The Left hates the Middle Class


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
Never forget that the Bourgeoisie is the middle class, not the "rich," but the merchants and craftsman of the middle.

The left has waged war against the middle class since the time of Karl Marx. All of the current talk about Obama's class warfare against the rich is a smokescreen, the war the left wages against America is a war to crush and obliterate the middle class.

Ending the middle class is, and always has been, the primary goal of the left.
Never forget that the Bourgeoisie is the middle class, not the "rich," but the merchants and craftsman of the middle.

The left has waged war against the middle class since the time of Karl Marx. All of the current talk about Obama's class warfare against the rich is a smokescreen, the war the left wages against America is a war to crush and obliterate the middle class.

Ending the middle class is, and always has been, the primary goal of the left.

Lets see what Republicans do for the middle class in the next 2-8 years.
Never forget that the Bourgeoisie is the middle class, not the "rich," but the merchants and craftsman of the middle.

The left has waged war against the middle class since the time of Karl Marx. All of the current talk about Obama's class warfare against the rich is a smokescreen, the war the left wages against America is a war to crush and obliterate the middle class.

Ending the middle class is, and always has been, the primary goal of the left.

Lets see what Republicans do for the middle class in the next 2-8 years.

They will grow the middle class, hence beating back the gains you fascists made under Obama. It's already happening. The Bourgeoisie is rebounding under Trump, the two tiered society you promote of a 1% elite ruling over an impoverished mass if faltering, despite the gains you made under Obama.
Never forget that the Bourgeoisie is the middle class, not the "rich," but the merchants and craftsman of the middle.

The left has waged war against the middle class since the time of Karl Marx. All of the current talk about Obama's class warfare against the rich is a smokescreen, the war the left wages against America is a war to crush and obliterate the middle class.

Ending the middle class is, and always has been, the primary goal of the left.

Lets see what Republicans do for the middle class in the next 2-8 years.

They will grow the middle class, hence beating back the gains you fascists made under Obama. It's already happening. The Bourgeoisie is rebounding under Trump, the two tiered society you promote of a 1% elite ruling over an impoverished mass if faltering, despite the gains you made under Obama.

You can show me the income gap widening is no longer happening? Liar. The middle class is paying more in taxes, bills, healthcare. And we are not getting raises. The middle class (blue collar) are still struggling. Can you show me things are getting better for them besides the antidotle stories about how some guys business picked up when illegals left?
Never forget that the Bourgeoisie is the middle class, not the "rich," but the merchants and craftsman of the middle.

The left has waged war against the middle class since the time of Karl Marx. All of the current talk about Obama's class warfare against the rich is a smokescreen, the war the left wages against America is a war to crush and obliterate the middle class.

Ending the middle class is, and always has been, the primary goal of the left.

Lets see what Republicans do for the middle class in the next 2-8 years.

They will grow the middle class, hence beating back the gains you fascists made under Obama. It's already happening. The Bourgeoisie is rebounding under Trump, the two tiered society you promote of a 1% elite ruling over an impoverished mass if faltering, despite the gains you made under Obama.

A fair assessment is probably this: Trump has done a little for the middle class, but he could be doing a lot more.

"In the Heartland, they're looking for very immediate, tangible improvements in their day-to-day well-being. I'm not seeing that yet," says Peter Atwater, president of Financial Insyghts.

Here's a rundown:

1. His record on jobs. When it comes to jobs, Trump has added 317,000 in two full months so far. His pace of job gains is almost exactly the same as what happened last year under President Obama. It's early days, but the economy has yet to be turbocharged like Trump promised.

2. His executive orders. Trump says he is saving the coal industry and enacting "Hire American" policies. He has signed several executive orders along those lines, but just about everyone -- even coal executives -- agree the coal jobs aren't coming back.

3. His trade deals. Perhaps the biggest surprise in Trump's first 100 days is how much he has toned down on trade. Yes, his administration has already slapped tariffs on Canadian lumber, but he isn't ripping up NAFTA, the free trade agreement with Canada and Mexico that he says "destroyed" America.

4. His tax plan. As promised, the White House tax plan includes cuts for middle and moderate income folks, but the rich and corporations get even more goodies. "The majority of the benefits go to high-income people,

A typical middle class family would save about $1,000 on their taxes, according to a Tax Policy Center analysis of the tax plan Trump pitched on the campaign trail. In contrast, a family in the top 1% would save about $215,000 and family in the top 0.1% would save over $1 million.

Not very impressive at all.
Never forget that the Bourgeoisie is the middle class, not the "rich," but the merchants and craftsman of the middle.

The left has waged war against the middle class since the time of Karl Marx. All of the current talk about Obama's class warfare against the rich is a smokescreen, the war the left wages against America is a war to crush and obliterate the middle class.

Ending the middle class is, and always has been, the primary goal of the left.

Lets see what Republicans do for the middle class in the next 2-8 years.
we're all watching.
Never forget that the Bourgeoisie is the middle class, not the "rich," but the merchants and craftsman of the middle.

The left has waged war against the middle class since the time of Karl Marx. All of the current talk about Obama's class warfare against the rich is a smokescreen, the war the left wages against America is a war to crush and obliterate the middle class.

Ending the middle class is, and always has been, the primary goal of the left.

Lets see what Republicans do for the middle class in the next 2-8 years.

They will grow the middle class, hence beating back the gains you fascists made under Obama. It's already happening. The Bourgeoisie is rebounding under Trump, the two tiered society you promote of a 1% elite ruling over an impoverished mass if faltering, despite the gains you made under Obama.

A fair assessment is probably this: Trump has done a little for the middle class, but he could be doing a lot more.

"In the Heartland, they're looking for very immediate, tangible improvements in their day-to-day well-being. I'm not seeing that yet," says Peter Atwater, president of Financial Insyghts.

Here's a rundown:

1. His record on jobs. When it comes to jobs, Trump has added 317,000 in two full months so far. His pace of job gains is almost exactly the same as what happened last year under President Obama. It's early days, but the economy has yet to be turbocharged like Trump promised.

2. His executive orders. Trump says he is saving the coal industry and enacting "Hire American" policies. He has signed several executive orders along those lines, but just about everyone -- even coal executives -- agree the coal jobs aren't coming back.

3. His trade deals. Perhaps the biggest surprise in Trump's first 100 days is how much he has toned down on trade. Yes, his administration has already slapped tariffs on Canadian lumber, but he isn't ripping up NAFTA, the free trade agreement with Canada and Mexico that he says "destroyed" America.

4. His tax plan. As promised, the White House tax plan includes cuts for middle and moderate income folks, but the rich and corporations get even more goodies. "The majority of the benefits go to high-income people,

A typical middle class family would save about $1,000 on their taxes, according to a Tax Policy Center analysis of the tax plan Trump pitched on the campaign trail. In contrast, a family in the top 1% would save about $215,000 and family in the top 0.1% would save over $1 million.

Not very impressive at all.
dude, it all rides on obummer fail
Never forget that the Bourgeoisie is the middle class, not the "rich," but the merchants and craftsman of the middle.

The left has waged war against the middle class since the time of Karl Marx. All of the current talk about Obama's class warfare against the rich is a smokescreen, the war the left wages against America is a war to crush and obliterate the middle class.

Ending the middle class is, and always has been, the primary goal of the left.

Lets see what Republicans do for the middle class in the next 2-8 years.

They will grow the middle class, hence beating back the gains you fascists made under Obama. It's already happening. The Bourgeoisie is rebounding under Trump, the two tiered society you promote of a 1% elite ruling over an impoverished mass if faltering, despite the gains you made under Obama.

A fair assessment is probably this: Trump has done a little for the middle class, but he could be doing a lot more.

"In the Heartland, they're looking for very immediate, tangible improvements in their day-to-day well-being. I'm not seeing that yet," says Peter Atwater, president of Financial Insyghts.

Here's a rundown:

1. His record on jobs. When it comes to jobs, Trump has added 317,000 in two full months so far. His pace of job gains is almost exactly the same as what happened last year under President Obama. It's early days, but the economy has yet to be turbocharged like Trump promised.

2. His executive orders. Trump says he is saving the coal industry and enacting "Hire American" policies. He has signed several executive orders along those lines, but just about everyone -- even coal executives -- agree the coal jobs aren't coming back.

3. His trade deals. Perhaps the biggest surprise in Trump's first 100 days is how much he has toned down on trade. Yes, his administration has already slapped tariffs on Canadian lumber, but he isn't ripping up NAFTA, the free trade agreement with Canada and Mexico that he says "destroyed" America.

4. His tax plan. As promised, the White House tax plan includes cuts for middle and moderate income folks, but the rich and corporations get even more goodies. "The majority of the benefits go to high-income people,

A typical middle class family would save about $1,000 on their taxes, according to a Tax Policy Center analysis of the tax plan Trump pitched on the campaign trail. In contrast, a family in the top 1% would save about $215,000 and family in the top 0.1% would save over $1 million.

Not very impressive at all.
dude, it all rides on obummer fail

You'll wish you had 80 months of job growth after the next Republican great recession. Don't blame Obummer.
Never forget that the Bourgeoisie is the middle class, not the "rich," but the merchants and craftsman of the middle.

The left has waged war against the middle class since the time of Karl Marx. All of the current talk about Obama's class warfare against the rich is a smokescreen, the war the left wages against America is a war to crush and obliterate the middle class.

Ending the middle class is, and always has been, the primary goal of the left.

Lets see what Republicans do for the middle class in the next 2-8 years.

They will grow the middle class, hence beating back the gains you fascists made under Obama. It's already happening. The Bourgeoisie is rebounding under Trump, the two tiered society you promote of a 1% elite ruling over an impoverished mass if faltering, despite the gains you made under Obama.

A fair assessment is probably this: Trump has done a little for the middle class, but he could be doing a lot more.

"In the Heartland, they're looking for very immediate, tangible improvements in their day-to-day well-being. I'm not seeing that yet," says Peter Atwater, president of Financial Insyghts.

Here's a rundown:

1. His record on jobs. When it comes to jobs, Trump has added 317,000 in two full months so far. His pace of job gains is almost exactly the same as what happened last year under President Obama. It's early days, but the economy has yet to be turbocharged like Trump promised.

2. His executive orders. Trump says he is saving the coal industry and enacting "Hire American" policies. He has signed several executive orders along those lines, but just about everyone -- even coal executives -- agree the coal jobs aren't coming back.

3. His trade deals. Perhaps the biggest surprise in Trump's first 100 days is how much he has toned down on trade. Yes, his administration has already slapped tariffs on Canadian lumber, but he isn't ripping up NAFTA, the free trade agreement with Canada and Mexico that he says "destroyed" America.

4. His tax plan. As promised, the White House tax plan includes cuts for middle and moderate income folks, but the rich and corporations get even more goodies. "The majority of the benefits go to high-income people,

A typical middle class family would save about $1,000 on their taxes, according to a Tax Policy Center analysis of the tax plan Trump pitched on the campaign trail. In contrast, a family in the top 1% would save about $215,000 and family in the top 0.1% would save over $1 million.

Not very impressive at all.
dude, it all rides on obummer fail

You'll wish you had 80 months of job growth after the next Republican great recession. Don't blame Obummer.
it's obummer's thing that failed. No democrat wants to make it better. Trump can't do shit about that until congress fixes it. but I digress.
The Left HATES....

4 gigabites later, we get close to filling the list....
they hate success.
The left is the middle class. We liked it back in the day when the middle class profit shared when the company made a profit. You guys sent all the good paying middle class jobs overseas. Back then the middle class made $35hr. Today they make $10. Trump promises to bring back $25 hr jobs.

That's not making America great again. That's companies gouging us workers for $10 hr we used to make.
they hate success.
The left is the middle class. We liked it back in the day when the middle class profit shared when the company made a profit. You guys sent all the good paying middle class jobs overseas. Back then the middle class made $35hr. Today they make $10. Trump promises to bring back $25 hr jobs.

That's not making America great again. That's companies gouging us workers for $10 hr we used to make.
perhaps you should familiarize yourself with why jobs left originally. Let me give you hint, it was called unions. It's why we have right to work states today. Who the fk runs unions? hmmmm me thinks that is rhetorical.

And then bang, regulation after regulation, after regulation. shit there was probably regulations on the regulations there were so many. Guess who gave us those? oh shit, rhetorical again.

Oh and then there was climate change and the target was the middle class. yep. guess again, oh yeah, rhetorical.
Never forget that the Bourgeoisie is the middle class, not the "rich," but the merchants and craftsman of the middle.

The left has waged war against the middle class since the time of Karl Marx. All of the current talk about Obama's class warfare against the rich is a smokescreen, the war the left wages against America is a war to crush and obliterate the middle class.

Ending the middle class is, and always has been, the primary goal of the left.

Lets see what Republicans do for the middle class in the next 2-8 years.

They will grow the middle class, hence beating back the gains you fascists made under Obama. It's already happening. The Bourgeoisie is rebounding under Trump, the two tiered society you promote of a 1% elite ruling over an impoverished mass if faltering, despite the gains you made under Obama.
I think W gave us a pretty good fucking. And I voted for the guy once too.
Never forget that the Bourgeoisie is the middle class, not the "rich," but the merchants and craftsman of the middle.

The left has waged war against the middle class since the time of Karl Marx. All of the current talk about Obama's class warfare against the rich is a smokescreen, the war the left wages against America is a war to crush and obliterate the middle class.

Ending the middle class is, and always has been, the primary goal of the left.

Lets see what Republicans do for the middle class in the next 2-8 years.

They will grow the middle class, hence beating back the gains you fascists made under Obama. It's already happening. The Bourgeoisie is rebounding under Trump, the two tiered society you promote of a 1% elite ruling over an impoverished mass if faltering, despite the gains you made under Obama.
I think W gave us a pretty good fucking. And I voted for the guy once too.
better than any lib.
they hate success.
The left is the middle class. We liked it back in the day when the middle class profit shared when the company made a profit. You guys sent all the good paying middle class jobs overseas. Back then the middle class made $35hr. Today they make $10. Trump promises to bring back $25 hr jobs.

That's not making America great again. That's companies gouging us workers for $10 hr we used to make.
perhaps you should familiarize yourself with why jobs left originally. Let me give you hint, it was called unions. It's why we have right to work states today. Who the fk runs unions? hmmmm me thinks that is rhetorical.

And then bang, regulation after regulation, after regulation. shit there was probably regulations on the regulations there were so many. Guess who gave us those? oh shit, rhetorical again.

Oh and then there was climate change and the target was the middle class. yep. guess again, oh yeah, rhetorical.
So companies left because Americans made too much $. Got it.
Never forget that the Bourgeoisie is the middle class, not the "rich," but the merchants and craftsman of the middle.

The left has waged war against the middle class since the time of Karl Marx. All of the current talk about Obama's class warfare against the rich is a smokescreen, the war the left wages against America is a war to crush and obliterate the middle class.

Ending the middle class is, and always has been, the primary goal of the left.

With the death of unions so goes the middle class. Who is killing the unions? The rich hate the middle class.
Never forget that the Bourgeoisie is the middle class, not the "rich," but the merchants and craftsman of the middle.

The left has waged war against the middle class since the time of Karl Marx. All of the current talk about Obama's class warfare against the rich is a smokescreen, the war the left wages against America is a war to crush and obliterate the middle class.

Ending the middle class is, and always has been, the primary goal of the left.

Lets see what Republicans do for the middle class in the next 2-8 years.

They will grow the middle class, hence beating back the gains you fascists made under Obama. It's already happening. The Bourgeoisie is rebounding under Trump, the two tiered society you promote of a 1% elite ruling over an impoverished mass if faltering, despite the gains you made under Obama.
I think W gave us a pretty good fucking. And I voted for the guy once too.
better than any lib.
Not really. He was actually the worst president in US history. Remember it used to be Jimmy Carter? Now it's not even close. Bush holds that trophy. It's why he's been in hiding for 8 years and why he's really uncomfortable in public.

I'm sorry I fucked you President and Mrs. Obama

It's ok honey. You sucked but it's not all your fault. Chaney fucked you really.
they hate success.
The left is the middle class. We liked it back in the day when the middle class profit shared when the company made a profit. You guys sent all the good paying middle class jobs overseas. Back then the middle class made $35hr. Today they make $10. Trump promises to bring back $25 hr jobs.

That's not making America great again. That's companies gouging us workers for $10 hr we used to make.
perhaps you should familiarize yourself with why jobs left originally. Let me give you hint, it was called unions. It's why we have right to work states today. Who the fk runs unions? hmmmm me thinks that is rhetorical.

And then bang, regulation after regulation, after regulation. shit there was probably regulations on the regulations there were so many. Guess who gave us those? oh shit, rhetorical again.

Oh and then there was climate change and the target was the middle class. yep. guess again, oh yeah, rhetorical.
So companies left because Americans made too much $. Got it.
I supposed that is true. without tarrifs. Why I want them. so we can bring some jobs home. Now you tell me what libs are doing to bring back $35 dollar an hour jobs? please, what was hitlery's plan? I'll wait.

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