The Mask Mandates Did Nothing. Will Any Lessons Be Learned?

And that IS within the business owners and other institutions right to apply. That is free enterprise at work. If you don't like it, you can go somewhere else.
I've seen and read just about every droplet whitepaper these "scientists" have offered. You would need to be literally breathing in the mask wearers face for more than a few minutes to infect them.

I know of NO ONE who got COVID while being masked and being around people who were infected. Everyone who got it, was unmasked..some of them dropped their guard for just 10 minutes and were around someone who was infected.

They were forced to. If you wanted to open, you HAD TO make people wear masks.

I call bullshit on your last statement.
Masks were just used as a prop and did almost nothing to prevent a person from getting the virus.
Free to go somewhere else. You always have been. You're either for the rights of businesses and institutions to set their own rules..or you're not.
Anytime government meddles with private enterprise there are problems. follow the rules. Or you don't go to these places.
Again, it's a simple matter of these institutions being free to set their own rules.

No different from a business refusing to bake a cake. ^Shrug^.

They aren't setting their own rules......

If a business didn't enforce the mask MANDATE they could be fined or shut down.

So a person should just starve if they can't enter a business because they didn't want to wear a mask?

Very different from the cake thing.
Scientists can be bought to say anything. We see it all the time. Same with doctors and their kickbacks from drug companies, etc., all down the line in every industry.

But yet I bet you believe all of the 'global warming' scientists, don't you? Let's ignore the billions to be made and assume they're all free from corruption and not getting any kickbacks, because they allign with your brainwashed political ideology.
There's an abundance of evidence that masks prevented the spread of Covid.

There's even laypersons' evidence in the fact that any attempt to cover sneezing and coughing has prevented the spread of disease for as long as we've known the germ theory! LOL

I'm so sorry to be the only Canadian on this board with an interest in popping your bubbles.

fkn goofballs.
You point to abundance of evidence yet provide nothing in terms of specific evidence.
I could care less what your definition of fascism (as you perceive it) is. That's not the issue. No one is forcing you at gunpoint to wear a mask. Businesses and other organizations were free to set their own rules. You could have gone somewhere else if you didn't like it. But the bottom line remains that there is ample evidence masks work in the prevention and slowing of the virus spread. Sometimes, I think you people just like hearing yourselves complain.
The hell they weren't, if I didn't wear it i was going to fired, even after the CDC relaxed the mandate and the company I work for said they were following CDC guidelines, I was forced to wear it. Masks did squat and your link was from 21
Scientists can be bought to say anything. We see it all the time. Same with doctors and their kickbacks from drug companies, etc., all down the line in every industry.
Yes like they were bought to say Global warming is real, and masks work, they did not, not even N95
And that IS within the business owners and other institutions right to apply. That is free enterprise at work. If you don't like it, you can go somewhere else.
I've seen and read just about every droplet whitepaper these "scientists" have offered. You would need to be literally breathing in the mask wearers face for more than a few minutes to infect them.

I know of NO ONE who got COVID while being masked and being around people who were infected. Everyone who got it, was unmasked..some of them dropped their guard for just 10 minutes and were around someone who was infected.
Right, but they can't deny queers their wedding cake?
The hell they weren't, if I didn't wear it i was going to fired, even after the CDC relaxed the mandate and the company I work for said they were following CDC guidelines, I was forced to wear it. Masks did squat and your link was from 21
You're company is allowed to make their own rules. You can either abide by them, or find someplace else to work.
The article was from early January, 2023. Just as a side note, I always double mask on a plane. Especially sitting at a crowded gate and before the plane takes off when there is no air circulating in the cabin.
Now, I've noticed great improvements in air circulation in planes since November, 2019...when the plane takes off and is in the air. When it's sitting at the gate or taxiing...not much circulation at all.
You're company is allowed to make their own rules. You can either abide by them, or find someplace else to work.
The article was from early January, 2023. Just as a side note, I always double mask on a plane. Especially sitting at a crowded gate and before the plane takes off when there is no air circulating in the cabin.
Now, I've noticed great improvements in air circulation in planes since November, 2019...when the plane takes off and is in the air. When it's sitting at the gate or taxiing...not much circulation at all.
Keep masking I will keep laughing, in fact, if I was to see you on a plane, I would point and laugh.
You're company is allowed to make their own rules. You can either abide by them, or find someplace else to work.
The article was from early January, 2023. Just as a side note, I always double mask on a plane. Especially sitting at a crowded gate and before the plane takes off when there is no air circulating in the cabin.
Now, I've noticed great improvements in air circulation in planes since November, 2019...when the plane takes off and is in the air. When it's sitting at the gate or taxiing...not much circulation at all.
TOP TELLING ME I DIN'T HAVE A GUN TO MY HEAD THEN JACKASS, I have been with my company for 34 years, ya just don't quit a job like this.
Keep masking I will keep laughing, in fact, if I was to see you on a plane, I would point and laugh.
I could care less. Before the pandemic, I had no need to engage complete strangers on a plane in conversation. I could care less about your story.
Feel free to point and laugh. Get in my face..and it's another matter entirely. The airlines don't take kindly to people who want to make a nuisance of themselves.
TOP TELLING ME I DIN'T HAVE A GUN TO MY HEAD THEN JACKASS, I have been with my company for 34 years, ya just don't quit a job like this.
You can call it whatever you like. I'm not sure what it is you aren't getting here. You place of work is free to make their own rules. You are free to not follow them and find another place to work.
If you've been there that long, and you like it (I'm guessing you do. I don't know anyone whose been with their employer for that long)...then follow the rules.
I could care less. Before the pandemic, I had no need to engage complete strangers on a plane in conversation. I could care less about your story.
Feel free to point and laugh. Get in my face..and it's another matter entirely. The airlines don't take kindly to people who want to make a nuisance of themselves.
I will sneer, point and laugh, because that is what i do with sheep, as for another matter i don't suffer internet keyboard tough guys, i know you don't care about my story because it proves you wrong.

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