The members who live in Russia, I have a request for you.

A part of youtube, you did said yourself and You live under Putin boots, you have no right to express yourself freely, that’s why you’re here at an American forum, right?
I don't think you are really looking for answers. You just need confirmation of all the lies that have been piled into your head. I'm not your assistant in this.
An interesting fact is that this bitch did it a few hours after the mass murder of civilians in Donetsk by ukrainian nazis. And what do you think, which of the events is widely covered by the most honest and independent information bodies in the world? You guessed it, the hypocritical nits didn't let you down!
I hope the corrupt whore gets what she fully deserve.
Your Donetsk narrative is obvious bullshit. It doesn’t even make sense with the lowest IQ of logic
Izvestiya reports that a Tochka-U rocket aimed at Belarus has been shot down:

I don't think you are really looking for answers. You just need confirmation of all the lies that have been piled into your head. I'm not your assistant in this.
Yeah, that’s it no Russian here answers the question, you are specialist in dodging a question when it doesn’t suit you.
I don't think you are really looking for answers. You just need confirmation of all the lies that have been piled into your head. I'm not your assistant in this.
The problem with NATO began with the Korean War when the psychopath-theologian Truman, inculcated into reactionary American automatons the word "invasion." NATO's origins and protection-racket effeminacy begin there.
Kill all dissenters! Spoken like a true Putinista. Russian troops are on the March and killing thousands of Ukrainian men, women and children for no reason. Russians are engaged in murder on a massive scale.

That woman was a hero. She was hero in attempting to bring the truth to the Russian people.
The BBC have spoken to her lawyers today and they do not know where she is. Such is life in a right wing authoritarian state.
I have a request for Russians. Go fix your own fucked up country and then worry about what our politicians are doing. The price for invading Ukraine is economic isolation and depression. Putin has doomed your children to die for him. Is it worth it?
First things first. First of all, they need to end genocide of Russians and prevent a bigger war (or fight it in better circumstances). And only then they'll think about fighting economic war against "unfriendly states".
Does the Russian medias show really what going on in Ukraine that was my question and no i don't speak Russian.
They, of course, show what is really going on (too many Russians have friends and relatives there for fact check), but they don't show _everything_ (at least because it is impossible).
Logic is a commodity unknown to morons like you. What's your excuse for calling something bullshit?
I don’t need an excuse… I see the propaganda games y’all are playing and laugh at how absurd they are. You don’t actually expect people to believe that crap do you? Nazi Ukrainians, peace keeping mission?! Give me a break

I watched the whole video and I could see the reaction on the French TV set after this woman’s remarks and what she saying is making no sense at all because they would not be fighting against the Russians and Putin if what she was saying was true. Putin himself thought he would have been welcome as a liberator, but they see him more as an invader.
They, of course, show what is really going on (too many Russians have friends and relatives there for fact check), but they don't show _everything_ (at least because it is impossible).
They can’t show everything but they seem to show what suits them, I don’t think they show the massacre they do on a daily basis of Ukrainians

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