The Last Thing We Should Do Right Now: Rush Into A Government-run Health Care System

We should continue to make money off of sick people.

The sicker they are, the more they should have to pay.....until they go bankrupt and die.

It's the American Way.

Ridiculously overpriced corporate health care is not that same thing as free market health care. I am not denying there are problems with the current system, I am just refuting that Obama's direction is the correct way to go.

Really? Then why are you supporting the people that are feeding off of the citizens of this nation? Free market health care is what we have now. And if you are fortunate enough to have an employer such a I have, it is a good thing, indeed. But if you are like most Americans, especially the old and very young, you are only somewhat better off than someone in a third world nation.
President Obama is trying his best to get at least some competition in our health care system. Oddly enough, one of the most vociferous groups seeking a government alternative to the for-profit health care organizations is a group of small businessmen, some of whom were featured in a front page article in the Idaho Statesman.

If you wish to put something on the table, other than "I don't like President Obama", have at it. Otherwise, we will just put you down as another sheep.
We can obviously see that the elderly in this nation do have health care.
Come on don't you feel compassion on those 7 million illegals who don't have health insurance? Or the 12 million that could qualify for government programs already but are too stupid to sign up for assistance? Or maybe the millions who make over $50 k a year who turn down health insurance....

I have compassion -- but Obama should show compassion for us folks who take charge of our lives and work hard to pay our taxes.

Universal Health Care will take care of the 40 million -- Talk about the tail wagging the dog.

How about this plan -- 40 million Americans don't have enough to eat. So the government will control all the food and then give out equal allotments each week to all citizens. We may have to stand in line, we may have to eat what they give us, a loaf of bread may cost $25.00 because of the government waste and red tape, there may be shortages, but the politicians will have their own special supply and they will end up with more control over our lives.

Then we could do a similiar plan to eliminate unemployment, same with housing, same with transportation and clothing. Wait -- all this sounds like Cuba -- the country people are risking their lives to leave and come here where they have no health insurance.

Damned stupid. We are paying twice as much per capita as the other industrialized nations, yet we have one of the lowest life expectencies, and highest infant mortality rates of the industrialized world. Were we paying the same as these nations, we would have money left over after covering the Americans that currently have no health care. Of course the CEOs of the HMOs would not be getting tens of millions per annum in bonuses for denying people with their insurance proper care.

This is due to the unhealthy lifestyles of Americans compared to the rest of the world. Look at for instance, the obsesity rate among Americans compared to the rest of the world.
You have compassion for the-people-that-matter. Obviously, you have had some education, and probably other advantages. Money pops up in your second paragraph, so you are probably Republican.

You seem to see working people as "the great unwashed," and you probably think you are better than everyone else because somewhere you have is a family crest. (Anyone can have one for $35). It is nothing new for you to ride on the success of others, because you are a know-it-all with few talents. What real accomplishments do YOU have anyway?

You come across as very self-serving.
You want to sit in a big office, make decisions, run the world, and pat yourself on the back for being a self-made man.
So, here is your big power conference room.
Go jack-off, you narcissist!

Reading your reply makes me wish I had as much compassion as you demonstrated -- LOL

So to show you some compassion I'll respond.
I don't have compassion for anyone. Period. You got that right.
I graduated high school. Is that what you mean by education?
All the advantages I have, I made for myself. Just takes hard work.
I am a registered republican.
I see working people as smart people and tax payers. I see work as man's salvation.
I do see myself as better than many people and equal to the rest.
What the hell is a family crest?
I do try to emulate the success of other people. Why reinvent the wheel.
Yes I do know a lot -- it comes from common sense I have been blessed with. I do have a lot of talents and I'm proud to say so.
What accomplishments do I have -- well I'm proud of the fact that I used to live from pay check to pay check and later, due to my talents I was financially able to retire at age 55 and have all the money I can use. Yeah, I love money. So what? That's why you work, right?
Yeah -- I am self made, did once set in a big office, did make important decisions, and made a lot of money. You should be so lucky.
You'll get a lot further in life if you put your energy towards making money rather that using crude and rude language.
I wish you luck. My advice to you: Look down the road to 5, 10 15, 20 years to plan your life. Don't just look forward to the next weekend, a six pack of beer, hanging with more loosers and telling each other why the world is screwed up :)

You sound like a moderate Republican.
You should not be seen or associated with a "yellow dog Democrat."
You must keep up appearances!
Thank you for your honest post.
Let the yellow dogs do the dirty work.​


Should health care be a right?
Today I heard an explanation of universal health care as a "right" that made me think. Those who believe Health Care is a right must then believe they own some part of someone Else's time and or income. If you are owed Health Care, someone has to pay for it. and someone needs to provide it. Do you follow me on this?
Those individuals who are going around gathering support for Health Care because it's a "right" need to have this explanation made clear to them. There is no such thing as free health care. Someone needs to pay and someone needs to provide the service. The people who think it's free simply don't understand this.
Maybe the taxes on all those greedy rich will cover it? Sadly I don't think there's enough wealth in the country to keep this one alive. I only hope we don't bankrupt the country before the Liberals realize what a mistake this is. I'm not going to hold my breath.
Those individuals who are going around gathering support for Health Care because it's a "right" need to have this explanation made clear to them. There is no such thing as free health care. Someone needs to pay and someone needs to provide the service. The people who think it's free simply don't understand this.
No one is asking for free health care. You would have a choice of your insurance that you now have or a public option, which would not be free.
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This is due to the unhealthy lifestyles of Americans compared to the rest of the world. Look at for instance, the obsesity rate among Americans compared to the rest of the world.

Oh, my God, are you still around this site?
I never did figure out if you were one of these free-enterprise know-it-alls, or just a basic con man.
Nope, I guess we do have confirmation.
Here is your family crest!



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This is due to the unhealthy lifestyles of Americans compared to the rest of the world. Look at for instance, the obsesity rate among Americans compared to the rest of the world.

Oh, my God, are you still around this site?
I never did figure out if you were one of these free-enterprise know-it-alls, or just a basic con man.
Nope, I guess we do have confirmation.
Here is your family crest!




I did notice that you couldn't refute what the poster was saying. Typical...coming from you. :cuckoo:

Nobody in the world has better cancer care, and heart disease care than the U.S.
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This is due to the unhealthy lifestyles of Americans compared to the rest of the world. Look at for instance, the obsesity rate among Americans compared to the rest of the world.

Oh, my God, are you still around this site?
I never did figure out if you were one of these free-enterprise know-it-alls, or just a basic con man.
Nope, I guess we do have confirmation.
Here is your family crest!




You love those I found one of you.

You are doing so well, I am so proud. Keep it up Super Dem. the rescue.:salute:


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This is due to the unhealthy lifestyles of Americans compared to the rest of the world. Look at for instance, the obsesity rate among Americans compared to the rest of the world.

Oh, my God, are you still around this site?
I never did figure out if you were one of these free-enterprise know-it-alls, or just a basic con man.
Nope, I guess we do have confirmation.
Here is your family crest!




You love those I found one of you.

You are doing so well, I am so proud. Keep it up Super Dem. the rescue.:salute:
I have seen the photo in your post #70 before, it is the picture of a developmentally disabled person. jreeves you are mocking the developmentally disabled for your twisted views. You are even lower than I thought possible. This is no game. I am putting you on ignore. This is a pancreas with cancer. People with pancreatic cancer suffer LONG painful deaths. In the end they BEG to die.

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