The Intelligent Trump Supporter


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
For months now I've been off the Trump bandwagon. I could not stand his petulant attitude or his demeanor. There were plenty of things he said that I didn't agree with. He's brash and arrogant, foolhardy and narcissistic. His spate with Megyn Kelly, his comments about John McCain and other things are what prompted me to get off. But at times, he cogently made his case and described what he planned to do for America. I've been paying close attention, waiting for a time when he laid out his plan in specific detail. I've been analyzing his premise.

His wall, for example (you know, the one to keep the illegal immigrants at bay), was dismissed for being too wild and grandiose. But I thought, if the Chinese could build a 13,000 mile long wall all of nearly 1800 years ago with less technological resources than we have today, to keep the Mongols and other invading armies from attacking, why can't we build one, here, in the present, to stop illegal immigration? We built the Panama Canal, which geologically split the entire nation of Panama in two; connecting the Eastern and Western hemispheres for the first time. We built the Hoover Dam, the Golden Gate Bridge and so on. When man is so motivated, he will literally move mountains.

His idea on Muslim immigration is controversial. The misconception here is that he wants to ban all Muslim immigration permanently in the wake of the Paris and San Bernardino attacks. That's not true, however. The word "temporary" makes a comeback here. As in a temporary restriction, not a permanent one. I can understand the sentiment behind it. It doesn't matter what the odds are of one being directly impacted by a terrorist attack, it is still a threat to America as a whole.

If we can't verify where these refugees come from, from what backgrounds, they should be subject to greater scrutiny. If that means stopping all types of immigration for a while, so be it. Government's first duty to Americans is to ensure justice for the people. Justice for us, and justice for them. Justice in this case is served by doing what is necessary to protect American citizens, or potential citizens with innocuous reasons for immigrating here, whether they be Muslim or not, from the danger of terrorism.

One of the most impressive things about him is that he runs his campaign with his own money. He answers to no donors or special interests. He is completely in the driver's seat. If he runs his campaign that way, imagine what he might do as president.

The Republican Party says it will support whoever the eventual nominee is. But I've heard rumors and murmurings of ways it plans to attempt a sabotage of Trumps possible nomination. Those kinds of antics are why I chose to break away from the party almost four years ago.The Republican Party made the candidates sign a loyalty oath to the party, that they would not run for president on a third party ticket and support the eventual nominee; yet here they are, attempting to break that very same oath to Trump. An act that would be out of fear and self preservation, not in the interests of the voters. Hypocrisy in the highest. Some in the Republican Party try to paint him as a liberal in the past. Yes, yes he was. That was then. He chose, just like Reagan, to defect. Though their reasons may have been different, I'm of the mind that a man should be free to change his mind and his direction; that it shouldn't be held against him. I do it all the time. I can identify with that.

Comments are made about the intelligence and cognitive abilities of Trump supporters, that they aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer, or that they haven't a clue. I've heard people say just how much Trump supporters are racist and hateful overall. However, that kind of invective only serves to draw more to his cause. If all you can do is call me stupid, unintelligent, bigoted or racist, I'll move on and continue my support. If he doesn't win the nomination, that's okay, I'll still support the eventual nominee, unlike some people.

You can be an intelligent Trump supporter. You can be kind, compassionate, objective or a Christian, and support Trump. You can be whatever you want to be, in whatever walk of life, and you can still support Trump. It doesn't matter what other people think. Ignore the labels placed on you by your detractors if you choose to throw your support behind him. Your intelligence will not be diminished simply because you support one candidate or another. The whole idea that intelligence is contingent on who you support or what you believe is utter hogwash.

You don't have to completely agree with him to support him. Think what you like of him. As I read all the news about Hillary Clinton increasingly dubious situation involving her emails and possible public corruption, and the way the Republican establishment is doing everything they can to keep him from winning the nomination, this has really given me no other choice. I have decided to support Trump once more.

I am an intelligent Trump supporter.

Every so often, one of you wankers says that only people who own property or who have jobs should be able to vote. Bet you don't agree with that.

Oh, and no, you're not. There's no such thing.

Since you fancy yourself a writer, why don't you put these idiotic rants in the op/ed section?

Every so often, one of you wankers says that only people who own property or who have jobs should be able to vote. Bet you don't agree with that.

Why should those on the public dole be permitted to vote to reach more deeply into the pockets of others?
Too many are watching Trump, if they try to sabotage him he seems to get higher in the polls. The internet is Trumps friend, and things get around fast. I don't think he can be taken down unless if the voting process gets sabotaged .
There's nothing at all intelligent about supporting Trump. If you like him, it is for purely emotional reasons. There's nothing Trump says that any asshole with below intelligence can't say on a soap box. He just says stuff that his moronic redneck base eats up because it appeals to their emotions. Nothing Trump says represents critical thinking.

Any idiot can say "we must ban all Muslims!"

Any idiot can say "we must cut off the head of ISIS!"

Any idiot can say "we must make Mexico build a wall!"

Any idiot can call a rival's bathroom break "disgusting"

Any idiot can mock a reporter's disability because his own skin is so thin that he doesn't know how to handle criticism of any kind like a well-adjusted adult would.

Anyone with an ounce of critical thinking would not vote for Trump. Period.
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For months now I've been off the Trump bandwagon. I could not stand his petulant attitude or his demeanor. There were plenty of things he said that I didn't agree with. He's brash and arrogant, foolhardy and narcissistic. His spate with Megyn Kelly, his comments about John McCain and other things are what prompted me to get off. But at times, he cogently made his case and described what he planned to do for America. I've been paying close attention, waiting for a time when he laid out his plan in specific detail. I've been analyzing his premise.

His wall, for example (you know, the one to keep the illegal immigrants at bay), was dismissed for being too wild and grandiose. But I thought, if the Chinese could build a 13,000 mile long wall all of nearly 1800 years ago with less technological resources than we have today, to keep the Mongols and other invading armies from attacking, why can't we build one, here, in the present, to stop illegal immigration? We built the Panama Canal, which geologically split the entire nation of Panama in two; connecting the Eastern and Western hemispheres for the first time. We built the Hoover Dam, the Golden Gate Bridge and so on. When man is so motivated, he will literally move mountains.

His idea on Muslim immigration is controversial. The misconception here is that he wants to ban all Muslim immigration permanently in the wake of the Paris and San Bernardino attacks. That's not true, however. The word "temporary" makes a comeback here. As in a temporary restriction, not a permanent one. I can understand the sentiment behind it. It doesn't matter what the odds are of one being directly impacted by a terrorist attack, it is still a threat to America as a whole.

If we can't verify where these refugees come from, from what backgrounds, they should be subject to greater scrutiny. If that means stopping all types of immigration for a while, so be it. Government's first duty to Americans is to ensure justice for the people. Justice for us, and justice for them. Justice in this case is served by doing what is necessary to protect American citizens, or potential citizens with innocuous reasons for immigrating here, whether they be Muslim or not, from the danger of terrorism.

One of the most impressive things about him is that he runs his campaign with his own money. He answers to no donors or special interests. He is completely in the driver's seat. If he runs his campaign that way, imagine what he might do as president.

The Republican Party says it will support whoever the eventual nominee is. But I've heard rumors and murmurings of ways it plans to attempt a sabotage of Trumps possible nomination. Those kinds of antics are why I chose to break away from the party almost four years ago.The Republican Party made the candidates sign a loyalty oath to the party, that they would not run for president on a third party ticket and support the eventual nominee; yet here they are, attempting to break that very same oath to Trump. An act that would be out of fear and self preservation, not in the interests of the voters. Hypocrisy in the highest. Some in the Republican Party try to paint him as a liberal in the past. Yes, yes he was. That was then. He chose, just like Reagan, to defect. Though their reasons may have been different, I'm of the mind that a man should be free to change his mind and his direction; that it shouldn't be held against him. I do it all the time. I can identify with that.

Comments are made about the intelligence and cognitive abilities of Trump supporters, that they aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer, or that they haven't a clue. I've heard people say just how much Trump supporters are racist and hateful overall. However, that kind of invective only serves to draw more to his cause. If all you can do is call me stupid, unintelligent, bigoted or racist, I'll move on and continue my support. If he doesn't win the nomination, that's okay, I'll still support the eventual nominee, unlike some people.

You can be an intelligent Trump supporter. You can be kind, compassionate, objective or a Christian, and support Trump. You can be whatever you want to be, in whatever walk of life, and you can still support Trump. It doesn't matter what other people think. Ignore the labels placed on you by your detractors if you choose to throw your support behind him. Your intelligence will not be diminished simply because you support one candidate or another. The whole idea that intelligence is contingent on who you support or what you believe is utter hogwash.

You don't have to completely agree with him to support him. Think what you like of him. As I read all the news about Hillary Clinton increasingly dubious situation involving her emails and possible public corruption, and the way the Republican establishment is doing everything they can to keep him from winning the nomination, this has really given me no other choice. I have decided to support Trump once more.

I am an intelligent Trump supporter.

There's no such thing as an intelligent Trump supporter because you're all too stupid to realize that you are putting Clinton in the White House.
There's nothing at all intelligent about supporting Trump. If you like him, it is for purely emotional reasons. There's nothing Trump says that any asshole with below intelligence can say on a soap box. He just says stuff that his moronic redneck base eats up because it appeals to their emotions. Nothing Trump says represents critical thinking.

Any idiot can say "we must ban all Muslims!"

Any idiot can say "we must cut off the head of ISIS!"

Any idiot can say "we must make Mexico build a wall!"

Any idiot can call a rival's bathroom break "disgusting"

Any idiot can mock a reporter's disability because his own skin is so thin that he doesn't know how to handle criticism of any kind like a well-adjusted adult would.

Anyone with an ounce of critical thinking would not vote for Trump. Period.
Anyone can say anything, but I suspect the difference is Trump fans believe he actually will do what he says he intends to do. Refreshing.
There's nothing at all intelligent about supporting Trump. If you like him, it is for purely emotional reasons. There's nothing Trump says that any asshole with below intelligence can say on a soap box. He just says stuff that his moronic redneck base eats up because it appeals to their emotions. Nothing Trump says represents critical thinking.

Any idiot can say "we must ban all Muslims!"

Any idiot can say "we must cut off the head of ISIS!"

Any idiot can say "we must make Mexico build a wall!"

Any idiot can call a rival's bathroom break "disgusting"

Any idiot can mock a reporter's disability because his own skin is so thin that he doesn't know how to handle criticism of any kind like a well-adjusted adult would.

Anyone with an ounce of critical thinking would not vote for Trump. Period.
Anyone can say anything, but I suspect the difference is Trump fans believe he actually will do what he says he intends to do. Refreshing.
You would have to be some kind of complete fucking moron to believe that the US could make Mexico build a fucking wall on the border.
There's nothing at all intelligent about supporting Trump. If you like him, it is for purely emotional reasons. There's nothing Trump says that any asshole with below intelligence can say on a soap box. He just says stuff that his moronic redneck base eats up because it appeals to their emotions. Nothing Trump says represents critical thinking.

Any idiot can say "we must ban all Muslims!"

Any idiot can say "we must cut off the head of ISIS!"

Any idiot can say "we must make Mexico build a wall!"

Any idiot can call a rival's bathroom break "disgusting"

Any idiot can mock a reporter's disability because his own skin is so thin that he doesn't know how to handle criticism of any kind like a well-adjusted adult would.

Anyone with an ounce of critical thinking would not vote for Trump. Period.
Anyone can say anything, but I suspect the difference is Trump fans believe he actually will do what he says he intends to do. Refreshing.
You would have to be some kind of complete fucking moron to believe that the US could make Mexico build a fucking wall on the border.
Well, I guess we'll see, or not.
I don't like Trump personally and didn't think I would ever support him for President but then I don't have to like him. If he makes the country better, that's all that matters.
There's nothing at all intelligent about supporting Trump. If you like him, it is for purely emotional reasons. There's nothing Trump says that any asshole with below intelligence can say on a soap box. He just says stuff that his moronic redneck base eats up because it appeals to their emotions. Nothing Trump says represents critical thinking.

Any idiot can say "we must ban all Muslims!"

Any idiot can say "we must cut off the head of ISIS!"

Any idiot can say "we must make Mexico build a wall!"

Any idiot can call a rival's bathroom break "disgusting"

Any idiot can mock a reporter's disability because his own skin is so thin that he doesn't know how to handle criticism of any kind like a well-adjusted adult would.

Anyone with an ounce of critical thinking would not vote for Trump. Period.
Anyone can say anything, but I suspect the difference is Trump fans believe he actually will do what he says he intends to do. Refreshing.
You would have to be some kind of complete fucking moron to believe that the US could make Mexico build a fucking wall on the border.
Nobody said they were gonna BUILD it, stupid, Trump said they were gonna PAY for it. You really are an idiot, aren't you?
I don't like Trump personally and didn't think I would ever support him for President but then I don't have to like him. If he makes the country better, that's all that matters.
Right but of course you have no earthly idea how he would actually make the country better. Not even Trump himself actually knows that.
There's nothing at all intelligent about supporting Trump. If you like him, it is for purely emotional reasons. There's nothing Trump says that any asshole with below intelligence can say on a soap box. He just says stuff that his moronic redneck base eats up because it appeals to their emotions. Nothing Trump says represents critical thinking.

Any idiot can say "we must ban all Muslims!"

Any idiot can say "we must cut off the head of ISIS!"

Any idiot can say "we must make Mexico build a wall!"

Any idiot can call a rival's bathroom break "disgusting"

Any idiot can mock a reporter's disability because his own skin is so thin that he doesn't know how to handle criticism of any kind like a well-adjusted adult would.

Anyone with an ounce of critical thinking would not vote for Trump. Period.
Anyone can say anything, but I suspect the difference is Trump fans believe he actually will do what he says he intends to do. Refreshing.
You would have to be some kind of complete fucking moron to believe that the US could make Mexico build a fucking wall on the border.
Nobody said they were gonna BUILD it, stupid, Trump said they were gonna PAY for it. You really are an idiot, aren't you?
Lol you seriously crack me up. As if them paying for it is somehow a more realistic scenario. I just don't understand how you people can not think this stuff through. It completely baffles me.
There's nothing at all intelligent about supporting Trump. If you like him, it is for purely emotional reasons. There's nothing Trump says that any asshole with below intelligence can say on a soap box. He just says stuff that his moronic redneck base eats up because it appeals to their emotions. Nothing Trump says represents critical thinking.

Any idiot can say "we must ban all Muslims!"

Any idiot can say "we must cut off the head of ISIS!"

Any idiot can say "we must make Mexico build a wall!"

Any idiot can call a rival's bathroom break "disgusting"

Any idiot can mock a reporter's disability because his own skin is so thin that he doesn't know how to handle criticism of any kind like a well-adjusted adult would.

Anyone with an ounce of critical thinking would not vote for Trump. Period.
Anyone can say anything, but I suspect the difference is Trump fans believe he actually will do what he says he intends to do. Refreshing.
You would have to be some kind of complete fucking moron to believe that the US could make Mexico build a fucking wall on the border.
Nobody said they were gonna BUILD it, stupid, Trump said they were gonna PAY for it. You really are an idiot, aren't you?
Lol you seriously crack me up. As if them paying for it is somehow a more realistic scenario. I just don't understand how you people can not think this stuff through. It completely baffles me.
You're baffled because you're stupid. Let me explain it to you. We give Mexico money. We deduct the cost of building the wall from what we give them. Therefore, they pay for the wall. Now do you get it?
There's nothing at all intelligent about supporting Trump. If you like him, it is for purely emotional reasons. There's nothing Trump says that any asshole with below intelligence can say on a soap box. He just says stuff that his moronic redneck base eats up because it appeals to their emotions. Nothing Trump says represents critical thinking.

Any idiot can say "we must ban all Muslims!"

Any idiot can say "we must cut off the head of ISIS!"

Any idiot can say "we must make Mexico build a wall!"

Any idiot can call a rival's bathroom break "disgusting"

Any idiot can mock a reporter's disability because his own skin is so thin that he doesn't know how to handle criticism of any kind like a well-adjusted adult would.

Anyone with an ounce of critical thinking would not vote for Trump. Period.
Anyone can say anything, but I suspect the difference is Trump fans believe he actually will do what he says he intends to do. Refreshing.
You would have to be some kind of complete fucking moron to believe that the US could make Mexico build a fucking wall on the border.
Nobody said they were gonna BUILD it, stupid, Trump said they were gonna PAY for it. You really are an idiot, aren't you?
Lol you seriously crack me up. As if them paying for it is somehow a more realistic scenario. I just don't understand how you people can not think this stuff through. It completely baffles me.
You're baffled because you're stupid. Let me explain it to you. We give Mexico money. We deduct the cost of building the wall from what we give them. Therefore, they pay for the wall. Now do you get it?
Lol oh right because that was Trump's idea all along? I'm sure congress would be completely on board lol. Do you even know how much we give Mexico? No you do not.

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