The Inquisition.. Democrat Style

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Ah yes.. the sweet repercussions of Obamacare, the unintended consequences, the stupid is as stupid does, the inquisition with a Democratic Party twist as Henry Waxman becomes Obama's, Grand Inquisitor for the health care debacle.


Only days after ObamaCare was passed, some of America’s biggest corporations began announcing that they would have to take charges against their earnings as a result of the taxes, regulations, and other government rules that are going to drive up their costs and negatively affect their companies’ long term fiscal health.

Anyone who has even a rudimentary understanding of economics knew ObamaCare was going to have some sort of negative impact on businesses of all sizes. When the announcements started rolling out that Caterpillar, Deere, AT&T, Verizon, AK Steel, and many others will be forced to make writedowns against their earnings, the only surprise was the enormity of those writedowns.

Enter Henry Waxman, Democrat of California and chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. He is demanding that these companies’ CEOs appear before his committee to explain how it is possible that ObamaCare will cost them millions of dollars (in AT&T’s case $1 billion) rather than rain sunshine and unicorns down on their corporations.

Henry Waxman is not happy with companies that announced ObamaCare writedowns | KimPriestap


What the heck..The American people don't need jobs, they need more Government dependence...
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Ah yes.. the sweet repercussions of Obamacare, the unintended consequences, the stupid is as stupid does, the inquisition with a Democratic Party twist as Henry Waxman becomes Obama's, Grand Inquisitor for the health care debacle.


Only days after ObamaCare was passed, some of America’s biggest corporations began announcing that they would have to take charges against their earnings as a result of the taxes, regulations, and other government rules that are going to drive up their costs and negatively affect their companies’ long term fiscal health.

Anyone who has even a rudimentary understanding of economics knew ObamaCare was going to have some sort of negative impact on businesses of all sizes. When the announcements started rolling out that Caterpillar, Deere, AT&T, Verizon, AK Steel, and many others will be forced to make writedowns against their earnings, the only surprise was the enormity of those writedowns.

Enter Henry Waxman, Democrat of California and chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. He is demanding that these companies’ CEOs appear before his committee to explain how it is possible that ObamaCare will cost them millions of dollars (in AT&T’s case $1 billion) rather than rain sunshine and unicorns down on their corporations.

Henry Waxman is not happy with companies that announced ObamaCare writedowns | KimPriestap


Companies’ Charges Prompt a Hearing - Health care, Henry Waxman, Congress

What the heck..The American people don't need jobs, they need more Government dependence...

Try , try again
Yeah really.

Government over reach is astounding, they think they can quiz and demand anything of anyone.

Show us the pertinent part of the constitution that says business must answer to government in things not involving taxation or a passed law.
This is not cut and dried.

I trust the internal estimates about as much as I trust the government estimates. Both are political statements.

Bullshit. Those numbers correspond to required tax and SEC filings, which must be taken in the fiscal quarter in which the laws are passed.

Their only crime was complying with the law.

The numbers are estimates of future costs. They're imaginary numbers.
Wrong. They are accounting charges they will actually take, just like any other charges. Only Congress uses sales of 2 acre lots on the dark side of the moon to score CBO numbers.

Why are you a sucker for government?
Wrong. They are accounting charges they will actually take, just like any other charges. Only Congress uses sales of 2 acre lots on the dark side of the moon to score CBO numbers.

Why are you a sucker for government?

They are accounting charges that they will take based on future costs.

Your inability to read is not my problem - as I clearly stated in my post, I don't trust the government numbers either.
Wrong. They are accounting charges they will actually take, just like any other charges. Only Congress uses sales of 2 acre lots on the dark side of the moon to score CBO numbers.

Why are you a sucker for government?

They are accounting charges that they will take based on future costs.

Your inability to read is not my problem - as I clearly stated in my post, I don't trust the government numbers either.

Your inability to comprehend their obligations other federal agencies when it comes to accurately reporting these is not my problem.

This is not the SEC calling them on the carpet. It's Waxman doing so at the direction of his capos in the White House. Emails going back to 2003?

Grow up.
Wrong. They are accounting charges they will actually take, just like any other charges. Only Congress uses sales of 2 acre lots on the dark side of the moon to score CBO numbers.

Why are you a sucker for government?

They are accounting charges that they will take based on future costs.

Your inability to read is not my problem - as I clearly stated in my post, I don't trust the government numbers either.

Your inability to comprehend their obligations other federal agencies when it comes to accurately reporting these is not my problem.

This is not the SEC calling them on the carpet. It's Waxman doing so at the direction of his capos in the White House. Emails going back to 2003?

Grow up.

I don't think you seem to be understanding what I'm saying.

I'm saying I don't believe their projections. I don't believe the government numbers either.

I'm endlessly amused by people believing anything as long as it supports their point of view.
They are accounting charges that they will take based on future costs.

Your inability to read is not my problem - as I clearly stated in my post, I don't trust the government numbers either.

Your inability to comprehend their obligations other federal agencies when it comes to accurately reporting these is not my problem.

This is not the SEC calling them on the carpet. It's Waxman doing so at the direction of his capos in the White House. Emails going back to 2003?

Grow up.

I don't think you seem to be understanding what I'm saying.

I'm saying I don't believe their projections. I don't believe the government numbers either.

I'm endlessly amused by people believing anything as long as it supports their point of view.

On what basis do you not believe companies' reporting their future obligations under the law? Please explain to the rest of us why you know more than the army of highly trained accountants and lawyers that companies hire and retain.
as pointed out, companies are obligated under SEC rules to report these things. There is nothing political about that. The politics is the White House blaming them for the administration's own actions.
Bad news, those companies don't have to answer to waxman or anyone else in government.
If they are subsidized by taxpayer money they most certainly do have to answer to us...and they are.

AT&T is subsidized by us? Caterpillar? Deere?
I realize it is the Obama team's wet dream to make every enterprise in America subject to federal authority in every aspect but we aren't there yet.
Bad news, those companies don't have to answer to waxman or anyone else in government.
If they are subsidized by taxpayer money they most certainly do have to answer to us...and they are.

AT&T is subsidized by us? Caterpillar? Deere?
I realize it is the Obama team's wet dream to make every enterprise in America subject to federal authority in every aspect but we aren't there yet.
Yes, they are receiving tax payer money to be used toward fulfilling their retirees' benefits packages.

Which is what this appearance before congress is about.

Do you ever actually attempt to think for yourself or do you merely regurgitate rightwing talking points?
If they are subsidized by taxpayer money they most certainly do have to answer to us...and they are.

AT&T is subsidized by us? Caterpillar? Deere?
I realize it is the Obama team's wet dream to make every enterprise in America subject to federal authority in every aspect but we aren't there yet.
Yes, they are receiving tax payer money to be used toward fulfilling their retirees' benefits packages.

Which is what this appearance before congress is about.

Do you ever actually attempt to think for yourself or do you merely regurgitate rightwing talking points?

No they arent. Do you bother to read about any of it or just make it up as you go along?
I live for the day when someone tells Waxman to fuck off and mind his own fucking business

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