The Intellectual Professor in Chief.

I see Wiley E Coyote has been busy again, its astounding how Obamatrons like this have become the same as the Bushbots of yore, making shit up and hoping it makes their boi look good! :lol:

Obama's accomplishments ( again, you may not like what he did, doesn't mean he has "done nothing"

1. Mended diplomatic relationships with many of the countries Bush pissed off. Displayed a respect for other countries and their cultures, and is willing to hear other countries out.
Offended the entire EU by backing out of a major summit, consistanly offends Gordon Brown and the English, is considered a liar and betrayer by both Poland & the Czech republic, kissed up to the Russians only to be told he would get NO CONCESSIONS from them, is mocked and laughed at by the Iranians.

He did however manage to lead the world in bowing to despots and powerless emperors.

2. Passed the stimulus package, in which the results are yet to be seen, since the economy doesn't magically recover overnight
A nearly trillion dollar payoff of long time 'wish list' items of Democrats that did nothing but bloat government and provide no jobs, except of course the ever sliding scale he and his minions clain (thousands, 1,5 million, 2 million, zero).

3. Stepped up efforts in Afghanistan, which had gotten out of control
Instead of ending a pointless war, he prevaricated all summer so he could collect his peace prize and only then agreed to send 75% of what his hand picked commander said was absolutely needed to save the situation.

General confusion is not a rank or a title.

4. Brought the healthcare debate to the forefront of political issues. May not have gotten anyting passed yet, but at least many people are talking about it, maybe a compromise is on the horizen.
An issue the American public CONSISTANTLY say is not important, while what the people do consider important, restoring the economy, jobs and cutting the deficeit are either ignored or made worse.

5. named Sotomayor to the SCOTUS
The 'wise latina woman' who judges by race and feelings over the constitution and who's decisions when brought be ore the court where overturned 66% of the time.

6. Won the nobel peace prize
This is the best of all, you are proud he won an award for doing NOTHING! :lol:
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I attribute my personal succes to my lack of always needing to be right.
I suggest you stop trying to be right and realize that you have fallen for the oldest trick in the book......yoiuy believe things as fact that are nothing more than speculation....and you list them as accomplishments.

I mean...."unemployment will not go above 8% if we pass the stimulus"

"The stimulus will create 2 million jobs in the first 6 months"

And yet they have you citing the stimulus as an accomplishemnt when it failed to meet wither benchmark.

DOes that not concern you?
You do realize that the response will be with intangibles, spoken by others, whose jobs are to put the best look on any given concept or policy.

Let Me think a moment. They will list numbers, created and researched by others, on items on how banks WOULD HAVE sank further and/or collapsed if the stimulus had not been passed. They cannot see that kind of reply is not based upon any hard, proven evidence; merely speculation.

They will reply with a half-honest attempt to pass the blame for their misreading the depth of the employment problem with two intangibles. One being that this was the result of the last administration and that the unemployment broke the stated mark before the stimulus could go into effect. Yet they ignore the fact that after 8% was broken, and stimulus was spent, the rate continued to climb to 10.2%. Nothing they say is tangible on how they could have fixed the problem and they speculate that no one could have fixed the problem because of the last administration.

But answer Me this. Didn't this administration run for President because they said that they had the answers to all our problems?

That was my point all along.

I ask for concrete accomplishments or at the very least comncrete benchmarks reached to imply future satisfaction of accomplishments.

The best answer I got was the concrete winning of a nobel prize.

Personally, it scares me that this is what our nation is becoming.

I hear you. The best you can do is seek out those who are actually into discussing things as mature adults and hope the rest don't suffer a stroke when they don't get the attention they are craving.
Accomplishment: Obama woke up this morning.
Accomplishment: Obama blamed it all on Bush.
Accomplishment: Biden declares victory in Iraq "Administration's greatest achievement" (this one still floors me)
Accomplishment: Obama has lunch.
Accomplishemnt: Obama says big bank bonus' "ok"
Accomplishment: Obama blames it all on Bush.... AGAIN....
Accomplishment: Obama has dinner.
Accompishment: Obama goes to bed.
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Accomplishment: Obama woke up this morning.
Accomplishment: Obama blamed it all on Bush.
Accomplishment: Biden declares victory in Iraq "Administration's greatest achievement" (this one still floors me)
Accomplishment: Obama has lunch.
Accomplishemnt: Obama says big bank bonus' "ok"
Accomplishment: Obama blames it all on Bush.... AGAIN....
Accomplishment: Obama has dinner.
Accompishment: Obama goes to bed.
You are selling him short, you left out: Drops duece and manages to wipe without help.
Accomplishment: Obama woke up this morning.
Accomplishment: Obama blamed it all on Bush.
Accomplishment: Biden declares victory in Iraq "Administration's greatest achievement" (this one still floors me)
Accomplishment: Obama has lunch.
Accomplishemnt: Obama says big bank bonus' "ok"
Accomplishment: Obama blames it all on Bush.... AGAIN....
Accomplishment: Obama has dinner.
Accompishment: Obama goes to bed.

Well, to be honest, he did change the tone in Washington..........

Oh, wait.............
Accomplishment: Obama woke up this morning.
Accomplishment: Obama blamed it all on Bush.
Accomplishment: Biden declares victory in Iraq "Administration's greatest achievement" (this one still floors me)
Accomplishment: Obama has lunch.
Accomplishemnt: Obama says big bank bonus' "ok"
Accomplishment: Obama blames it all on Bush.... AGAIN....
Accomplishment: Obama has dinner.
Accompishment: Obama goes to bed.
You are selling him short, you left out: Drops duece and manages to wipe without help.

LOL!!!!!!!!! Awesome....
I'm still waiting to meet someone in person who actually takes Obama serious.... Iknow two people who voted for him.. and now both think the guy's a complete buffoon.
You do realize that the response will be with intangibles, spoken by others, whose jobs are to put the best look on any given concept or policy.

Let Me think a moment. They will list numbers, created and researched by others, on items on how banks WOULD HAVE sank further and/or collapsed if the stimulus had not been passed. They cannot see that kind of reply is not based upon any hard, proven evidence; merely speculation.

They will reply with a half-honest attempt to pass the blame for their misreading the depth of the employment problem with two intangibles. One being that this was the result of the last administration and that the unemployment broke the stated mark before the stimulus could go into effect. Yet they ignore the fact that after 8% was broken, and stimulus was spent, the rate continued to climb to 10.2%. Nothing they say is tangible on how they could have fixed the problem and they speculate that no one could have fixed the problem because of the last administration.

But answer Me this. Didn't this administration run for President because they said that they had the answers to all our problems?

That was my point all along.

I ask for concrete accomplishments or at the very least comncrete benchmarks reached to imply future satisfaction of accomplishments.

The best answer I got was the concrete winning of a nobel prize.

Personally, it scares me that this is what our nation is becoming.

I hear you. The best you can do is seek out those who are actually into discussing things as mature adults and hope the rest don't suffer a stroke when they don't get the attention they are craving.

I try. And this is not BS when I say long as I allow the debater to use "speculation" as the evidence to support an initiative, things run well.
But the minute I cite a fact, I am berated as a racist, a birther, a tea bagger, a moron....

For example....

Dioscussing with this guy mike the failure of the stimulus plan. He said it is successful I said no proof.
He said it saved millions of jobs I said but Obama said it would CREATE 2 million jobs and Obama siad that unemployment would not rise above 8%.

He said..."as they told us, they did not realize how bad the mess was that they inherited"

SO I said...."all of those hundreds of top economists he claims that advise him and not one knew how bad it was?"

His response...."what are you, a fucking racist? Give him time."

ANd yes, that was his EXACT response...and he hears it from me daily as I email that quote of his to him his wife asked that I do it iun an attewmpt to wake him out of his trance.

As she put it.....he is so much in a trance I just saw him call his best friend with black ancestry a racist.

Yep...he did not even think about that before he called me a racist.

What does that tell you?
I'm still waiting to meet someone in person who actually takes Obama serious.... Iknow two people who voted for him.. and now both think the guy's a complete buffoon.
I take Mr. Obama very serious. He has the ability to do significantly more harm than he already has.

Everyone better take Mr. Obama serious.....

Now, with that. I think I'm going to go play some Dragon Age since I have a little free time and don't feel like doing this anymore.
That was my point all along.

I ask for concrete accomplishments or at the very least comncrete benchmarks reached to imply future satisfaction of accomplishments.

The best answer I got was the concrete winning of a nobel prize.

Personally, it scares me that this is what our nation is becoming.

I hear you. The best you can do is seek out those who are actually into discussing things as mature adults and hope the rest don't suffer a stroke when they don't get the attention they are craving.

I try. And this is not BS when I say long as I allow the debater to use "speculation" as the evidence to support an initiative, things run well.
But the minute I cite a fact, I am berated as a racist, a birther, a tea bagger, a moron....

For example....

Dioscussing with this guy mike the failure of the stimulus plan. He said it is successful I said no proof.
He said it saved millions of jobs I said but Obama said it would CREATE 2 million jobs and Obama siad that unemployment would not rise above 8%.

He said..."as they told us, they did not realize how bad the mess was that they inherited"

SO I said...."all of those hundreds of top economists he claims that advise him and not one knew how bad it was?"

His response...."what are you, a fucking racist? Give him time."

ANd yes, that was his EXACT response...and he hears it from me daily as I email that quote of his to him his wife asked that I do it iun an attewmpt to wake him out of his trance.

As she put it.....he is so much in a trance I just saw him call his best friend with black ancestry a racist.

Yep...he did not even think about that before he called me a racist.

What does that tell you?
It tells Me that My speculation hasn't been that far off the mark. That while some who followed Bush did so blindly, those who follow Obama do so in greater numbers and with malicious intent.

Ah well. It can't be solved today and I really don't feel like dealing with 95% of the people who come here. Have a good day. I'm going to go do something productive.

Play Dragon Age!

Listen Doc...calm down. Stop declaring voictory as the win or loss is for both of us.

The point I am trying to make is that this administration is spending a heck of a lot of money to "accomplish" things based strictly on speculation...and in an effort to get MORE popular approval, they have you convinced that his previous actions have accompolished things when in fact they are still speculation.

I am not spinning anything....I was against his "spending" as I did not believe it will help....and you can not deny one thing for sure...they clkaim it has helped but they have yet to be able to prove it.

And now they want another stimulus.

This is not partisan talk, We, the people, want those that are falling for the rhetoric to stop falling for the rhetoric and start looking for true accomplishments....

Would you invest in a company that you already invested in and ssaw no returnds for a year...bnut that company promised returns to come soon and that is why you should invest more money?

That is the same thing my frend.

YOu said list accomplishments. You claimed he has done nothing. I've listed his accomplishments. You post back bullshit that has nothing to do with the fact that those were accomplishments. YOur approval or your opinion of whether it is going to do good or not is irrelevant to the accomplishments. You dont' have a crystal ball, you don't know if it will work. I respect you thinking it will not help, but why not just say that from the get go instead of being disingenuous and claiming obama has done nothing?

That goes for all the other Obama bashers, instead of the stupid political mudslinging and name calling and picking out petty things to criticize Obama with, just state your reasoning and criticism of what he does?

I think all you Obama bootlickers should just calm the fuck down... we listened to you bitches protesting at soldiers funerals calling it "patriotism" and bitching about every damn thing Bush did for eight fucking years. Now, BHO the boy king has announced that he "sees no reasonable expectation of privacy" regarding cell phone location monitoring... and you fucks are SPEACHLESS. Where's the fuckin outrage? Had Bush done this you would have shit yourself. So...... shut your pieholes.

And yes, I am a partisan Obama basher... the man sucks, his administration sucks and is the most crooked on record and quite frankly, a disgrace. And I will take every opportunityto point it out to you BHO bootlickers and lemmings.

ah yes, troll/idiot strategy #5 Claim people need to calm down when you are showed how much full of shit you are

Your post reads the need to "calm down" and really what I have come to expect from most conservative, irrational rants having nothing to do with the issue at hand.
You do realize that the response will be with intangibles, spoken by others, whose jobs are to put the best look on any given concept or policy.

Let Me think a moment. They will list numbers, created and researched by others, on items on how banks WOULD HAVE sank further and/or collapsed if the stimulus had not been passed. They cannot see that kind of reply is not based upon any hard, proven evidence; merely speculation.

They will reply with a half-honest attempt to pass the blame for their misreading the depth of the employment problem with two intangibles. One being that this was the result of the last administration and that the unemployment broke the stated mark before the stimulus could go into effect. Yet they ignore the fact that after 8% was broken, and stimulus was spent, the rate continued to climb to 10.2%. Nothing they say is tangible on how they could have fixed the problem and they speculate that no one could have fixed the problem because of the last administration.

But answer Me this. Didn't this administration run for President because they said that they had the answers to all our problems?

That was my point all along.

I ask for concrete accomplishments or at the very least comncrete benchmarks reached to imply future satisfaction of accomplishments.

The best answer I got was the concrete winning of a nobel prize.

Personally, it scares me that this is what our nation is becoming.

I hear you. The best you can do is seek out those who are actually into discussing things as mature adults and hope the rest don't suffer a stroke when they don't get the attention they are craving.

:lol: you consider the bullshit old and stupid and you post as being mature?
What is it opposite day or something?
That was my point all along.

I ask for concrete accomplishments or at the very least comncrete benchmarks reached to imply future satisfaction of accomplishments.

The best answer I got was the concrete winning of a nobel prize.

Personally, it scares me that this is what our nation is becoming.

I hear you. The best you can do is seek out those who are actually into discussing things as mature adults and hope the rest don't suffer a stroke when they don't get the attention they are craving.

:lol: you consider the bullshit old and stupid and you post as being mature?
What is it opposite day or something?

Look..I may be wrong...

But this post of yours pretty much confirmed what he said.
YOu said list accomplishments. You claimed he has done nothing. I've listed his accomplishments. You post back bullshit that has nothing to do with the fact that those were accomplishments. YOur approval or your opinion of whether it is going to do good or not is irrelevant to the accomplishments. You dont' have a crystal ball, you don't know if it will work. I respect you thinking it will not help, but why not just say that from the get go instead of being disingenuous and claiming obama has done nothing?

That goes for all the other Obama bashers, instead of the stupid political mudslinging and name calling and picking out petty things to criticize Obama with, just state your reasoning and criticism of what he does?

I think all you Obama bootlickers should just calm the fuck down... we listened to you bitches protesting at soldiers funerals calling it "patriotism" and bitching about every damn thing Bush did for eight fucking years. Now, BHO the boy king has announced that he "sees no reasonable expectation of privacy" regarding cell phone location monitoring... and you fucks are SPEACHLESS. Where's the fuckin outrage? Had Bush done this you would have shit yourself. So...... shut your pieholes.

And yes, I am a partisan Obama basher... the man sucks, his administration sucks and is the most crooked on record and quite frankly, a disgrace. And I will take every opportunityto point it out to you BHO bootlickers and lemmings.

ah yes, troll/idiot strategy #5 Claim people need to calm down when you are showed how much full of shit you are

Your post reads the need to "calm down" and really what I have come to expect from most conservative, irrational rants having nothing to do with the issue at hand.

Spoken by a guy that believes and asserts the following:

"Winning the nobel peace prize is an example of an accomplishment a man acheived for the people of the country he presides over"
But you bozos will spin it and make up yet again more stupid arguments to say how these aren't accomplishment, like the good trolls/morons you are

Obama's accomplishments ( again, you may not like what he did, doesn't mean he has "done nothing"

1. Mended diplomatic relationships with many of the countries Bush pissed off. Displayed a respect for other countries and their cultures, and is willing to hear other countries out.

2. Passed the stimulus package, in which the results are yet to be seen, since the economy doesn't magically recover overnight

3. Stepped up efforts in Afghanistan, which had gotten out of control

4. Brought the healthcare debate to the forefront of political issues. May not have gotten anyting passed yet, but at least many people are talking about it, maybe a compromise is on the horizen.

5. named Sotomayor to the SCOTUS

6. Won the nobel peace prize

Hmmm Your list needs work.

1. Mended fences??? That must be why the whole of Europe is laughing at our POTUS. Not much respect there my friend. His I wanna be your friend didn't work with Iran or N Korean either.

2.Did pass stimulus. Loads of pork all over the place. Not much else.

3. He did send troops to Afg.

4. The Healthcare boondogle was a long way from a debate. Jeeze they litterally had to buy support from members of their own party to get to the floor. The MA election convinced them that this bs ain't gonna fly. I doubt they will try and ram it down our throats.

5. Naming Sotomayor?? Done by Presidents all the time. No big deal there.

6. Nobel Peace Prize???? Big question mark there. Still ain't figured out what he did to win that. I guess you just have to walk, talk, breath and be a liberal.

Well. Not much progress for a year. I'm sure this year will be way, way better. Just keep believing in that Hopey Changey BS and it may come to passL LOL

:lol: Just as I said would happen. Holy cow you guys are stupid. Accomplishments doesn't require your approval or like of them. ANd you stating something doesnb't make it true.

Those are accomplishments regardless of what your opinion of the consequences are.

Opinions Doc, are like assholes. Everybody has one.

My opinion means as much to me as yours does to you.

You think Barry is the greatest. I think he's a fucking disaster. Ah Well. Opinions!!!
Hmmm Your list needs work.

1. Mended fences??? That must be why the whole of Europe is laughing at our POTUS. Not much respect there my friend. His I wanna be your friend didn't work with Iran or N Korean either.

2.Did pass stimulus. Loads of pork all over the place. Not much else.

3. He did send troops to Afg.

4. The Healthcare boondogle was a long way from a debate. Jeeze they litterally had to buy support from members of their own party to get to the floor. The MA election convinced them that this bs ain't gonna fly. I doubt they will try and ram it down our throats.

5. Naming Sotomayor?? Done by Presidents all the time. No big deal there.

6. Nobel Peace Prize???? Big question mark there. Still ain't figured out what he did to win that. I guess you just have to walk, talk, breath and be a liberal.

Well. Not much progress for a year. I'm sure this year will be way, way better. Just keep believing in that Hopey Changey BS and it may come to passL LOL

:lol: Just as I said would happen. Holy cow you guys are stupid. Accomplishments doesn't require your approval or like of them. ANd you stating something doesnb't make it true.

Those are accomplishments regardless of what your opinion of the consequences are.

Opinions Doc, are like assholes. Everybody has one.

My opinion means as much to me as yours does to you.

You think Barry is the greatest. I think he's a fucking disaster. Ah Well. Opinions!!!

with the fdifference being that you did not feel the need to resort to name calling, currsing, and ranting as you offered your opinon.
with the fdifference being that you did not feel the need to resort to name calling, currsing, and ranting as you offered your opinon.

You are quite misguided.

Jeez....for some reason I picture you as that guy that worked part time at McDonalds that spoke at a town hall and told Obama how much he loved him.

Listen you hack....

Stop being a hack and add something to the debate.

lol.....great comeback...again!

You are just way too easy....I need someone with ideas to aint got nuttin!

yeah, phony.
Hmmm Your list needs work.

1. Mended fences??? That must be why the whole of Europe is laughing at our POTUS. Not much respect there my friend. His I wanna be your friend didn't work with Iran or N Korean either.

2.Did pass stimulus. Loads of pork all over the place. Not much else.

3. He did send troops to Afg.

4. The Healthcare boondogle was a long way from a debate. Jeeze they litterally had to buy support from members of their own party to get to the floor. The MA election convinced them that this bs ain't gonna fly. I doubt they will try and ram it down our throats.

5. Naming Sotomayor?? Done by Presidents all the time. No big deal there.

6. Nobel Peace Prize???? Big question mark there. Still ain't figured out what he did to win that. I guess you just have to walk, talk, breath and be a liberal.

Well. Not much progress for a year. I'm sure this year will be way, way better. Just keep believing in that Hopey Changey BS and it may come to passL LOL

:lol: Just as I said would happen. Holy cow you guys are stupid. Accomplishments doesn't require your approval or like of them. ANd you stating something doesnb't make it true.

Those are accomplishments regardless of what your opinion of the consequences are.

Opinions Doc, are like assholes. Everybody has one.

My opinion means as much to me as yours does to you.

You think Barry is the greatest. I think he's a fucking disaster. Ah Well. Opinions!!!

and opinions don't cancel out facts, unlike what many conservatives believe

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