The impact of the development of AI on the reduction in the cost of industrial production


VIP Member
Oct 26, 2014
In this topic, I would like to discuss only the economic aspect of the use of AI in the global manufacturing industry and refrain from political assessments of what is happening, even if they clearly suggest themselves.
I am interested in the next aspect of the development of modern AI - the impact on automation, robotization and intellectualization of modern industrial production. In theory, one of the consequences of the development of modern AI should be a good development of intelligent CAD and ACS, which, in principle, should lead to cheaper R&D and cheaper production. For example, now a powerful impetus to economic development has been received by countries with massive cheap labor (Southeast Asia and the Asia-Pacific region) due to the transfer of production there from the industrialized countries of the West (USA, Europe, Canada). Could the rapid development of AI in the manufacturing industry lead to a decrease in this economic advantage of countries with massive cheap labor in the near or not near future? That is, will the modern development of AI lead to the fact that high-tech, manufacturing production will be cheaper when equipped with intelligent robots than when using cheap labor and it (industry) will return back to the leading countries of the West? Or is it too early to expect such an economic effect from the introduction of AI in industrial production?
A.I should be working to identify how to have human live forever and turn back the age if all of our cells. At least create a pill to have us live another 100 years or so. Instead, we focus on building drones and such. Humans...
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There are many variables and risks at play.

An AI automated factory could possibly be "hacked" for example...

It might also make mistakes...

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