The Homeless People Of Texas

Texas has a massive homeless problem. They like to sweep it under the rug and pretend the failed economic policies of their Republican overlords don't cause this problem but they do. Similar to the rise in homelessness across the red states of the south.

View attachment 196530
Fort Worth, Texas

View attachment 196531
Houston, Texas


Dallas, Texas

No link????

So you are posting butthurt Texas has a below average of homelessness..

Family Homelessness in the United States: a State-by-State Snapshot - National Alliance to End Homelessness

And Republicans seek even more punitive policies against the homeless, the unemployed, and low income Americans.

Their whole agenda is to dismantle unions, the middle class, and all the safety net for the elderly like Social Security and Medicare while at the same moment decrying strong compassionate blue states that seek to treat human being like human beings. Blue States in fact put Christ's life and teachings into practice while Red States seek at every turn to work against what who Christ was and taught.

What would happen if even on red state did simply this. Followed the teachings of Christ, whom they claim to 'like'. They aren't Christians but they do claim to be fans. What if they acted like him just for a year, or two. What a difference for millions of people. Ahh but they're too busy kneeling at the feet of the wealthy and licking their shoes clean.
You do know the fatcats want the US to be just like before FDR, hopefully as far back as TR.

I agree that is their dream, take the country back to 1880, few workers rights, no unions, limited rights for women. One of the modern things they DO want to keep are arbitration agreements. They get to force workers to give up their Constitutional rights to seek protection of the US court system.
It's the GOP's idea of reducing court caseloads. In Mizzouri you can no longer sue for damages from an auto accident which is more than the limits of the defendant's insurance coverage.
Next up is the elimination of class action lawsuits.

That sounds fair

From the Washington compost..

Which states have the highest levels of homelessness?

States with high and low homeless rates are all over the country. The highest rates of homelessness among states are in Hawaii (465 per 100,000), followed by New York (399) and California (367).

The lowest homeless counts per capita come in Mississippi (81 per 100,000), Indiana (94) and Kansas (94).

The struggle has always been Capital vs Labour.
Capital has opposed every progressive measure that has ever been proposed.
Health,education,housing whatever. If it doesnt enrich capital they oppose it.

The sick joke is they can rope in enough dupes to support their agenda.

If you aint able to live off your investments then you are crazy to back tory shite against your own class.
When poor people understand, that regardless of thier plight in life, that voting is the best way to solve their issues, this country will change for the better...When young thug black dudes get out and vote, when poor white trash....when the least of our society get off their ass and vote...this country and lives will change

If poor people started voting in any kind of numbers the Republican party would be out of power forever. This is the very reason they spend inordinate amounts of money and state legislative time enacting voter suppression laws in states and districts where a large poor voting block exists. Ten polling places where people can be bussed to vote? Nah, let's reduce that to one that is too far away for 80% of them. They can't win honestly, they have to cheat.

And the result of them winning is more homelessness. The images I posted of homeless people in Texas can be easily found for every red state. And for every state period.
If the democrats where wise, they'd spend tons of money and time, going to these blighted areas and educating people on change.....changes that will make thier lives better. A lot of these people just don't understand the power of the vote. Democrats like to throw in rappers and bs shit to get these people off their ass to vote...if you get a thug to understand the cop that's killing you, is a direct result of the Mayor that ignores you and the police chief that co-signs onto that madness, that local elections matter...maybe education would help these people understand, fear and bullshit from the GOP can only get you so far.
Why come you libtards don’t go to school. If you missed getting an education it’s not the Republicans fault.

From the Washington compost..

Which states have the highest levels of homelessness?

States with high and low homeless rates are all over the country. The highest rates of homelessness among states are in Hawaii (465 per 100,000), followed by New York (399) and California (367).

The lowest homeless counts per capita come in Mississippi (81 per 100,000), Indiana (94) and Kansas (94).


Oops lol
I was once homeless and lived in a tent but then I was out processed by the army and learned to live in a house again, work at a regular non-24/7 job....
That's what ya get for going Army........ In the Navy we were like; "what's a tent"?

You know, I didn't join the Air Force because of previous bias (lived in an AF town).

I didn't join the Marines because I didn't want to become a bullet sponge.

And, coming from Montana, I do enjoy camping as a hobby, but as a lifestyle, it leaves much to be desired.

When I talked to the Navy recruiter, he told me one of the best things was that your house went with you (the ship), and you could have ice cream for both lunch and dinner. After he told me about all the travel, I was sold.
I was once homeless and lived in a tent but then I was out processed by the army and learned to live in a house again, work at a regular non-24/7 job....
That's what ya get for going Army........ In the Navy we were like; "what's a tent"?

You know, I didn't join the Air Force because of previous bias (lived in an AF town).

I didn't join the Marines because I didn't want to become a bullet sponge.

And, coming from Montana, I do enjoy camping as a hobby, but as a lifestyle, it leaves much to be desired.

When I talked to the Navy recruiter, he told me one of the best things was that your house went with you (the ship), and you could have ice cream for both lunch and dinner. After he told me about all the travel, I was sold.
My career Army father talked me into the Navy.........
I was once homeless and lived in a tent but then I was out processed by the army and learned to live in a house again, work at a regular non-24/7 job....
That's what ya get for going Army........ In the Navy we were like; "what's a tent"?

You know, I didn't join the Air Force because of previous bias (lived in an AF town).

I didn't join the Marines because I didn't want to become a bullet sponge.

And, coming from Montana, I do enjoy camping as a hobby, but as a lifestyle, it leaves much to be desired.

When I talked to the Navy recruiter, he told me one of the best things was that your house went with you (the ship), and you could have ice cream for both lunch and dinner. After he told me about all the travel, I was sold.
My career Army father talked me into the Navy.........

You know, not having to camp out was appealing as hell, but when he started talking about all the travel he'd done, I decided that was the service for me.

One of the cool things I enjoyed doing was when I came home, going to the AF base club in uniform. Know what happened? Damn near every chick in the place came by to check me out. Some even bought me a beer.

Yep, another good thing about the Navy is the universal recognition of the uniform. A woman sees a Sailor, they generally get interested.
Texas has a massive homeless problem. They like to sweep it under the rug and pretend the failed economic policies of their Republican overlords don't cause this problem but they do. Similar to the rise in homelessness across the red states of the south.

View attachment 196530
Fort Worth, Texas

View attachment 196531
Houston, Texas


Dallas, Texas

No link????

So you are posting butthurt Texas has a below average of homelessness..

Family Homelessness in the United States: a State-by-State Snapshot - National Alliance to End Homelessness

View attachment 196537
And yet the problem is still massive, as there are a lot of people on Texas.

You do get that right?

It's everywhere, I suggest you google this, I am so confident I won't even do so before I tell you, we have had record numbers of homeless people in Toronto freezing to death. That's right. In nice, warm hearted Canada, we allow homeless people to brave the conditions of the winter and we shrug our shoulders, "meh, not my problem. I'm too busy trying to be a government patsy to care".

It's everywhere.
Texas has a massive homeless problem. They like to sweep it under the rug and pretend the failed economic policies of their Republican overlords don't cause this problem but they do. Similar to the rise in homelessness across the red states of the south.

View attachment 196530
Fort Worth, Texas

View attachment 196531
Houston, Texas


Dallas, Texas

No link????

So you are posting butthurt Texas has a below average of homelessness..

Family Homelessness in the United States: a State-by-State Snapshot - National Alliance to End Homelessness

View attachment 196537
And yet the problem is still massive, as there are a lot of people on Texas.

You do get that right?


Here in Amarillo where I live, there is a landowner who decided to allow homeless people to pitch tents on his property. Well, guess what? The Amarillo city leadership has decided to sue him 1,000/day for every day he allows them to camp there.

It's kind of a controversy over here. I mean, it's his property and he can say who can and can't stay on it, but the city says it's creating a hazard and wants it gone. Me? I'm of the mindset of letting them stay if he says it's okay.

In Rare Legal Move, the City of Amarillo Takes Landowner to Court Over Homeless Camp

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