The mayors of five big cities seek a meeting with Biden about arriving migrants


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
They want money of course, but instead they should be asking why Biden has worked to flood the country with third-worlders.

The mayors of Chicago, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles and New York are pressing to meet with President Biden about getting federal help in managing the surge of migrants they say are arriving in their cities with little to no coordination, support or resources from his administration.

Words mean things dems... you wanted to get votes from Hispanics so you claimed to be a sanctuary now you will lose your job because of it... and I will be watching and laughing my ass off.....
Let me take a wild guess.

Their solution will not be to close the border like Trump did.

Their solution will be to continue to let the Illegals flood in but to ship the goddamn Illegals to areas where they won't be a problem for Democrats.

Am I right or am I right?
They want money of course, but instead they should be asking why Biden has worked to flood the country with third-worlders.

They should arrest and quarantine the drivers who deliver busloads of immigrants.

You have to make sure these buses are safe. Inspections should take no more than a week or two.

This is how you treat punch them in the mouth when they hit you.

This is one of the reasons I can never be a democrat; they always want to play by the rules.
Of course. They aren't trying to stop illegals coming in and clogging up their cities and our countries. They are wanting money.

Whether they get it or not is another story since Biden only seems to want to spread money around when it comes to other countries.
They want money of course, but instead they should be asking why Biden has worked to flood the country with third-worlders.

They know why biden is flooding the country and they aprove, they just want the money to deal with it until these illegal aliens can vote in elections.
Of course. They aren't trying to stop illegals coming in and clogging up their cities and our countries. They are wanting money.
Once they get the money it will flow into the Democrat pockets.

Hopefully Johnson won't allow any of our money go to these corrupt bastards.

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