The Homeless People Of Texas

Texas has a massive homeless problem. They like to sweep it under the rug and pretend the failed economic policies of their Republican overlords don't cause this problem but they do. Similar to the rise in homelessness across the red states of the south.

View attachment 196530
Fort Worth, Texas

View attachment 196531
Houston, Texas


Dallas, Texas

No link????

So you are posting butthurt Texas has a below average of homelessness..

Family Homelessness in the United States: a State-by-State Snapshot - National Alliance to End Homelessness

View attachment 196537
And yet the problem is still massive, as there are a lot of people on Texas.

You do get that right?


Here in Amarillo where I live, there is a landowner who decided to allow homeless people to pitch tents on his property. Well, guess what? The Amarillo city leadership has decided to sue him 1,000/day for every day he allows them to camp there.

It's kind of a controversy over here. I mean, it's his property and he can say who can and can't stay on it, but the city says it's creating a hazard and wants it gone. Me? I'm of the mindset of letting them stay if he says it's okay.

In Rare Legal Move, the City of Amarillo Takes Landowner to Court Over Homeless Camp
Unfortunately, I agree with the city. It is a health and safety hazard.

What the city should be doing is funding ways to make it sanitary and more safe, instead of spending its money to sue. But we both know that isn't going to happen.
I was once homeless and lived in a tent but then I was out processed by the army and learned to live in a house again, work at a regular non-24/7 job....
That's what ya get for going Army........ In the Navy we were like; "what's a tent"?

You know, I didn't join the Air Force because of previous bias (lived in an AF town).

I didn't join the Marines because I didn't want to become a bullet sponge.

And, coming from Montana, I do enjoy camping as a hobby, but as a lifestyle, it leaves much to be desired.

When I talked to the Navy recruiter, he told me one of the best things was that your house went with you (the ship), and you could have ice cream for both lunch and dinner. After he told me about all the travel, I was sold.
My career Army father talked me into the Navy.........

You know, not having to camp out was appealing as hell, but when he started talking about all the travel he'd done, I decided that was the service for me.

One of the cool things I enjoyed doing was when I came home, going to the AF base club in uniform. Know what happened? Damn near every chick in the place came by to check me out. Some even bought me a beer.

Yep, another good thing about the Navy is the universal recognition of the uniform. A woman sees a Sailor, they generally get interested.

Unfortunately the same thing happens when a sailor sees a sailor...

Exit, stage left :scared1:

Hey, you leave me an opening that wide, I'll drive a truck through it...
I was once homeless and lived in a tent but then I was out processed by the army and learned to live in a house again, work at a regular non-24/7 job....
That's what ya get for going Army........ In the Navy we were like; "what's a tent"?

You know, I didn't join the Air Force because of previous bias (lived in an AF town).

I didn't join the Marines because I didn't want to become a bullet sponge.

And, coming from Montana, I do enjoy camping as a hobby, but as a lifestyle, it leaves much to be desired.

When I talked to the Navy recruiter, he told me one of the best things was that your house went with you (the ship), and you could have ice cream for both lunch and dinner. After he told me about all the travel, I was sold.
My career Army father talked me into the Navy.........

You know, not having to camp out was appealing as hell, but when he started talking about all the travel he'd done, I decided that was the service for me.

One of the cool things I enjoyed doing was when I came home, going to the AF base club in uniform. Know what happened? Damn near every chick in the place came by to check me out. Some even bought me a beer.

Yep, another good thing about the Navy is the universal recognition of the uniform. A woman sees a Sailor, they generally get interested.

Unfortunately the same thing happens when a sailor sees a sailor...

Exit, stage left :scared1:

Hey, you leave me an opening that wide, I'll drive a truck through it...
Let me guess, the Village People talked you into the Navy.......... :eusa_whistle:
When poor people understand, that regardless of thier plight in life, that voting is the best way to solve their issues, this country will change for the better...When young thug black dudes get out and vote, when poor white trash....when the least of our society get off their ass and vote...this country and lives will change


Maybe if they got off their ass and found a job they wouldn't be homeless.

While they're at it...


Texas has a massive homeless problem. They like to sweep it under the rug and pretend the failed economic policies of their Republican overlords don't cause this problem but they do. Similar to the rise in homelessness across the red states of the south.

View attachment 196530
Fort Worth, Texas

View attachment 196531
Houston, Texas


Dallas, Texas
This is a nation wide issue, kiddo. Poor Americans are suffering for the welfare of Illegal aliens. Our poor folks are being swept under the proverbial blanket. It's THEIR fault because they lost their lower middle class jobs to Mexicans. WHY? You innocently ask...Well, I will reply, because a few rich college educated WHITE elitist were born to rich white parents, they project that whole guilt complex on the rest of us. And they justify their neurotic self hate and hurt poor whites because they need to take their hate out on somebody. Used to be, they would just lynch a black sharecropper, but NOW? It's poor white trash to blame...
Texas has a massive homeless problem. They like to sweep it under the rug and pretend the failed economic policies of their Republican overlords don't cause this problem but they do. Similar to the rise in homelessness across the red states of the south.

View attachment 196530
Fort Worth, Texas

View attachment 196531
Houston, Texas


Dallas, Texas
This is a nation wide issue, kiddo. Poor Americans are suffering for the welfare of Illegal aliens. Our poor folks are being swept under the proverbial rug. Wealthy businesses hire exclusively wetback workers, and overturned the apple cart for the sake of fleeting profit. So wealthy whites that exploit poor illegals turn this issue on it's ear. Instead, it's poor whites fault because they lost their lower middle class jobs to Mexicans. They weren't born to the right gene pool, apparently. A few rich college educated WHITE elitist were born to rich white parents, they project that whole guilt complex on the rest of us. And they justify their neurotic self hate and hurt poor whites because they need to take their hate out on somebody. Used to be, they would just lynch a black sharecropper, but NOW? It's poor white trash to blame...
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The US is 33rd in rates of homelessness (0.17%), way behind the Brits and Canadians, who are at 22nd (0.46%) and 21st (0.5%) respectively.

List of countries by homeless population - Wikipedia

There are about 15,000 homeless people in Texas. Out of 28 million people that would be a low rate of 0.05%
Homelessness in the United States by state - Wikipedia

In Texas people h ave the right to live without an address if they so choose and some do.

Hell, right after I got out of the army I lived in a garage of a lady I knew from church. No one has to go without shelter if they dont want to.
Texas has a massive homeless problem. They like to sweep it under the rug and pretend the failed economic policies of their Republican overlords don't cause this problem but they do. Similar to the rise in homelessness across the red states of the south.

View attachment 196530
Fort Worth, Texas

View attachment 196531
Houston, Texas


Dallas, Texas
This is a nation wide issue, kiddo. Poor Americans are suffering for the welfare of Illegal aliens. Our poor folks are being swept under the proverbial blanket. It's THEIR fault because they lost their lower middle class jobs to Mexicans. WHY? You innocently ask...Well, I will reply, because a few rich college educated WHITE elitist were born to rich white parents, they project that whole guilt complex on the rest of us. And they justify their neurotic self hate and hurt poor whites because they need to take their hate out on somebody. Used to be, they would just lynch a black sharecropper, but NOW? It's poor white trash to blame...

Of course it is a nation-wide issue. That is the point of the OP, to call attention to this nation-wide epidemic of homelessness, Texas being one of the states where it's a real problem.
Texas has a massive homeless problem. They like to sweep it under the rug and pretend the failed economic policies of their Republican overlords don't cause this problem but they do. Similar to the rise in homelessness across the red states of the south.

View attachment 196530
Fort Worth, Texas

View attachment 196531
Houston, Texas


Dallas, Texas

What’s your excuse for California’s homeless problem despite their massive welfare state?
Very few people are homeless because they have tried diligently and can't find a job. The Trump phenomenon, like it or not, demonstrates that even if political leadership is flawed, if business perceives that it is valued, it will create jobs.

How can anyone look around the U.S., see the cities dominated by Leftist "machines," that are uniformly shitholes, and seriously say that the homeless problem is a Republican thing?

You gotta be a fucking idiot.
Texas has a massive homeless problem. They like to sweep it under the rug and pretend the failed economic policies of their Republican overlords don't cause this problem but they do. Similar to the rise in homelessness across the red states of the south.

View attachment 196530
Fort Worth, Texas

View attachment 196531
Houston, Texas


Dallas, Texas
This is a nation wide issue, kiddo. Poor Americans are suffering for the welfare of Illegal aliens. Our poor folks are being swept under the proverbial blanket. It's THEIR fault because they lost their lower middle class jobs to Mexicans. WHY? You innocently ask...Well, I will reply, because a few rich college educated WHITE elitist were born to rich white parents, they project that whole guilt complex on the rest of us. And they justify their neurotic self hate and hurt poor whites because they need to take their hate out on somebody. Used to be, they would just lynch a black sharecropper, but NOW? It's poor white trash to blame...

Of course it is a nation-wide issue. That is the point of the OP, to call attention to this nation-wide epidemic of homelessness, Texas being one of the states where it's a real problem.
He started the thread because he was butthurt from the Homeless in California thread.

And Republicans seek even more punitive policies against the homeless, the unemployed, and low income Americans.

Their whole agenda is to dismantle unions, the middle class, and all the safety net for the elderly like Social Security and Medicare while at the same moment decrying strong compassionate blue states that seek to treat human being like human beings. Blue States in fact put Christ's life and teachings into practice while Red States seek at every turn to work against what who Christ was and taught.

What would happen if even on red state did simply this. Followed the teachings of Christ, whom they claim to 'like'. They aren't Christians but they do claim to be fans. What if they acted like him just for a year, or two. What a difference for millions of people. Ahh but they're too busy kneeling at the feet of the wealthy and licking their shoes clean.
So sad to see the VA giving the one finger salute to so many vets. As for texass having homeless we all know it is the liberal policies? Ha ha ha
Very few people are homeless because they have tried diligently and can't find a job. The Trump phenomenon, like it or not, demonstrates that even if political leadership is flawed, if business perceives that it is valued, it will create jobs.

How can anyone look around the U.S., see the cities dominated by Leftist "machines," that are uniformly shitholes, and seriously say that the homeless problem is a Republican thing?

You gotta be a fucking idiot.
It is A REPULICAN thng!
Texas has a massive homeless problem. They like to sweep it under the rug and pretend the failed economic policies of their Republican overlords don't cause this problem but they do. Similar to the rise in homelessness across the red states of the south.

View attachment 196530
Fort Worth, Texas

View attachment 196531
Houston, Texas


Dallas, Texas
This is a nation wide issue, kiddo. Poor Americans are suffering for the welfare of Illegal aliens. Our poor folks are being swept under the proverbial blanket. It's THEIR fault because they lost their lower middle class jobs to Mexicans. WHY? You innocently ask...Well, I will reply, because a few rich college educated WHITE elitist were born to rich white parents, they project that whole guilt complex on the rest of us. And they justify their neurotic self hate and hurt poor whites because they need to take their hate out on somebody. Used to be, they would just lynch a black sharecropper, but NOW? It's poor white trash to blame...

Of course it is a nation-wide issue. That is the point of the OP, to call attention to this nation-wide epidemic of homelessness, Texas being one of the states where it's a real problem.
I am 61 years old. When I was a kid we had the last vestiges of the depression, bums jungles. But never to the degree as this. My parents both struggled trough the depression. and they had their stories. But in my lifetime, this level of homelessness, it is extraordinary. But some how, Mexican illegals always seem to have homes and cars and jobs in the poorest part of my city, not by some merit, but because they get special treatment to violate immigration laws to the detriment of poor Americans. I always contend that this is unconstitutional on so many levels.
I am convinced that giving sanctuary to illegal aliens is unconstitutional, it furthers job displacement and leads inevitably to homelessness. Or is it just a coincidence we displace American workers with illegal aliens and OOPS! We have huge numbers of jobless Americans. What a coincidence that is.
Texas has a massive homeless problem. They like to sweep it under the rug and pretend the failed economic policies of their Republican overlords don't cause this problem but they do. Similar to the rise in homelessness across the red states of the south.

View attachment 196530
Fort Worth, Texas

View attachment 196531
Houston, Texas


Dallas, Texas

No link????

So you are posting butthurt Texas has a below average of homelessness..

Family Homelessness in the United States: a State-by-State Snapshot - National Alliance to End Homelessness

View attachment 196537
And yet the problem is still massive, as there are a lot of people on Texas.

You do get that right?


Here in Amarillo where I live, there is a landowner who decided to allow homeless people to pitch tents on his property. Well, guess what? The Amarillo city leadership has decided to sue him 1,000/day for every day he allows them to camp there.

It's kind of a controversy over here. I mean, it's his property and he can say who can and can't stay on it, but the city says it's creating a hazard and wants it gone. Me? I'm of the mindset of letting them stay if he says it's okay.

In Rare Legal Move, the City of Amarillo Takes Landowner to Court Over Homeless Camp
Unfortunately, I agree with the city. It is a health and safety hazard.

What the city should be doing is funding ways to make it sanitary and more safe, instead of spending its money to sue. But we both know that isn't going to happen.

It's camping and what kind of attitude is that? Do you think they will magically dissapeer ?
Texas has a massive homeless problem. They like to sweep it under the rug and pretend the failed economic policies of their Republican overlords don't cause this problem but they do. Similar to the rise in homelessness across the red states of the south.

View attachment 196530
Fort Worth, Texas

View attachment 196531
Houston, Texas


Dallas, Texas
This is a nation wide issue, kiddo. Poor Americans are suffering for the welfare of Illegal aliens. Our poor folks are being swept under the proverbial blanket. It's THEIR fault because they lost their lower middle class jobs to Mexicans. WHY? You innocently ask...Well, I will reply, because a few rich college educated WHITE elitist were born to rich white parents, they project that whole guilt complex on the rest of us. And they justify their neurotic self hate and hurt poor whites because they need to take their hate out on somebody. Used to be, they would just lynch a black sharecropper, but NOW? It's poor white trash to blame...

Of course it is a nation-wide issue. That is the point of the OP, to call attention to this nation-wide epidemic of homelessness, Texas being one of the states where it's a real problem.
He started the thread because he was butthurt from the Homeless in California thread.


After I posted I read the rest of that thread, I swear he must be 16 year old tranny or something
If we didn't have the corrupt politicians in office ......whether Federal or State...............we could fix this...........
Texas has a massive homeless problem. They like to sweep it under the rug and pretend the failed economic policies of their Republican overlords don't cause this problem but they do. Similar to the rise in homelessness across the red states of the south.

View attachment 196530
Fort Worth, Texas

View attachment 196531
Houston, Texas


Dallas, Texas
This is a nation wide issue, kiddo. Poor Americans are suffering for the welfare of Illegal aliens. Our poor folks are being swept under the proverbial blanket. It's THEIR fault because they lost their lower middle class jobs to Mexicans. WHY? You innocently ask...Well, I will reply, because a few rich college educated WHITE elitist were born to rich white parents, they project that whole guilt complex on the rest of us. And they justify their neurotic self hate and hurt poor whites because they need to take their hate out on somebody. Used to be, they would just lynch a black sharecropper, but NOW? It's poor white trash to blame...

Of course it is a nation-wide issue. That is the point of the OP, to call attention to this nation-wide epidemic of homelessness, Texas being one of the states where it's a real problem.

No the entire point of the OP was butt hurt

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