The left sees the presidency like a monarchy


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
I've kind figured out that the left sees the presidency as a dictator of sorts. Colin Powell said something kind of perplexing by saying congress hasn't passed a budget in six years. This true. One has not been signed into law by Obama because Obama will not. Instead he just appropriates money however he likes and a lot of people are OK with this. The implication behind Powell's accusation is that the congress should pass something that the president approves of and he dictates to them what the budget should be. Why even have a congress at all if they themselves aren't expected to have any real authority in this matter.

Do you realize that we maybe approaching a situation in this country where the legislative branch of the federal government has no real power whatsoever? It hasn't happened yet but it just seems that the president is expected to do everything in our government and every other branch has no real authority that the people acknowledge or respect anymore.
The left sees the presidency like a monarchy

Why do you think I'm running as a progressive...... And a right wing reactionary...... I'm hitting all bases. :thup:
There is no doubt the Congress is somehow afraid to use the power it has to force some sort of compromise. The compromise has to come from the executive branch, which has not been forthcoming. The branches are supposed to work together for the good of the citizen and our national interests.

It has evolved into a sideshow.The biased media has sided with progressives and what is popular to think is decided by them. Waiting in the shadows are the race card, the bigot and hater card, and the big one the guilt card. All used to the extent that any opposition or debate is all but shutdown.
I'm sorry OP but the left just aren't that smart. Most of them don't even know what their own candidate's policies are its pathetic.

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