The Huckster selling snake oil

Knowing this, would you vote for him?

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Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
wow, looks like he's been taking advantage of people...

ignore “Big Pharma” and instead points them to a “weird spice, kitchen-cabinet cure,” consisting of dietary supplements.

“Let me tell you, diabetes can be reversed,” Mr. Huckabee says. “I should know because I did it. Today you can, too.”

The American Diabetes Association and the Canadian Diabetes Association caution against treatments like the one peddled by the company Mr. Huckabee represents.

One ad arriving in January in the inboxes of Huckabee supporters, who signed up for his political commentaries at, claims there is a miracle cure for cancer hidden in the Bible. The ad links to a lengthy Internet video, which offers a booklet about the so-called Matthew 4 Protocol. It is “free” with a $72 subscription to a health newsletter.

Mr. Huckabee promotes the “Diabetes Solution Kit,” a $19.95 booklet with advice on eating, exercise and dietary supplements. “Just sit tight,” he says in the two-minute, 40-second pitch, “because in a moment, a free presentation is coming up.” He promises it will reveal “all the natural secrets that are backed by real science that really work.”

But rather than science, the second, lengthier video peddles a diabetes “cure” consisting of cinnamon and chromium picolinate. Both the American Diabetes Association and the Canadian Diabetes Association warn that dietary and herbal supplements are ineffective for treating diabetes, which is an epidemic in the United States and is tied to obesity.

“Most big pharma companies don’t know squat about how to reverse your diabetes,” the video says. :cuckoo:

Another recent pitch sent out to Huckabee’s supporters carried the subject line “Food Shortage Could Devastate Country.” It promoted Food4Patriots survival food kits, described as the “No. 1 item you should be hoarding.”
Isn't the Food4Patriots similar to one of Glenn Beck's scams?

Maybe the Huckster can start selling phony gold as well.
like I'm going to take the word of someone who has an upside clown head for an avatar on who is or isn't selling snake oil

I'll decide that for myself, thank you. and please the rest of you try it too:2up:
like I'm going to take the word of someone who has an upside clown head for an avatar on who is or isn't selling snake oil

I'll decide that for myself, thank you. and please the rest of you try it too:2up:

No, Stoopid Stuff. You don't have to take MY word.

I realize you would have no way of knowing this but you can actually go to a little known web site called Google and read HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of sources of these facts.

Being a total idiot, my bet is you would vote for this jackass.
like I'm going to take the word of someone who has an upside clown head for an avatar on who is or isn't selling snake oil

I'll decide that for myself, thank you. and please the rest of you try it too:2up:

the OP didn't actually write the various articles from legitimate sources... you realize that, right?

take your own advice and don't take the word of a political Huckster for faux medical info for ca$h!
like I'm going to take the word of someone who has an upside clown head for an avatar on who is or isn't selling snake oil

I'll decide that for myself, thank you. and please the rest of you try it too:2up:

the OP didn't actually write the various articles from legitimate sources... you realize that, right?

take your own advice and don't take the word of a political Huckster for faux medical info for cash!

I'm a adult, I can MAKE up my own mind on what I want or buy. but it's nice of the NySlimes to send out all their investigative reporters to dig up something as petty as this, isn't it? and even nicer to have people who will spread it for them
If you like the Nyslimes didn't have DIRT and smears

you people would have nothing. this is one of the reason the people kicked you out of power in congress

but don't learn anything from it. just carry on
like I'm going to take the word of someone who has an upside clown head for an avatar on who is or isn't selling snake oil

I'll decide that for myself, thank you. and please the rest of you try it too:2up:

the OP didn't actually write the various articles from legitimate sources... you realize that, right?

take your own advice and don't take the word of a political Huckster for faux medical info for cash!

I'm a adult, I can MAKE up my own mind on what I want or buy. but it's nice of the NySlimes to send out all their investigative reporters to dig up something as petty as this, isn't it? and even nicer to have people who will spread it for them

When you're right, you're right but I've never seen that happen.

But, to give you benefit of the doubt, click on this link and decide for yourself.
If you like the Nyslimes didn't have DIRT and smears

you people would have nothing. this is one of the reason the people kicked you out of power in congress

but don't learn anything from it. just carry on


You actually believe that this article, as well as the hundreds of thousands of other articles, are untrue? You actually believe The Huckster is not hawking snake oil to brainless and desperate idiots like yourself?

If that's what you believe, prove it.

Post a link.


OR, Are you saying you believe these phony cures are effective? Do you actually believe him when he says there's a cure for cancer hidden in the bible?

Prove it.

Post a link.


Anyone wanna bet that these last two posts of mine will make Stoopid Stuff disappear from this thread?

like I'm going to take the word of someone who has an upside clown head for an avatar on who is or isn't selling snake oil

I'll decide that for myself, thank you. and please the rest of you try it too:2up:
How's this year's American Spring, Ms "I'll decide that for myself"?

Apparently Stoopid Stuff actually believes this crap but then, there's not much she's smart enough to question. Or maybe she's gone off someplace to ...


Stephanie I hope you'll come back and post the links that make you believe in the efficacy of snake oil.

Serious comment - It is indefensible that this slime bag is profiting from the illnesses of people who are too damn dumb to know he's a liar.


He doesn't have a snowball chance in hell of making it out of the GOP primaries....but he's trying to make money from naive people...typical conservative...well, he's not typical, he's extreme!
I'm a adult, I can MAKE up my own mind on what I want or buy. but it's nice of the NySlimes to send out all their investigative reporters to dig up something as petty as this, isn't it? and even nicer to have people who will spread it for them

What's funny is that someone like you would vote for a shyster like him.
like I'm going to take the word of someone who has an upside clown head for an avatar on who is or isn't selling snake oil

I'll decide that for myself, thank you. and please the rest of you try it too:2up:
How's this year's American Spring, Ms "I'll decide that for myself"?

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