Debate Now The Joe Biden USMB Approval Rating Thread

Why is the federal government involved in any of this ?
Government's been building infrastructure a long time. But if your vision of the future is a crumbling, hollowed out wasteland, there's always the other guy. We won't be investing in America under him, that's for sure.
Government's been building infrastructure a long time. But if your vision of the future is a crumbling, hollowed out wasteland, there's always the other guy. We won't be investing in America under him, that's for sure.

Pray tell, please share what you mean.

States can't build infrastructure ?
Untangled the post-COVID supply chain crisis, mitigating the post-pandemic price spikes
Looking forward to an article on this one.

Like to dig into and see how a government that can't tie it's shoes accomplished that.
Good catch, I forgot to mention that Biden created ARPA-H, which--among lots of other cutting-edge health care research it's supporting--is aiming its sights at cancer.

Game-changing stuff.
So another government agency as if we didn't have enough government agencies studying cancer and other diseases. Will we be hearing of anything it has accomplished? Not much that is good news to most Americans is showing up from other government agencies lately. Again a noble or high sounding name on a program is not an accomplishment most especially when it increases inflation and makes it harder for Americans to afford increased deductibles and copays for necessary healthcare, All administrations at least for decades have allocated funds for medical research. And no a reduction in an increased in the budget is not deallocating funds or slashing funds. It is the responsible thing to do when expenditures far exceed income.
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Guided the country out of the pandemic (e.g., massively successful vaccine rollout and use of the DPA to produce key supplies, while pushing through the American Rescue Plan to keep the economy afloat)

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
So another government agency as if we didn't have enough government agencies studying cancer and other diseases. Will we be hearing of anything it has accomplished? Not much that is good news to most Americans is showing up from other government agencies lately. Again a noble or high sounding name on a program is not an accomplishment most especially when it increases inflation and makes it harder for Americans to afford increased deductibles and copays. All administrations at least for decades have allocated funds for medical research.

Why would you even legitimize such and undertaking.

21% of our GDP flows through DC as it is.

All they will do is hire a bunch of companies who will spend our tax dollars stupidly.
Beefed up the Affordable Care Act, lowering health care costs for millions of Americans and pushing uninsurance to an all-time low

This I did not know. How The Unaffordable Care Act got into an infrastructure bill I can't imagine.
Implemented a whole slew of consumer protections for families on everything from the obligations airlines have around the way they treat their customers to surprise medical billing to disclosure of junk fees

A list would be nice.

The federal government is going to tell companies how they have to treat their customers ???? Seriously ????

I thought Obama took care of junk fees in medical billing.
Why would you even legitimize such and undertaking.

21% of our GDP flows through DC as it is.

All they will do is hire a bunch of companies who will spend our tax dollars stupidly.
That is far too often the case though too little data exists for this particular program to make an informed decision yet. But it's safe to say that we damn sure don't need yet another agency essentially doing what other agencies have been doing for decades.

But I guess that's a reason to vote for Biden. He created another hugely expensive government agency to do what those other agencies could have been doing but it has a noble sounding title.
Immediately stabilized a teetering economy, pushing through aid to families that achieved unprecedented reductions in poverty (particularly child poverty), housing instability, and uninsurance

Flat out Bulls**t.

He didn't stabalize anything and anyone who TRULY believes the government can affect the economy except through rate cuts/hikes is a fool.
That is far too often the case though too little data exists for this particular program to make an informed decision yet. But it's safe to say that we damn sure don't need yet another agency essentially doing what other agencies have been doing for decades.

And that is the point. The federal government is reaching the point where it thinks it should be doing everything.

And it has some idiots convinced it is doing a good job.

We need someone who is ready to cut agencies, and reduce the Dept of Education down to about 100 contractors.
And that is the point. The federal government is reaching the point where it thinks it should be doing everything.

And it has some idiots convinced it is doing a good job.

We need someone who is ready to cut agencies, and reduce the Dept of Education down to about 100 contractors.
It's the difference between those who judge a book by its title instead of the content inside.

Unfortunately, according to what we have seen on this thread alone, far too many do that to justify their vote for Biden.
Finally got Medicare the authority to negotiate prescription drug prices, poising seniors and taxpayers to save billions

I wonder if anyone else sees just how sad this claim is.

Medicare....a government run institution, can't do what insurance companies can ? By saying it saves billions, it also says that for the last several decades the billions it has not saved are stacked up as part of the ballooning deficit.

Unfreaking believable.
That's a great example of some key Biden wins. He took a good law (Obamacare) and improved on it. He made its financial support more generous, lowering premiums and expanding access for millions of Americans. Which is why the lowest uninsurance rate ever recorded happened after his reforms. Meanwhile, he took areas the ACA was silent on--drug pricing and health care antitrust--and moved the ball on them, at long last getting Medicare the authority to negotiate drug prices (along with numerous other protections for seniors, like the much-touted $35 insulin cap) and making health care antitrust enforcement a core pillar of his broader pro-competition agenda.

Would I vote for this over the guy who tried to bring back pre-existing condition exclusions, strip tens of millions of Americans of their access to care, reverse the reforms that have held health care cost growth near historic lows, veto Medicare prescription drug negotiation authority, and otherwise reverse the historic gains American health care has made over the past decade? I would.
Nothing like those 10,000 dollar deductibles.
Revamped the income-driven student loan repayment plans to make them more affordable for borrowers (I'll throw into this item Biden actually honoring the government's commitments under the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program instead of screwing then over red tape nonsense)

The estimates I have seen for the loan forgiveness program defy description.
I know the mods really dislike this forum and for reasonable reasons, but it's still here and I'm going to request that they indulge me in a structured conversation that has only two simple rules:

RULE No. 1: The topic is limited to why you will vote for Joe Biden in 2024.

RULE No. 2: Donald Trump cannot be named or referenced in this thread. Focus only why Biden is supported.

According to almost every poll out there re issues important to America, Joe Biden gets low approval ratings and high disapproval ratings including:
--The economy/inflation/energy
--The border/immigration
--Foreign relations (Russia vs Ukraine; Hamas vs Israel etc.)

But poll only registered Democrats or a few demographics and his approval ratings remain mostly at above 50%.

So let us know what Biden has done that inspires you to vote for him again or for the first time in 2024.
I want to vote for a candidate, not under indictment - criminal or otherwise.

A candidate who, if he loses, will accept the will of the people and not incite his supporters to storm the Capitol/try to hang his own VP just so that he can overturn the election results, the Constitution be damned.

If the above was not enough - Biden's American Rescue Plan, a $1.9 trillion stimulus package, helped revive the economy post-pandemic, leading to a 6% increase in GDP and a plummeting unemployment rate.

Investing in American workers and manufacturing, promoting competition, and responsibly reducing the deficit has contributed to a strong economy and low unemployment the list goes on.

What is there not to like? Unless that is, you are a trumptard traitor who longs for the criminal orange fascist to finish his previous effort to trash our Constitution and ruin our country.

So, yeah, put me down in the Pro-Biden column. YOU. GO. BIDEN!!!!

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