The Maine Shooting Is Another Fake


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2022
I got this right within minutes --- just from the released reports and then proposed narratives . It's easy once you have learned the language . It stank, as I immediately said in several threads.
Now , Miles Mathis gives detailed support for that idea which he will doubtless add to as further deceits and lies emerge .
Below is just a small section of his proposal but it gives enough for any intelligent person to start wondering whether the MSM story has any real factual basis .

The Shooting in Maine is another FAKE. Right out of Air Force, as usual.

----------Robert Card is a Junior, and his mother appears to be Brenda Card, nee Alexander. Strange, since she isn't linked to any Alexanders. We link to a Karri Card, 35, who may be a sister, and she links to a Joseph A. Condon, same age. He, too, is scrubbed, linking us to no Condons. That is another possible red flag, since the Condons are another spooky family, see the Bell Labs physicist Joseph Condon, whose father Edward was in the fake Manhattan Project.
Then we link to a Ruby Card, listed as 84 at Instantcheckmate, but 52 at MyLife. She is apparently married to a Marvin Negley, 51, so she is probably not 84. But the strange thing is that she also goes by Genevieve Smith, despite being related to no Smiths. She links us to a Nicole Herling/Card, who is apparently married to James Herling, 38, of Virginia Beach and Ewa Beach, HI, so probably a soldier at Hickam AFB.

Now let's skim the mainstream stories, which as usual are garbage. We were told in the first hours Robert Card was a nutcase who had spent time in institutions, but they are already admitting that isn't true. They have interviewed a close relative and his army buddies from Reserves, and they all say they had never heard he had any mental issues. Oops! Someone forgot to read those guys into the script. But that would have been hard to do, since the script only started late this summer, when Card is said to have started acting erratically. Tumor on the brain, I guess, like Charles Whitman. Snort, guffaw.
Then we have 18 victims. Of course. It was that or 33. But in the same reports we are told there are only eight fatalities. So which is it? The numbers aren't even close.
Plus, I have now read many reports, and I don't understand how they knew it was him immediately. Did he have on a name tag? Did he walk into the bowling alley and say, “Hi, I am Robert Card, a crazy man from the Army Reserve, and I am here to pretend to kill you for the six o'clock news”?
We have a picture of him from a security camera, but that could be anyone. And if he was trained by the army, shouldn't he have heard of a balaclava, or at least sunglasses and a hat? He is going to commit mass murder in front of security cams bareheaded? Right.

And so on .
Later, an interesting Miles idea is that one of the underlying goals was to SELL MORE GUNS as well as just keep Project Chaos rolling .

Of course many of you will be unable to give a shred of credence to False Flags, this specific incident and the submission that there is barely anything that goes on that is correctly and truthfully reported .
Which is why I have dropped it into Conspiracy because I have neither time or interest in listening to disbelievers -----
If you cannot accept it -- move on .
Ok, I'll give you a chance.

What 'part' is fake? As you claim.

The Maine Shooting Is Another Fake​

1). There was no shooting, it is another Fake.
2). No one was actually shot and Killed, it is another Fake.
3). They have identified the wrong person.
4). Other

Which is it?
I got this right within minutes --- just from the released reports and then proposed narratives . It's easy once you have learned the language . It stank, as I immediately said in several threads.
Now , Miles Mathis gives detailed support for that idea which he will doubtless add to as further deceits and lies emerge .
Below is just a small section of his proposal but it gives enough for any intelligent person to start wondering whether the MSM story has any real factual basis .

The Shooting in Maine is another FAKE. Right out of Air Force, as usual.

----------Robert Card is a Junior, and his mother appears to be Brenda Card, nee Alexander. Strange, since she isn't linked to any Alexanders. We link to a Karri Card, 35, who may be a sister, and she links to a Joseph A. Condon, same age. He, too, is scrubbed, linking us to no Condons. That is another possible red flag, since the Condons are another spooky family, see the Bell Labs physicist Joseph Condon, whose father Edward was in the fake Manhattan Project.
Then we link to a Ruby Card, listed as 84 at Instantcheckmate, but 52 at MyLife. She is apparently married to a Marvin Negley, 51, so she is probably not 84. But the strange thing is that she also goes by Genevieve Smith, despite being related to no Smiths. She links us to a Nicole Herling/Card, who is apparently married to James Herling, 38, of Virginia Beach and Ewa Beach, HI, so probably a soldier at Hickam AFB.

Now let's skim the mainstream stories, which as usual are garbage. We were told in the first hours Robert Card was a nutcase who had spent time in institutions, but they are already admitting that isn't true. They have interviewed a close relative and his army buddies from Reserves, and they all say they had never heard he had any mental issues. Oops! Someone forgot to read those guys into the script. But that would have been hard to do, since the script only started late this summer, when Card is said to have started acting erratically. Tumor on the brain, I guess, like Charles Whitman. Snort, guffaw.
Then we have 18 victims. Of course. It was that or 33. But in the same reports we are told there are only eight fatalities. So which is it? The numbers aren't even close.
Plus, I have now read many reports, and I don't understand how they knew it was him immediately. Did he have on a name tag? Did he walk into the bowling alley and say, “Hi, I am Robert Card, a crazy man from the Army Reserve, and I am here to pretend to kill you for the six o'clock news”?
We have a picture of him from a security camera, but that could be anyone. And if he was trained by the army, shouldn't he have heard of a balaclava, or at least sunglasses and a hat? He is going to commit mass murder in front of security cams bareheaded? Right.

And so on .
Later, an interesting Miles idea is that one of the underlying goals was to SELL MORE GUNS as well as just keep Project Chaos rolling .

Of course many of you will be unable to give a shred of credence to False Flags, this specific incident and the submission that there is barely anything that goes on that is correctly and truthfully reported .
Which is why I have dropped it into Conspiracy because I have neither time or interest in listening to disbelievers -----
If you cannot accept it -- move on .
You people are so crazy
I got this right within minutes --- just from the released reports and then proposed narratives . It's easy once you have learned the language . It stank, as I immediately said in several threads.
Now , Miles Mathis gives detailed support for that idea which he will doubtless add to as further deceits and lies emerge .
Below is just a small section of his proposal but it gives enough for any intelligent person to start wondering whether the MSM story has any real factual basis .

The Shooting in Maine is another FAKE. Right out of Air Force, as usual.

----------Robert Card is a Junior, and his mother appears to be Brenda Card, nee Alexander. Strange, since she isn't linked to any Alexanders. We link to a Karri Card, 35, who may be a sister, and she links to a Joseph A. Condon, same age. He, too, is scrubbed, linking us to no Condons. That is another possible red flag, since the Condons are another spooky family, see the Bell Labs physicist Joseph Condon, whose father Edward was in the fake Manhattan Project.
Then we link to a Ruby Card, listed as 84 at Instantcheckmate, but 52 at MyLife. She is apparently married to a Marvin Negley, 51, so she is probably not 84. But the strange thing is that she also goes by Genevieve Smith, despite being related to no Smiths. She links us to a Nicole Herling/Card, who is apparently married to James Herling, 38, of Virginia Beach and Ewa Beach, HI, so probably a soldier at Hickam AFB.

Now let's skim the mainstream stories, which as usual are garbage. We were told in the first hours Robert Card was a nutcase who had spent time in institutions, but they are already admitting that isn't true. They have interviewed a close relative and his army buddies from Reserves, and they all say they had never heard he had any mental issues. Oops! Someone forgot to read those guys into the script. But that would have been hard to do, since the script only started late this summer, when Card is said to have started acting erratically. Tumor on the brain, I guess, like Charles Whitman. Snort, guffaw.
Then we have 18 victims. Of course. It was that or 33. But in the same reports we are told there are only eight fatalities. So which is it? The numbers aren't even close.
Plus, I have now read many reports, and I don't understand how they knew it was him immediately. Did he have on a name tag? Did he walk into the bowling alley and say, “Hi, I am Robert Card, a crazy man from the Army Reserve, and I am here to pretend to kill you for the six o'clock news”?
We have a picture of him from a security camera, but that could be anyone. And if he was trained by the army, shouldn't he have heard of a balaclava, or at least sunglasses and a hat? He is going to commit mass murder in front of security cams bareheaded? Right.

And so on .
Later, an interesting Miles idea is that one of the underlying goals was to SELL MORE GUNS as well as just keep Project Chaos rolling .

Of course many of you will be unable to give a shred of credence to False Flags, this specific incident and the submission that there is barely anything that goes on that is correctly and truthfully reported .
Which is why I have dropped it into Conspiracy because I have neither time or interest in listening to disbelievers -----
If you cannot accept it -- move on .
So, there was no shooting? Next, you are going to tell us that there was no moon landing, right? And do let us know about Elvis. Is he still in the house?
I got this right within minutes --- just from the released reports and then proposed narratives . It's easy once you have learned the language . It stank, as I immediately said in several threads.
Now , Miles Mathis gives detailed support for that idea which he will doubtless add to as further deceits and lies emerge .
Below is just a small section of his proposal but it gives enough for any intelligent person to start wondering whether the MSM story has any real factual basis .

The Shooting in Maine is another FAKE. Right out of Air Force, as usual.

----------Robert Card is a Junior, and his mother appears to be Brenda Card, nee Alexander. Strange, since she isn't linked to any Alexanders. We link to a Karri Card, 35, who may be a sister, and she links to a Joseph A. Condon, same age. He, too, is scrubbed, linking us to no Condons. That is another possible red flag, since the Condons are another spooky family, see the Bell Labs physicist Joseph Condon, whose father Edward was in the fake Manhattan Project.
Then we link to a Ruby Card, listed as 84 at Instantcheckmate, but 52 at MyLife. She is apparently married to a Marvin Negley, 51, so she is probably not 84. But the strange thing is that she also goes by Genevieve Smith, despite being related to no Smiths. She links us to a Nicole Herling/Card, who is apparently married to James Herling, 38, of Virginia Beach and Ewa Beach, HI, so probably a soldier at Hickam AFB.

Now let's skim the mainstream stories, which as usual are garbage. We were told in the first hours Robert Card was a nutcase who had spent time in institutions, but they are already admitting that isn't true. They have interviewed a close relative and his army buddies from Reserves, and they all say they had never heard he had any mental issues. Oops! Someone forgot to read those guys into the script. But that would have been hard to do, since the script only started late this summer, when Card is said to have started acting erratically. Tumor on the brain, I guess, like Charles Whitman. Snort, guffaw.
Then we have 18 victims. Of course. It was that or 33. But in the same reports we are told there are only eight fatalities. So which is it? The numbers aren't even close.
Plus, I have now read many reports, and I don't understand how they knew it was him immediately. Did he have on a name tag? Did he walk into the bowling alley and say, “Hi, I am Robert Card, a crazy man from the Army Reserve, and I am here to pretend to kill you for the six o'clock news”?
We have a picture of him from a security camera, but that could be anyone. And if he was trained by the army, shouldn't he have heard of a balaclava, or at least sunglasses and a hat? He is going to commit mass murder in front of security cams bareheaded? Right.

And so on .
Later, an interesting Miles idea is that one of the underlying goals was to SELL MORE GUNS as well as just keep Project Chaos rolling .

Of course many of you will be unable to give a shred of credence to False Flags, this specific incident and the submission that there is barely anything that goes on that is correctly and truthfully reported .
Which is why I have dropped it into Conspiracy because I have neither time or interest in listening to disbelievers -----
If you cannot accept it -- move on .
Knew this was coming once MAGAts couldn't stick it on blacks, or muslims, or trans.
This OP is either an attempt for board recognition, or the OP finally saw an opening to expose how much of a nut it is.

Wait. It's both.
I got this right within minutes --- just from the released reports and then proposed narratives . It's easy once you have learned the language . It stank, as I immediately said in several threads.
Now , Miles Mathis gives detailed support for that idea which he will doubtless add to as further deceits and lies emerge .
Below is just a small section of his proposal but it gives enough for any intelligent person to start wondering whether the MSM story has any real factual basis .

The Shooting in Maine is another FAKE. Right out of Air Force, as usual.

----------Robert Card is a Junior, and his mother appears to be Brenda Card, nee Alexander. Strange, since she isn't linked to any Alexanders. We link to a Karri Card, 35, who may be a sister, and she links to a Joseph A. Condon, same age. He, too, is scrubbed, linking us to no Condons. That is another possible red flag, since the Condons are another spooky family, see the Bell Labs physicist Joseph Condon, whose father Edward was in the fake Manhattan Project.
Then we link to a Ruby Card, listed as 84 at Instantcheckmate, but 52 at MyLife. She is apparently married to a Marvin Negley, 51, so she is probably not 84. But the strange thing is that she also goes by Genevieve Smith, despite being related to no Smiths. She links us to a Nicole Herling/Card, who is apparently married to James Herling, 38, of Virginia Beach and Ewa Beach, HI, so probably a soldier at Hickam AFB.

Now let's skim the mainstream stories, which as usual are garbage. We were told in the first hours Robert Card was a nutcase who had spent time in institutions, but they are already admitting that isn't true. They have interviewed a close relative and his army buddies from Reserves, and they all say they had never heard he had any mental issues. Oops! Someone forgot to read those guys into the script. But that would have been hard to do, since the script only started late this summer, when Card is said to have started acting erratically. Tumor on the brain, I guess, like Charles Whitman. Snort, guffaw.
Then we have 18 victims. Of course. It was that or 33. But in the same reports we are told there are only eight fatalities. So which is it? The numbers aren't even close.
Plus, I have now read many reports, and I don't understand how they knew it was him immediately. Did he have on a name tag? Did he walk into the bowling alley and say, “Hi, I am Robert Card, a crazy man from the Army Reserve, and I am here to pretend to kill you for the six o'clock news”?
We have a picture of him from a security camera, but that could be anyone. And if he was trained by the army, shouldn't he have heard of a balaclava, or at least sunglasses and a hat? He is going to commit mass murder in front of security cams bareheaded? Right.

And so on .
Later, an interesting Miles idea is that one of the underlying goals was to SELL MORE GUNS as well as just keep Project Chaos rolling .

Of course many of you will be unable to give a shred of credence to False Flags, this specific incident and the submission that there is barely anything that goes on that is correctly and truthfully reported .
Which is why I have dropped it into Conspiracy because I have neither time or interest in listening to disbelievers -----
If you cannot accept it -- move on .
You should be ashamed of yourself.
they say the same about you guys biff....
Except, not a single one of you has refuted a single thing I said....

In fact, I already predicted one of you dic suckers would be making a post like this calling it a false flag...

You dic suckers have a long history of calling mass shootings like these, false flags.....

How about one of you dic suckers go to the families of the victims and tell them its a false flag -- so I can laugh at them beating the brakes off you
I got this right within minutes --- just from the released reports and then proposed narratives . It's easy once you have learned the language . It stank, as I immediately said in several threads.
Now , Miles Mathis gives detailed support for that idea which he will doubtless add to as further deceits and lies emerge .
Below is just a small section of his proposal but it gives enough for any intelligent person to start wondering whether the MSM story has any real factual basis .

The Shooting in Maine is another FAKE. Right out of Air Force, as usual.

----------Robert Card is a Junior, and his mother appears to be Brenda Card, nee Alexander. Strange, since she isn't linked to any Alexanders. We link to a Karri Card, 35, who may be a sister, and she links to a Joseph A. Condon, same age. He, too, is scrubbed, linking us to no Condons. That is another possible red flag, since the Condons are another spooky family, see the Bell Labs physicist Joseph Condon, whose father Edward was in the fake Manhattan Project.
Then we link to a Ruby Card, listed as 84 at Instantcheckmate, but 52 at MyLife. She is apparently married to a Marvin Negley, 51, so she is probably not 84. But the strange thing is that she also goes by Genevieve Smith, despite being related to no Smiths. She links us to a Nicole Herling/Card, who is apparently married to James Herling, 38, of Virginia Beach and Ewa Beach, HI, so probably a soldier at Hickam AFB.

Now let's skim the mainstream stories, which as usual are garbage. We were told in the first hours Robert Card was a nutcase who had spent time in institutions, but they are already admitting that isn't true. They have interviewed a close relative and his army buddies from Reserves, and they all say they had never heard he had any mental issues. Oops! Someone forgot to read those guys into the script. But that would have been hard to do, since the script only started late this summer, when Card is said to have started acting erratically. Tumor on the brain, I guess, like Charles Whitman. Snort, guffaw.
Then we have 18 victims. Of course. It was that or 33. But in the same reports we are told there are only eight fatalities. So which is it? The numbers aren't even close.
Plus, I have now read many reports, and I don't understand how they knew it was him immediately. Did he have on a name tag? Did he walk into the bowling alley and say, “Hi, I am Robert Card, a crazy man from the Army Reserve, and I am here to pretend to kill you for the six o'clock news”?
We have a picture of him from a security camera, but that could be anyone. And if he was trained by the army, shouldn't he have heard of a balaclava, or at least sunglasses and a hat? He is going to commit mass murder in front of security cams bareheaded? Right.

And so on .
Later, an interesting Miles idea is that one of the underlying goals was to SELL MORE GUNS as well as just keep Project Chaos rolling .

Of course many of you will be unable to give a shred of credence to False Flags, this specific incident and the submission that there is barely anything that goes on that is correctly and truthfully reported .
Which is why I have dropped it into Conspiracy because I have neither time or interest in listening to disbelievers -----
If you cannot accept it -- move on .
Why don't you go tell Alex Jones and he'll be glad to spread the whole "false flag" and "victim actors" mantra around. Worked for him in the past.
I hear he has some cash to spare. :)
I got this right within minutes --- just from the released reports and then proposed narratives . It's easy once you have learned the language . It stank, as I immediately said in several threads.
Now , Miles Mathis gives detailed support for that idea which he will doubtless add to as further deceits and lies emerge .
Below is just a small section of his proposal but it gives enough for any intelligent person to start wondering whether the MSM story has any real factual basis .

The Shooting in Maine is another FAKE. Right out of Air Force, as usual.

----------Robert Card is a Junior, and his mother appears to be Brenda Card, nee Alexander. Strange, since she isn't linked to any Alexanders. We link to a Karri Card, 35, who may be a sister, and she links to a Joseph A. Condon, same age. He, too, is scrubbed, linking us to no Condons. That is another possible red flag, since the Condons are another spooky family, see the Bell Labs physicist Joseph Condon, whose father Edward was in the fake Manhattan Project.
Then we link to a Ruby Card, listed as 84 at Instantcheckmate, but 52 at MyLife. She is apparently married to a Marvin Negley, 51, so she is probably not 84. But the strange thing is that she also goes by Genevieve Smith, despite being related to no Smiths. She links us to a Nicole Herling/Card, who is apparently married to James Herling, 38, of Virginia Beach and Ewa Beach, HI, so probably a soldier at Hickam AFB.

Now let's skim the mainstream stories, which as usual are garbage. We were told in the first hours Robert Card was a nutcase who had spent time in institutions, but they are already admitting that isn't true. They have interviewed a close relative and his army buddies from Reserves, and they all say they had never heard he had any mental issues. Oops! Someone forgot to read those guys into the script. But that would have been hard to do, since the script only started late this summer, when Card is said to have started acting erratically. Tumor on the brain, I guess, like Charles Whitman. Snort, guffaw.
Then we have 18 victims. Of course. It was that or 33. But in the same reports we are told there are only eight fatalities. So which is it? The numbers aren't even close.
Plus, I have now read many reports, and I don't understand how they knew it was him immediately. Did he have on a name tag? Did he walk into the bowling alley and say, “Hi, I am Robert Card, a crazy man from the Army Reserve, and I am here to pretend to kill you for the six o'clock news”?
We have a picture of him from a security camera, but that could be anyone. And if he was trained by the army, shouldn't he have heard of a balaclava, or at least sunglasses and a hat? He is going to commit mass murder in front of security cams bareheaded? Right.

And so on .
Later, an interesting Miles idea is that one of the underlying goals was to SELL MORE GUNS as well as just keep Project Chaos rolling .

Of course many of you will be unable to give a shred of credence to False Flags, this specific incident and the submission that there is barely anything that goes on that is correctly and truthfully reported .
Which is why I have dropped it into Conspiracy because I have neither time or interest in listening to disbelievers -----
If you cannot accept it -- move on .
He was identified by locals 30 minutes or so after Card's photo was released.

He had no mental issues until this year, beginning in the summer....thus co soldiers did not know.... who had served with him over the years.

The reason only 8 charges for murder initially, is because the other 10 victims had been blown to pieces in identifiable areas and DNA testing had to be done to identify them...once identified the murder charges grew to the full amount.

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