The Left’s Racist Past


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Left’s Racist Past

22 Mar 2016 ~~ By Thomas Sowell
Much is made of the fact that liberals and conservatives see racial issues differently, which they do. But these differences have too often been seen as simply those on the right being racist and those on the left not.
You can cherry-pick the evidence to reach that conclusion. But you can also cherry-pick the evidence to reach the opposite conclusion.
During the heyday of the Progressive movement in the early 20th century, people on the left were in the forefront of those promoting doctrines of innate, genetic inferiority of not only blacks but also of people from Eastern Europe and Southern Europe, as compared with people from Western Europe.
Liberals today tend to either glide over the undeniable racism of progressive president Woodrow Wilson or else treat it as an anomaly of some sort. But racism on the left at that time was not an anomaly, either for President Wilson or for numerous other stalwarts of the Progressive movement.
Progressive intellectuals who crusaded against the admission of immigrants from Eastern Europe and Southern Europe, branding them as genetically inferior, included many prominent academic scholars — such as heads of such scholarly organizations as the American Economic Association and the American Sociological Association.
Southern segregationists who railed against blacks were often also Progressives who railed against Wall Street. Back in those days, blacks voted for Republicans as automatically as they vote for Democrats today.
Where the Democrats’ president Woodrow Wilson introduced racial segregation into those government agencies in Washington where it did not exist at the time, Republican president Calvin Coolidge’s wife invited the wives of black congressmen to the White House. As late as 1957, civil-rights legislation was sponsored in Congress by Republicans and opposed by Democrats.
Later, when the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was sponsored by Democrats, a higher percentage of congressional Republicans voted for it than did congressional Democrats. Revisionist histories tell a different story. But, as Casey Stengel used to say, “You could look it up” — in the Congressional Record, in this case.
The biggest difference between the Left and Right today, when it comes to racial issues, is that liberals tend to take the side of those blacks who are doing the wrong things — hoodlums the Left depicts as martyrs, while the Right defends those blacks more likely to be the victims of those hoodlums.

The author shows his acumen to explain the truth about the Racist and Marxist Socialist Progressive Party that despite all protestation is still the Democrat Party we see today. They have not changed their ideology only the methods and use of propganda to acheive their primary goals. Governments' total power, segregation and enslavement of the people and destruction of the U.S. Constitution and it's Bill of Rights.
Woodrow Wilson and Frankli D. Roosevelt were the epitome of these values that included drawing us into two world wars.

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The Left’s Racist Past

22 Mar 2016 ~~ By Thomas Sowell
Much is made of the fact that liberals and conservatives see racial issues differently, which they do. But these differences have too often been seen as simply those on the right being racist and those on the left not.
You can cherry-pick the evidence to reach that conclusion. But you can also cherry-pick the evidence to reach the opposite conclusion.
During the heyday of the Progressive movement in the early 20th century, people on the left were in the forefront of those promoting doctrines of innate, genetic inferiority of not only blacks but also of people from Eastern Europe and Southern Europe, as compared with people from Western Europe.
Liberals today tend to either glide over the undeniable racism of progressive president Woodrow Wilson or else treat it as an anomaly of some sort. But racism on the left at that time was not an anomaly, either for President Wilson or for numerous other stalwarts of the Progressive movement.
Progressive intellectuals who crusaded against the admission of immigrants from Eastern Europe and Southern Europe, branding them as genetically inferior, included many prominent academic scholars — such as heads of such scholarly organizations as the American Economic Association and the American Sociological Association.
Southern segregationists who railed against blacks were often also Progressives who railed against Wall Street. Back in those days, blacks voted for Republicans as automatically as they vote for Democrats today.
Where the Democrats’ president Woodrow Wilson introduced racial segregation into those government agencies in Washington where it did not exist at the time, Republican president Calvin Coolidge’s wife invited the wives of black congressmen to the White House. As late as 1957, civil-rights legislation was sponsored in Congress by Republicans and opposed by Democrats.
Later, when the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was sponsored by Democrats, a higher percentage of congressional Republicans voted for it than did congressional Democrats. Revisionist histories tell a different story. But, as Casey Stengel used to say, “You could look it up” — in the Congressional Record, in this case.
The biggest difference between the Left and Right today, when it comes to racial issues, is that liberals tend to take the side of those blacks who are doing the wrong things — hoodlums the Left depicts as martyrs, while the Right defends those blacks more likely to be the victims of those hoodlums.

The author shows his acumen to explain the truth about the Racist and Marxist Socialist Progressive Party that despite all protestation is still the Democrat Party we see today. They have not changed their ideology only the methods and use of propganda to acheive their primary goals. Governments' total power, segregation and enslavement of the people and destruction of the U.S. Constitution and it's Bill of Rights.
Woodrow Wilson and Frankli D. Roosevelt were the epitome of these values that included drawing us into two world wars.

Thanks for the wonderful post.
Dems have always been racist. But they did wise up and figure out they could use the black vote by promising them welfare.

Today they keep incompetent politicians in charge of urban black neighborhoods and cities, cutting funding to cops, allowing criminals back on streets, keep their neighborhoods overrun by crime, drugs, and violence. They promoted policies to break the family unit in blacks, leading to the highest single moms, which keeps them on welfare forever.

LBJ was right, he’s got them voting Dem for 200 years.
The Left’s Racist Past

22 Mar 2016 ~~ By Thomas Sowell
Much is made of the fact that liberals and conservatives see racial issues differently, which they do. But these differences have too often been seen as simply those on the right being racist and those on the left not.
You can cherry-pick the evidence to reach that conclusion. But you can also cherry-pick the evidence to reach the opposite conclusion.
During the heyday of the Progressive movement in the early 20th century, people on the left were in the forefront of those promoting doctrines of innate, genetic inferiority of not only blacks but also of people from Eastern Europe and Southern Europe, as compared with people from Western Europe.
Liberals today tend to either glide over the undeniable racism of progressive president Woodrow Wilson or else treat it as an anomaly of some sort. But racism on the left at that time was not an anomaly, either for President Wilson or for numerous other stalwarts of the Progressive movement.
Progressive intellectuals who crusaded against the admission of immigrants from Eastern Europe and Southern Europe, branding them as genetically inferior, included many prominent academic scholars — such as heads of such scholarly organizations as the American Economic Association and the American Sociological Association.
Southern segregationists who railed against blacks were often also Progressives who railed against Wall Street. Back in those days, blacks voted for Republicans as automatically as they vote for Democrats today.
Where the Democrats’ president Woodrow Wilson introduced racial segregation into those government agencies in Washington where it did not exist at the time, Republican president Calvin Coolidge’s wife invited the wives of black congressmen to the White House. As late as 1957, civil-rights legislation was sponsored in Congress by Republicans and opposed by Democrats.
Later, when the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was sponsored by Democrats, a higher percentage of congressional Republicans voted for it than did congressional Democrats. Revisionist histories tell a different story. But, as Casey Stengel used to say, “You could look it up” — in the Congressional Record, in this case.
The biggest difference between the Left and Right today, when it comes to racial issues, is that liberals tend to take the side of those blacks who are doing the wrong things — hoodlums the Left depicts as martyrs, while the Right defends those blacks more likely to be the victims of those hoodlums.

The author shows his acumen to explain the truth about the Racist and Marxist Socialist Progressive Party that despite all protestation is still the Democrat Party we see today. They have not changed their ideology only the methods and use of propganda to acheive their primary goals. Governments' total power, segregation and enslavement of the people and destruction of the U.S. Constitution and it's Bill of Rights.
Woodrow Wilson and Frankli D. Roosevelt were the epitome of these values that included drawing us into two world wars.

"past"? Was there ever a time the left-wing wasn't racist? They are racists right now.

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