun owner personally responsible for any crimes committed by their stolen gun?

I am not responsible for the actions of other people. If they commit a crime with a firearm they have stolen from me then they are the responsible party.

I lock my firearms up and while there is not a absolute zero chance of them being stolen I do take reasonable precautions.
When children are murdered by guns anywhere in the world, people try to figure out how to keep them safe. Except for Republicans and extremists. They try to figure out ways to protect the rights of the murderer.

Newsflash idiot - It is illegal to murder someone.

When children are murdered by guns anywhere in the world, people try to figure out how to keep them safe. Except for Democrats and anti gun extremists. They try to figure out ways to take rights away from the people that didn't do the murder.

There are 230,000 guns stolen each year. Is each gun owner personally responsible for any crimes committed by their stolen gun?

I am not responsible for the actions of other people. If they commit a crime with a firearm they have stolen from me then they are the responsible party.

I lock my firearms up and while there is not a absolute zero chance of them being stolen I do take reasonable precautions.

But you are taking on the responsibility of gun ownership. Certainly a big part of the responsibility is keeping it out of the hands of criminals. Don't you believe in personal responsibility?
You believe which stat is worldwide? Do you not understand that statistics you posted? Shocking. So I guess you are an idiot? You really believe there are 2.5million defenses and only 230 criminals get killed each year? That is funny.

ALL of the data is referenced in the link. A lot of is from the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Now what?

Gun Facts Gun Control Guns and Crime Prevention

So what stat in there do you think is worldwide? You didn't answer my question.

Actually, I just did a little research and, shockingly, that IS in the US alone. How about that? Wow! That's a lot of law-abiding citizens using guns to defend themselves against attackers! Right?

GunCite-Gun Control-How Often Are Guns Used in Self-Defense

There are approximately two million defensive gun uses (DGU's) per year by law abiding citizens. That was one of the findings in a national survey conducted by Gary Kleck, a Florida State University criminologist in 1993. Prior to Dr. Kleck's survey, thirteen other surveys indicated a range of between 800,000 to 2.5 million DGU's annually. However these surveys each had their flaws which prompted Dr. Kleck to conduct his own study specifically tailored to estimate the number of DGU's annually.

Subsequent to Kleck's study, the Department of Justice sponsored a survey in 1994 titled, Guns in America: National Survey on Private Ownership and Use of Firearms (text, PDF). Using a smaller sample size than Kleck's, this survey estimated 1.5 million DGU's annually.

There is one study, the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), which in 1993, estimated 108,000 DGU's annually. Why the huge discrepancy between this survey and fourteen others?

Yes it is all in the US. So you actually believe there are like 2 million defenses but only 230 criminals shot each year? You will believe anything.
Leftardicus Maximus,
Most self defense encounters don't involve shooting. The presence of a gun is enough to stop a criminal. I've seen it myself more than once.

That is funny. Do you ever read stories of defenses? There are quite a few that end with a dead criminal actually. A study had these findings:
Overall, shots were fired by the defender in 72% of incidents. The average and median number of shots fired was 2. When more than 2 shots were fired, it generally appeared that the defender's initial response was to fire until empty. It appears that revolver shooters are more likely to empty their guns than autoloader shooters. At least one assailant was killed in 34% of all incidents. At least one assailant was wounded in an additional 29% of all incidents. Of the incidents where shots are fired by a defender, at least one assailant is killed in 53% of those incidents.

This study was done based on the defense incidents on the NRA website. So again, you'd have to be an idiot to believe there are anywhere near 2 million defenses each year when only about 230 criminals are shot and killed.

But you are taking on the responsibility of gun ownership. Certainly a big part of the responsibility is keeping it out of the hands of criminals. Don't you believe in personal responsibility?

My responsibility is to use my firearms in a safe and legal manner. If somebody else doesn't then that is between the them and the police.

Being a NRA certified Firearms Instructor I always teach safety and responsibility first. The introductory class I teach and the Women of Target class is 75% safety and responsibility. I even hit it hard in the advance classes.

It is interesting that Libtards spout this BS about doing away with the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms to "protect the children" but yet support abortion, which murders a million American children each year. I think their credibility is pretty well non existent.

But you are taking on the responsibility of gun ownership. Certainly a big part of the responsibility is keeping it out of the hands of criminals. Don't you believe in personal responsibility?

My responsibility is to use my firearms in a safe and legal manner. If somebody else doesn't then that is between the them and the police.

Being a NRA certified Firearms Instructor I always teach safety and responsibility first. The introductory class I teach and the Women of Target class is 75% safety and responsibility. I even hit it hard in the advance classes.

It is interesting that Libtards spout this BS about doing away with the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms to "protect the children" but yet support abortion, which murders a million American children each year. I think their credibility is pretty well non existent.

So you don't believe in personal responsibility. I see.

It is interesting that conservatives are so pro gun, but anti abortion. Once a child is born you no longer care what happens to them I guess. Or is it about being in bed with the NRA and gun companies?

I'm pro common sense gun laws and anti abortion btw.

But you are taking on the responsibility of gun ownership. Certainly a big part of the responsibility is keeping it out of the hands of criminals. Don't you believe in personal responsibility?

My responsibility is to use my firearms in a safe and legal manner. If somebody else doesn't then that is between the them and the police.

Being a NRA certified Firearms Instructor I always teach safety and responsibility first. The introductory class I teach and the Women of Target class is 75% safety and responsibility. I even hit it hard in the advance classes.

It is interesting that Libtards spout this BS about doing away with the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms to "protect the children" but yet support abortion, which murders a million American children each year. I think their credibility is pretty well non existent.

So you don't believe in personal responsibility. I see.

It is interesting that conservatives are so pro gun, but anti abortion. Once a child is born you no longer care what happens to them I guess. Or is it about being in bed with the NRA and gun companies?

I'm pro common sense gun laws and anti abortion btw.
you don't have common sense so your "common sense" gun laws make no sense
I can give you a long list of murderers who used hi cap magazines.
25 examples isn't a long list. But I do realize it's more toes and fingers than you have.

What you are missing is that the 2nd A is also about keeping government in check, to prevent tyranny from overtaking the people like elsewhere. So yes, if the liberals get enough armed servants to their cause they can and will be repelled by the masses. The founders wrote about it as it was a concern to them from day one.

I suspect that's the real motivation behind reducing ammo capacity.
I can give you a long list of murderers who used hi cap magazines.
25 examples isn't a long list. But I do realize it's more toes and fingers than you have.

What you are missing is that the 2nd A is also about keeping government in check, to prevent tyranny from overtaking the people like elsewhere. So yes, if the liberals get enough armed servants to their cause they can and will be repelled by the masses. The founders wrote about it as it was a concern to them from day one.

I suspect that's the real motivation behind reducing ammo capacity.

the goal is to incrementally ban guns to the point that only single shot weapons can be owned. look what Mafia Don Cuomo did in NY.
I can give you a long list of murderers who used hi cap magazines.
25 examples isn't a long list. But I do realize it's more toes and fingers than you have.

What you are missing is that the 2nd A is also about keeping government in check, to prevent tyranny from overtaking the people like elsewhere. So yes, if the liberals get enough armed servants to their cause they can and will be repelled by the masses. The founders wrote about it as it was a concern to them from day one.

I suspect that's the real motivation behind reducing ammo capacity.

It is like the laws that address how many rounds you can have in a magazine at a range versus how many rounds you can have in a magazine for home defense.

Politicians think it is smarter to have more rounds available when defending yourself against paper targets than when defending your life.


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