The Mass Surveillance of US Public Continues as USA Today Declares It Ended


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
USA Today (6/3/15) had a five-column headline across the top of its front page:
NSA Data Collection Ended

That would be odd, since the National Security Agency exists to collect data; it’s unlikely that a $10 billion agency would simply stop everything it was doing.

What the headline means to say is that the NSA has ended what the story calls its “controversial bulk collection of the phone data of millions of Americans who have no ties to terrorism.” But that’s not really true either. For one thing, while the headline says that the phone data collection program has ended, the vote the headline is reporting actually restarted it. While the NSA says it ended the collection of bulk metadata at the end of May in accordance with a sunset provision in the original Patriot Act, the USA Freedom Act authorizes the the agency to begin collecting it again over what USA Today calls a six-month “wind down” period “to give the NSA and phone companies…time to switch over the data collection to the phone companies.”

And that points to a bigger problem with declaring that the NSA’s data collection has “ended”: The same data will still be collected, only it will be held in phone company computers rather than the NSA’s computers. The NSA will still have access to the data, only having to get an OK from the FISA court–a notorious rubberstamp that operates in secret. As NSA whistleblower J. Kirk Wiebe told FAIR, “It’s more of a psychological maneuver to make us all feel good than a true constraint.”

The Mass Surveillance of US Public Continues as USA Today Declares It Ended FAIR

None of it went away and nobody is going to fight it as long as the news headlines keep telling people it's a wrap.
Notorious rubberstamp or not, the FISA court is a legitimate court and this IS how our system works. If that is a problem, then lobby for law changing the FISA court.

I disagree with the six-month wind-down. They should just stop, cold turkey.
Notorious rubberstamp or not, the FISA court is a legitimate court and this IS how our system works. If that is a problem, then lobby for law changing the FISA court.

I disagree with the six-month wind-down. They should just stop, cold turkey.

FISA is not a legal court and the program isn't winding down,they're still getting our info,they're just letting the phone company store it until needed.
And if you believe they aren't still using the illegally obtained info I got a bridge to sell you.
Notorious rubberstamp or not, the FISA court is a legitimate court and this IS how our system works. If that is a problem, then lobby for law changing the FISA court.

I disagree with the six-month wind-down. They should just stop, cold turkey.

FISA is not a legal court and the program isn't winding down,they're still getting our info,they're just letting the phone company store it until needed.
And if you believe they aren't still using the illegally obtained info I got a bridge to sell you.

Using it to do what?
Notorious rubberstamp or not, the FISA court is a legitimate court and this IS how our system works. If that is a problem, then lobby for law changing the FISA court.

I disagree with the six-month wind-down. They should just stop, cold turkey.

FISA is not a legal court and the program isn't winding down,they're still getting our info,they're just letting the phone company store it until needed.
And if you believe they aren't still using the illegally obtained info I got a bridge to sell you.

Using it to do what?

You tell me. It's still illegal anyway you slice it.
Whatever happened to liberals not trusting the government?
All of a sudden you're fine with the government watching every move you make?
You fuckers are insane!!
Notorious rubberstamp or not, the FISA court is a legitimate court and this IS how our system works. If that is a problem, then lobby for law changing the FISA court.

I disagree with the six-month wind-down. They should just stop, cold turkey.

FISA is not a legal court and the program isn't winding down,they're still getting our info,they're just letting the phone company store it until needed.
And if you believe they aren't still using the illegally obtained info I got a bridge to sell you.
Not a legal court? LOL

Why don't you provide the information that makes it illegal.

BTW...the data belongs to the phone company. How is it that allowing someone to keep their property is now illegal?
Notorious rubberstamp or not, the FISA court is a legitimate court and this IS how our system works. If that is a problem, then lobby for law changing the FISA court.

I disagree with the six-month wind-down. They should just stop, cold turkey.

FISA is not a legal court and the program isn't winding down,they're still getting our info,they're just letting the phone company store it until needed.
And if you believe they aren't still using the illegally obtained info I got a bridge to sell you.

Using it to do what?

You tell me. It's still illegal anyway you slice it.
Whatever happened to liberals not trusting the government?
All of a sudden you're fine with the government watching every move you make?
You fuckers are insane!!

No. It's not illegal because there is (or was) a law allowing it.

Watching every move I make? You are really impressed with the god like powers of the government. I have to admit I'm not so impressed. I admit they can probably tell if I have tried to call a known ISIS phone number. But you know, I don't call them all that often. Perhaps it's different for you.
Notorious rubberstamp or not, the FISA court is a legitimate court and this IS how our system works. If that is a problem, then lobby for law changing the FISA court.

I disagree with the six-month wind-down. They should just stop, cold turkey.

FISA is not a legal court and the program isn't winding down,they're still getting our info,they're just letting the phone company store it until needed.
And if you believe they aren't still using the illegally obtained info I got a bridge to sell you.
Not a legal court? LOL

Why don't you provide the information that makes it illegal.

BTW...the data belongs to the phone company. How is it that allowing someone to keep their property is now illegal?

So you're just fine with the phone company storing your data so they can turn it over to the feds? Hell the phone company shouldnt be snooping on you.
And as far as FISA they are a secret court that we have ZERO say over!! They can decide any damn thing they want and we cant do shit!
Holy shit!! Where's this country heading?

Is the FISA Court constitutional Fox News
Notorious rubberstamp or not, the FISA court is a legitimate court and this IS how our system works. If that is a problem, then lobby for law changing the FISA court.

I disagree with the six-month wind-down. They should just stop, cold turkey.

FISA is not a legal court and the program isn't winding down,they're still getting our info,they're just letting the phone company store it until needed.
And if you believe they aren't still using the illegally obtained info I got a bridge to sell you.
Not a legal court? LOL

Why don't you provide the information that makes it illegal.

BTW...the data belongs to the phone company. How is it that allowing someone to keep their property is now illegal?

So you're just fine with the phone company storing your data so they can turn it over to the feds? Hell the phone company shouldnt be snooping on you.
And as far as FISA they are a secret court that we have ZERO say over!! They can decide any damn thing they want and we cant do shit!
Holy shit!! Where's this country heading?

Is the FISA Court constitutional Fox News
The phone company has always stored the data.....It is their property. The Feds have to have a warrant to get access to it. This is how our system has worked for over 200 years. Businesses get to keep their property, the government must show just cause for taking that property.

The FISA court IS A COURT. They hear information on classified information regarding national security. Are you one of those nut jobs that think every piece of information the government has should be available to the whole world?
Notorious rubberstamp or not, the FISA court is a legitimate court and this IS how our system works. If that is a problem, then lobby for law changing the FISA court.

I disagree with the six-month wind-down. They should just stop, cold turkey.

FISA is not a legal court and the program isn't winding down,they're still getting our info,they're just letting the phone company store it until needed.
And if you believe they aren't still using the illegally obtained info I got a bridge to sell you.

Using it to do what?
Do or say something, exercise your "freedoms" in anyway that threatens anyone or institution in power or the way the established order works and find out. :ack-1:
Notorious rubberstamp or not, the FISA court is a legitimate court and this IS how our system works. If that is a problem, then lobby for law changing the FISA court.

I disagree with the six-month wind-down. They should just stop, cold turkey.

FISA is not a legal court and the program isn't winding down,they're still getting our info,they're just letting the phone company store it until needed.
And if you believe they aren't still using the illegally obtained info I got a bridge to sell you.

Using it to do what?
Do or say something, exercise your "freedoms" in anyway that threatens anyone or institution in power or the way the established order works and find out. :ack-1:

If you actually think the courts would allow you to be prosecuted for that, then you think we are already living in a dictatorship. So you are really just nitpicking.
I wondered why it is anyone thought this data would not continue to be collected. I also wonder what happens if some schmuck who is up to no good manages to call my number by accident and I return the call: would I then be on someone's watch list? I guess my policy of never returning or answering a call from a number I don't recognize is probably a good policy--although, do I even have to return the call or is simply having gotten the call enough to be on someone's radar? :dunno:

Note to self: living in a hut in the mountains, far away from society, with no electronics, is probably the best bet. :thup:

I wondered why it is anyone thought this data would not continue to be collected. I also wonder what happens if some schmuck who is up to no good manages to call my number by accident and I return the call: would I then be on someone's watch list? I guess my policy of never returning or answering a call from a number I don't recognize is probably a good policy--although, do I even have to return the call or is simply having gotten the call enough to be on someone's radar? :dunno:

Note to self: living in a hut in the mountains, far away from society, with no electronics, is probably the best bet. :thup:


Yeah. Let's assume you end up on a watch list. So what?
Notorious rubberstamp or not, the FISA court is a legitimate court and this IS how our system works. If that is a problem, then lobby for law changing the FISA court.

I disagree with the six-month wind-down. They should just stop, cold turkey.

FISA is not a legal court and the program isn't winding down,they're still getting our info,they're just letting the phone company store it until needed.
And if you believe they aren't still using the illegally obtained info I got a bridge to sell you.

Using it to do what?
Do or say something, exercise your "freedoms" in anyway that threatens anyone or institution in power or the way the established order works and find out. :ack-1:

If you actually think the courts would allow you to be prosecuted for that, then you think we are already living in a dictatorship. So you are really just nitpicking.

If they get illegal info on you they dont have to use it in court. They can use it as a stepping stone to frame you or any other nasty shit.
Trust me when I say I know of some very under handed shit our government pulls.
I wondered why it is anyone thought this data would not continue to be collected. I also wonder what happens if some schmuck who is up to no good manages to call my number by accident and I return the call: would I then be on someone's watch list? I guess my policy of never returning or answering a call from a number I don't recognize is probably a good policy--although, do I even have to return the call or is simply having gotten the call enough to be on someone's radar? :dunno:

Note to self: living in a hut in the mountains, far away from society, with no electronics, is probably the best bet. :thup:


Yeah. Let's assume you end up on a watch list. So what?
I'm of the opinion that being on any list that may include criminals and terrorists is not a good thing. That's just me.
Notorious rubberstamp or not, the FISA court is a legitimate court and this IS how our system works. If that is a problem, then lobby for law changing the FISA court.

I disagree with the six-month wind-down. They should just stop, cold turkey.

FISA is not a legal court and the program isn't winding down,they're still getting our info,they're just letting the phone company store it until needed.
And if you believe they aren't still using the illegally obtained info I got a bridge to sell you.

Using it to do what?
Do or say something, exercise your "freedoms" in anyway that threatens anyone or institution in power or the way the established order works and find out. :ack-1:

If you actually think the courts would allow you to be prosecuted for that, then you think we are already living in a dictatorship. So you are really just nitpicking.

If they get illegal info on you they dont have to use it in court. They can use it as a stepping stone to frame you or any other nasty shit.
Trust me when I say I know of some very under handed shit our government pulls.

Because you are so important they need to frame you. You will have to forgive me if I just don't trust that you know anything at all.
I wondered why it is anyone thought this data would not continue to be collected. I also wonder what happens if some schmuck who is up to no good manages to call my number by accident and I return the call: would I then be on someone's watch list? I guess my policy of never returning or answering a call from a number I don't recognize is probably a good policy--although, do I even have to return the call or is simply having gotten the call enough to be on someone's radar? :dunno:

Note to self: living in a hut in the mountains, far away from society, with no electronics, is probably the best bet. :thup:


Yeah. Let's assume you end up on a watch list. So what?
I'm of the opinion that being on any list that may include criminals and terrorists is not a good thing. That's just me.

Then perhaps you shouldn't call any terrorists outside of the country.
Notorious rubberstamp or not, the FISA court is a legitimate court and this IS how our system works. If that is a problem, then lobby for law changing the FISA court.

I disagree with the six-month wind-down. They should just stop, cold turkey.

FISA is not a legal court and the program isn't winding down,they're still getting our info,they're just letting the phone company store it until needed.
And if you believe they aren't still using the illegally obtained info I got a bridge to sell you.

Using it to do what?
Do or say something, exercise your "freedoms" in anyway that threatens anyone or institution in power or the way the established order works and find out. :ack-1:

If you actually think the courts would allow you to be prosecuted for that, then you think we are already living in a dictatorship. So you are really just nitpicking.

If they get illegal info on you they dont have to use it in court. They can use it as a stepping stone to frame you or any other nasty shit.
Trust me when I say I know of some very under handed shit our government pulls.


Government agents 'directly involved' in most high-profile US terror plots
• Human Rights Watch documents 'sting' operations
• Report raises questions about post-9/11 civil rights
Government agents directly involved in most high-profile US terror plots US news The Guardian

Fake terror plots, paid informants: the tactics of FBI 'entrapment' questioned
Critics say bureau is running a sting operation across America, targeting vulnerable people by luring them into fake terror plots
Fake terror plots paid informants the tactics of FBI entrapment questioned US news The Guardian

The government and the bureaucracy create a reason to establish and project it's own power. It's a completely illegitimate system. Anyone who believes that Al Qaeda or ISIS is an organic and natural creation of local people has been duped by our government controlled education system and our profit seeking corporate media. The whole "terror war" is a charade. No one wants to die for a terror cause. What silliness.

There really are no problems other than the ones we have created for ourselves, and are still creating for ourselves.

At this point, I often ponder whether the State governments could take better care of themselves and if we wouldn't be better served scrapping the Constitution and going back to using the Articles of Confederation. I think we are beyond the risk of a local rebellion now. I'm pretty certain any one particular individual States national guard can handle any nastiness within our borders better than big brother. Uncle Sam, this standing army and this national intelligence apparatus is getting these individual states into more trouble than this national government is worth.
FISA is not a legal court and the program isn't winding down,they're still getting our info,they're just letting the phone company store it until needed.
And if you believe they aren't still using the illegally obtained info I got a bridge to sell you.

Using it to do what?
Do or say something, exercise your "freedoms" in anyway that threatens anyone or institution in power or the way the established order works and find out. :ack-1:

If you actually think the courts would allow you to be prosecuted for that, then you think we are already living in a dictatorship. So you are really just nitpicking.

If they get illegal info on you they dont have to use it in court. They can use it as a stepping stone to frame you or any other nasty shit.
Trust me when I say I know of some very under handed shit our government pulls.

Because you are so important they need to frame you. You will have to forgive me if I just don't trust that you know anything at all.

Go ahead and be a fool...

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