the Las Vegas Raiders??

great cheer leaders to

I am certain that The Raiders will be in Vegas as soon as a mega stadium can be built there.

In the meantime they will wander around the SF Bay Area from OakTown to Stanford Univ.

Silver and Black actually makes sense for Nevada since it is The Silver State.

The Raiders have played in Oakland and in Los Angeles in the past, and they have wanted to leave Oakland for a really long time.

Las Vegas is perfect. Rather hot at times but Phoenix has proved with the Cardinals that NFL football in the deserts is feasible.

Raiders in Vegas? better get off the pipe you been smoking.:biggrin:
Lets see,you are begining to sound like the OP who actually took carson serious that the raiders would be in LA this year even though i spelled it out to him many times it was just a hoax only to watch it go through one ear and out the other with him.:lmao:

Davis has lost LA as leverage for a new stadium in oakland .Carson was a hoax just as i called it MANY times around here the last year yet people did not believe me. He lost LA as leverage for a new stadium,and NOW he is using carson as leverage for a new stadium and you guys are falling for the latest hoax cooked up by the media for the raiders leaving?

you guys kill me how you all for what the LAMESTREAM media reports over and over again.:biggrin:

the SAME media who censored their facts on carson that so many here fell for hook,line,and sinker back then. the site in Carson the NFL was talking about for the Raiders,the media always censored out the fact that it was a TOXIC LAND DUMP that when you drive by there,the smell is so bad you cough yet people around here fell for it,hook,line,and sinker.Now you all are falling for the latest hoax vegas has cooked up.:biggrin:
you guys kill me how you all fall for hoax after hoax after hoax and NEVER learn your lesson.
comedy gold.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl::rofl::rofl::haha::haha:

The OP i can understand falling for it,but you all? come on now. You cant be that gullible? lol

Let's say nfl approves a move! Where will they play temporarily in Vegas? Theres nowhere to play! People aren't thinking this out! Bay Area has Levi as temporary place and Vegas has nothing! Are Raiders thinking they can play at Oakland as a lame duck for two seasons? Davis is not smart! Coliseum would be a ghost town
You seem to be as good at discussions as the Rams are at playing football.

Chargers still have the LA option and I think they will take it.

The mayor of Oakland is working to keep the Raiders there so we will see if she can. I have no idea how this will play out for the Raiders or the fans. That said, no matter where the Raiders end up they will still be my team.

the Rams are back in LA
No sh!t ... and they suck just like the last time they were in L.A. too.
When these teams move I wish they'd leave behind their old team names. Make them the Lad Vegas Turbines or something else associated with the area.
I am certain that The Raiders will be in Vegas as soon as a mega stadium can be built there.

In the meantime they will wander around the SF Bay Area from OakTown to Stanford Univ.

Silver and Black actually makes sense for Nevada since it is The Silver State.

The Raiders have played in Oakland and in Los Angeles in the past, and they have wanted to leave Oakland for a really long time.

Las Vegas is perfect. Rather hot at times but Phoenix has proved with the Cardinals that NFL football in the deserts is feasible.

Raiders in Vegas? better get off the pipe you been smoking.:biggrin:
Lets see,you are begining to sound like the OP who actually took carson serious that the raiders would be in LA this year even though i spelled it out to him many times it was just a hoax only to watch it go through one ear and out the other with him.:lmao:

Davis has lost LA as leverage for a new stadium in oakland .Carson was a hoax just as i called it MANY times around here the last year yet people did not believe me. He lost LA as leverage for a new stadium,and NOW he is using carson as leverage for a new stadium and you guys are falling for the latest hoax cooked up by the media for the raiders leaving?

you guys kill me how you all for what the LAMESTREAM media reports over and over again.:biggrin:

the SAME media who censored their facts on carson that so many here fell for hook,line,and sinker back then. the site in Carson the NFL was talking about for the Raiders,the media always censored out the fact that it was a TOXIC LAND DUMP that when you drive by there,the smell is so bad you cough yet people around here fell for it,hook,line,and sinker.Now you all are falling for the latest hoax vegas has cooked up.:biggrin:
you guys kill me how you all fall for hoax after hoax after hoax and NEVER learn your lesson.
comedy gold.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl::rofl::rofl::haha::haha:

The OP i can understand falling for it,but you all? come on now. You cant be that gullible? lol

Let's say nfl approves a move! Where will they play temporarily in Vegas? Theres nowhere to play! People aren't thinking this out! Bay Area has Levi as temporary place and Vegas has nothing! Are Raiders thinking they can play at Oakland as a lame duck for two seasons? Davis is not smart! Coliseum would be a ghost town
You seem to be as good at discussions as the Rams are at playing football.


nice game of dodgeball there,do you ALWAYS run way with your tail between your legs when confronted with pesky facts you cant counter?:biggrin:

I happen to be very good at taking people to school about teams staying and leaving cities.:D

.SEVERAL people around here thought i was crazy and did not have a clue what I was talking about two years ago when I said the Rams would be back in LA.they INSISTED they would never come back. Look who got the last laugh.:rofl::rofl::rofl::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

you are doing the SAME THING "THEY" did back then when I posted facts WHY they would move,going into evade mode changing the subject.:lmao:
Chargers still have the LA option and I think they will take it.

The mayor of Oakland is working to keep the Raiders there so we will see if she can. I have no idea how this will play out for the Raiders or the fans. That said, no matter where the Raiders end up they will still be my team.

the Rams are back in LA
No sh!t ... and they suck just like the last time they were in L.A. too.

there you go again,CHANGING THE SUBJECT about WHY the Raiders wont leave to talking about the Rams being bad. Nobody here has said the Rams would be good being back in LA their first year back,stick to the topic and address the points I made on WHY the Raiders wont leave shall we?.:haha::rofl::rolleyes-41:

you did not address a single thing I said,you ran off as you always do on this topic.

You obviously live in Nevada and are a Raiders fan the fact you wont look at all the reasons I listed why they wont be moving only seeing what you WANT to see only looking at one side of the coin EXACTLY like all the people two years ago did as well who told me I was getting desperate about the Rams coming to LA and thought I was crazy INSISTING they would never come back.:biggrin:

You are doing what they do when I ask them the question-what was it again you were saying that you were so sure on the Rams never coming back to LA?

they change the subject everytime talking about how they are losers which is VERY odd since I never said they would be winners their first year back in LA.I always said it would take time.:rolleyes:

so AGAIN,lets stick to the topic here,try and refute the facts I posted WHY the Raiders are staying in Oakland instread of running away changing the subject like the st louis apologists always do who are too arrogant to admit i proved them wrong shalll we?

I said a year ago carson was a hoax,the OP did not listen to me back then.WHO was right?
answer me that one little question.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Oh you wont answer run off and change the subject everytime I ask you a question.:rolleyes:

Is it REALLY too much for me to ask for you to stick to the topic and address my points I made on WHY the Raiders wont leave Oakland instead of changing the topic to something nobody here disagrees with you on that the Rams being in LA,are no better this year than last year? is that REALLY too much to ask? come on seriously. I dont think that is too much to ask.sheesh.
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When these teams move I wish they'd leave behind their old team names. Make them the Lad Vegas Turbines or something else associated with the area.

Except the Raiders arent leaving.:D The chargers MIGHT be in LA next year but I cant see that happening because that would be a disater for them since they have no fans whatsoever,that place would be half empty all the time.the NFL wont want a lame duck team playing in a city where nobody wants them.It could happen,anythings possible but WHY would the NFL want that?

same thing will happen with the Raiders if they left.It would be the same story for them in vegas as it was with the Rams in st louis.No home field advantage with the opposing teams outnumbering the home team fans since the people out there are transplants and have their own home team.

The NFL wont want that.
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so much for the fairy tales of the Raiders moving to Vegas which I been saying for the past year was just that,a fairy tale that Mark Davis made up for leveragae for a new stadium in Oakland. Pooper and that other troll yiostyoy will come back and throw some kind of one liner insult in defeat knowing i have taken them to school throughout this whole thread.

Report: Numerous NFL owners against Raiders moving to Las Vegas

Pooper actually thought carson was real as well and thought there was a chance the raiders and chargers would go there and could not see the obvious that it was a hoax.NOW he cant see that vegas is the latest hoax cooked up by mark davis to get a new stadium in oakland.

I said this a couple weeks ago and this article confirms it is indeed true.The NFL does not want to lose the oakland market.,it is way too valuable for them to lose. plus as I said two weeks ago as this artcile confirms,the owners dont want a davis owned team in vegas same as they never wanted one in LA.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Pooper is very gullible,he falls for what the media tells him over and over and over again.:D

this yio troll,obviously is a raiders fan who lives in vegas the fact he just throws insults and runs off with his tail between his legs everytime i have him backed up against the wall and he cant refute pesky facts.:D

anybody else here want to look like fools and say vegas is STILL real for the raiders?:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

something else that article fails to mention is that while Jerry Jones-":who has a lot of influence in the NFL and was the main reason why the Rams came back to LA." Jones has said,that he would like the NFL to have a team in vegas sometime in the future HOWEVER,it has to be the right OWNER. Davis is not the right owner.He is an idiot.If not for his father who WAS a smart businessman,he would be nothing.a complete zero.:D

see the Rams were never in question to be back in LA cause the NFL ALWAYS said it has to be the right owner and the right team.The Rams were the right team cause of the history and Kroneke was the right owner because he is a smart businessman and has very deep pockets.They wanted an owner with deep pockets in LA and they want a SMART owner in Vegas as well IF they ever approve it and that is a MAJOR if.

Davis is not a smart owner folks unlike his father.His father was an asshole but he was a smart owner who had influence.Mark has neither of those two.:D
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oh and pooper and that other las vegas raider fan troll on here I mentioned dont seem to get is that Roger Goddel has a lot of power and always gets what he wants. Goodel was very much behind the Inglewood plan,and persecuted carson from the very get go in case nobody remembers that.:D

and like i said,jerry jones who was very instrumental in getting the rams back to LA who has lots of power and influence in the league that is WHY the Rams are back in LA,again he has said IF the NFL has a team in Vegas,that is a MAJOR if,it has to be the right owner and most the NFL owners donnt want the raiders in vegas anymore than they wanted them in LA.:D watch pooper and that other troll,that vegas raiders fan change the subject and talk about how the rams are a bad team now as they did last time.never fails,they change the topic when they cant counter facts.:rolleyes::rofl::lmao::lmao::lmao:

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