"The Israeli's are just European invaders!" ~ Let's talk Tamimi


Gold Member
Jun 9, 2014
Pinetop, AZ
So we have experienced this thing in the title in many threads, attempting ti diminish the Jewish claim to Israel because many of them just look so European, therefore they just could not be real ancestors of the Israelite's and therefore have no claim to Israel. We have a whole sticky on who is indigenous to Israel. Many of the anti-Israel crowd point to how light of skin many Israelis are.

With this mentality then, why are the Tamimi's considered true Palestinians? Hero and heroines. Take a look at Ahed Tamimi. Her skin is whiter than many Israeli's. That and her blond hair so teased looks more like she should have been on Sunset Blvd in the late 80's early 90's than anywhere near 'Palestine'. Well, that was a far fetch, but she is definitely does not look any more 'Palestinian' than most claim the "invaders from Europe" look Israeli.

Even her father Bassem looks more like a European than a native of that area. Same white skin. The same features that many claim, no insist, that proves many Israeli's have no claim to their Nation of Israel.

Honestly, Ahed looks like she could have just left the beaches of Malibu and her father could have just left Cincinnati.

Let the games begin.
The tiny proportion of people with blue eyes, blond hair represents the entire palestinian people while the overwhelming majority with semitic features are disregarded.

The vast majority of Askhenazis (the founders of the state of Israel), more than 99%, who have unmistakable european racial traits is also conveniently swept under the carpet.

It's impossible to argue, to have a rational debate with the kind of zionist fanaticism that plagues the mind of Teddy Earp, Forever Young and so many others.
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The tiny proportion of people with blue eyes, blond hair represents the entire palestinian people while the overwhelming majority with semitic features are disregarded.

The vast majority of Askhenazis (the founders of the state of Israel) who have unmistakable european racial traits is also conveniently swept under the carpet.

It's impossible to argue, to have a rational debate with the kind of zionist fanaticism that plagues the mind of Teddy Earp, Forever Young and so many others.
Then, the Tamimis will have no issue with taking DNA tests to clear up that their ancestors were actually from Asia Minor many, many generations ago, just as so many Ashkenazis have been able to prove that their ancestors do come from the land of Israel ?

Ne pas?
Originally posted by Sixties Fan
Then, the Tamimis will have no issue with taking DNA tests to clear up that their ancestors were actually from Asia Minor many, many generations ago, just as so many Ashkenazis have been able to prove that their ancestors do come from the land of Israel ?

Ne pas?

The only thing the Ashkenazis you referred to have proved is the fact that for the last 50 years, genetics has been politically used to "legitimize" this big, pathetic, bloody joke called Israel.

A bunch of eastern europeans of jewish faith pathetically claiming to be of middle eastern extraction in order to legitimize the supremacist state they imposed on the native population.
RE: "The Israeli's are just European invaders!" ~ Let's talk Tamimi
※→ José, et al,

Again, this is the attempt to change the issue and cloud the essential elements of the position.

A bunch of eastern europeans of jewish faith pathetically claiming to be of middle eastern extraction in order to legitimize the supremacist state they imposed on the native population.

Whether you agree with the judgment, of a century ago, made by the Allied Powers, they set the conditions and it was their "recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine," makes NO difference. Stare Decisis ("to stand by that which is decided") → as applied here → a policy of following principles laid down the Allied Powers in previous decisions; wherein the Allied Powers held the future of the territories.

Whether the allegations that showing an Arab Palestinian dislike of or prejudice against the people from the Eastern Europe, Western Europe, North Africa, or any other region of the world, holds today (or not), makes no difference. Grounds were established for the reconstitution of the Jewish National Home.

All this discussion about the "Jewish People" trying to establish a "supremacist state" are just inflammatory remarks to invoke conflict and hatred. "The crime of apartheid" means inhumane acts committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime. [Article 7(2h) RS-ICC] The State of Israel is many time more diverse than the general population of the occupied Palestinian territories (oPt) in terms of physical or social qualities (categories into races) and ethnicity.

And the Israelis do not deny the right of self-determination to the Arab Palestinian. The Arab Palestinians have the right to choose their own destiny in any territory that the Arab Palestinians exercise sovereignty. Not one time has the Jewish People prevented the Arab Palestinians to participate in the establishment of self-governing institutions.

All this nonsense about legitimizing Israel as a supremacist state --- imposition of the segregationist acts on the "native population" (undefined in the Middle East) is just a means to incite violence → while all the time posting roadblocks to peace talks.

•• Duhaime's Law Dictionary → Indigenous Definition:
In international law, the term has been defined tentatively by the political body, International Labour Organisation as people who:

"... on account of their descent from the populations which inhabited the country, or a geographical region to which the country belongs, at the time of conquest or colonisation or the establishment of present state boundaries and who, irrespective of their legal status, retain some or all of their own social, economic, cultural and political institutions."

Most Respectfully,
Originally posted by Rocco
•• Duhaime's Law Dictionary → Indigenous Definition:
In international law, the term has been defined tentatively by the political body, International Labour Organisation as people who:

"... on account of their descent from the populations which inhabited the country, or a geographical region to which the country belongs, at the time of conquest or colonisation or the establishment of present state boundaries and who, irrespective of their legal status, retain some or all of their own social, economic, cultural and political institutions."

And the red/bold part with bigger font automatically disqualifies europeans of jewish faith from the definition of natives of Palestine.
Nice sidestep. You going to talk about the obvious lack of ethnicity to 'Palestine' that the Tamimi's possess?

You're the one sidestepping the real issue here:

The fact that the racial traits of 99% of all palestinians match perfectly with the traits of the native populations of all neighboring countries.

You're the one trying blow the irrelevant issue of blond, blue-eyed palestinians (0,something of the population) totally out of proportion in order to deny their indigeneity.

Talk about splitting hairs, grasping at straws.
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So you're saying the Tamimi's match the racial traits of all 'Palestinians', correct?

Is this where you are going?
Originally posted by teddyearp
So you're saying the Tamimi's match the racial traits of all 'Palestinians', correct?

Is this where you are going?

So we have experienced this thing in the title in many threads, attempting ti diminish the Jewish claim to Israel because many of them just look so European, therefore they just could not be real ancestors of the Israelite's and therefore have no claim to Israel. We have a whole sticky on who is indigenous to Israel. Many of the anti-Israel crowd point to how light of skin many Israelis are.

With this mentality then, why are the Tamimi's considered true Palestinians? Hero and heroines. Take a look at Ahed Tamimi. Her skin is whiter than many Israeli's. That and her blond hair so teased looks more like she should have been on Sunset Blvd in the late 80's early 90's than anywhere near 'Palestine'. Well, that was a far fetch, but she is definitely does not look any more 'Palestinian' than most claim the "invaders from Europe" look Israeli.

Even her father Bassem looks more like a European than a native of that area. Same white skin. The same features that many claim, no insist, that proves many Israeli's have no claim to their Nation of Israel.

Honestly, Ahed looks like she could have just left the beaches of Malibu and her father could have just left Cincinnati.

Let the games begin.
Personally I have never used complexion or appearance in any of my arguments. I find that quite irrelevant. Nobody attempts to delegitimize the US for having a wide verity of people.

My focus is on who the people are. What are their motives. What are their actions.

Palestine has been invaded, conquered, and occupied many times. Missionaries worked in the land. Many people came and went. The result is that Palestine evolved into a multi ethnic, multi racial, and multi religious society that lived in relative harmony. People went on with their daily lives making their contributions and seeking their rewards like people all over the world.

Then some people came down from Europe to colonize the land and take it for themselves. This is the root of the problem.

Ahed Tamimi is a problem for Israel. She looks more like the girl next door (to the people in the west) than one of those dark savages who attack Israel just because they hate Jews.
Palestine has been invaded, conquered, and occupied many times. Missionaries worked in the land. Many people came and went. The result is that Palestine evolved into a multi ethnic, multi racial, and multi religious society that lived in relative harmony. People went on with their daily lives making their contributions and seeking their rewards like people all over the world.

What a bunch of horse noodles,
the epicenter of invasions and religious wars is "society that lived in relative harmony" :cuckoo:

That's a nice fairytale mentioning a family of convicted terrorists, and a girl whom they use to promote suicide attacks.
She looks more like the girl next door (to the people in the west) than one of those dark savages who attack Israel just because they hate Jews.

You think having blond hair automatically makes one less a Jew hater,
or that it's simply better for selling Jihad?
So we have experienced this thing in the title in many threads, attempting ti diminish the Jewish claim to Israel because many of them just look so European, therefore they just could not be real ancestors of the Israelite's and therefore have no claim to Israel. We have a whole sticky on who is indigenous to Israel. Many of the anti-Israel crowd point to how light of skin many Israelis are.

With this mentality then, why are the Tamimi's considered true Palestinians? Hero and heroines. Take a look at Ahed Tamimi. Her skin is whiter than many Israeli's. That and her blond hair so teased looks more like she should have been on Sunset Blvd in the late 80's early 90's than anywhere near 'Palestine'. Well, that was a far fetch, but she is definitely does not look any more 'Palestinian' than most claim the "invaders from Europe" look Israeli.

Even her father Bassem looks more like a European than a native of that area. Same white skin. The same features that many claim, no insist, that proves many Israeli's have no claim to their Nation of Israel.

Honestly, Ahed looks like she could have just left the beaches of Malibu and her father could have just left Cincinnati.

Let the games begin.
Personally I have never used complexion or appearance in any of my arguments. I find that quite irrelevant. Nobody attempts to delegitimize the US for having a wide verity of people.

My focus is on who the people are. What are their motives. What are their actions.

Palestine has been invaded, conquered, and occupied many times. Missionaries worked in the land. Many people came and went. The result is that Palestine evolved into a multi ethnic, multi racial, and multi religious society that lived in relative harmony. People went on with their daily lives making their contributions and seeking their rewards like people all over the world.

Then some people came down from Europe to colonize the land and take it for themselves. This is the root of the problem.

Ahed Tamimi is a problem for Israel. She looks more like the girl next door (to the people in the west) than one of those dark savages who attack Israel just because they hate Jews.

That long copy and paste was funny.

What you fail you acknowledge is that Islamist history is one of war, rapine and conquest. Here's the down-low on the Weltanschauung of the Islamist faithful, plain and simple (according to the Islamist source material ): Islam is the one true faith, infidels are scum, and it is a religious duty incumbent on the ummah to make war against them until Islam (submission to Muhammud's invented politico-religious ideology) is the supreme force in the world.

I suppose you still believe that that the Islamist caliphate, replete with the fascist imposition of dhimmitude for the non-Islamics was living in “peace and harmony”. How silly.
Ahed Tamimi is a problem for Israel. She looks more like the girl next door (to the people in the west) than one of those dark savages who attack Israel just because they hate Jews.

Ahed Tamimi is a problem for islamics because she is viewed by the West as just another exploited female child. Your behavior and willingness to exploit her and the other pre-teen female you have such a creepy fascination for tends to reinforce a lot of negative stereotypes regarding the treatment of women in ummah’Istan.
So we have experienced this thing in the title in many threads, attempting ti diminish the Jewish claim to Israel because many of them just look so European, therefore they just could not be real ancestors of the Israelite's and therefore have no claim to Israel. We have a whole sticky on who is indigenous to Israel. Many of the anti-Israel crowd point to how light of skin many Israelis are.

With this mentality then, why are the Tamimi's considered true Palestinians? Hero and heroines. Take a look at Ahed Tamimi. Her skin is whiter than many Israeli's. That and her blond hair so teased looks more like she should have been on Sunset Blvd in the late 80's early 90's than anywhere near 'Palestine'. Well, that was a far fetch, but she is definitely does not look any more 'Palestinian' than most claim the "invaders from Europe" look Israeli.

Even her father Bassem looks more like a European than a native of that area. Same white skin. The same features that many claim, no insist, that proves many Israeli's have no claim to their Nation of Israel.

Honestly, Ahed looks like she could have just left the beaches of Malibu and her father could have just left Cincinnati.

Let the games begin.
Personally I have never used complexion or appearance in any of my arguments. I find that quite irrelevant. Nobody attempts to delegitimize the US for having a wide verity of people.

My focus is on who the people are. What are their motives. What are their actions.

Palestine has been invaded, conquered, and occupied many times. Missionaries worked in the land. Many people came and went. The result is that Palestine evolved into a multi ethnic, multi racial, and multi religious society that lived in relative harmony. People went on with their daily lives making their contributions and seeking their rewards like people all over the world.

Then some people came down from Europe to colonize the land and take it for themselves. This is the root of the problem.

Ahed Tamimi is a problem for Israel. She looks more like the girl next door (to the people in the west) than one of those dark savages who attack Israel just because they hate Jews.

That long copy and paste was funny.

What you fail you acknowledge is that Islamist history is one of war, rapine and conquest. Here's the down-low on the Weltanschauung of the Islamist faithful, plain and simple (according to the Islamist source material ): Islam is the one true faith, infidels are scum, and it is a religious duty incumbent on the ummah to make war against them until Islam (submission to Muhammud's invented politico-religious ideology) is the supreme force in the world.

I suppose you still believe that that the Islamist caliphate, replete with the fascist imposition of dhimmitude for the non-Islamics was living in “peace and harmony”. How silly.

"What you fail you acknowledge is that Islamist history is one of war, rapine and conquest [...] Islam is the one true faith, infidels are scum, and it is a religious duty incumbent on the ummah to make war against them until Islam (submission to Muhammud's invented politico-religious ideology) is the supreme force in the world."

i don't think so. all i have to do is look to know..........this is the sickest existance on the face of the earth tucked under the guise of ....religion. Yeah sunnimac, this is what you.....embraced -- this ...this cult.......... that i should cover my face because, well, we both know why right ?


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