The Injustice Given Roger Stone = Marxist Politics of Personal Destruction


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
suppose this happened to your son or daughter; wouldnt you be enraged as ell?

Tucker Carlson: Why the Roger Stone case should horrify you, whether you’re Republican or Democrat
Nine years in jail for lying -- that's what prosecutors have demanded that Roger Stone receive. How disproportionate is that sentence? Let's put it this way: James Clapper and John Brennan are both confirmed perjurers. They did it in public. They will never be prosecuted. At this moment, they're getting rich on television.

Meanwhile, for the crime of sending explicit sexual photos to a child, a serious felony, former Congressman Anthony Weiner got just 21 months, and he served less. Weiner was an admitted sex offender, but he was also a close personal friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton's. And in the end, that's what mattered most. See how this works?

Prosecutors want Roger Stone to serve nine years not because he hurt someone or hurt this country. He didn't. But because they hate him. As status liberals, they hate his politics. But above all, they hate his attitude.

Stone made fun of the ruling class. That's not allowed, and they never forgot it. They're trying to kill him for it. How unscrupulous are they in pursuit of that goal?

Well, prosecutors lied about what Stone did. They linked him to foreign election interference when he had no tie to that, and it had nothing to do with the charges against him -- not one thing. Then apparently, they deceived their superiors at the Department of Justice about it. Attorney General Bill Barr suggested as much in an interview Thursday:

William Barr, U.S. attorney general: I was under the impression that what was going to happen was very much, as I had suggested, which was deferring to the judge and then pointing at various factors and circumstances.On Monday night, when I first saw the news reports, I said, "Gee, the news is spinning this. This is not what we were going to do."

Pierre Thomas, ABC News senior justice correspondent: So you were surprised.

Barr: I was very surprised. And once I confirmed that that's actually what we filed, I said that night to my staff that we had to get ready because we had to do something in the morning to amend that and clarify what our position was.

Now, thanks to details we've just learned -- and you have to ask yourself why are we just learning them. But we know them, and they lead us to the conclusion that the charges and recommended sentence against Roger Stone weren't the only parts of the process that were distorted by tough politics grotesquely. The trial itself was, too.​

Roger Stones jury was led by a hateful Democrat activist who personally wanted to destroy Roger Stone and the judge is an old Democrat hack as well.

Trump should give Stone a Pardon, across the board.

Barr stopped the Marxist Jingo-baiting ideologues from getting their scalp and they are pissed off about it. Fuck them.
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I wonder why only Trump's people like Manafort, Stone have been charged while real crooks like Hillary, Biden. Comey, Soros and many other Dems' "leaders" are still free.
Could be that after thorough investigation in both houses of Congress, no referral was made, while Republicans controlled both houses, the presidency and the Department of Justice, that had a Chinaman's chance of being proven. Or maybe the republicans were just stupid. Or maybe lying Hillary is more careful about her lies when she is under oath. Maybe the Republicans could be more careful about lying under oath. It is probably better to take the 5th and have everybody think you are hiding the truth, than to lie like a rug and go to jail. Just sayin...
It wasn't just one jury member who was a left-wing anti-Trump activist:

Got that? Not only was the jury “foreperson” a left-wing anti-Trump activist, she was out there tweeting her hatred of Roger Stone before she was picked to sit on the jury judging … Roger Stone. And sitting there on that jury with her was an “Obama-era press official with admitted anti-Trump views — and whose husband worked at the same Justice Department division that handled the probe leading to Stone’s arrest.” Not to mention “another Stone juror, Seth Cousins, donated to former Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke and other progressive causes.”

This wasn’t an impartial jury committed to impartial and blind justice. This was political activists leading a legally disguised witch hunt — and one that had not the slightest intention of being fair to Roger Stone. And the four prosecutors? One was a part of the now-infamous Mueller investigation team that was filled with Hillary Clinton supporters and anti-Trump fanatics. They were nothing more than political anti-Trump activists themselves, demanding a sentence for Roger Stone’s alleged crimes of lying and witness tampering that was twice or more as harsh than sentences handed out to rapists and all manner of other serious crimes.

Roger Stone and the Corruption of Justice | The American Spectator | Politics Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously.

It makes you wonder if Stone got a fair trial and an impartial investigation that lead to his arrest.
I knew a physician, a psychiatrist, who bought a gun after deserting his wife with all their savings, then coming back. And shot her dead as soon as she came into the house. She had never done anything bad to him or anyone: she was very popular, well liked, and a social worker.

He only got three years.

So I KNOW this sentence against Roger Stone is the worst sort of political intimidation and meanness. Must be Democrats...….
I knew a physician, a psychiatrist, who bought a gun after deserting his wife with all their savings, then coming back. And shot her dead as soon as she came into the house. She had never done anything bad to him or anyone: she was very popular, well liked, and a social worker.

He only got three years.

So I KNOW this sentence against Roger Stone is the worst sort of political intimidation and meanness. Must be Democrats...….
Well, the psychiartrist did have some extenuating circumstances too. Ex-wife....ex-wife......oh, and did I mention EXWIFE?
Well, the psychiartrist did have some extenuating circumstances too. Ex-wife....ex-wife......oh, and did I mention EXWIFE?

No, they were still married --- he bugged out to New Orleans after 10 weeks of marriage and then came back six months later. And bought the gun. You could do that in those days -- get mad and buy a gun the same day. A lot of people were angry about the light sentence; his parents pulled strings, apparently. I went to their wedding: he was so drunk that both parents had to walk him down the aisle or he would have fallen flat on the floor. Talk about helicopter parents.....

Obviously the drunk walk was her moment to flee the wedding, but she didn't take it.
I wonder why only Trump's people like Manafort, Stone have been charged while real crooks like Hillary, Biden. Comey, Soros and many other Dems' "leaders" are still free.
To the left, this bias is "proof" of Hillary's innocence. The left seem to skate when it comes to corruption.
And today MacCabe, who was caught in FOUR different lies under oath, and he ADMITTED to them , h e is walking off without even the cost of paying a lawyer.

Wow, I bet General Flynn, Manafort and Roger Stone wish the Republicans had the balls the Democrats do. Instead the GOP abandons their own people and presume that they are even guilty for being charged, lol.

The Republican Party is the most gutless bunch of sellout cowards on the planet.

They make me want to puke.

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