The Homosexual Agenda, The aclu, And Your Children...

I beleive you are speaking of GENDER, not sex, but in either case that is not always correct. Gays who are truely gay are exceptions.

No, I am talking about sex. Gender is socially constructed, sex is not.
I find it striking that you consider individuals "militants" for refusing to adhere to a doctrine the USSC struck down 40 years ago, and one which nobody would even think of applying even more to race...but yet its ok for sexual orientation somehow.

You are pretty ignorant for such a bright guy, did you just miss the part about everyone would be Civil Unions? Or the fact sexual orientation is NOT the same thing as skin color?

Point me to a court case where gays are the same as race? You won't find one but do try.
You are pretty ignorant for such a bright guy, did you just miss the part about everyone would be Civil Unions? Or the fact sexual orientation is NOT the same thing as skin color?

Did you miss the point (oh, say, around 40 years ago) that separate but equal is not equal?

Oh and what about the point that I am comparing sex to race, not sexual orientation to race.

Point me to a court case where gays are the same as race? You won't find one but do try.

Nice strawman. Really.
Sex to race? There is no double standard. Men can marry women and women can marry men. That's the law. Well except in Massachusetts and they are wrong.

No seperate but equal at all in that.
In other words you can not back up your claim? Thought so. Thanks for playing though.

And you wonder why I think you are an idiot?

Hi, I wasn't comparing sexual orientation to race, I was comparing sex to race. Do you get it now? Can I make it any clearer for you?
Sex to race? There is no double standard. Men can marry women and women can marry men. That's the law. Well except in Massachusetts and they are wrong.

Whites can marry whites and blacks can marry double standard. Thats the law.

Whats the difference between this statement and yours?

No seperate but equal at all in that.

In civil unions there certainly is separate but equal.
How would you like it if the state government barred you from marrying your current wife RGS? Race is biological, sex is biological. Both are only allowed to marry others in certain biologically determined groups. There is NO difference between barring gays from marrying and barring different races from marrying. So, would you be happy with a civil union?
How would you like it if the state government barred you from marrying your current wife RGS? Race is biological, sex is biological. Both are only allowed to marry others in certain biologically determined groups. There is NO difference between barring gays from marrying and barring different races from marrying. So, would you be happy with a civil union?

Simply not proven to be biological. And of those that MIGHT be biologically wired that way it is something on the order of 2 percent. I am sure we can now argue that pologamy be allowed as well, after all it is segregation and it is discrimation based on sex.

Claiming homosexuals are the same as blacks is the most ignorant of claims. It does not stand up to the light of day.

Further claiming that if the Government ONLY preformed civil Unions that would some how be separate but equal is moronic on its face. IF everyone has the same exact option, it is hardly separate, but do keep pretending otherwise, Mr. Mensa.

I will I see have to start supporting a Constitutional amendment stating MArriage is between a man and a woman. Then you can whine all you want, it won't matter at all. You won't even be able to play word games then.
Simply not proven to be biological. And of those that MIGHT be biologically wired that way it is something on the order of 2 percent. I am sure we can now argue that pologamy be allowed as well, after all it is segregation and it is discrimation based on sex.

Sex hasn't been proved to be biological? Wha now?

Claiming homosexuals are the same as blacks is the most ignorant of claims. It does not stand up to the light of day.

I said sex was the same as race, not sexual orientation. I need to repeat this how many times exactly?

Further claiming that if the Government ONLY preformed civil Unions that would some how be separate but equal is moronic on its face. IF everyone has the same exact option, it is hardly separate, but do keep pretending otherwise, Mr. Mensa.

tsk tsk...bitching about that again? What a surprise. Get over it boy. And yes that would make it equal, but it ain't gonna happen.

I will I see have to start supporting a Constitutional amendment stating MArriage is between a man and a woman. Then you can whine all you want, it won't matter at all. You won't even be able to play word games then.

And then we will have the Constitution contradicting itself. Awesome. And support whatever you want, it ain't ever going to happen. The tide is turning old man...homophobes are no longer the norm in this country.
Sex hasn't been proved to be biological? Wha now?

I said sex was the same as race, not sexual orientation. I need to repeat this how many times exactly?

tsk tsk...bitching about that again? What a surprise. Get over it boy. And yes that would make it equal, but it ain't gonna happen.

And then we will have the Constitution contradicting itself. Awesome. And support whatever you want, it ain't ever going to happen. The tide is turning old man...homophobes are no longer the norm in this country.

Calling me a homophobe is rich. The idiot in this thread would be you.

Sex is Male or Female. Unless you care to provide a different proven definition. And Males and females have exactly the same rights in regards marriage as each other. Now if you mean the ACT of sex, that is hardly covered by what we are talking about.
Calling me a homophobe is rich. The idiot in this thread would be you.

Sex is Male or Female. Unless you care to provide a different proven definition. And Males and females have exactly the same rights in regards marriage as each other. Now if you mean the ACT of sex, that is hardly covered by what we are talking about.

Yes, sex is male or female. And we treat them differently depending on which cateogory they fall into. Just as we did with race.

The argument you are making applies exactly as well to race as it does to sex. you think its ethical to let blacks only marry blacks and whites only marry whites? Because there is NO difference. As I said before...blacks and whites can both marry someone of their own race...exactly the same, right?

To make the comparison crystal clear, I will provide you with a hypothetical. Do you think its acceptable to let blacks ONLY marry whites and to let whites ONLY marry blacks?

Biological cateogory 1: Blacks OR men
Biological cateogry 2: Whites OR women.

Each can ONLY marry from the opposite category. Its the exact same thing as race but using different categories.
Some definitions for ya...


sex /sɛks/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[seks] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. either the male or female division of a species, esp. as differentiated with reference to the reproductive functions.
2. the sum of the structural and functional differences by which the male and female are distinguished, or the phenomena or behavior dependent on these differences.
3. the instinct or attraction drawing one sex toward another, or its manifestation in life and conduct.


sex (sěks) Pronunciation Key

1. The property or quality by which organisms are classified as female or male on the basis of their reproductive organs and functions.
2. Either of the two divisions, designated female and male, of this classification.
2. Females or males considered as a group.
3. The condition or character of being female or male; the physiological, functional, and psychological differences that distinguish the female and the male. See Usage Note at gender.

Then we have this

sex (n.)
1382, "males or females collectively," from L. sexus "state of being either male or female, gender." "Commonly taken with seco as division or 'half' of the race" [Tucker], which would connect it to secare "to divide or cut" (see section). Meaning "quality of being male or female" first recorded 1526.


2. either of the two categories (male or female) into which most organisms are divided; "the war between the sexes"

And then this

sex1 [seks] noun
either of the two classes (male and female) into which human beings and animals are divided according to the part they play in producing children or young
Example: Jeans are worn by people of both sexes; What sex is the puppy?

I can go on if I must.
Any particular reasons you are citing definitions which agree with the statement that I made of Yes, sex is male or female.?
Yes, sex is male or female. And we treat them differently depending on which cateogory they fall into. Just as we did with race.

The argument you are making applies exactly as well to race as it does to sex. you think its ethical to let blacks only marry blacks and whites only marry whites? Because there is NO difference. As I said before...blacks and whites can both marry someone of their own race...exactly the same, right?

To make the comparison crystal clear, I will provide you with a hypothetical. Do you think its acceptable to let blacks ONLY marry whites and to let whites ONLY marry blacks?

Biological cateogory 1: Blacks OR men
Biological cateogry 2: Whites OR women.

Each can ONLY marry from the opposite category. Its the exact same thing as race but using different categories.

It IS NOT the same. That is why we get on your games with words. On this one you have no leg to stand on.

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