The Land before Time..

I figured you'd appreciate the "PHYSICS•MATHEMATICS" definition, but okay. How does "collective" fit with "being very distinctive or unusual" in your mind? Like fingernails on a chalk board in mine.
I already answered that too, " God " is us, we are not separate from it but one in the same, the loss of memory allows us the illusion of being individuals. Special emmisaries such as Christ came through the portal with others to shield them from the memory loss, Christ had 6 spirits surrounding him, like the points of a star, his memory of the true existence remained intact. Now you know most of the story. You've asked all of the right questions so far. No need to cringe, it's a good story.
Enjoy your fantasies. Must be nice. 'Fraid I can't join you. Always been too grounded in fact based reality for the training I suppose. I don't even smoke pot because I'm always too busy trying to make sense of things and figure out ways to improve them (rationally and cheaply).
Enjoy your fantasies. Must be nice. 'Fraid I can't join you. Always been too grounded in fact based reality for the training I suppose. I don't even smoke pot because I'm always too busy trying to make sense of things and figure out ways to improve them (rationally and cheaply).
You have your fantasy supposedly based on facts. I have mine, which I believe is based on our true reality. When I was young I smoked pot probably 6 times, didn't really care for it, friends were doing it, you didn't miss much. Have a great day and a great life. I have enjoyed all of mine.
You have your fantasy supposedly based on facts. I have mine, which I believe is based on our true reality.
Thanks, but I'll stick with much more widely adopted, empirically derived, scientific notions of reality. But do continue enjoying your antiquated, Bible based, Jesus said this, therefore that stabs at "true reality."
It's late. And I don't realy feel like typing much. But this is a great topic. One of my favorite areas of discussion, really, given my own specific education background. So, of course, I'm biased.

In the mean time enjoy this fun video.

It's late. And I don't realy feel like typing much. But this is a great topic. One of my favorite areas of discussion, really, given my own specific education background. So, of course, I'm biased.

In the mean time enjoy this fun video.

Thank you again, really enjoyed the video. Do you have one on how mankind's view of time has changed from allocentric to egocentric ? The adaptability of the human race is remarkable. The concious experience of the individual seems to be growing in intensity with the passage of time. Can there be such a thing as too much knowledge here ? I am begining to think it's true. The experience was meant as a respite, not one of toil.
Good a place to jot down some notes about space and time as any:

By definition, space possesses no properties.
Space has but one dimension: space.
It's counterpart, counterspace, has no dimensions so no coordinates.
Not to be confused with counter space which sums one's food prep area.
The dimension of space has one primary coordinate or measure: time.
Secondary coordinates for space include cartesian, polar, and cylindrical triplets.
Without matter there's nothing to observe which renders space rather pointless.
The plenum of space provides room for objects, motion, and relative measure.
Matter, motion, and time are spatial.
Energy exists because counterspace exists.
The Aether can host all due to its incommensurable geometric properties.
For one, energy transfer through space including "light travel."
The Aether is incomparable to space. Not at all the same thing.
As Tesla said, space having no properties means it cannot be bent or "curved."
"Spacetime" is a Gedankenexperiment from dream land. Pot minimally required.
Good a place to jot down some notes about space and time as any:

By definition, space possesses no properties.
Space has but one dimension: space.
It's counterpart, counterspace, has no dimensions so no coordinates.
Not to be confused with counter space which sums one's food prep area.
The dimension of space has one primary coordinate or measure: time.
Secondary coordinates for space include cartesian, polar, and cylindrical triplets.
Without matter there's nothing to observe which renders space rather pointless.
The plenum of space provides room for objects, motion, and relative measure.
Matter, motion, and time are spatial.
Energy exists because counterspace exists.
The Aether can host all due to its incommensurable geometric properties.
For one, energy transfer through space including "light travel."
The Aether is incomparable to space. Not at all the same thing.
As Tesla said, space having no properties means it cannot be bent or "curved."
"Spacetime" is a Gedankenexperiment from dream land. Pot minimally required.
Aether was once worshipped as a god of the sky, the blue god of old; the breath of life of all gods since the begining of time itself.
The Greek gods supposedly breathed air from the upper atmosphere. If so, they may have gotten high from hyperventilating or perhaps they just discovered Blue God pot long before any of us did. :p

Anyway, according to Wikipedia:
According to ancient and medieval science, aether (/ˈiːθər/), also spelled æther, aither, or ether and also called quintessence (fifth element), is the material that fills the region of the universe above the terrestrial sphere.[1] The concept of aether was used in several theories to explain several natural phenomena, such as the traveling of light and gravity. In the late 19th century, physicists postulated that aether permeated all throughout space, providing a medium through which light could travel in a vacuum, but evidence for the presence of such a medium was not found in the Michelson–Morley experiment, and this result has been interpreted as meaning that no such luminiferous aether exists.
That's actually pretty accurate, considering.. What Michelson-Morley really didn't find was evidence backing their "Ether wind" theories. Turns out they were doing it wrong. Others, one in particular, soon found evidence confirming the existence of Aether. Einstein was made fully aware, but chose to ignore this new evidence, apparently because he was on a roll, already too invested in his "Zee don't need no confounded Aether!" madness to let go. Nowadays quantum physicists can't seem to cook up newfangled "particles" and "dark" replacements fast enough.
The Greek gods supposedly breathed air from the upper atmosphere. If so, they may have gotten high from hyperventilating or perhaps they just discovered Blue God pot long before any of us did. :p

Anyway, according to Wikipedia:

That's actually pretty accurate, considering.. What Michelson-Morley really didn't find was evidence backing their "Ether wind" theories. Turns out they were doing it wrong. Others, one in particular, soon found evidence confirming the existence of Aether. Einstein was made fully aware, but chose to ignore this new evidence, apparently because he was on a roll, already too invested in his "Zee don't need no confounded Aether!" madness to let go. Nowadays quantum physicists can't seem to cook up newfangled "particles" and "dark" replacements fast enough.
Are you aware of auras ? If so, do you know the color of your aura ? Mine is lavender.
Back to jotting down some notes {here paraphrasing Ken Wheeler, myself, and Fractal Woman}:
I've neglected to mention inertia yet because, while very important,..
Inertia may well be the most misunderstood and abstract concept of them all.
Inertia, like energy, is counterspatial or dielectric in nature.
Bear in mind that the dielectric and magnetic, like space and counterspace, exist only as conjugates.
As one. Unity. There can't be one without the other. Neither may exist purely by itself in nature.
Inertia emerges from nowhere in particular. It has no locus.
Inertia has no value or units. It cannot be measured.
{Here paraphrasing Fractal Woman:
Most simply put, inertia is resistance to change.
Since many things can change there exist many forms of resistance to inertia.
Examples include mass, momentum, energy itself, etc. which may experience resistance to changes in..
Location, velocity, spin, direction, orientation, size, morphology, etc.}
Inertia's spatial counterpart or conjugate is therefore "loss of inertia."
Loss of inertia = magnetism, Ken's favorite: "the dielectric field" which he credits to Faraday,
force in motion, point nonspecific pressure mediation, acceleration towards counterspace.
Are we there yet?
"Time is the longest distance between two places." - Tennessee Williams
Crows must abhor time.

To further illustrate the continuing widespread confusion regarding inertia, one need only read this except from Wikipedia:
despite defining the concept so elegantly in his laws of motion, even Newton did not actually use the term "inertia" to refer to his First Law. In fact, Newton originally viewed the phenomenon he described in his First Law of Motion as being caused by "innate forces" inherent in matter, which resisted any acceleration. Given this perspective, and borrowing from Kepler, Newton attributed the term "inertia" to mean "the innate force possessed by an object which resists changes in motion"; thus, Newton defined "inertia" to mean the cause of the phenomenon, rather than the phenomenon itself. However, Newton's original ideas of "innate resistive force" were ultimately problematic for a variety of reasons, and thus most physicists no longer think in these terms. As no alternate mechanism has been readily accepted, and it is now generally accepted that there may not be one which we can know, the term "inertia" has come to mean simply the phenomenon itself, rather than any inherent mechanism. Thus, ultimately, "inertia" in modern classical physics has come to be a name for the same phenomenon described by Newton's First Law of Motion, and the two concepts are now considered to be equivalent.
So they just punt after insisting upon it being two completely different things. I reiterate that inertia, being dielectric or counterspatial in nature, cannot ultimately be rooted in mass or matter, those being products of its magnetic or spatial conjugate. Thus I ponder on..
Perhaps some examination of momentum should come next.. Maybe not..
Perhaps some examination of momentum should come next.. Maybe not..
Well, for now, suffice it to say, unlike inertia, momentum has units related to mass, velocity, and distance in the angular case. One can also deduce right away that a stationary object has no momentum, whereas it will have inertia.

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