Trump/Russia: Trump biographer Tim O’Brien says the President is a liar

Felix Sater - Wikipedia

Trump is a liar? Trump is a scumbag who deals with known, major criminals?

Well duh.

The Trump, O'Brian animosity goes back quite a while. There's no love lost between the two so what either one says about the other should be taken with a healthy dose of salt.
Is trump a liar? Yeah but it's a prerequisite for becoming a politician.
Is trump a liar? Yeah but it's a prerequisite for becoming a
Trump's surrogate mommies LOVE trotting out this false equivalence...
Oh look ma! A gullible hack!!
Huh? That didn't make sense. Stick to covering for your little man.
Of course it doesn't make sense to you, one has to have at least a modicum of intelligence first. Speaking of not making sense who the fuck is my "little man" pray tell?

Felix Sater - Wikipedia

Trump is a liar? Trump is a scumbag who deals with known, major criminals?

Well duh.

The Trump, O'Brian animosity goes back quite a while. There's no love lost between the two so what either one says about the other should be taken with a healthy dose of salt.
Is trump a liar? Yeah but it's a prerequisite for becoming a politician.

Whoa hold the phone. Did you just admit trump is a liar? Are you a conservative? Holy shit it's a miracle.

Felix Sater - Wikipedia

Trump is a liar? Trump is a scumbag who deals with known, major criminals?

Well duh.

The Trump, O'Brian animosity goes back quite a while. There's no love lost between the two so what either one says about the other should be taken with a healthy dose of salt.
Is trump a liar? Yeah but it's a prerequisite for becoming a politician.

Whoa hold the phone. Did you just admit trump is a liar? Are you a conservative? Holy shit it's a miracle.

I'm neither a conservative nor a liberal yet I'm both.......... Betcha that will cause your myopic "brain" to explode....... :lol:
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