The Kentucky Derby-order porducing chaos.

So in 144 years prior, horses never bumped each other during the race? Did you actually watch the race? Have you seen any previously?

I have seen numerous horse races.

As for it not happening in 144 years, I have no idea. I also don't see what that has to do with what happened last Saturday. The jockey blatantly violated the rule, risking serious injury to all concerned.

I do know that the technology to review the race hasn't been around for 144 years.

It may not have been deliberate by the jockey. He might have accidentally checked MS causing him to switch leads early. MS may also have seen the water and decided he didn't want to run through it and switched leads himself to move around it to the outside. In any event, when he switched leads he moved outside and created the foul.

The jockey said when they turned the corner the noise of the crowd spooked his horse.

Don't forget. These horses are three year old's. Just babies.

He immediately got him back in his lane but it was to late.
The other 20 horses were also three year old babies.
They kept their lane

The jockey made an excuse for not controlling his horse

All it takes is one. Three year old horses are still babies and they act like babies.

You ever been on a horse??

Horses weigh around a thousand pounds.

If one decides to veer there isn't much you can do to stop it.

I've had horses since I was eighteen. I've had horses rear up, buck, go over backwards with me so when I tell you they can do some damned dangerous stuff I'm dead serious.

Three year old's are still babies and still learning. Plus you are talking about thoroughbreds. High strung horses.

Three year olds have been running the Kentucky Derby for 145 years
First to be DQd for running out of his lane

If they are as uncontrollable as you claim, The Derby would be a Demolition Derby
I have seen numerous horse races.

As for it not happening in 144 years, I have no idea. I also don't see what that has to do with what happened last Saturday. The jockey blatantly violated the rule, risking serious injury to all concerned.

I do know that the technology to review the race hasn't been around for 144 years.

It may not have been deliberate by the jockey. He might have accidentally checked MS causing him to switch leads early. MS may also have seen the water and decided he didn't want to run through it and switched leads himself to move around it to the outside. In any event, when he switched leads he moved outside and created the foul.

The jockey said when they turned the corner the noise of the crowd spooked his horse.

Don't forget. These horses are three year old's. Just babies.

He immediately got him back in his lane but it was to late.
The other 20 horses were also three year old babies.
They kept their lane

The jockey made an excuse for not controlling his horse

All it takes is one. Three year old horses are still babies and they act like babies.

You ever been on a horse??

Horses weigh around a thousand pounds.

If one decides to veer there isn't much you can do to stop it.

I've had horses since I was eighteen. I've had horses rear up, buck, go over backwards with me so when I tell you they can do some damned dangerous stuff I'm dead serious.

Three year old's are still babies and still learning. Plus you are talking about thoroughbreds. High strung horses.

Three year olds have been running the Kentucky Derby for 145 years
First to be DQd for running out of his lane

If they are as uncontrollable as you claim, The Derby would be a Demolition Derby

They aren't uncontrollable and they train to learn to run in a race.

They train to learn how to load in the starting gate and they train to learn how to rate.

They train all the time but three year old's are still babies and do baby things.

Oh and every race run has the potential to be a demolition derby. Horse fall and are injured in races every day.
I watched the Derby, and even stuck around to see who won after the challenge was issued. What they said happened was the horse was young, and quite high strung. When he came around the corner where the cheers of the crowd were the loudest, that is when the horse veered out of their lane.

Watching them talk about why they DQ'd MS, they said that although stuff like that can happen, it is the jockey's responsibility to keep control of the animal and in their lane. And, watching the replay from the one angle, you could see that the horse clearly got in the way of the other one.

Part of horse racing requires the jockey to have control of the horse at all times.
If you’re scratching your head over the results of the 2019 Kentucky Derby you’re not alone. Ostensibly the horse that won somehow cheated, affecting the outcome of the race. Even if a reasonable observer watches video of the supposed incident, it’s difficult, if not impossible, to see anything other than a horserace.

If the race had taken place in 1875-2018, Maximum Security would have been in the winner’s circle. But as officiating, armed with technology that outstrips its common sense aggrandizes itself by acquiescing to the sour grapes of the losers, the race will live in infamy as a glaring example, not of horse cheating, but human politics and imperfection.

Listening to Red Sox commentators the other day was interesting. They were discussing an umpire’s decision to call a strike on a batter that initiated, but did not complete a swing at a pitch. Apparently there is no plane the bat must pass over the plate; the umpire decides if the batter “intended” to swing.

All who have ever played or viewed baseball know that anyone standing in the batter’s box with a piece of wood “intends” to swing at the ball-it’s the point of the game. So the umpire is granted some kind of clairvoyant power to conclude what is in the batter’s mind? This is officiating taking its place not as a peripheral aspect of sport, but front and center as judge, jury and executioner-and they have surveillance cameras manned by more officials in bat caves watching everything so an outcome produced by microns will be “fair”.

American football is losing viewership at record rates in large part because rules are barging onto the field converting pass receivers into ballet dancers and quarterbacks into players with handicap parking stickers on their helmets. The game is all but ruined but officiating is propagating individual superstars. Didn’t we all like sporting events that were overseen by human perceptions better? Is it an improvement when losers can use spy cameras to alter the outcome?

Those who lost their shirts on the Kentucky Derby had an unfortunate place in line as the arrow of time leads us into a new paradigm of controlled surveillance that steals serendipity and delivers the final word. Horses don’t split hairs and second guess other runners but human officials do.

This is the kind of loser’s order that produces chaos; Look at the last presidential election.
You had me until the last line. How does that jibe with the rest of the post?
When you allow 20 horses to race together the only shocker is this doesn’t happen every time. Pathetic they don’t hold it to the best 12 horses.
Too bad someone doesn't jump on your back and ride you through the mud.
Obviously you have no clue about horses.

I do and can't agree with Taz more.

I grew up with horses. I rode them until the day I found out what it takes to "break" a horse so it will allow a human to get on it's back to ride it.

It's not natural for a horse to allow that. Which is why the horse fights it so much at first and why such barbaric things are done to a horse to "break" it so a human can get on it's back.

The day I heard and saw what it took for me to have fun on a horse was the last day I ever got on a horse's back and made it go where I wanted it to go. Have you ever heard a horse scream it total terror? I have. I screamed along with the horse, fell to the ground crying and shaking and vowed to never get on a horse or be a part of such barbaric torture on a horse ever again. I felt guilty for getting on a horse all my life when I learned what it took for that to happen.

Don't give me the horse whisper thing. Not many people do it. It's expensive and takes much longer to do. Most horse owners don't do it that way. They do it the sick barbaric way.

Yes one of the things horses love to do most is run. However it's without a human on it's back beating it to make it move faster and go where that human wants it to go.

Horses are meant to be free. To run free and be free. Not to be a worker for a human or a cash cow for a human.

If you've ever seen wild mustangs you would understand. I have and I've even had the honor of photographing them running and standing still. It's one of the most beautiful sights to see.

If you want to ride horses do it all you want but don't tell someone else what they do or don't know. You don't know that person and from the short post from that person, I would say they know much more about horses than you want to believe.
If you’re scratching your head over the results of the 2019 Kentucky Derby you’re not alone. Ostensibly the horse that won somehow cheated, affecting the outcome of the race. Even if a reasonable observer watches video of the supposed incident, it’s difficult, if not impossible, to see anything other than a horserace.

If the race had taken place in 1875-2018, Maximum Security would have been in the winner’s circle. But as officiating, armed with technology that outstrips its common sense aggrandizes itself by acquiescing to the sour grapes of the losers, the race will live in infamy as a glaring example, not of horse cheating, but human politics and imperfection.

Listening to Red Sox commentators the other day was interesting. They were discussing an umpire’s decision to call a strike on a batter that initiated, but did not complete a swing at a pitch. Apparently there is no plane the bat must pass over the plate; the umpire decides if the batter “intended” to swing.

All who have ever played or viewed baseball know that anyone standing in the batter’s box with a piece of wood “intends” to swing at the ball-it’s the point of the game. So the umpire is granted some kind of clairvoyant power to conclude what is in the batter’s mind? This is officiating taking its place not as a peripheral aspect of sport, but front and center as judge, jury and executioner-and they have surveillance cameras manned by more officials in bat caves watching everything so an outcome produced by microns will be “fair”.

American football is losing viewership at record rates in large part because rules are barging onto the field converting pass receivers into ballet dancers and quarterbacks into players with handicap parking stickers on their helmets. The game is all but ruined but officiating is propagating individual superstars. Didn’t we all like sporting events that were overseen by human perceptions better? Is it an improvement when losers can use spy cameras to alter the outcome?

Those who lost their shirts on the Kentucky Derby had an unfortunate place in line as the arrow of time leads us into a new paradigm of controlled surveillance that steals serendipity and delivers the final word. Horses don’t split hairs and second guess other runners but human officials do.

This is the kind of loser’s order that produces chaos; Look at the last presidential election.
I always relished sports as the last politics-free bastion of entertainment. Recently, horse events were all that was left. Now, meh...why even bother wasting time watching any sports at all. I always have plenty of things to do.

So you aren't denying that there was a foul. But somehow you think politics had something to do with the results?
Changing lanes (yes, they are clearly marked, even in the mud) endangers the horses and the riders. That is why the rule exists. The fact that the other jockey checked up is what prevented a fall.

If you have ever seen horses get tangled up and fall, you wouldn't think it trivial.

This is not NASCAR where "rubbing is racing".

Looks like the lead horse just collapsed on his own

It does look like he went down on his own, and all the others tripped over him or subsequent animals that fell.

I did not post the video to show the same violation, but to show how bad an accident can be.
Those horses weigh in at around 2,000 lbs, that is the weight of a medium sized car. They are also racing around the track at around 30 mph.

Mass x velocity = force. Basic physics.

Bumping something that weighs 2,000 lbs at 30 mph without any kind of protection for the jockey is a dangerous thing.
Changing lanes (yes, they are clearly marked, even in the mud) endangers the horses and the riders. That is why the rule exists. The fact that the other jockey checked up is what prevented a fall.

If you have ever seen horses get tangled up and fall, you wouldn't think it trivial.

This is not NASCAR where "rubbing is racing".


Especially in a muddy track like that.

The possibility of what you described is high when a horse crosses lanes like that.

People can get trampled. People can die.

Horses can be injured beyond medical help and have to be put down.

People have invested a lot of money in those horses. No other rider and horse should be able to put it all in jeopardy by crossing the lanes and cutting another horse off like that.

I agree with the call.
If you’re scratching your head over the results of the 2019 Kentucky Derby you’re not alone. Ostensibly the horse that won somehow cheated, affecting the outcome of the race. Even if a reasonable observer watches video of the supposed incident, it’s difficult, if not impossible, to see anything other than a horserace.

If the race had taken place in 1875-2018, Maximum Security would have been in the winner’s circle. But as officiating, armed with technology that outstrips its common sense aggrandizes itself by acquiescing to the sour grapes of the losers, the race will live in infamy as a glaring example, not of horse cheating, but human politics and imperfection.

Listening to Red Sox commentators the other day was interesting. They were discussing an umpire’s decision to call a strike on a batter that initiated, but did not complete a swing at a pitch. Apparently there is no plane the bat must pass over the plate; the umpire decides if the batter “intended” to swing.

All who have ever played or viewed baseball know that anyone standing in the batter’s box with a piece of wood “intends” to swing at the ball-it’s the point of the game. So the umpire is granted some kind of clairvoyant power to conclude what is in the batter’s mind? This is officiating taking its place not as a peripheral aspect of sport, but front and center as judge, jury and executioner-and they have surveillance cameras manned by more officials in bat caves watching everything so an outcome produced by microns will be “fair”.

American football is losing viewership at record rates in large part because rules are barging onto the field converting pass receivers into ballet dancers and quarterbacks into players with handicap parking stickers on their helmets. The game is all but ruined but officiating is propagating individual superstars. Didn’t we all like sporting events that were overseen by human perceptions better? Is it an improvement when losers can use spy cameras to alter the outcome?

Those who lost their shirts on the Kentucky Derby had an unfortunate place in line as the arrow of time leads us into a new paradigm of controlled surveillance that steals serendipity and delivers the final word. Horses don’t split hairs and second guess other runners but human officials do.

This is the kind of loser’s order that produces chaos; Look at the last presidential election.

What you are seeing here Ray is simply the product of liberal progressive thinking now impacting and ruining yet one more thing. The aim is not to reward the winner and encourage competition but to level the playing field by deciding who SHOULD have won. And a lot of people got burned.

As I understand it, Maximum Security was leading or winning the whole race. The one whom they decided actually won after 20 minutes review was so far down the list he was a 60:1 shot. One guy who bet $60 on that horse won $4,000.

Baseball attendance is way down all across the country.

Won't it be interesting to see next year the Kentucky Derby run again and much less attendance, betting or interest? And its promoters will wonder why.
If you’re scratching your head over the results of the 2019 Kentucky Derby you’re not alone. Ostensibly the horse that won somehow cheated, affecting the outcome of the race. Even if a reasonable observer watches video of the supposed incident, it’s difficult, if not impossible, to see anything other than a horserace.

If the race had taken place in 1875-2018, Maximum Security would have been in the winner’s circle. But as officiating, armed with technology that outstrips its common sense aggrandizes itself by acquiescing to the sour grapes of the losers, the race will live in infamy as a glaring example, not of horse cheating, but human politics and imperfection.

Listening to Red Sox commentators the other day was interesting. They were discussing an umpire’s decision to call a strike on a batter that initiated, but did not complete a swing at a pitch. Apparently there is no plane the bat must pass over the plate; the umpire decides if the batter “intended” to swing.

All who have ever played or viewed baseball know that anyone standing in the batter’s box with a piece of wood “intends” to swing at the ball-it’s the point of the game. So the umpire is granted some kind of clairvoyant power to conclude what is in the batter’s mind? This is officiating taking its place not as a peripheral aspect of sport, but front and center as judge, jury and executioner-and they have surveillance cameras manned by more officials in bat caves watching everything so an outcome produced by microns will be “fair”.

American football is losing viewership at record rates in large part because rules are barging onto the field converting pass receivers into ballet dancers and quarterbacks into players with handicap parking stickers on their helmets. The game is all but ruined but officiating is propagating individual superstars. Didn’t we all like sporting events that were overseen by human perceptions better? Is it an improvement when losers can use spy cameras to alter the outcome?

Those who lost their shirts on the Kentucky Derby had an unfortunate place in line as the arrow of time leads us into a new paradigm of controlled surveillance that steals serendipity and delivers the final word. Horses don’t split hairs and second guess other runners but human officials do.

This is the kind of loser’s order that produces chaos; Look at the last presidential election.

What you are seeing here Ray is simply the product of liberal progressive thinking now impacting and ruining yet one more thing. The aim is not to reward the winner and encourage competition but to level the playing field by deciding who SHOULD have won. And a lot of people got burned.

As I understand it, Maximum Security was leading or winning the whole race. The one whom they decided actually won after 20 minutes review was so far down the list he was a 60:1 shot. One guy who bet $60 on that horse won $4,000.

Baseball attendance is way down all across the country.

Won't it be interesting to see next year the Kentucky Derby run again and much less attendance, betting or interest? And its promoters will wonder why.

That is pure bullshit. What you are seeing is that the rules are enforced. If you don't like the rules, lobby to have them changed. But as long as they are in place, they should be followed by all.

There is no doubt that Maximum Security veered into the other lane. There is no doubt that the other jockey checked up his horse to avoid a collision.
If you’re scratching your head over the results of the 2019 Kentucky Derby you’re not alone. Ostensibly the horse that won somehow cheated, affecting the outcome of the race. Even if a reasonable observer watches video of the supposed incident, it’s difficult, if not impossible, to see anything other than a horserace.

If the race had taken place in 1875-2018, Maximum Security would have been in the winner’s circle. But as officiating, armed with technology that outstrips its common sense aggrandizes itself by acquiescing to the sour grapes of the losers, the race will live in infamy as a glaring example, not of horse cheating, but human politics and imperfection.

Listening to Red Sox commentators the other day was interesting. They were discussing an umpire’s decision to call a strike on a batter that initiated, but did not complete a swing at a pitch. Apparently there is no plane the bat must pass over the plate; the umpire decides if the batter “intended” to swing.

All who have ever played or viewed baseball know that anyone standing in the batter’s box with a piece of wood “intends” to swing at the ball-it’s the point of the game. So the umpire is granted some kind of clairvoyant power to conclude what is in the batter’s mind? This is officiating taking its place not as a peripheral aspect of sport, but front and center as judge, jury and executioner-and they have surveillance cameras manned by more officials in bat caves watching everything so an outcome produced by microns will be “fair”.

American football is losing viewership at record rates in large part because rules are barging onto the field converting pass receivers into ballet dancers and quarterbacks into players with handicap parking stickers on their helmets. The game is all but ruined but officiating is propagating individual superstars. Didn’t we all like sporting events that were overseen by human perceptions better? Is it an improvement when losers can use spy cameras to alter the outcome?

Those who lost their shirts on the Kentucky Derby had an unfortunate place in line as the arrow of time leads us into a new paradigm of controlled surveillance that steals serendipity and delivers the final word. Horses don’t split hairs and second guess other runners but human officials do.

This is the kind of loser’s order that produces chaos; Look at the last presidential election.

What you are seeing here Ray is simply the product of liberal progressive thinking now impacting and ruining yet one more thing. The aim is not to reward the winner and encourage competition but to level the playing field by deciding who SHOULD have won. And a lot of people got burned.

As I understand it, Maximum Security was leading or winning the whole race. The one whom they decided actually won after 20 minutes review was so far down the list he was a 60:1 shot. One guy who bet $60 on that horse won $4,000.

Baseball attendance is way down all across the country.

Won't it be interesting to see next year the Kentucky Derby run again and much less attendance, betting or interest? And its promoters will wonder why.

That is pure bullshit. What you are seeing is that the rules are enforced. If you don't like the rules, lobby to have them changed. But as long as they are in place, they should be followed by all.

There is no doubt that Maximum Security veered into the other lane. There is no doubt that the other jockey checked up his horse to avoid a collision.

Actually, MS moved over 3 lanes...from the rail to lane 4.
If you’re scratching your head over the results of the 2019 Kentucky Derby you’re not alone. Ostensibly the horse that won somehow cheated, affecting the outcome of the race. Even if a reasonable observer watches video of the supposed incident, it’s difficult, if not impossible, to see anything other than a horserace.

If the race had taken place in 1875-2018, Maximum Security would have been in the winner’s circle. But as officiating, armed with technology that outstrips its common sense aggrandizes itself by acquiescing to the sour grapes of the losers, the race will live in infamy as a glaring example, not of horse cheating, but human politics and imperfection.

Listening to Red Sox commentators the other day was interesting. They were discussing an umpire’s decision to call a strike on a batter that initiated, but did not complete a swing at a pitch. Apparently there is no plane the bat must pass over the plate; the umpire decides if the batter “intended” to swing.

All who have ever played or viewed baseball know that anyone standing in the batter’s box with a piece of wood “intends” to swing at the ball-it’s the point of the game. So the umpire is granted some kind of clairvoyant power to conclude what is in the batter’s mind? This is officiating taking its place not as a peripheral aspect of sport, but front and center as judge, jury and executioner-and they have surveillance cameras manned by more officials in bat caves watching everything so an outcome produced by microns will be “fair”.

American football is losing viewership at record rates in large part because rules are barging onto the field converting pass receivers into ballet dancers and quarterbacks into players with handicap parking stickers on their helmets. The game is all but ruined but officiating is propagating individual superstars. Didn’t we all like sporting events that were overseen by human perceptions better? Is it an improvement when losers can use spy cameras to alter the outcome?

Those who lost their shirts on the Kentucky Derby had an unfortunate place in line as the arrow of time leads us into a new paradigm of controlled surveillance that steals serendipity and delivers the final word. Horses don’t split hairs and second guess other runners but human officials do.

This is the kind of loser’s order that produces chaos; Look at the last presidential election.

What you are seeing here Ray is simply the product of liberal progressive thinking now impacting and ruining yet one more thing. The aim is not to reward the winner and encourage competition but to level the playing field by deciding who SHOULD have won. And a lot of people got burned.

As I understand it, Maximum Security was leading or winning the whole race. The one whom they decided actually won after 20 minutes review was so far down the list he was a 60:1 shot. One guy who bet $60 on that horse won $4,000.

Baseball attendance is way down all across the country.

Won't it be interesting to see next year the Kentucky Derby run again and much less attendance, betting or interest? And its promoters will wonder why.

That is pure bullshit. What you are seeing is that the rules are enforced. If you don't like the rules, lobby to have them changed. But as long as they are in place, they should be followed by all.

There is no doubt that Maximum Security veered into the other lane. There is no doubt that the other jockey checked up his horse to avoid a collision.

Blow it out your ass. These are horses. I just watched the video. MS wavered a couple feet to the side. The only horse he "affected" was a horse riding the line between lanes trying to squeeze through where there wasn't room for him to fit and wouldn't have won anyway. Even in slow motion, it looks like bullshit.

Of a hundred people I've listened too, radio analysts, professional TV sports announcers, fans, you are the ONLY person who thought this was right. The whole place stood up and booed. Shit happens. It's called random variation. These are horses. It's part of the game. This has ruined the game and will never be the same again. It is ruining all sports. For now on, every horse race, they will have to replay every race in slo-mo video to look frame by frame for any slight micro-infraction and inform the spectators 3 hours later the decision. Even the winning horse didn't think they won or had been fouled! It was some other asshole.

SPORTS IS DEAD thanks to another liberal progressive effort to advance the game and make it as perfect and fair as possible.
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I can actually see both sides. However, the Kentucky Derby is like the playoffs in other sports. Typically, the refs "let them play". You could call a penalty in every play in football, yet they don't. Those "jump balls" in the end zone are full of offensive and defensive interference, and illegal contact, yet no calls because it is about playing the game, and that's part of it.
If you’re scratching your head over the results of the 2019 Kentucky Derby you’re not alone. Ostensibly the horse that won somehow cheated, affecting the outcome of the race. Even if a reasonable observer watches video of the supposed incident, it’s difficult, if not impossible, to see anything other than a horserace.

If the race had taken place in 1875-2018, Maximum Security would have been in the winner’s circle. But as officiating, armed with technology that outstrips its common sense aggrandizes itself by acquiescing to the sour grapes of the losers, the race will live in infamy as a glaring example, not of horse cheating, but human politics and imperfection.

Listening to Red Sox commentators the other day was interesting. They were discussing an umpire’s decision to call a strike on a batter that initiated, but did not complete a swing at a pitch. Apparently there is no plane the bat must pass over the plate; the umpire decides if the batter “intended” to swing.

All who have ever played or viewed baseball know that anyone standing in the batter’s box with a piece of wood “intends” to swing at the ball-it’s the point of the game. So the umpire is granted some kind of clairvoyant power to conclude what is in the batter’s mind? This is officiating taking its place not as a peripheral aspect of sport, but front and center as judge, jury and executioner-and they have surveillance cameras manned by more officials in bat caves watching everything so an outcome produced by microns will be “fair”.

American football is losing viewership at record rates in large part because rules are barging onto the field converting pass receivers into ballet dancers and quarterbacks into players with handicap parking stickers on their helmets. The game is all but ruined but officiating is propagating individual superstars. Didn’t we all like sporting events that were overseen by human perceptions better? Is it an improvement when losers can use spy cameras to alter the outcome?

Those who lost their shirts on the Kentucky Derby had an unfortunate place in line as the arrow of time leads us into a new paradigm of controlled surveillance that steals serendipity and delivers the final word. Horses don’t split hairs and second guess other runners but human officials do.

This is the kind of loser’s order that produces chaos; Look at the last presidential election.
Where have you been? you may be the best poster on this site
I can actually see both sides. However, the Kentucky Derby is like the playoffs in other sports. Typically, the refs "let them play". You could call a penalty in every play in football, yet they don't. Those "jump balls" in the end zone are full of offensive and defensive interference, and illegal contact, yet no calls because it is about playing the game, and that's part of it.

Funny that during the alleged "incident" none of the officials saw a thing wrong. Spontaneity is what sports are about and they don't happen in slow motion. It looked to me like MS was simply in the lead with no one beside or ahead of him and the horse straightened out his path for the final dash down to the finish line. No other horse around him was about to overtake and beat him. This was highway robbery, that 65:1 horse was gifted, and I hope the MS owners sue and win.

Horse racing has just taken a major ass-fucking in the name of god-damned political correctness.
I can actually see both sides. However, the Kentucky Derby is like the playoffs in other sports. Typically, the refs "let them play". You could call a penalty in every play in football, yet they don't. Those "jump balls" in the end zone are full of offensive and defensive interference, and illegal contact, yet no calls because it is about playing the game, and that's part of it.

Funny that during the alleged "incident" none of the officials saw a thing wrong. Spontaneity is what sports are about and they don't happen in slow motion. It looked to me like MS was simply in the lead with no one beside or ahead of him and the horse straightened out his path for the final dash down to the finish line. No other horse around him was about to overtake and beat him. This was highway robbery, that 65:1 horse was gifted, and I hope the MS owners sue and win.

Horse racing has just taken a major ass-fucking in the name of god-damned political correctness.

You need to look at this...

You may not like it, but disqualifying Maximum Security was the best call
I can actually see both sides. However, the Kentucky Derby is like the playoffs in other sports. Typically, the refs "let them play". You could call a penalty in every play in football, yet they don't. Those "jump balls" in the end zone are full of offensive and defensive interference, and illegal contact, yet no calls because it is about playing the game, and that's part of it.

Funny that during the alleged "incident" none of the officials saw a thing wrong. Spontaneity is what sports are about and they don't happen in slow motion. It looked to me like MS was simply in the lead with no one beside or ahead of him and the horse straightened out his path for the final dash down to the finish line. No other horse around him was about to overtake and beat him. This was highway robbery, that 65:1 horse was gifted, and I hope the MS owners sue and win.

Horse racing has just taken a major ass-fucking in the name of god-damned political correctness.

Look at this video at about the 1:00 mark. It is obvious that MS moved over.

It is not political correctness. In fact, I don't know what kind of politically correct thing would have an impact here.
I can actually see both sides. However, the Kentucky Derby is like the playoffs in other sports. Typically, the refs "let them play". You could call a penalty in every play in football, yet they don't. Those "jump balls" in the end zone are full of offensive and defensive interference, and illegal contact, yet no calls because it is about playing the game, and that's part of it.

Funny that during the alleged "incident" none of the officials saw a thing wrong. Spontaneity is what sports are about and they don't happen in slow motion. It looked to me like MS was simply in the lead with no one beside or ahead of him and the horse straightened out his path for the final dash down to the finish line. No other horse around him was about to overtake and beat him. This was highway robbery, that 65:1 horse was gifted, and I hope the MS owners sue and win.

Horse racing has just taken a major ass-fucking in the name of god-damned political correctness.

You need to look at this...

You may not like it, but disqualifying Maximum Security was the best call

Changes nothing.

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Horses are animals. They bump into each other for 0.002 seconds. Was War of Will going to win? No. Was Country House even close to winning? Nope. The only reason why this was an issue at all was because MS was out ahead and was going to win and liberals hate a winner. Had he been back in the pack, no one would have given a SHIT if there had been minor contact. I mean, how much could they have touched without one or both horses getting tripped up? MS never even knew the other horse was there. Political correctness just killed another American Pastime.

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