The left mocks your desire to protect....


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
...your right to defend yourself and your country from despotism...but in the next breath supports Palestinians who blow up buses filled with innocent woman and children, fire rockets indiscriminately into urban centers and shoot Israeli Olympians in cold blood in the name of "politics by other means" .

I have no explanation for this hypocrisy.
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“Anti-Semitism” is a term that was coined in Europe during the latter half of the nineteenth century. Prominent Jewish scholars used it to characterize the emerging theories that “Semitic” races were inferior to “Aryan” races. Despite the fact that Arabs are Semitic, the term is now exclusively understood to mean “prejudiced against or hostile toward Jews,” according to all major dictionaries.

A similar phenomenon occurred with the word “holocaust,” referring to the period of Nazi rule in Germany from 1933 to 1945 during which Russians, gypsies, Jews, homosexuals, political opponents of the regime and prisoners of war were systematically executed. Today, visitors to Auschwitz, one of the many concentration camps built throughout Nazi-occupied Europe, find little tribute to any group other than Jews; Israeli flags litter the grounds and signs are written in Hebrew. “Holocaust” is now exclusively understood as Jewish suffering.

The prolific Jewish writer and convert to Christianity Israel Shamir, explains the use of the Holocaust and the Anti-Semitic label in his 2001 essay “The Third Dove:”

More: The Myth of Anti-Semitism « The Ugly Truth
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Anyone else see a pattern forming?
Yep. La Raza tipped me off when they brought the Mexican Flag into their many protest marches and caterwauls. In the 50s that might have started a war Mexico couldn't win before the Communist University Professors took our universities over, evident when the universities started eliminating ROTCs from their America-forsaking campuses.
Well, Lakhota, after seven posts in this thread, did not even once attempt to refute or explain the premise of the OP.

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