The Kraken Kracks

I have no idea what you’re talking about but if you will explain a little bit in more detail I will be glad to respond to each and every post that a Trump goober can throw my way.

Trump told all you dumbasses not to early vote. And you dumbasses followed orders. The Red Mirage happened again. Has the red Maroge ever been explained to you and are you willing to listen?
there's an entire thread to understand what that why was referring to. Are you truly that unable to track a conversation? you must be fun at parties.
It was explained to dumbass Donald on election night - He was told it was not looking good and don’t be fooled by the red mirage, DRUNK Rudy told him to declare victory fuck the red mirage. drunk Rudy is losing his law licenses
yep, the mules hadn't been unleashed yet. damn that geotracking data
2000 mules is the topic here.

Dinesh was pardoned by Trump in In 2018 for his election crime. Of course Dinesh is going to dream up some conspiracy to pay back the evil liar who pardoned him

Apparently when these phone numbers were checked out by the Republicans in Georgia no fraud

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger, a Republican, said his office had already examined one instance flagged by True The Vote, in which a man delivered multiple ballots to a dropbox. Raffensberger said they found no wrongdoing. "We investigated, and the five ballots that he turned in were all for himself and his family members," said Raffensperger.​
Dinesh was pardoned by Trump in In 2018 for his election crime. Of course Dinesh is going to dream up some conspiracy to pay back the evil liar who pardoned him

Apparently when these phone numbers were checked out by the Republicans in Georgia no fraud

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger, a Republican, said his office had already examined one instance flagged by True The Vote, in which a man delivered multiple ballots to a dropbox. Raffensberger said they found no wrongdoing. "We investigated, and the five ballots that he turned in were all for himself and his family members," said Raffensperger.​
And ?

Doesn’t fit the theme for 2000 mules. Ten drop boxes
In the most contested municipalities, vote counting stopped for a few hours, then all of a sudden 100% of all votes counted were for Biden, just enough to get him the win.
Happens in every presidential election. Same day votes come in first; early and mail in ballots are counted last. So the same day votes were all counted - they had some coffee and donuts and then started counting mail in ballots well into the evening. A Three hour gap sounds about right. The late votes were mostly Biden votes because your dumbass Trump told his dumbass supporters not to vote early and not to use mail in. Cult members usually obey the cult leader.

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