The meek shall inherit nothing

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
February 11, 2020 Nero Augustus Articles, Home 17 comments

Who is more noble in the grand scheme of life, he who is incapable of violence, or he who is capable, but abstains? If you are too weak to do harm, is your abstention from it attributable to the goodness within you?

How many times have you heard the phrase “The meek shall inherit the Earth”? More often than not, the phrase is misunderstood by those who use it. In its modern usage, it’s designed as some sort of chastisement against men of action, masculinity, and those who dare. Stemming from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, many have since taken the meaning of the word ‘meek’ to indicate the weak, or otherwise frail, and that the Earth is due to them as some sort of compensation for their trials and tribulations of our current age. Now, the phrase is a celebration of weakness, cowardice, and submission.

In reality, the word meek does not reflect the true intent or definition that it once did. From the original Greek translation, praus was not a word referring to the weak, but instead referred to one who expressed control or power without undue harshness. In the original Greek, the broken horse was referred to as the original praus. This mass of bone and muscle was controlled by light pressure from the knee, or a twist of a bridle, and was not weak, it was control. Meekness is, at its true root, control over power.

Read the rest of this Sothern Mans take on the " meek" and offensive white right wing toxic masculinity .....that promotes violence .....derp.... here

The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing - Identity Dixie
This is just more so-called Christians running away from Christianity.

I can smell the manure from this link from here.

Soon, “Blessed are the peacemakers” will be turned on it’s head by Trumpist to mean..”well peacemakers does mean makers of peace it means taking pieces of countries or your neighbor’s property and making them your own, In other words, It means screw your neighbor!”
It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a wealthy man to get into heaven
This is just more so-called Christians running away from Christianity.

I can smell the manure from this link from here.

Soon, “Blessed are the peacemakers” will be turned on it’s head by Trumpist to mean..”well peacemakers does mean makers of peace it means taking pieces of countries or your neighbor’s property and making them your own, In other words, It means screw your neighbor!”

This is just more so-called Christians running away from Christianity.

I can smell the manure from this link from here.

Soon, “Blessed are the peacemakers” will be turned on it’s head by Trumpist to mean..”well peacemakers does mean makers of peace it means taking pieces of countries or your neighbor’s property and making them your own, In other words, It means screw your neighbor!”

Yep, Johnny IS a bit of a crybaby. And quite dim as well.
This is just more so-called Christians running away from Christianity.

I can smell the manure from this link from here.

Soon, “Blessed are the peacemakers” will be turned on it’s head by Trumpist to mean..”well peacemakers does mean makers of peace it means taking pieces of countries or your neighbor’s property and making them your own, In other words, It means screw your neighbor!”

Yep, Johnny IS a bit of a crybaby. And quite dim as well.
This is all you can add. What a fucking moron. I think your mommy needs to burp you.
It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a wealthy man to get into heaven

Dancing bears, monkeys riding bicycles, secular progressives quoting the Bible.

Gawd, I love this circus. :laughing0301:

Sorry, but doesn't the Bible teach that those who take nothing shall end up with everything? For what is harder to hold onto than what one man covets from another?

In the end undoubtedly, the meekest among us shall win out--- --- the very unseen bacteria at our feet. They were here long before us and will remain long after we are gone.
This is just more so-called Christians running away from Christianity.

I can smell the manure from this link from here.

Soon, “Blessed are the peacemakers” will be turned on it’s head by Trumpist to mean..”well peacemakers does mean makers of peace it means taking pieces of countries or your neighbor’s property and making them your own, In other words, It means screw your neighbor!”

Yep, Johnny IS a bit of a crybaby. And quite dim as well.

He thinks 4 chan clogged the iowa phone lines but is having a hard time with an ancient interpretation of meek

Sorry, but doesn't the Bible teach that those who take nothing shall end up with everything? For what is harder to hold onto than what one man covets from another?

In the end undoubtedly, the meekest among us shall win out--- --- the very unseen bacteria at our feet. They were here long before us and will remain long after we are gone.

We`ll be long gone indeed

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