The Man Who Could Have Changed History

And the Hussein starting wars in Libya and Syria over nothing.
What war did he start?

He supported the ISIS overthrowing the governments of those countries.

You forget how he let Benghazi happen and the famous “red line”?
Actually, he didn’t

What else ya got?
Flag on the play unnecessary lying and roughing the facts

Libya and Syria were civil wars not started by Obama

You Fail

Sure, he only funded, supplied, and encouraged ISIS as their de facto President.
What war did he start?

He supported the ISIS overthrowing the governments of those countries.

You forget how he let Benghazi happen and the famous “red line”?
Actually, he didn’t

What else ya got?
Flag on the play unnecessary lying and roughing the facts

Libya and Syria were civil wars not started by Obama

You Fail
really? civil wars not started by obama? why did obama get the American military involvement in the first place?

You don’t understand what a civil war is, do you?

Notice how unlike Bush, Obama kept our troops out of it
Well, it would be one way to unload the far-right white supremacists from the party, wouldn't it?

There are no far-right white supremacists in the party, you stupid sack of shit. Don't gum up the thread with your moronic ignorance.

of course there are. except for stephen miller, they may not be in the administration anymore , but they are still there & whispering in donny's cheeto dusted ear.

steve bannon & gorka come to mind right quick. & when you hafta resort to name calling right outa the gate to defend yerself, that shows quite the mental defect on yer part.

Trump hates Bannon.

Show proof that Gorka is an alt right racist as you claim.

you think because steve bannon is 'hated' by trump, that donny doesn't approve of what he's doing since he left the administration ( not because of trump, but of bad PR)?
silly you.

as for gorka...

Sebastian Gorka, Trump’s most controversial national security aide, is out

A Nazi-linked group was "proud" after Trump aide wore its medal

why would he sport a pin from vitezi rend? 'cause it looked good?

At best it is circumstantial. In a court of law no chance you prove he is a white supremacist as you allege. Trumps daughter and three grandchildren are Jewish as am I. Hence I abhor white supremacists as does he. Vox is a biased Leftist publication.

this isn't a court of law & donny loves his 'baby' more than he hates jews. stephen miller is a self hating jew, so donny will keep him around, & i bet you think when he retweeted that meme of hillary & the star of david over cash, he didn't think it wasn't antisemetic? i personally love how he doesn't know who david duke is.....................

he & the company he keeps in his orbit are less than kosher in the torch bearing sense.
One man could have changed the course of history, and he had the opportunity to do so handed to him on a silver platter, free for the taking. Who is that man; Can you guess?

He was a professional soldier for 35 years, holding a variety of command and staff positions and rising to the rank of General. He was Ronald Reagan's National Security Advisor, serving from 1987 to 1989 while retaining his Army commission as a lieutenant general. In April 1989, after his tenure with the National Security Council, Powell was promoted to four-star general under President George H. W. Bush and briefly served as the Commander in Chief, Forces Command (FORSCOM), overseeing all Army, Army Reserve, and National Guard units in the Continental U.S., Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. He became the third general since World War II to reach four-star rank without ever serving as a division commander, joining Dwight D. Eisenhower and Alexander Haig. Later he was selected him as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He ascended from chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the elder Bush's administration to secretary of state under his son. That man is Colin Powell

For a time, that looked quite possible that he would run for president and win. Through 1995 there was hope that Powell would run for president. He led in polls of Republican primary voters. The same surveys suggested he was capable of beating President Bill Clinton. Powell could have been elected in 1996. The first black president of the United States being a Republican would have been a significant development, one that might have mitigated, if not averted, the ugly racialization of our politics. Powell would have been a moderate not too strongly associated with the left or the right, likely allowing him to assemble an electoral coalition unlike anything we can imagine today. As a Republican and the first black president, and the winner of the Gulf War, the newly minted Republican congress would have given him anything he wanted. The internet boom would have happened anyway; perhaps Powell's policies would have been even more pro-growth than second-term Clinton's.

Sadly, Powell did not run. Instead, the GOP had the sad farewell tour masquerading as a presidential campaign embarked upon by the otherwise heroic Bob Dole. A good man, but he had no chance of beating Bill Clinton, and Clinton won his second term.

A President Powell might have returned us to the era of good feelings under Reagan. A booming economy, a popular president backed by independents, no Whitewater investigations, no Monica Lewinsky, no impeachment. And maybe only one President Bush?

If 9/11 had happened under a President Powell's, the US might have been less likely to respond by waging a second war in Iraq. Our response to 9/11 may well have been limited to hitting Afghanistan, keeping the international coalition against terrorism intact under a president who had been part of winning a war.

If you look at the past 20-plus years of American politics — the Clinton embarrassments (and later the Hillary embarrassments), the Bush-Cheney wars, the horrible reign of Barack Obama — wouldn't you have wanted to avoid a lot of it? Hindsight is 20-20, but Powell looks like he might have been our best bet for doing so.

Author: Me.

Powell was a closet democrat.....we need real conservatives in office, not fake ones.

And you think trump is a real conservative? Conservatives don't spend money like it grows on trees.
What war did he start?

He supported the ISIS overthrowing the governments of those countries.

You forget how he let Benghazi happen and the famous “red line”?
Actually, he didn’t

What else ya got?
Flag on the play unnecessary lying and roughing the facts

Libya and Syria were civil wars not started by Obama

You Fail

Sure, he only funded, supplied, and encouraged ISIS as their de facto President.

Obama beat the shit out of ISIS, not to mention Al Qaida and the Taliban
Sorry, but Powell supported Barack Hussein because you know, skin color.

Powell in later years has certainly been a disappointment.
But if the first black president had been a Republican, and the Clinton years wiped out and there was never an Obama, what would things look like today? This is what I wonder about.

Republicans do not vote for black people

They just don’t

Sure they do, then democrats call the black people racist names.
He supported the ISIS overthrowing the governments of those countries.

You forget how he let Benghazi happen and the famous “red line”?
Actually, he didn’t

What else ya got?
Flag on the play unnecessary lying and roughing the facts

Libya and Syria were civil wars not started by Obama

You Fail
really? civil wars not started by obama? why did obama get the American military involvement in the first place?

You don’t understand what a civil war is, do you?

Notice how unlike Bush, Obama kept our troops out of it

And yet caused more refugees to flood Europe and America, which is what the real goal is. He knew the best way to destroy the West was to facilitate mass immigration from Islamic shitholes.
What war did he start?

He supported the ISIS overthrowing the governments of those countries.

You forget how he let Benghazi happen and the famous “red line”?
Actually, he didn’t

What else ya got?
Flag on the play unnecessary lying and roughing the facts

Libya and Syria were civil wars not started by Obama

You Fail
really? civil wars not started by obama? why did obama get the American military involvement in the first place?

The question is......why did Conservatives support Qaddafi?
And the Hussein starting wars in Libya and Syria over nothing.
What war did he start?

He supported the ISIS overthrowing the governments of those countries.

You forget how he let Benghazi happen and the famous “red line”?
Actually, he didn’t

What else ya got?
Flag on the play unnecessary lying and roughing the facts

Libya and Syria were civil wars not started by Obama

You Fail

But hilary and obama destablized the middle east after taking out ghadaif in Libya...creating the mass exodus that ended up in Europe....which is leading massive increase in violence there.
One man could have changed the course of history, and he had the opportunity to do so handed to him on a silver platter, free for the taking. Who is that man; Can you guess?

He was a professional soldier for 35 years, holding a variety of command and staff positions and rising to the rank of General. He was Ronald Reagan's National Security Advisor, serving from 1987 to 1989 while retaining his Army commission as a lieutenant general. In April 1989, after his tenure with the National Security Council, Powell was promoted to four-star general under President George H. W. Bush and briefly served as the Commander in Chief, Forces Command (FORSCOM), overseeing all Army, Army Reserve, and National Guard units in the Continental U.S., Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. He became the third general since World War II to reach four-star rank without ever serving as a division commander, joining Dwight D. Eisenhower and Alexander Haig. Later he was selected him as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He ascended from chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the elder Bush's administration to secretary of state under his son. That man is Colin Powell

For a time, that looked quite possible that he would run for president and win. Through 1995 there was hope that Powell would run for president. He led in polls of Republican primary voters. The same surveys suggested he was capable of beating President Bill Clinton. Powell could have been elected in 1996. The first black president of the United States being a Republican would have been a significant development, one that might have mitigated, if not averted, the ugly racialization of our politics. Powell would have been a moderate not too strongly associated with the left or the right, likely allowing him to assemble an electoral coalition unlike anything we can imagine today. As a Republican and the first black president, and the winner of the Gulf War, the newly minted Republican congress would have given him anything he wanted. The internet boom would have happened anyway; perhaps Powell's policies would have been even more pro-growth than second-term Clinton's.

Sadly, Powell did not run. Instead, the GOP had the sad farewell tour masquerading as a presidential campaign embarked upon by the otherwise heroic Bob Dole. A good man, but he had no chance of beating Bill Clinton, and Clinton won his second term.

A President Powell might have returned us to the era of good feelings under Reagan. A booming economy, a popular president backed by independents, no Whitewater investigations, no Monica Lewinsky, no impeachment. And maybe only one President Bush?

If 9/11 had happened under a President Powell's, the US might have been less likely to respond by waging a second war in Iraq. Our response to 9/11 may well have been limited to hitting Afghanistan, keeping the international coalition against terrorism intact under a president who had been part of winning a war.

If you look at the past 20-plus years of American politics — the Clinton embarrassments (and later the Hillary embarrassments), the Bush-Cheney wars, the horrible reign of Barack Obama — wouldn't you have wanted to avoid a lot of it? Hindsight is 20-20, but Powell looks like he might have been our best bet for doing so.

Author: Me.
First time I absolutely disagree. That black rhino is a joke!
He supported the ISIS overthrowing the governments of those countries.

You forget how he let Benghazi happen and the famous “red line”?
Actually, he didn’t

What else ya got?
Flag on the play unnecessary lying and roughing the facts

Libya and Syria were civil wars not started by Obama

You Fail
really? civil wars not started by obama? why did obama get the American military involvement in the first place?

The question is......why did Conservatives support Qaddafi?

Why did the Hussein hate Qaddafi? He never attacked us, he was as moderate a Muslim dictator you could ever hope for, and he protected the Christian minority in his country from the Sunni savages.
His intel was given to Bush
Bush was the only moron who started a war over that intelligence

Clinton contained Saddam for eight years
Bush didn’t last two years without invading

And the Hussein starting wars in Libya and Syria over nothing.
What war did he start?

He supported the ISIS overthrowing the governments of those countries.

You forget how he let Benghazi happen and the famous “red line”?
Actually, he didn’t

What else ya got?

US led air strikes in 2011.

Who was President then?

2011 military intervention in Libya - Wikipedia
There are no far-right white supremacists in the party, you stupid sack of shit. Don't gum up the thread with your moronic ignorance.

of course there are. except for stephen miller, they may not be in the administration anymore , but they are still there & whispering in donny's cheeto dusted ear.

steve bannon & gorka come to mind right quick. & when you hafta resort to name calling right outa the gate to defend yerself, that shows quite the mental defect on yer part.

Trump hates Bannon.

Show proof that Gorka is an alt right racist as you claim.

you think because steve bannon is 'hated' by trump, that donny doesn't approve of what he's doing since he left the administration ( not because of trump, but of bad PR)?
silly you.

as for gorka...

Sebastian Gorka, Trump’s most controversial national security aide, is out

A Nazi-linked group was "proud" after Trump aide wore its medal

why would he sport a pin from vitezi rend? 'cause it looked good?

At best it is circumstantial. In a court of law no chance you prove he is a white supremacist as you allege. Trumps daughter and three grandchildren are Jewish as am I. Hence I abhor white supremacists as does he. Vox is a biased Leftist publication.

this isn't a court of law & donny loves his 'baby' more than he hates jews. stephen miller is a self hating jew, so donny will keep him around, & i bet you think when he retweeted that meme of hillary & the star of david over cash, he didn't think it wasn't antisemetic? i personally love how he doesn't know who david duke is.....................

he & the company he keeps in his orbit are less than kosher in the torch bearing sense.

Look, you’re a deranged hater. When you’re ready to have a logical conversation (take your meds) ping me.
What war did he start?

He supported the ISIS overthrowing the governments of those countries.

You forget how he let Benghazi happen and the famous “red line”?
Actually, he didn’t

What else ya got?
Flag on the play unnecessary lying and roughing the facts

Libya and Syria were civil wars not started by Obama

You Fail

But hilary and obama destablized the middle east after taking out ghadaif in Libya...creating the mass exodus that ended up in Europe....which is leading massive increase in violence there.

Bush destabilized the Middle East when he invaded Iraq
Actually, he didn’t

What else ya got?
Flag on the play unnecessary lying and roughing the facts

Libya and Syria were civil wars not started by Obama

You Fail
really? civil wars not started by obama? why did obama get the American military involvement in the first place?

The question is......why did Conservatives support Qaddafi?

Why did the Hussein hate Qaddafi? He never attacked us, he was as moderate a Muslim dictator you could ever hope for, and he protected the Christian minority in his country from the Sunni savages.
Bush was the only moron who started a war over that intelligence

Clinton contained Saddam for eight years
Bush didn’t last two years without invading

And the Hussein starting wars in Libya and Syria over nothing.
What war did he start?

He supported the ISIS overthrowing the governments of those countries.

You forget how he let Benghazi happen and the famous “red line”?
Actually, he didn’t

What else ya got?

US led air strikes in 2011.

Who was President then?

2011 military intervention in Libya - Wikipedia

How many boots on the ground?

Obama provided military support without jeopardizing US lives

He did not buy the......They will treat us as liberators that Bush spouted
Flag on the play unnecessary lying and roughing the facts

Libya and Syria were civil wars not started by Obama

You Fail
really? civil wars not started by obama? why did obama get the American military involvement in the first place?

The question is......why did Conservatives support Qaddafi?

Why did the Hussein hate Qaddafi? He never attacked us, he was as moderate a Muslim dictator you could ever hope for, and he protected the Christian minority in his country from the Sunni savages.
And the Hussein starting wars in Libya and Syria over nothing.
What war did he start?

He supported the ISIS overthrowing the governments of those countries.

You forget how he let Benghazi happen and the famous “red line”?
Actually, he didn’t

What else ya got?

US led air strikes in 2011.

Who was President then?

2011 military intervention in Libya - Wikipedia

How many boots on the ground?

Obama provided military support without jeopardizing US lives

He did not buy the......They will treat us as liberators that Bush spouted

Now you’re moving the goal posts. He started a war there with military action.

You fail, again.
Libya and Syria were civil wars not started by Obama

You Fail
really? civil wars not started by obama? why did obama get the American military involvement in the first place?

The question is......why did Conservatives support Qaddafi?

Why did the Hussein hate Qaddafi? He never attacked us, he was as moderate a Muslim dictator you could ever hope for, and he protected the Christian minority in his country from the Sunni savages.
What war did he start?

He supported the ISIS overthrowing the governments of those countries.

You forget how he let Benghazi happen and the famous “red line”?
Actually, he didn’t

What else ya got?

US led air strikes in 2011.

Who was President then?

2011 military intervention in Libya - Wikipedia

How many boots on the ground?

Obama provided military support without jeopardizing US lives

He did not buy the......They will treat us as liberators that Bush spouted

Now you’re moving the goal posts. He started a war there with military action.

You fail, again.

The war was started by the rebels

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