The Merrick Garland DoJ is Out of Control


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Merrick Garland is using the vast resources of the DoJ to now go after people who peacefully protest and peaceably assemble outside abortion mills.

They are cutting back resources from going after human and child trafficking to targeting peaceful Americans.

This is at least the second instance in the past week of this abominable action.

BTW What authority has the federal law now that SCOTUS returned abortion to the states? Indeed, the statute is unconstitutional as it is in direct opposition to an enshrined right in the First Amendment.

The FBI has raided the home of another pro-life advocate, this time targeting a pro-life man and his family after he prayed and sang outside an abortion business last year.
This is the second time in recent weeks that the FBI has raided the home of a pro-life family — with the first case involving pro-life advocate Mark Houck, whose family was raided after an altercation at a Philadelphia abortion business last year where he accidentally pushed down a man who was verbally accosting his 12-year-old son.
This time, FBI officials raided the home of pro-life advocate Chet Gallagher after he peacefully advocated for the protection of unborn babies at an abortion facility in Tennessee last year.
Gallagher participated in a “rescue” at the Carafem abortion facility in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee where he and other pro-life advocates prayed and sang in a hallway of a building that houses multiple medical business but also the abortion company.
Gallagher was out of state when the FBI arrived with guns drawn and entered his home. FBI officers demanded his whereabouts from Gallagher’s family and reportedly have asked other pro-life advocates to face charges under for allegedly violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, which makes it a federal crime to use force with the intent to injure, intimidate and interfere with anyone trying to access either abortion at an abortion business or medical care at a pregnancy center.
According to a Live Action report, the event Gallagher and other pro-life advocates participated in was peaceful — so much so that they were released by local police on minor trespassing charges.
The event in March 2021 was reportedly peaceful, with participants lining the inside hallway of a shared general medical office building which, in one area, houses the Carafem abortion facility. The rescuers who were gathered that day prayed and sang, and the event was nonviolent. Some recorded the events on video. Several participants were arrested by local police that day and were later released after posting bail for misdemeanor trespass charges. (Read more here and here.)

Hurley said other individuals were “called by the FBI telling them they had arrest warrants and had to turn themselves in.” Those individuals were named by Hurley as Paul Place, Renee Davis, Dr. Coleman Boyd, Dennis Green, and Heather Idoni. One other individual is also believed to have been charged, but for now remains unidentified.

With regard to Houck, there are concerns that Attorney General Merrick Garland is doing the investigations and ordering the FBI to raid pro-life advocates — weaponizing the agency so he can make political decisions to go after pro-life Americans.
Live Action’s report indicates that could be the case here.
“The FBI isn’t even performing the investigations,” said Hurley. “The DOJ is doing their own investigations and using the FBI as their arm of that organization… Normally the FBI does an investigation, and if they find someone guilty of federal crimes, they issue warrants.” Instead, he says, “the DOJ is… sending local branches of the FBI with arrest warrants to be their strong arm.”

Hurley notes that pro-life activists have recently been charged with FACE as well as conspiracy (to rob someone of a constitutional right), which could result in up to 10 years in prison. “This is a new tactic the DOJ has been thawing at pro-lifers to see if the charges stick,” he says.

we see THAT...that's why dems are running scared right now and doing everything they can to gin up scandals about conservatives...especially Georgia.
I'm not scared. It's the people currently having their homes raided by the FBI who should be concerned. 😄
I'm not scared. It's the people currently having their homes raided by the FBI who should be concerned. 😄
FBI is out of control....the constitution and Bill of Rights hardly stands in their way. There WILL BE a reckoning. You will be 'scared' on day curry. it will eventually get around to you and then you'll get it.
FBI is out of control....the constitution and Bill of Rights hardly stands in their way. There WILL BE a reckoning. You will be 'scared' on day curry. it will eventually get around to you and then you'll get it.
Sure I will cuck boy. Better hope you get me before the FBI gets you. 😂
So, you support Garland‘s trampling of the constitution, using the FBI in true jack booted thuggery to go after political opponents, right?

Aw gheeze, look who I’m asking, of course you do.
Of course I do. Fuck the white wing. 😄

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