The Left Think the World is Overpopulated


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Because they never leave their inner city cesspits and hate Western civilization. I’ve driven across America several times, and 98% of it you don’t see even an outhouse.

In fact, you can take the entire population of the WORLD and everyone would fit into an area the size of Texas with a 2,000 sq ft home for four and a 60x100 lot.

The Left hate babies.

Because they never leave their inner city cesspits and hate Western civilization. I’ve driven across America several times, and 98% of it you don’t see even an outhouse.

In fact, you can take the entire population of the WORLD and everyone would fit into an area the size of Texas with a 2,000 sq ft home for four and a 60x100 lot.

The Left hate babies.

The left is demonic.
Because they never leave their inner city cesspits and hate Western civilization. I’ve driven across America several times, and 98% of it you don’t see even an outhouse.

In fact, you can take the entire population of the WORLD and everyone would fit into an area the size of Texas with a 2,000 sq ft home for four and a 60x100 lot.

The Left hate babies.

Yet if you put all the people "shoulder to shoulder" and "back to front", the total area covered would be the state of Texas. It is true that Marxists/Demofascists give away free shit so uneducated people flock to the city so they can rule over them, but when the city goes out of control like we are seeing of late, then the leftists start howling that the sheeple need to be led to the slaughter, all in the name of "Democracy".
Because they never leave their inner city cesspits and hate Western civilization. I’ve driven across America several times, and 98% of it you don’t see even an outhouse.

In fact, you can take the entire population of the WORLD and everyone would fit into an area the size of Texas with a 2,000 sq ft home for four and a 60x100 lot.

The Left hate babies.

They' don't believe any such thing...They're just misanthropes, and that's the best cheap excuse that they can come up with to hide behind.
Yet if you put all the people "shoulder to shoulder" and "back to front", the total area covered would be the state of Texas. It is true that Marxists/Demofascists give away free shit so uneducated people flock to the city so they can rule over them, but when the city goes out of control like we are seeing of late, then the leftists start howling that the sheeple need to be led to the slaughter, all in the name of "Democracy".
Nope. Every person on earth would fit in Rhode Island on about 6 square feet each. Do the math.
Yet if you put all the people "shoulder to shoulder" and "back to front", the total area covered would be the state of Texas. It is true that Marxists/Demofascists give away free shit so uneducated people flock to the city so they can rule over them, but when the city goes out of control like we are seeing of late, then the leftists start howling that the sheeple need to be led to the slaughter, all in the name of "Democracy".
I don't think that's right....We wouldn't need to be that crowded...

Because they never leave their inner city cesspits and hate Western civilization. I’ve driven across America several times, and 98% of it you don’t see even an outhouse.

In fact, you can take the entire population of the WORLD and everyone would fit into an area the size of Texas with a 2,000 sq ft home for four and a 60x100 lot.

The Left hate babies.

Except for Whites. Jews and Christians.
I don't think that's right....We wouldn't need to be that crowded...

Where would the entire population fit? - Geographic FAQ Hub: Answers to Your Global Questions
The whole world’s population could fit in the U.S. state of Texas. Amazing as it may seem, the entire population of the world can be housed in Texas — and very comfortably indeed, with each person enjoying a living far in excess of that now available to all but the most wealthy.
Just saying....
Because they never leave their inner city cesspits and hate Western civilization. I’ve driven across America several times, and 98% of it you don’t see even an outhouse.

In fact, you can take the entire population of the WORLD and everyone would fit into an area the size of Texas with a 2,000 sq ft home for four and a 60x100 lot.

The Left hate babies.

more people need more water and generate more waste.

all those amber waves of grain and stuff you drive through. someone owns it. so where do all these extra unemployed homeless people go? .
The population of the US.

1970....203.12 million.

2020....331.50 million.

Of course that does not even account for FJB's open borders.

Yeah, I'd say there is too many people too. That's one hell of a increase in just 40 years.

You used to be safe being 25 miles from a population center....Now it's 80 miles....Even worse if there is train service or a interstate nearby.

The rush of the lemmings into NOtVA/DC starts at around 0430 in my AO and I'm 60 miles out.

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