The Happy Dog


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
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Seems somebody finally did.
a lot of times older dogs are in shelters because their human moms and dads have passed.... and they are very sad and miss them ... hopefully he gets to feeling better ... you did a wonderful thing giving that puppy a good home .

No I. I didn't mean to imply I adopted the dog, I just copied this post I saw because I was so happy for the dog. Animals are so innocent and trusting yet so often the victim of human neglect.
No I. I didn't mean to imply I adopted the dog, I just copied this post I saw because I was so happy for the dog. Animals are so innocent and trusting yet so often the victim of human neglect.
Well, that was a buzz kill, toobfreak. You had us all going there.

But on the brighter side, it is nice to see a feel good story about a sheltered dog.

Wife and I picked up a 9(?) year old Chow that had been abused pretty bad.
We worked with him getting him to trust us as much as he could and it took a long time. I think they had one of those
shock collars on him for barking, because he only barked once in the 6 years we had him.
He did enjoy us, and we really did love him, but he could only get so close to totally trusting us.
Well, that was a buzz kill, toobfreak. You had us all going there.
Totally unintentional. I thought it was clear the post was from someone else called Happy Dog, but oh well.

He did enjoy us, and we really did love him, but he could only get so close to totally trusting us.
Shame people do that to animals; we once had my grandmother's cat after she passed, no matter what we did, we could not get him to stop mourning and accept us and our home as his new place. He crawled up inside our dryer and hid.

Another time as a kid we had a couple strays and my parents didn't want to keep either. One was very gentle and easy to get along with. The other fought like a tiger to battle his way out of the box and stay. My father finally said that any cat that wanted to stay that bad we would keep. Turned out to be a great pet and companion for our other cat. The easy going cat went to the shelter and was pretty and very friendly and I trust found himself a good home too.
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Seems somebody finally did.
My dog didn't know how lucky he got when I adopted him. I live on a lake. I take him for long walks in the woods off leash. And we both love to deer hunt. I would not have found the deer if it wasn't for him. I didn't see any blood until we were way in the woods. No way I would have figured it out. He did. He's an amazing tracker. Every night I come back he's like so did you get one? Sat-Monday I had to come back and tell him I didn't get anything. You could see his disappointment. So last night when I came in and told him I think I might have got one, he took off to where he knows I hunt and his nose went to work. I had to show him where I last saw it run. From there he took me to the main trail. No blood. Across the trail there is a deer trail. A clear path you can see deer come and go. But I see no blood. He goes that way. Who am I to argue so I follow. All of the sudden 50 yards away I see blood on a fern. Holy shit. I would have never found that on my own. Next thing you know he picks up speed and boom, he found it, dead. So it ran less than 100 yards but that's a long way in the woods especially with the changing of the leaves but still everything is green. Ferns up to your waste.

Anyways, I love to hunt deer and he loves to track shot deer. We are a match made in heaven.

I love older animals.

They've already "clawed this, chewed that" they just want to lay around and be snuggled and get treats.

You are an angel for taking care of a cutie that nobody else thought was worthy.
I once adopted a beautiful white cat named Princess. Her elderly owner had passed and the family gave Princess to rescue. When I saw Princess at Petco she was laying on her side panting through her open mouth. Her eyes were closed. The rescuer told me that the cat was in good health. It was emotional. I knew that if I did not adopt that cat, no one would. Without the commotion of other animals, only my elderly cat, Princess did settle in a bit. But she would sit on the table looking out the window with huge tears running down her face. She never came near me.

Then one night she jumped on the couch and put two paws on my leg. Something terrible was wrong. I rushed her to 24 hour emergency. Princess was dying. Tests showed that every organ in her body had failed. Her heart was slowing. She died during the examination. I had her less than a year. That's how long it took for her to grieve herself to death.
I once adopted a beautiful white cat named Princess. Her elderly owner had passed and the family gave Princess to rescue. When I saw Princess at Petco she was laying on her side panting through her open mouth. Her eyes were closed. The rescuer told me that the cat was in good health. It was emotional. I knew that if I did not adopt that cat, no one would. Without the commotion of other animals, only my elderly cat, Princess did settle in a bit. But she would sit on the table looking out the window with huge tears running down her face. She never came near me.

Then one night she jumped on the couch and put two paws on my leg. Something terrible was wrong. I rushed her to 24 hour emergency. Princess was dying. Tests showed that every organ in her body had failed. Her heart was slowing. She died during the examination. I had her less than a year. That's how long it took for her to grieve herself to death.
Thanks for sharing.

My neighbor has never been a good dog owner. She's a drunk and sometimes the dogs get abused when she's drinking. She'll take her anger out on them.

In the summer time she works 9 hours, comes home, lets the dog out to poop on a short leash, then back inside while she goes out on her boat and to the bar until midnight. This is no life for a dog right?

So really, this woman should not have a dog. But, she does love her dog. Right?

Well our condo association is going to make her get rid of her dog. She's going to lose it! I'm scared. LOL.

Like I said, she shouldn't be allowed to own a dog. She should have got a cat. Cat can be home alone all day and night. A dog can't. But she does love the dog. A part of me feels bad for her and the dog. She's not always mean to it. Sometimes she takes the dog out on the boat with her. But if I was the foster person and she wanted to adopt one of my dogs, I wouldn't let her. I just don't know if I could tell her she has to get rid of the dog. She has fucked with my condo board members so much they don't care. They're making her get rid of it by December 5th. She hasn't even opened the letter yet. We will all know when she does. LOL
Thanks for sharing.

My neighbor has never been a good dog owner. She's a drunk and sometimes the dogs get abused when she's drinking. She'll take her anger out on them.

In the summer time she works 9 hours, comes home, lets the dog out to poop on a short leash, then back inside while she goes out on her boat and to the bar until midnight. This is no life for a dog right?

So really, this woman should not have a dog. But, she does love her dog. Right?

Well our condo association is going to make her get rid of her dog. She's going to lose it! I'm scared. LOL.

Like I said, she shouldn't be allowed to own a dog. She should have got a cat. Cat can be home alone all day and night. A dog can't. But she does love the dog. A part of me feels bad for her and the dog. She's not always mean to it. Sometimes she takes the dog out on the boat with her. But if I was the foster person and she wanted to adopt one of my dogs, I wouldn't let her. I just don't know if I could tell her she has to get rid of the dog. She has fucked with my condo board members so much they don't care. They're making her get rid of it by December 5th. She hasn't even opened the letter yet. We will all know when she does. LOL
She has a dog to virtue signal that she loves animals. She's an alcoholic and they can not love anything else.

I have a step granddaughter in law who treats her 20 month old son like that. She too is an alcoholic. He has never played in the park, never seen a child his own age. He is barely walking and hasn't even started to talk. Not even mama Dada. In a last minute plea for a baby sitter this harpy let a mother of five baby sit. The child was promptly taken to the toddler tot lot where he interacted with others his age and got filthy. Needless to say it did not end well.
Here's an older cat I adoptd in March because no one else wanted him. He was covered in sores (including a deep dog bite on the back of his neck) and could not spend time in the room with prospective adoptive "parents" without supervision from humane society personnel.

He was living in a cage for nearly three months, and I thought, "Well, I guess I'll take him." Since then, he's gained more than two pounds, he follows me around the house, and he no longer lashes out when people pet him (the first couple weeks, he even drew blood on me and my girlfriend).

He's still a little ornery, though, picking on the female when she annoys him, but now he's pretty much converted from a feral cat to a house cat.


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