The left's thanksgiving prayers?

that dog won't hunt. in fact its dead. Osama is totally responsible. period !!!!

What specific actions has Obama taken that has directly led to job loss?

how many trillions did he spend on a failed stim pack for unemployment??? taxpayers money. and the national unemployment rate is over 10% - worst ever since 83. why don't you ask him

You said that he is solely responsible for the unemployment, how exactly is that the case. Examples, not platitudes.
And the lefty thanksgiving prayer continues "lord thanks for the hope from the dope and the change from the deranged. Thanks for screwing up this country and trying to make us into the image of Ayers and Wright. Thanks for the lefty media who overlook this con man ass hole's glaring mistakes and weaknesses. Thanks for the white house dope's lefty handlers and speech writers. And oh yes thanks for the teleprompter - it has mesmerized the mentally challenged and gullible."

"And yes lord please continue making the electorate the mentally challenged and gullible dupes that elected the con man in the first place."

Now pass the turkey.
I pray that every self-righteous conservative will find a heart. There is only one way that might happen. For them to trade places with people that lost their jobs, homes, healthcare, and dignity.

I don't know when the Republican party turned into such unfeeling, uncaring people. But I know you can fix them. So please, Lord, let them know what it feels like. Amen.
The con man is responsible for the current status. He owns it and all your lefty blather bull shit doesn't change that fact.
The left's thanksgiving prayers?

Most are atheists or agnostics, but there are some who pray. They pray for the usual:

1. Abortion on Demand
2. Homosexual marriage
3. Government run everything (including health care)
4. Gun control
5. Legalize marijuana

They are most thankful for Obama (the 'great one'), Pelosi and Reid.
The left's thanksgiving prayers?

Most are atheists or agnostics, but there are some who pray. They pray for the usual:

1. Abortion on Demand
2. Homosexual marriage
3. Government run everything (including health care)
4. Gun control
5. Legalize marijuana

They are most thankful for Obama (the 'great one'), Pelosi and Reid.

Weird, if abortion, homosexual marriage, government healthcare and legalize marijuana was in the second amendment the right wing would accept the customs. Just find it strange that someone or anyone would be so bent on controlling the behaviors of others when they scream they have the liberty to process firearms.
The left's thanksgiving prayers?

Most are atheists or agnostics, but there are some who pray. They pray for the usual:

1. Abortion on Demand
2. Homosexual marriage
3. Government run everything (including health care)
4. Gun control
5. Legalize marijuana

They are most thankful for Obama (the 'great one'), Pelosi and Reid.

Weird, if abortion, homosexual marriage, government healthcare and legalize marijuana was in the second amendment the right wing would accept the customs. Just find it strange that someone or anyone would be so bent on controlling the behaviors of others when they scream they have the liberty to process firearms.

Liberals are bent on controlling the behaviors of others (see above). Many Republicans are as well. Both are wrong.
What specific actions has Obama taken that has directly led to job loss?

how many trillions did he spend on a failed stim pack for unemployment??? taxpayers money. and the national unemployment rate is over 10% - worst ever since 83. why don't you ask him

You said that he is solely responsible for the unemployment, how exactly is that the case. Examples, not platitudes.

his bail outs have cost thousand of job. don't understand ???? use a search engine. his right hand whore Pelosi has turned calif into a wasteland and cost over 70,000 jobs. and on it rolls. over 10% and going up. explain please.
The Left's Thanksgiving Prayer: "Please God make it so that more Americans buy our BOOOOOOOOOOOSSHH AN FOX NOOOOOOOOOOOZ B.S. because God knows we are a miserable failure at this point." Sounds about right no? :)
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how many trillions did he spend on a failed stim pack for unemployment??? taxpayers money. and the national unemployment rate is over 10% - worst ever since 83. why don't you ask him

You said that he is solely responsible for the unemployment, how exactly is that the case. Examples, not platitudes.

his bail outs have cost thousand of job. don't understand ???? use a search engine. his right hand whore Pelosi has turned calif into a wasteland and cost over 70,000 jobs. and on it rolls. over 10% and going up. explain please.

No no no. See I didn't ask to be told to look it up, I wanted you to point me to a specific item that Obama advocated for that directly led to job cuts. Not that unemployment has gone up, that is clear, but that the rise is due directly to Obama and not overall market factors. So try again.
that dog won't hunt. in fact its dead. Osama is totally responsible. period !!!!

What specific actions has Obama taken that has directly led to job loss?

how many trillions did he spend on a failed stim pack for unemployment??? taxpayers money. and the national unemployment rate is over 10% - worst ever since 83. why don't you ask him

That's not an answer. If you're going to make such a dramatic statement, you need to be able to back it up. Otherwise, you look pretty foolish.
how many trillions did he spend on a failed stim pack for unemployment??? taxpayers money. and the national unemployment rate is over 10% - worst ever since 83. why don't you ask him

You said that he is solely responsible for the unemployment, how exactly is that the case. Examples, not platitudes.

his bail outs have cost thousand of job. don't understand ???? use a search engine. his right hand whore Pelosi has turned calif into a wasteland and cost over 70,000 jobs. and on it rolls. over 10% and going up. explain please.

Can't you answer a simple question????
that dog won't hunt. in fact its dead. Osama is totally responsible. period !!!!

if President Bush is gonna take the heat for obamalamas abject failures I think obamalama should vacate the wh and let the Bush's move back in. obamalama either needs to shit or get off the pot..
Real "lefites" will be found at St. Anthony's dinning room and similar charities across our nation serving food donated by lefties, liberals and progressives. Real lefties have been collecting warm coasts to donate to charities to keep the homeless warm.
Say your prayers acts, but God measures our life in acts not words (maybe you should change your 'name' - I have a suggestion or two). How about "troll acting out self righteous and partisan bull shit"?

Ahhh.. lest you forget the donations of such things by 'real righties' as well.. and the fact that conservatives, republicans, and other non-'lefties' contribute a lot to charities..

You could possibly be proud of the fact that 'real lefties' try to wield power to force donations to causes they deem righteous, or at least causes that can help gain votes.. because it is real easy to be generous and charitable with the money of others

Of course donations come from both sides of the aisle, the difference suggested in my post is some donate time and money; others sit at a well laden table and say a pray.
What do you do (don't answer Dave, I read enough bull shit from your 'kind')?!!!

I donated 3 months of my time post Katrina and came home exhausted every night flipped on the TV and listened to the liberals bitch every night about the RED CROSS.. and guess who is re building NOLA??? Illegals that's who,, unemployment is at 15% and the libtards in NOLA hired illegals.. go figure.
Warning: Reading the following post may cause you to choke on your beverage or food item. I know the following sarcasm almost made me laugh until I about passed out.

I am thankful that I can understand facts, the real definitions of words and dont have to deny reality to retain my political jbeliefs.

Giant flash, zap, pow, BOOM. Ah, poor Truthmatters, we barely knew thee. Oh well, pass the potatoes.
Do you suppose they will thank the good lord for allowing Obamacare to pay for abortions? The apology tour? The deficit? The job numbers? The tax hikes? The housing debacle? The government takeover of the automobile industry? The bows to foreigners? The NYC trial of terrorists? The dithering on Afghanistan? Throwing allies under the bus? The political correctness that could have very well have led to the terrorist attack at Ft Hood. The list is almost endless.

Sure be interesting to be at a lefty thanksgiving table just for the prayers. Might lose one's appetite and their prayer might take longer than the dinner.

I thank God I live in a country that allows even morons like yourself to spew such crap.
that dog won't hunt. in fact its dead. Osama is totally responsible. period !!!!

if President Bush is gonna take the heat for obamalamas abject failures I think obamalama should vacate the wh and let the Bush's move back in. obamalama either needs to shit or get off the pot..

Why??? You all gave Bush 8 years to make mistake after mistake and never said a damn word. So just sit back and shut up and give Obama a chance and quit whining!!!!

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