The Lefts War on Christianity

Overall, if you look at it closely, there does appear to be a campaign against Christianity perpetrated by many on the left.

Notice they often mock Jesus & Christian symbols openly and savagely....but never Allah or Muhammad, even though Islam is all about the denial of human rights and personal abuse. I get that they might feel targeted by the Bible's open accusations of homosexuality as a sin.
If it is not a choice, and they feel their own sex is "natural" for them, it's not their fault as I see it. Although as a heterosexual person, completely understanding their position is never easy.

Not sure if it's their "validating" Christianity or just plain evil or deep rooted angst with their own lives.
Maybe unintentional validating.
If it were just the lefts love of evil they would also be attacking Islam, Buddhism, and every other religion in America with equal venom.
The right wing is trying to bring Religion into the Court room.

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Two thousand years later and the right wing still can't love God enough to obey Ten simple Commandments.

They don't love God because the masses have been brainwashed right into that htinking. It's called INDOCTRINATION since the sixties.
Today it's everything wrong is right , and everything right is wrong.

Obama pushed that all, but really it has started in the schools..................

By eliminating God you can fk whatever walks, get preg, hey just kill it over and over, sell your body for sex, watch whores and pole dancers in music videos, tv shows movies etc. the list goes on and on...
The left only hate Christianity, which in itself validates it is the one true faith. Any other religion can do whatever because they are false religions. Case in point. Los Angeles County was sued because of a tiny cross on their County Seal. The City of the Angels was founded as a mission, how dare the image of a mission have a cross on it!

So thank you leftists for validating Christianity is the one true faith.

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Hector Villagra, executive director of the ACLU of Southern California, and Linda M. Burrow, with the private law firm Caldwell, Leslie & Proctor, which joined in representing the plaintiffs, said in a statement of their own that the court’s ruling “recognizes that Los Angeles is a diverse county comprised of adherents of hundreds of faiths as well as non-believers, all of whom are entitled to be treated with equal dignity by their government.”

Christian cross has no place on L.A. County seal, judge rules

"This is a great victory for the Constitution, for the 1st Amendment of the Constitution, for the premise that the government should not be in the religion endorsement business," he said.
What is the name of those people who eradicated history to fit their agenda? Oh yeah. Stalin, Hitler, Mao.........
This from the Republican Party that just threw its financial support behind an accused child molester & proven stalker of teen aged girls.

Supprtors of an accused child rapist Trump who supports one of his own, Moore.

'So really, Shove your fake Christianity up your hypocritical ass. We now know exactly how "religious:" you Trumpettes really are.
This from the Republican Party that just threw its financial support behind an accused child molester & proven stalker of teen aged girls.

Supprtors of an accused child rapist Trump who supports one of his own, Moore.

'So really, Shove your fake Christianity up your hypocritical ass. We now know exactly how "religious:" you Trumpettes really are.
You leftards require lies to survive.
Lol Christians are the overwhelming majority of the country, overwhelmingly dominate the government, are actively trying to ban competing religions... but they’re the victims :laugh:
Yeah sure they are. Just like the fags who are forcing upon the rest of US their immoral ways. The liberals who force upon us their misery through taxation so fuckers like you don't have to work. Go look for the pokemon go and walk into a busy intersections..
The “fags” are forcing you? To do what? :rofl:

Look for pokemon? Are you a child? :cuckoo:
This from the Republican Party that just threw its financial support behind an accused child molester & proven stalker of teen aged girls.

Supprtors of an accused child rapist Trump who supports one of his own, Moore.

'So really, Shove your fake Christianity up your hypocritical ass. We now know exactly how "religious:" you Trumpettes really are.
You leftards require lies to survive.
Have you found proof of Lyin’ Ted’s dad helping to murder JFK yet? :laugh:
Lol Christians are the overwhelming majority of the country, overwhelmingly dominate the government, are actively trying to ban competing religions... but they’re the victims :laugh:
Yeah sure they are. Just like the fags who are forcing upon the rest of US their immoral ways. The liberals who force upon us their misery through taxation so fuckers like you don't have to work. Go look for the pokemon go and walk into a busy intersections..
The “fags” are forcing you? To do what? :rofl:

Look for pokemon? Are you a child? :cuckoo:
Supreme Court will be hearing a case tomorrow where homosexuals are attempting to make a man create art against his will.
This from the Republican Party that just threw its financial support behind an accused child molester & proven stalker of teen aged girls.

Supprtors of an accused child rapist Trump who supports one of his own, Moore.

'So really, Shove your fake Christianity up your hypocritical ass. We now know exactly how "religious:" you Trumpettes really are.
You guys supported a wife of an accused rapist who also allowed 4 US citizens to be left behind and die at the hands of Al Qaeda in Benghazi, who also lied about not sending or receiving classified emails. so shut the fuck up, LOSER, I get tired of you lickspittle, lapdogs, spewing the liberal kool aid. Dumbass.
Lol Christians are the overwhelming majority of the country, overwhelmingly dominate the government, are actively trying to ban competing religions... but they’re the victims :laugh:
Yeah sure they are. Just like the fags who are forcing upon the rest of US their immoral ways. The liberals who force upon us their misery through taxation so fuckers like you don't have to work. Go look for the pokemon go and walk into a busy intersections..
The “fags” are forcing you? To do what? :rofl:

Look for pokemon? Are you a child? :cuckoo:
Supreme Court will be hearing a case tomorrow where homosexuals are attempting to make a man create art against his will.
Yes, to make a cake. As we speak, a gay person somewhere is “forcing” someone to sell them a sandwich! :eek::eek::eek:

How dare this gay person attempt to exist! :mad:
If it were just the lefts love of evil they would also be attacking Islam, Buddhism, and every other religion in America with equal venom.
Maybe the left feels it is under attack from Christianity but not from other religions.
Yeah, those laws against murder and rape really piss the left off.
No, it is the laws against science that I don't appreciate. Also, I respect Christian's right to follow their moral values but I'd like the same respect when it comes to mine.
If it were just the lefts love of evil they would also be attacking Islam, Buddhism, and every other religion in America with equal venom.
Maybe the left feels it is under attack from Christianity but not from other religions.
Yeah, those laws against murder and rape really piss the left off.
No, it is the laws against science that I don't appreciate. Also, I respect Christian's right to follow their moral values but I'd like the same respect when it comes to mine.
Laws against science! DO TELL!
Lol Christians are the overwhelming majority of the country, overwhelmingly dominate the government, are actively trying to ban competing religions... but they’re the victims :laugh:
Yeah sure they are. Just like the fags who are forcing upon the rest of US their immoral ways. The liberals who force upon us their misery through taxation so fuckers like you don't have to work. Go look for the pokemon go and walk into a busy intersections..
The “fags” are forcing you? To do what? :rofl:

Look for pokemon? Are you a child? :cuckoo:
Supreme Court will be hearing a case tomorrow where homosexuals are attempting to make a man create art against his will.
Yes, to make a cake. As we speak, a gay person somewhere is “forcing” someone to sell them a sandwich! :eek::eek::eek:

How dare this gay person attempt to exist! :mad:
Like I said, the left require lies to push their agenda.
Without a doubt there is a ware on Christians and the leftist love it which always incur the same minds set of idiots..............

They hate american
they are ANTIFA
they are your Trump haters
they are you men trying to breast feed babies
they are you radical feminist
they are your anti white

And yes there are always exceptions to those rules.

Children, Entire Evangelical Families Being Arrested in Eritrea Simply for Praying

Lol Christians are the overwhelming majority of the country, overwhelmingly dominate the government, are actively trying to ban competing religions... but they’re the victims :laugh:
Yeah sure they are. Just like the fags who are forcing upon the rest of US their immoral ways. The liberals who force upon us their misery through taxation so fuckers like you don't have to work. Go look for the pokemon go and walk into a busy intersections..
The “fags” are forcing you? To do what? :rofl:

Look for pokemon? Are you a child? :cuckoo:
Supreme Court will be hearing a case tomorrow where homosexuals are attempting to make a man create art against his will.
Yes, to make a cake. As we speak, a gay person somewhere is “forcing” someone to sell them a sandwich! :eek::eek::eek:

How dare this gay person attempt to exist! :mad:
Why didn't the gay fags, go to a local bakery and not another state to buy that cake? Because it is all about fucking the rest of US, because when there are SANE people still around, you guys FEEL that you cant FORCE your ideologue on the rest of US. Well fuck you, in my business if I don't want to sell to a gay, that is my choice..
Lol Christians are the overwhelming majority of the country, overwhelmingly dominate the government, are actively trying to ban competing religions... but they’re the victims :laugh:
Yeah sure they are. Just like the fags who are forcing upon the rest of US their immoral ways. The liberals who force upon us their misery through taxation so fuckers like you don't have to work. Go look for the pokemon go and walk into a busy intersections..
The “fags” are forcing you? To do what? :rofl:

Look for pokemon? Are you a child? :cuckoo:
Supreme Court will be hearing a case tomorrow where homosexuals are attempting to make a man create art against his will.
Yes, to make a cake. As we speak, a gay person somewhere is “forcing” someone to sell them a sandwich! :eek::eek::eek:

How dare this gay person attempt to exist! :mad:
Why didn't the gay fags, go to a local bakery and not another state to buy that cake? Because it is all about fucking the rest of US, because when there are SANE people still around, you guys FEEL that you cant FORCE your ideologue on the rest of US. Well fuck you, in my business if I don't want to sell to a gay, that is my choice..
How will you know? Have you developed a test? If not, then you are not taking your stance seriously and it’s pretty pathetic.

Poor little victim :itsok:
Yeah sure they are. Just like the fags who are forcing upon the rest of US their immoral ways. The liberals who force upon us their misery through taxation so fuckers like you don't have to work. Go look for the pokemon go and walk into a busy intersections..
The “fags” are forcing you? To do what? :rofl:

Look for pokemon? Are you a child? :cuckoo:
Supreme Court will be hearing a case tomorrow where homosexuals are attempting to make a man create art against his will.
Yes, to make a cake. As we speak, a gay person somewhere is “forcing” someone to sell them a sandwich! :eek::eek::eek:

How dare this gay person attempt to exist! :mad:
Why didn't the gay fags, go to a local bakery and not another state to buy that cake? Because it is all about fucking the rest of US, because when there are SANE people still around, you guys FEEL that you cant FORCE your ideologue on the rest of US. Well fuck you, in my business if I don't want to sell to a gay, that is my choice..
How will you know? Have you developed a test? If not, then you are not taking your stance seriously and it’s pretty pathetic.

Poor little victim :itsok:
We all know why you love to force Christians to perform for you homosexuals.
Thanks for validating the OP.

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