The Incomplete Presidency: Instead of abandoning it, We Should Go Beyond MAGA Trump Conservatism towards something even more "Extreme", My Friends

It's not news nor is it even close to a political issue. Lefties apparently did a nexus search with the word Trump and found an article in the now defunct "Atlantic magazine" by someone named Adam Serwer and they think it's profound journalism. What a freaking bunch.
Key word here is patriot. Was he also a veteran? Trump has no clue what patriot means.

Actually, Surada, I kinda think that Trump fits Mark Twain's definition of patriot quite nicely......................

Patriot: the person who can holler the loudest without knowing what he is hollering about.

Mark Twain

Come to think of it.............there's a lot of people here on USMB that fit that definition as well........................
Do you simply disregard the polls? EVERY ONE OF THEM shows Trump ahead of all other comers. The fact that you people have gone fecking MENTAL over the man doesn't change the fact that well over half the Republican party wants what he brought the last time. RINOs are going down and if that means you folks regain the WH and congress, then so be it. IMO, your thugs in DC are getting ready to literally burn the country down if he gets re-elected so who "wins" doesn't really matter too much. The result will be the same. When it comes, there will be no pity for anyone on either side.
Maybe that's because Trump is the only one who has announced that he is running
Maybe that's because Trump is the only one who has announced that he is running

I've got a hunch that as soon as the other GOP people start announcing, they are going to be leading Trump in the polls.

That's gonna be interesting..............wonder how Trump will handle coming in second or even third or fourth? Probably in his usual way, screaming about how unfair the polls are, and insulting anyone who stands up to (or against) him.
Actually, Surada, I kinda think that Trump fits Mark Twain's definition of patriot quite nicely......................

Patriot: the person who can holler the loudest without knowing what he is hollering about.

Mark Twain

Come to think of it.............there's a lot of people here on USMB that fit that definition as well........................

Good one, but remember Trump said he's a Nationalist.
We had that for four years with President Trump. He told the warmongers to go pound sand. But you twats screamed like little girls because daddy was too mean.
Oh, we had a faux "hard-ass" in the White House, no doubt, but he was such a clumsy ignoramus that he alienated and was ridiculed by even our closest alies.

You've gotta find us somebody who can advance a similar hard-ass agenda but who can also both execute AND garner and sustain friendly support over time.

Your Orange Comb-Over Albatross ain't the Answer to that sensible requirement.
GOP needs more voices of reality to move beyond the Trump era and into something even more extreme that fits the moment for the silent majority America. i will outline that vision on this thread, be patient with me!

this is not a thread, this is a project to make america great again...again. that's the assignment i'm taking personally and seriously


Do we really want guys who capitulated and cowered to Trump to be in charge of the country... Seriously..

These are the people who are still selling Trickle-Down Economics.... Insane Drug War Prison Complex...

Democrats are a centre right political party in other first world countries, it is myth to think the Democrats are a left wing party...

They are just left compared to GOP..
The right doesn't care about the country. All they care about is "getting even" Trump was inpeached, so they are already planning to impeach Biden. No specific reason yet, but they will come up with something. They have become such a childish bunch.
IOW, they're responding in kind to, wait for it, a childish bunch. Such is the state of politics today.
Oh, we had a faux "hard-ass" in the White House, no doubt, but he was such a clumsy ignoramus that he alienated and was ridiculed by even our closest alies.

You've gotta find us somebody who can advance a similar hard-ass agenda but who can also both execute AND garner and sustain friendly support over time.

Your Orange Comb-Over Albatross ain't the Answer to that sensible requirement.
Uh huh, sure. Say, how is Europe going these days?

You say he was a “faux” hard-ass, yet he didn’t fold to the military industrial complex. Barely a year in, Biden folded and we now are spending more money in the Ukraine war than we ever did for our own wars. He’s the laughing stock of the world who can’t say more than two sentences before falling apart, especially without his script cards he has to carry, and even then he ends up saying stupid shit his staff has to walk back immediately.

Do we really want guys who capitulated and cowered to Trump to be in charge of the country... Seriously..

These are the people who are still selling Trickle-Down Economics.... Insane Drug War Prison Complex...

Democrats are a centre right political party in other first world countries, it is myth to think the Democrats are a left wing party...

They are just left compared to GOP..
its no myth here, they are left to far left.....
We probably DO need a "hard-ass" in the White House for a term or two or three.

But it has to be someone with both the guts to BE a hard-ass AND the finesse to develop broad and overwhelming support for a change of direction.

Oh... and... the competency and energy to actually EXECUTE such policies whlie remaining accountable to The People.

Neither Sleepy Old Uncle Joe nor the Orange Comb-Over Sociopath measure-up in that context.

Sleepy Old Joe????

The guy kicking Putin's ass half way around Europe while spending less than two months of Iraq in a year...

He got Europe to take lead in Ukraine Conflict.

He is setting up a Global 15% min tax.

He has managed to put higher tarrifs on China without retaliation.


There is other things as well but Biden has got things delivered. He just doesn't act like a blow hard idiot...
its no myth here, they are left to far left.....
So you are saying Western Europe is even are farther left than 'left to far left'...

so US main allies in the world are to the left of communists in your mind...

Germany ran a surplus for 9 of the last 12 years... EU has less poverty than US... This is in your mind Communist...
So you are saying Western Europe is even are farther left than 'left to far left'...

so US main allies in the world are to the left of communists in your mind...

Germany ran a surplus for 9 of the last 12 years... EU has less poverty than US... This is in your mind Communist...
how the fuck do you know what is happening here when you dont even live here....and if you were standing in front of me calling me a communist you would probably be sittin on your fatass....

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