Hold on against the Deep State with Trump.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
As a creepy movement to replace American citizens with invited and implanted interlopers remains underway one can only conclude that the Deep State not only exists it is embedded so powerfully in American society that the end of liberty in not only nigh it could be all but certain. US schools are infected with indoctrinating woke dogma proselytizing a Peter Pan/Harry Potter worldview that is about as detached from reality as something from the Cartoon Network. Kids are brainwashed to believe that white people have destroyed the weather and they must be supplanted with color coded saviors of the planet.

With the looming legalization of marijuana, the stupefaction of rank and file citizens is a vile strategy to lower the IQ’s of the masses to the extent that the overthrow of the US Constitution will make some kind of bizarre sense. It is clear that US leadership has conspired with global cohorts to destroy the intellect, character and moral fiber of average Americans so they will willingly submit to the Trojan horse of illegal immigration.

Donald Trump’s election was a reactionary response of the people as they recoiled from a pall of authoritarian tactical planning to make the people so stupid that they will throw away everything that makes individual freedom possible. The US Constitution is the last obstacle standing in the way of world government and until Trump won the presidency US leadership was eagerly on board with its destruction.

Elites are the same wherever you go; they will carve themselves out an advantage at the expense of the people every time. That’s what America’s constitution was created to prevent. But it’s been a few hundred years and the elites have gotten restless. Trump’s success blocked the centrally planned betrayal and annihilation of our constitution and like the Spartans at the Battle of Thermopylae the people with normal cerebral capacity are still supporting him.

But as the arrow of time proceeds the collective intelligence of the American people drops another notch with every tick of the clock. The armies that eradicate our freedoms come from within not without. The US Deep State threw us under the bus decades ago and now the upstart Trump is the last hope.

East will always be east and West will always be west but there will never be a cure for stupid and the elites know this. We must hold on with Trump.
If there is a "deep state" they love Trump for his hostility to democracy and willingness to let big business run wild. As it is, when Trump complains about a deep state it is always in response to being reminded that his administration is still subject to the rule of law.
I boil it down to "establishment globalists" and "populists". The globalists moved US factories overseas, many to China and after decades of trade deficits, the US is $22T in Debt and China is an economic and military power. A few more years and China would surpass the US due to globalists selling out the US with stupid trade deals, like China stealing intellectual property, China and others having high tariffs on US goods while the US has no tariffs, all the while the US economy and good jobs suffer.
Wall Street, K-Street and PACs run the DC show with tons of overseas cash bribing the House, Senate, and Presidential candidates, selling out US workers. In 2016 the voters said "enough". It was time to "drain the DC swamp". The problem was the "establishment" was well funded and entrenched. The Obama admin and the entrenched "deep state" conspirators wanted Trump to lose so badly that they conspired and hatched the coup plot. Assholes like Never-Trumpers, the MSM, and brain-dead indoctrinated liberals just don't get that good jobs don't grow on trees. Trump understood that when young people can't find jobs, and live with their parents, that is unsustainable, he promised to bring jobs back to the US, which is not something that can happen overnight.
Now its up to Barr, Huber, Durham and Horowitz to root out the deep state conspirators who used intel assets for partisan political advantage to sway the 2016 election. Was it the Russians or was it Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohr, Clapper, Komrad Brennan, Powers, even up to Obama?
I boil it down to "establishment globalists" and "populists". The globalists moved US factories overseas, many to China and after decades of trade deficits, the US is $22T in Debt and China is an economic and military power. A few more years and China would surpass the US due to globalists selling out the US with stupid trade deals, like China stealing intellectual property, China and others having high tariffs on US goods while the US has no tariffs, all the while the US economy and good jobs suffer.
Wall Street, K-Street and PACs run the DC show with tons of overseas cash bribing the House, Senate, and Presidential candidates, selling out US workers. In 2016 the voters said "enough". It was time to "drain the DC swamp". The problem was the "establishment" was well funded and entrenched. The Obama admin and the entrenched "deep state" conspirators wanted Trump to lose so badly that they conspired and hatched the coup plot. Assholes like Never-Trumpers, the MSM, and brain-dead indoctrinated liberals just don't get that good jobs don't grow on trees. Trump understood that when young people can't find jobs, and live with their parents, that is unsustainable, he promised to bring jobs back to the US, which is not something that can happen overnight.
Now its up to Barr, Huber, Durham and Horowitz to root out the deep state conspirators who used intel assets for partisan political advantage to sway the 2016 election. Was it the Russians or was it Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohr, Clapper, Komrad Brennan, Powers, even up to Obama?

And it was in one of those offshore factories where Trump had his cheap crap made.
I boil it down to "establishment globalists" and "populists". The globalists moved US factories overseas, many to China and after decades of trade deficits, the US is $22T in Debt and China is an economic and military power. A few more years and China would surpass the US due to globalists selling out the US with stupid trade deals, like China stealing intellectual property, China and others having high tariffs on US goods while the US has no tariffs, all the while the US economy and good jobs suffer.
Wall Street, K-Street and PACs run the DC show with tons of overseas cash bribing the House, Senate, and Presidential candidates, selling out US workers. In 2016 the voters said "enough". It was time to "drain the DC swamp". The problem was the "establishment" was well funded and entrenched. The Obama admin and the entrenched "deep state" conspirators wanted Trump to lose so badly that they conspired and hatched the coup plot. Assholes like Never-Trumpers, the MSM, and brain-dead indoctrinated liberals just don't get that good jobs don't grow on trees. Trump understood that when young people can't find jobs, and live with their parents, that is unsustainable, he promised to bring jobs back to the US, which is not something that can happen overnight.
Now its up to Barr, Huber, Durham and Horowitz to root out the deep state conspirators who used intel assets for partisan political advantage to sway the 2016 election. Was it the Russians or was it Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohr, Clapper, Komrad Brennan, Powers, even up to Obama?

And it was in one of those offshore factories where Trump had his cheap crap made.

Why were there no tariffs to level the playing field before Trump? You're not looking at the entire trade system. Take off the partisan glasses.
Why would Trump or anyone make stuff here just to be undercut by cheap imports and lose money?
As a creepy movement to replace American citizens with invited and implanted interlopers remains underway one can only conclude that the Deep State not only exists it is embedded so powerfully in American society that the end of liberty in not only nigh it could be all but certain. US schools are infected with indoctrinating woke dogma proselytizing a Peter Pan/Harry Potter worldview that is about as detached from reality as something from the Cartoon Network. Kids are brainwashed to believe that white people have destroyed the weather and they must be supplanted with color coded saviors of the planet.

With the looming legalization of marijuana, the stupefaction of rank and file citizens is a vile strategy to lower the IQ’s of the masses to the extent that the overthrow of the US Constitution will make some kind of bizarre sense. It is clear that US leadership has conspired with global cohorts to destroy the intellect, character and moral fiber of average Americans so they will willingly submit to the Trojan horse of illegal immigration.

Donald Trump’s election was a reactionary response of the people as they recoiled from a pall of authoritarian tactical planning to make the people so stupid that they will throw away everything that makes individual freedom possible. The US Constitution is the last obstacle standing in the way of world government and until Trump won the presidency US leadership was eagerly on board with its destruction.

Elites are the same wherever you go; they will carve themselves out an advantage at the expense of the people every time. That’s what America’s constitution was created to prevent. But it’s been a few hundred years and the elites have gotten restless. Trump’s success blocked the centrally planned betrayal and annihilation of our constitution and like the Spartans at the Battle of Thermopylae the people with normal cerebral capacity are still supporting him.

But as the arrow of time proceeds the collective intelligence of the American people drops another notch with every tick of the clock. The armies that eradicate our freedoms come from within not without. The US Deep State threw us under the bus decades ago and now the upstart Trump is the last hope.

East will always be east and West will always be west but there will never be a cure for stupid and the elites know this. We must hold on with Trump.


Where did ya put my tin foil hat?
Some guy on the internet is talking about the Deep State!
As a creepy movement to replace American citizens with invited and implanted interlopers remains underway one can only conclude that the Deep State not only exists it is embedded so powerfully in American society that the end of liberty in not only nigh it could be all but certain. US schools are infected with indoctrinating woke dogma proselytizing a Peter Pan/Harry Potter worldview that is about as detached from reality as something from the Cartoon Network. Kids are brainwashed to believe that white people have destroyed the weather and they must be supplanted with color coded saviors of the planet.

With the looming legalization of marijuana, the stupefaction of rank and file citizens is a vile strategy to lower the IQ’s of the masses to the extent that the overthrow of the US Constitution will make some kind of bizarre sense. It is clear that US leadership has conspired with global cohorts to destroy the intellect, character and moral fiber of average Americans so they will willingly submit to the Trojan horse of illegal immigration.

Donald Trump’s election was a reactionary response of the people as they recoiled from a pall of authoritarian tactical planning to make the people so stupid that they will throw away everything that makes individual freedom possible. The US Constitution is the last obstacle standing in the way of world government and until Trump won the presidency US leadership was eagerly on board with its destruction.

Elites are the same wherever you go; they will carve themselves out an advantage at the expense of the people every time. That’s what America’s constitution was created to prevent. But it’s been a few hundred years and the elites have gotten restless. Trump’s success blocked the centrally planned betrayal and annihilation of our constitution and like the Spartans at the Battle of Thermopylae the people with normal cerebral capacity are still supporting him.

But as the arrow of time proceeds the collective intelligence of the American people drops another notch with every tick of the clock. The armies that eradicate our freedoms come from within not without. The US Deep State threw us under the bus decades ago and now the upstart Trump is the last hope.

East will always be east and West will always be west but there will never be a cure for stupid and the elites know this. We must hold on with Trump.
There is no ‘deep state’ save that of a lie contrived by the right in an effort to deflect from Trump’s many failures and further divide the American people.
I boil it down to "establishment globalists" and "populists". The globalists moved US factories overseas, many to China and after decades of trade deficits, the US is $22T in Debt and China is an economic and military power. A few more years and China would surpass the US due to globalists selling out the US with stupid trade deals, like China stealing intellectual property, China and others having high tariffs on US goods while the US has no tariffs, all the while the US economy and good jobs suffer.
Wall Street, K-Street and PACs run the DC show with tons of overseas cash bribing the House, Senate, and Presidential candidates, selling out US workers. In 2016 the voters said "enough". It was time to "drain the DC swamp". The problem was the "establishment" was well funded and entrenched. The Obama admin and the entrenched "deep state" conspirators wanted Trump to lose so badly that they conspired and hatched the coup plot. Assholes like Never-Trumpers, the MSM, and brain-dead indoctrinated liberals just don't get that good jobs don't grow on trees. Trump understood that when young people can't find jobs, and live with their parents, that is unsustainable, he promised to bring jobs back to the US, which is not something that can happen overnight.
Now its up to Barr, Huber, Durham and Horowitz to root out the deep state conspirators who used intel assets for partisan political advantage to sway the 2016 election. Was it the Russians or was it Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohr, Clapper, Komrad Brennan, Powers, even up to Obama?

And it was in one of those offshore factories where Trump had his cheap crap made.

Why were there no tariffs to level the playing field before Trump? You're not looking at the entire trade system. Take off the partisan glasses.
Why would Trump or anyone make stuff here just to be undercut by cheap imports and lose money?

So you’re all for globalists like Trump?
As a creepy movement to replace American citizens with invited and implanted interlopers remains underway one can only conclude that the Deep State not only exists it is embedded so powerfully in American society that the end of liberty in not only nigh it could be all but certain. US schools are infected with indoctrinating woke dogma proselytizing a Peter Pan/Harry Potter worldview that is about as detached from reality as something from the Cartoon Network. Kids are brainwashed to believe that white people have destroyed the weather and they must be supplanted with color coded saviors of the planet.

With the looming legalization of marijuana, the stupefaction of rank and file citizens is a vile strategy to lower the IQ’s of the masses to the extent that the overthrow of the US Constitution will make some kind of bizarre sense. It is clear that US leadership has conspired with global cohorts to destroy the intellect, character and moral fiber of average Americans so they will willingly submit to the Trojan horse of illegal immigration.

Donald Trump’s election was a reactionary response of the people as they recoiled from a pall of authoritarian tactical planning to make the people so stupid that they will throw away everything that makes individual freedom possible. The US Constitution is the last obstacle standing in the way of world government and until Trump won the presidency US leadership was eagerly on board with its destruction.

Elites are the same wherever you go; they will carve themselves out an advantage at the expense of the people every time. That’s what America’s constitution was created to prevent. But it’s been a few hundred years and the elites have gotten restless. Trump’s success blocked the centrally planned betrayal and annihilation of our constitution and like the Spartans at the Battle of Thermopylae the people with normal cerebral capacity are still supporting him.

But as the arrow of time proceeds the collective intelligence of the American people drops another notch with every tick of the clock. The armies that eradicate our freedoms come from within not without. The US Deep State threw us under the bus decades ago and now the upstart Trump is the last hope.

East will always be east and West will always be west but there will never be a cure for stupid and the elites know this. We must hold on with Trump.
Anyone who doesn’t think there are government lifers who are inherently corrupt are either naive, disingenuous, or just fucking stupid.
I boil it down to "establishment globalists" and "populists". The globalists moved US factories overseas, many to China and after decades of trade deficits, the US is $22T in Debt and China is an economic and military power. A few more years and China would surpass the US due to globalists selling out the US with stupid trade deals, like China stealing intellectual property, China and others having high tariffs on US goods while the US has no tariffs, all the while the US economy and good jobs suffer.
Wall Street, K-Street and PACs run the DC show with tons of overseas cash bribing the House, Senate, and Presidential candidates, selling out US workers. In 2016 the voters said "enough". It was time to "drain the DC swamp". The problem was the "establishment" was well funded and entrenched. The Obama admin and the entrenched "deep state" conspirators wanted Trump to lose so badly that they conspired and hatched the coup plot. Assholes like Never-Trumpers, the MSM, and brain-dead indoctrinated liberals just don't get that good jobs don't grow on trees. Trump understood that when young people can't find jobs, and live with their parents, that is unsustainable, he promised to bring jobs back to the US, which is not something that can happen overnight.
Now its up to Barr, Huber, Durham and Horowitz to root out the deep state conspirators who used intel assets for partisan political advantage to sway the 2016 election. Was it the Russians or was it Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohr, Clapper, Komrad Brennan, Powers, even up to Obama?

And it was in one of those offshore factories where Trump had his cheap crap made.

Why were there no tariffs to level the playing field before Trump? You're not looking at the entire trade system. Take off the partisan glasses.
Why would Trump or anyone make stuff here just to be undercut by cheap imports and lose money?

So you’re all for globalists like Trump?

How many factories and jobs has Trump brought back to the US?
In case you forgot, democrats said "those jobs are not coming back".....who are the globalists?

I boil it down to "establishment globalists" and "populists". The globalists moved US factories overseas, many to China and after decades of trade deficits, the US is $22T in Debt and China is an economic and military power. A few more years and China would surpass the US due to globalists selling out the US with stupid trade deals, like China stealing intellectual property, China and others having high tariffs on US goods while the US has no tariffs, all the while the US economy and good jobs suffer.
Wall Street, K-Street and PACs run the DC show with tons of overseas cash bribing the House, Senate, and Presidential candidates, selling out US workers. In 2016 the voters said "enough". It was time to "drain the DC swamp". The problem was the "establishment" was well funded and entrenched. The Obama admin and the entrenched "deep state" conspirators wanted Trump to lose so badly that they conspired and hatched the coup plot. Assholes like Never-Trumpers, the MSM, and brain-dead indoctrinated liberals just don't get that good jobs don't grow on trees. Trump understood that when young people can't find jobs, and live with their parents, that is unsustainable, he promised to bring jobs back to the US, which is not something that can happen overnight.
Now its up to Barr, Huber, Durham and Horowitz to root out the deep state conspirators who used intel assets for partisan political advantage to sway the 2016 election. Was it the Russians or was it Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohr, Clapper, Komrad Brennan, Powers, even up to Obama?

And it was in one of those offshore factories where Trump had his cheap crap made.

Why were there no tariffs to level the playing field before Trump? You're not looking at the entire trade system. Take off the partisan glasses.
Why would Trump or anyone make stuff here just to be undercut by cheap imports and lose money?

So you’re all for globalists like Trump?

How many factories and jobs has Trump brought back to the US?
In case you forgot, democrats said "those jobs are not coming back".....who are the globalists?

who are the globalists?

Those who offshore the production of their cheap wares to save a buck.

Like your blob.
Anyone who thinks our corrupted, election rigging, bought off government represents the people is naïve. Why is it corrupt? Because there's $4 trillion dollars in government spending up for grabs each year that's why. Its lets make a deal in Washington.
Anyone who doesn’t think there are government lifers who are inherently corrupt are either naive, disingenuous, or just fucking stupid.
Where were they during the Obama and Bush administrations?
Anyone who thinks our corrupted, election rigging, bought off government represents the people is naïve. Why is it corrupt? Because there's $4 trillion dollars in government spending up for grabs each year that's why. Its lets make a deal in Washington.
Are you sayin Trump won on a rigged election?
Anyone who thinks our corrupted, election rigging, bought off government represents the people is naïve. Why is it corrupt? Because there's $4 trillion dollars in government spending up for grabs each year that's why. Its lets make a deal in Washington.
Are you sayin Trump won on a rigged election?

Deep state did everything in their power to rig the election for Hillary and Trump still whooped their ass.
Anyone who thinks our corrupted, election rigging, bought off government represents the people is naïve. Why is it corrupt? Because there's $4 trillion dollars in government spending up for grabs each year that's why. Its lets make a deal in Washington.
Are you sayin Trump won on a rigged election?

Deep state did everything in their power to rig the election for Hillary and Trump still whooped their ass.

How did they do that?
Did they get Putin’s help?
I thought Comey was part of the Deep State, why did he help Trump and not Hillary?
I boil it down to "establishment globalists" and "populists". The globalists moved US factories overseas, many to China and after decades of trade deficits, the US is $22T in Debt and China is an economic and military power. A few more years and China would surpass the US due to globalists selling out the US with stupid trade deals, like China stealing intellectual property, China and others having high tariffs on US goods while the US has no tariffs, all the while the US economy and good jobs suffer.
Wall Street, K-Street and PACs run the DC show with tons of overseas cash bribing the House, Senate, and Presidential candidates, selling out US workers. In 2016 the voters said "enough". It was time to "drain the DC swamp". The problem was the "establishment" was well funded and entrenched. The Obama admin and the entrenched "deep state" conspirators wanted Trump to lose so badly that they conspired and hatched the coup plot. Assholes like Never-Trumpers, the MSM, and brain-dead indoctrinated liberals just don't get that good jobs don't grow on trees. Trump understood that when young people can't find jobs, and live with their parents, that is unsustainable, he promised to bring jobs back to the US, which is not something that can happen overnight.
Now its up to Barr, Huber, Durham and Horowitz to root out the deep state conspirators who used intel assets for partisan political advantage to sway the 2016 election. Was it the Russians or was it Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohr, Clapper, Komrad Brennan, Powers, even up to Obama?

And it was in one of those offshore factories where Trump had his cheap crap made.

Why were there no tariffs to level the playing field before Trump? You're not looking at the entire trade system. Take off the partisan glasses.
Why would Trump or anyone make stuff here just to be undercut by cheap imports and lose money?

So you’re all for globalists like Trump?

How many factories and jobs has Trump brought back to the US?
In case you forgot, democrats said "those jobs are not coming back".....who are the globalists?

There are no ‘globalists.’

There is no ‘deep state.’

There are only ridiculous conspiracy theories and lies from the right.

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