The Holy Bible contains not any contradictions!

So the way to the Father is NOT only through Jesus as John states, anyone can get into heaven?
Jesus is the way. People can unknowingly follow Jesus' way. The Father can draw people to him while they remain unknowing they are walking in Jesus' steps. Why block them?
The Bible is like a Rorschach test, you can find whatever you're looking for in some part of it.
Yet if you think the Rorschach test is a map to Washington D.C., good look in getting to D.C using it. On the other hand, when the Bible is read and applied properly, it can take us to the places we desired.
Multiple posts of yours with no evidence to support your claims to your gods. You must first offer support for your gods before you can claim that the gods magically created adult humans. You might be surprised to learn that humans do not hatch from eggs. Thus, your "what came first" slogan is meaningless. Your question should be "which of the human inventions of gods preceeded your gods". That question is rather easy to answer.

The relevant science community, (as opposed to ID'iot creationists), has clear evidence that biological evolution occured. The fossil record speaks to that fact unambiguously as demonstrated by the rising complexity of living organisms over millions of years, including humans. The fossil record mirrors the genetic record. The appearence of major groups in the fossil record is substantiated by relationships later shown by DNA comparison testing. There is no other explanation for this relationship between DNA and fossils besides biological evolution.

There is no proof of the Christian God, but you have not disproved him either. One has to have faith before he is revealed to you which you do not have. Instead, I have shown evidence for God and presented practical evidence that "faith-based" evolution and evolutionary thinking is false. Instead, it is evidence for Satan since it goes against God and creation science.

Humans do not hatch from eggs but their egg has to be fertilized. This is evidence for God as he created fertile adult humans of the opposite sex. It takes sexual reproduction for the egg to be fertilized. This cannot be explained by the false science of evolution as it starts with asexual reproduction.

As for the rest, it is just wrong in that you are of puny brain and cannot distinguish Christianity from ID. The fossil record is wrong in that the layer that it was found in is assumed to be based on time chronology. Wrong assumptions lead to garbage in, garbage out. Furthermore, you would be able to present transitional fossils if the theory had any merit. The DNA comparison testing is made to fit the theory instead of the findings leading to the theory. It is based on circular reasoning. Nothing is observable and just circumstantial evidence.
Multiple posts of yours with no evidence to support your claims to your gods. You must first offer support for your gods before you can claim that the gods magically created adult humans. You might be surprised to learn that humans do not hatch from eggs. Thus, your "what came first" slogan is meaningless. Your question should be "which of the human inventions of gods preceeded your gods". That question is rather easy to answer.

The relevant science community, (as opposed to ID'iot creationists), has clear evidence that biological evolution occured. The fossil record speaks to that fact unambiguously as demonstrated by the rising complexity of living organisms over millions of years, including humans. The fossil record mirrors the genetic record. The appearence of major groups in the fossil record is substantiated by relationships later shown by DNA comparison testing. There is no other explanation for this relationship between DNA and fossils besides biological evolution.

There is no proof of the Christian God, but you have not disproved him either. One has to have faith before he is revealed to you which you do not have. Instead, I have shown evidence for God and presented practical evidence that "faith-based" evolution and evolutionary thinking is false. Instead, it is evidence for Satan since it goes against God and creation science.

Humans do not hatch from eggs but their egg has to be fertilized. This is evidence for God as he created fertile adult humans of the opposite sex. It takes sexual reproduction for the egg to be fertilized. This cannot be explained by the false science of evolution as it starts with asexual reproduction.

As for the rest, it is just wrong in that you are of puny brain and cannot distinguish Christianity from ID. The fossil record is wrong in that the layer that it was found in is assumed to be based on time chronology. Wrong assumptions lead to garbage in, garbage out. Furthermore, you would be able to present transitional fossils if the theory had any merit. The DNA comparison testing is made to fit the theory instead of the findings leading to the theory. It is based on circular reasoning. Nothing is observable and just circumstantial evidence.

That's pretty funny. Here's a life lesson for you; it's not up to me to disprove your gods. I'm simply holding you to a standard of supportable statements, which you do not offer.

Your revulsion for science and learning is noted. However, your typically unsupported claims to the gods are mirrored in your unsupported claims about biological evolution being false. You simply parrot the slogans at your ID'iot fundamentalist ministries.

If every scientist had absolute faith in everything that was told to him or her, then there would be no discoveries. Science proceeds by a lack of faith, and a desire to discover what we do not know.

It does not take faith to accept geology, paleontology, genetics, chemistry. Hundreds of transitional fossils have been discovered since Darwin's day. Evolution has been witnessed in short-lived species both in the lab and in the natural world, and the fossil record is extremely well documented. The fossil record demonstrates unambiguously the continuous evolution of life. You NEVER find people with dinosaurs, or dinosaurs with trilobites. It is very clear. There are NO fossils found out of order. There are no paleontology discoveries that conflict with our understanding of how life evolved over the ages. The appearance of major groups in the fossil record is substantiated by relationships later shown by DNA comparison testing. There is no other explanation for this relationship between DNA and fossils besides evolution.
So the way to the Father is NOT only through Jesus as John states, anyone can get into heaven?
Jesus is the way. People can unknowingly follow Jesus' way. The Father can draw people to him while they remain unknowing they are walking in Jesus' steps. Why block them?
So belief in Jesus as the Christ is not necessary for salvation. Interesting but I think Paul would not agree.
The Bible is like a Rorschach test, you can find whatever you're looking for in some part of it.
Yet if you think the Rorschach test is a map to Washington D.C., good look in getting to D.C using it. On the other hand, when the Bible is read and applied properly, it can take us to the places we desired.
I don't think you have to read it 'properly', however you read it, it will take you where you want it to take you.
Furthermore, you would be able to present transitional fossils if the theory had any merit.

transitional fossils ...

the cicada transforms itself without physical evidence of the transitory state as an entirely metaphysical event.


evolutionary transitional examples are only prototypes that are unnecessary to the final process accumulative over time for there to be generated from the present parent to an entirely different offspring in a single instance when completed where the offspring reproduces itself in the new form from that point of time going forward.

the metaphysical is the origin of all life including its physical substance as well as the rules for its sustained existence or its eventual extinction, a rule as the distinction between good and evil as a necessary ingredient for development.
So belief in Jesus as the Christ is not necessary for salvation. Interesting but I think Paul would not agree.
Planes, trains, boats, cars, buses, bikes, skates, wheels are not necessary for travel, we can all walk. However we can go farther, faster with them. Figuratively, I've gone places with Jesus that I would not have without him.

Once again, the original authors were speaking to Christians and warns against falling away after once following Jesus. Note how Acts describes Paul's speech to people in Athens who did not know Jesus. He did not harangue them about not following Christ. Instead, he assured them they already knew him, and pointed to a sculpture of the Unknown God. Paul advises he learned simply to preach Christ--Christ crucified. I doubt he would agree with you preaching believe in Christ or spend an eternity in hell.
So belief in Jesus as the Christ is not necessary for salvation. Interesting but I think Paul would not agree.
Planes, trains, boats, cars, buses, bikes, skates, wheels are not necessary for travel, we can all walk. However we can go farther, faster with them. Figuratively, I've gone places with Jesus that I would not have without him.

Once again, the original authors were speaking to Christians and warns against falling away after once following Jesus. Note how Acts describes Paul's speech to people in Athens who did not know Jesus. He did not harangue them about not following Christ. Instead, he assured them they already knew him, and pointed to a sculpture of the Unknown God. Paul advises he learned simply to preach Christ--Christ crucified. I doubt he would agree with you preaching believe in Christ or spend an eternity in hell.
Not everyone would agree:

Question: "Is Jesus the only way to Heaven?"

Yes, Jesus is the only way to heaven. Such an exclusive statement may confuse, surprise, or even offend, but it is true nonetheless. The Bible teaches that there is no other way to salvation than through Jesus Christ. Jesus Himself says in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” He is not a way, as in one of many; He is the way, as in the one and only. No one, regardless of reputation, achievement, special knowledge, or personal holiness, can come to God the Father except through Jesus.
Once again, the original authors were speaking to Christians and warns against falling away after once following Jesus.

they waited till the 4th century to write their christian bible, the church of the roman empire -

there is no doubt they waited that long as those from the 1st century that were burned at the stake or fed to the lions were not the people they were writing it for.
If every scientist had absolute faith in everything that was told to him or her, then there would be no discoveries. Science proceeds by a lack of faith, and a desire to discover what we do not know.

We aren't talking about discoveries or even technological breakthroughs. We were talking about asexual to sexual reproduction which fake science evolutionists cannot explain. I will take your post as admission of wrongness and defeat once again.

We can observe and show experimentally that God created adult humans and animals that could reproduce.
We were talking about asexual to sexual reproduction which fake science evolutionists cannot explain.
Scientists have theories that explain the evolution of asexual to sexual reproduction (even lowly bacteria can do it), they just can't prove it.

This sounds more like the facts of which are none made to fit the theory. No experimental results. No observable evidence. No scientific method. Besides, wikipedia is a biased source.
What would you consider a transitional fossil?

The only transitional fossil evidence I saw were minus the top left three in this figure (no chimps nor australopithecines):

Now I'm confused, I thought you didn't believe there were any transitional fossils, are you now saying there are transitional fossils?

Whichever way you answer, what would or would not make a fossil a 'transitional' fossil?
Whether the OP is a Christian or not doesn't matter, does it? Will you acknowledge the contradictions in the Bible? It's a subject worth discussing.

OK. Fair enough.

Yes. Obviously the bible is rife with contradictions. Thats being said I also know that some contradictions were designed to make the reader think as when the children of Adam went to find a mate in a city which should compel the reader to reconsider the subject of being formed by God and becoming a living being as being not about the creation of the body or the first human being.

Other instances are obvious redactions as when someone put on the end of a letter of Paul "submit to the authority of Caesar" who happened to be Nero at the time..

This contradicts the teaching of Jesus on every level and the motive of the unknown editors is not mysterious at all.

So how do YOU decide which parts to believe?

I use my knowledge of literary expressions, figurative language, homonyms, parables, metaphors, analogies, hyperbole, etc, along with scientific facts about the nature of reality as constraints in discerning the teaching.

In my thinking, whether or not the dead ever came out of their graves was never a question of faith or subject of belief. I simply ask myself , "what is the author trying to say." I see that belief without understanding is a curse.

Once superstition is dismissed and if the reader has at least a second grade reading level, the intended meaning almost always becomes clear.

For more sensitive subjects an additional effort is required.

Its really not that hard. Its a matter of logical deduction.

Anyone can do it anytime, anywhere.

You can even do it in secret.

So the Bible is not a reliable source. You gotta make up your own mind about what might be written in it. Do you think people might reasonably or logically disagree with your conclusions?
Don’t you make up your own mind for everything?

Of course, but when it comes to dedicating your life to serving some deity, it's based on something more than a few arbitrary lines in a book that were written by people who never met the people they claim to be quoting.
If every scientist had absolute faith in everything that was told to him or her, then there would be no discoveries. Science proceeds by a lack of faith, and a desire to discover what we do not know.

We aren't talking about discoveries or even technological breakthroughs. We were talking about asexual to sexual reproduction which fake science evolutionists cannot explain. I will take your post as admission of wrongness and defeat once again.

We can observe and show experimentally that God created adult humans and animals that could reproduce.

Please provide the data that "experimentally" observes the gods creating adult humans.

What "fake science" are you describing? Please describe the sexual reproduction that science can't explain.

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