The Jews using the Quran to make their case:


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
I find this funny, since the maj of Zionist only view Judaism as a tradition and are secular and here they are using the Quran now to make their case, a book that was wrote what almost 1000 years after the OT and Babylon Talmud, of course the Quran in many parts mimics the OT , stated differently and the stories are a bit different.
from a Israel site:

Quran : The Holy Land belongs to Israel
Oct 6, 2014
“Children of Israel, remember My blessing wherewith I blessed you, and that I have preferred you above all beings”.Qur’an, Sura al-Baqarah

(“The Heifer”), 2:47 “We gave the Children of Israel the Book, the Judgment, and the Prophethood, and We provided them with good things, and We preferred them above all beings”. Qur’an, Sura al-Jathiyah

(“Hobbling”), 45:16 “He desired to startle them from...

Quran The Holy Land belongs to Israel

Who is MY and who is WE?
Thing is only once you realize what's the motive pushing anyone for such (irrational) actions, you can understand the situation best - having a clear view for everything.
And that majority of Jews you usually like to present as fanatics like your fellow Pals are actually 44% religious 18%(semi) traditional and the rest are secular but you forget that Israel is not only about Judaism for the Jews but the entire legacy of the Jews.
And that majority of Jews you usually like to present as fanatics like your fellow Pals are actually 44% religious 18%(semi) traditional and the rest are secular but you forget that Israel is not only about Judaism for the Jews but the entire legacy of the Jews.

What does that have to do with using the Quran now. This was on an Israel website,
Do you care about the Palestinian race? Or the French race , or the German race, the Russian race, we are trying desperately to get over the Race Card in society here in the states , and it seems you want to go back to the OT. The US has many races, even Jews live among us, (not all-the orthodox live segregated in NY ) and Muslims (some in their own communities) , otherwise in human neighborhoods, we all live together. How would you like for us in the US to kick all the Jews out? and tell them they don't belong here and go back to Israel. Seems you want your cake and to eat it too.

The legacy of the Jews is only in your OT, that time is long gone. I hate to be so blunt, but if your as smart and progressive as you say, why can't you see why you and the Pals are not getting along, its because you do not want to. By you I mean your gov. and some of you as well. I read the news, I know you have protestors who want peace.
And that majority of Jews you usually like to present as fanatics like your fellow Pals are actually 44% religious 18%(semi) traditional and the rest are secular but you forget that Israel is not only about Judaism for the Jews but the entire legacy of the Jews.

What does that have to do with using the Quran now. This was on an Israel website,
Do you care about the Palestinian race? Or the French race , or the German race, the Russian race, we are trying desperately to get over the Race Card in society here in the states , and it seems you want to go back to the OT. The US has many races, even Jews live among us, (not all-the orthodox live segregated in NY ) and Muslims (some in their own communities) , otherwise in human neighborhoods, we all live together. How would you like for us in the US to kick all the Jews out? and tell them they don't belong here and go back to Israel. Seems you want your cake and to eat it too.

The legacy of the Jews is only in your OT, that time is long gone. I hate to be so blunt, but if your as smart and progressive as you say, why can't you see why you and the Pals are not getting along, its because you do not want to. By you I mean your gov. and some of you as well. I read the news, I know you have protestors who want peace.
This is what I've been trying to tell you, the Jewish legacy is not just the OT but starts in Israel, all of it, and yes even the so called secular Jews sees it that way,you refuse to accept certain facts that doesn't fit your agenda, and so does the Palestinians, egoism and selfishness is the only Palestinian legacy, care to disprove?
And using the Qura'n by some pro-Israeli site doesn't mean 'Israel uses it'-which is quite a miss IMHO-the people using the qur'an for beheading, raping, and so are the one to blame- not those who try to settle the religious issue over Israel.
I find it funny since the majority of the Pro-Palestinians here claim that the Jews have no claim to Israel; and some even deny the Holocaust. Yet even in the moslems own book, the koran it is mentioned several times the the Jews do belong and should be welcomed back to their Holy Land of Israel and especially Jerusalem.

Link: Quran The Holy Land belongs to Israel

“Children of Israel, remember My blessing wherewith I blessed you, and that I have preferred you above all beings”.Qur’an, Sura al-Baqarah (“The Heifer”), 2:47

And when Moses said to his people: ‘O My People, remember God’s blessing upon you, when He appointed among you Prophets, and appointed you kings, and gave you such as He had not given to any being. O My People, enter the Holy Land which God has PRESCRIBED for you, and turn not back in your traces, to turn about losers’”.Qur’an, Sura al-Ma’idah (“The Table”), 5:20-21

And when We took compact with you, and raised above you the Mount: ‘Take forcefully what We have given you, and remember what is in it; haply you shall be godfearing’”. – Qur’an, Sura al-Baqarah (“The Heifer”), 2:63

This above is where it says the Jews should have control of the Temple Mount.

The Prophet Muhammad was a Zionist and all those who were with him:
2: 214 Or do ye think that ye shall enter the Garden (of bliss) without such (trials) as came to those who passed away before you? they encountered suffering and adversity, and were so shaken in spirit that even the Messenger and those of faith who were with him cried: “When (will come) the help of Allah?” Ah! Verily, the help of Allah is (always) near!

“The promise of God! God fails not His promise, but most men do not know it”. – Qur’an, Sura al-Rum (“The Greeks”), 30:6

“So be thou patient; surely God’s promise is true”. – Qur’an, Sura al-Mu’minum (“The Believers”), 40:77

“it was said, ‘God’s promise is true, and the Hour, there is no doubt of it’”. – Qur’an, Sura al-Jathiyah (“Hobbling”), 45:32

“They will question thee concerning the Hour, when it shall berth. Say: ‘The knowledge of it is only with my Lord; none shall reveal it at its proper time, but He’”. – Qur’an, Sura A’raf (“The Battlements”), 7:187

‘Nay, but they cry lies to the Hour; and We have prepared for him who cries lies to the Hour a blaze. When it sees them from a far place, they shall hear its bubbling and sighing. And when they are cast, coupled in fetters, into a narrow place of that Fire, they will call out there for destruction. ‘Call not out today for one destruction, but call for many!’ Say: ‘Is it better, or the Garden of Eternity, that is promised to the godfearing, and is their recompense and homecoming?’” – Qur’an, Sura Furqan (“Salvation”), 25:11-15

“There is a ban upon a city that We have destroyed; they shall not return till when Gog and Magog are unloosed, and they slide down out of every slope, and nigh has drawn the true promise, and behold, the eyes of the unbelievers staring: ‘Alas for us! We were heedless of this; nay, we were evildoers’”. – Qur’an, Sura Anbiyaa (“The Prophets”), 21:95-97
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And using the Qura'n by some pro-Israeli site doesn't mean 'Israel uses it'-which is quite a miss IMHO-the people using the qur'an for beheading, raping, and so are the one to blame- not those who try to settle the religious issue over Israel.

That site, was used by teddyearp, he didn't read it all, but I did. So now what is wrong with that site? here is his post:

The Arabs invited the Jews to return US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

first link , scroll to end of article and then follow the link.
I find this funny, since the maj of Zionist only view Judaism as a tradition and are secular and here they are using the Quran now to make their case, a book that was wrote what almost 1000 years after the OT and Babylon Talmud, of course the Quran in many parts mimics the OT , stated differently and the stories are a bit different.
from a Israel site:

Quran : The Holy Land belongs to Israel
Oct 6, 2014
“Children of Israel, remember My blessing wherewith I blessed you, and that I have preferred you above all beings”.Qur’an, Sura al-Baqarah

(“The Heifer”), 2:47 “We gave the Children of Israel the Book, the Judgment, and the Prophethood, and We provided them with good things, and We preferred them above all beings”. Qur’an, Sura al-Jathiyah

(“Hobbling”), 45:16 “He desired to startle them from...

Quran The Holy Land belongs to Israel

Who is MY and who is WE?

For too many muslims, if it is not in the quran it is not true.
Arabs tend to speak in quotes from the quran or reference the hadith. "Mohammed did this, Mohammed said that"
Some unsentimental christians do the same about Jesus.
To carry on a discussion it helps to use the quran when all other source are considered false.
True muslims hold the Torah and Bible as holy book, while some have been taught by their clerics that they are altered or corrupt. The quran however is god's word unaltered and infallible. History and archeology have show the quran came together over more than a century and has bee edited many times by the scribes. We know for curtain it is not layed out in the order the sura were given to Mohammed. It really should be read and understood in the correct order to see the evolution and compare it to the events happening in Mohammed's life at the time.
As the most "perfect" of books to muslims any use that can be made is more accepted by muslims. It is a logical approach to the problem of hate and persecution against jews and Israel.
Muslims and non-muslims alike use the quran when speaking to muslims about the children of Israel.
And using the Qura'n by some pro-Israeli site doesn't mean 'Israel uses it'-which is quite a miss IMHO-the people using the qur'an for beheading, raping, and so are the one to blame- not those who try to settle the religious issue over Israel.

That site, was used by teddyearp, he didn't read it all, but I did. So now what is wrong with that site? here is his post:

The Arabs invited the Jews to return US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

first link , scroll to end of article and then follow the link.

How do you know what article and/or link daniyel is talking about?

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