Dick Tracy (Fable): Raiders [NFL] in Vegas


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Now that the Raiders (NFL) are moving to Las Vegas, I'm wondering if sports-culture has somehow...shifted.

This Dick Tracy adapted marketing-hubris parable was inspired by the sports-culture fable-film Jerry Maguire.

Go Raiders!

Signing off,



An American crime-fighter named Dick Tracy was a terrific detective working in California when all the intrigue surrounding the cherished NFL team the Oakland Raiders were talking about moving to the casino-city of Las Vegas, Nevada. Tracy was a very shrewd amateur 'sociologist' and wanted to analyse the culture of sports media and marketing that would catalyse this relocation of the iconic Raiders to Vegas. Tracy decided to start interviewing the team-members and coaches of the team and stumbled upon a very strange secret.

Tracy's boss at the Oakland Police Department (the Commish) advised him to take care in interviewing the Raiders team, since there could be some complex issues involved with the team moving to Vegas and didn't want Dick Tracy to get 'tangled' in hairy intrigue. Tracy heeded the advice but nevertheless proceeded to evaluate why an iconic California NFL team would benefit from moving to a casino-city such as Las Vegas. Vegas was of course was established by the gangster-turned-businessman Bugsy who wanted a gaming-hub for G.I. men to visit, but since then Vegas had developed into a truly 'recreational city.'

Tracy started interviewing the coaches, including the head-coach and the two assistant-coaches, inquiring why the Raiders would benefit from moving to Vegas. These coaches explained to the inquisitive detective that sports-marketing and media was evolving to embrace a new modern audience interested in pure entertainment, and Vegas was, after all, a city of great entertainment. Tracy then interviewed some of the team-members/athletes, including the QB and some of the receivers, runners, and defensemen. He discovered, to his amazement, that there was a Raiders superstition/lore regarding the links between NFL and sports-gambling.

TRACY: So what exactly is this Raider-Vegas superstition link?
RAIDER: You don't know, do ya?
TRACY: Nope. Tell me, my good friend...
RAIDER: Well, it all started when a Raider player decided to bet on the Kentucky Derby.
TRACY: And he won?
RAIDER: He sure did; after that, there was a 'locker-room gossip' that Raiders are 'lucky.'
TRACY: So if the Raiders move to Vegas, the team-members will feel uplifted...
RAIDER: Precisely, Dick Tracy...precisely!

Dick Tracy thought this was a nifty little locker-room superstition, but at first it did not really peak his curiosity. However, Tracy was led to interview the widow of a recently-deceased Raider player. This widow (Anna Faris) explained that the Raiders also believed that if they moved to Vegas, they would see the angel-spirit of a 'Raiders cheerleader muse' and would actually play superior NFL football. Dick Tracy was fascinated and continued to chat with Anna, and he started developing affections for her. He decided to ask her out to dinner, and she accepted. One night, while sitting in a park and drinking champagne at a picnic Anna arranged, Dick Tracy asked her why she told him about this 'cheerleader spirit-superstition' and Anna revealed that she herself was the cheerleader-spirit.

ANNA: Do you doubt this revelation?
TRACY: Are you being simply optimistic, Anna?
ANNA: No! I'm the cheerleader-spirit!
TRACY: I afraid I don't understand...
ANNA: Sports-gambling is a huge problem, and I offer inspiration.
TRACY: Why would you have the identity of a 'regular Raider wife' then?
ANNA: My deceased husband knew my 'real' identity.
TRACY: So...you're a ghost of some kind?
ANNA: Something like that.
TRACY: What do you think of the Raiders moving to Vegas then?
ANNA: I think you can guess...
TRACY: Why are you telling me all this?
ANNA: I want you to watch over the team when they move to Vegas!
TRACY: So that there's no criminal activity?
ANNA: Precisely; I can be the muse, and you can be the good cop.
TRACY: I confess though while this sounds charming, I'm falling in love with you.
ANNA: I'll always be 'available.'
TRACY: So I can contact you?
ANNA: When you need me.

Suddenly, Anna disappeared into thin air as if she was made of fog. Tracy got up and caught his breath, since he was somewhat overwhelmed. Tracy decided to move to Vegas to stay abreast of the Raiders team and overwatch them and monitor the Vegas area and football arena and team activities to ward off any criminal activity and terrorism. After the 2013 Vegas shooting, casino-lovers had become somewhat 'anxious' about capitalism-angst leading to deranged forms of terrorism. So Tracy became sort of a 'guardian-detective.' Every night, however, he'd pray to the spirit of Anna and wish the Raiders well, and every now and then, he thought he'd feel her breath close to his. Dick Tracy concluded that when he died and went to heaven, he'd be united with the spirit of Anna because of his 'Raiders Vegas destiny.'



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