The Hamas terror attacks shattered the gun control ‘safety’ myth


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

The Hamas terror attacks shattered the

gun control ‘safety’ myth

14 Oct 2023 ~~ By D. Parker

Have you noticed that the ghouls of the gun grabber lobby have been awfully quiet the past few days? These cynical control freaks who are all too ready and willing to exploit other people’s pain for their political gain would normally be coming out of the woodwork with all the ‘gun violence’ going on, citing the mass Hamas attack in Israel.
Why has it only been crickets from the gun confiscation crowd?
Despite perceptions, Israel was a dream state for these people. Israel had strict controls on guns, and the people’s common sense civil right of self-defense. That made it nearly a Utopia for the likes of groups with names like Mom’s Demanding Civilian Disarmament in Everytown and Brady United Against Your Second Amendment Right to Own A Gun.
Gun-grabbers are usually out in full force with their astroturf t-shirts, working hand in glove with the national socialist media to push for the next great achievement whenever there is a mass shooting. Remember, we’re always one more ‘gun safety’ measure from Utopia, one more ratcheting of the straps of authoritarianism around Lady Liberty from being free from ‘gun violence.’ That’s the gun control safety carrot that is always dangling a little way away, with the next step to safety just out of reach.
The serious problem for the fascist far left and the gun grabber lobby in particular is that the Hamas terror attacks have shattered the gun control ‘safety’ myth.
They’ve kept quiet this week because they don’t want to remind anyone of their massively dangerous and deadly failures in the Middle East. They’ve kept quiet because once again, sensible people are questioning the wisdom of depriving the harmless of their common-sense civil rights.
They’ve kept quiet because they know they wouldn’t be able to cynically exploit other people’s pain for their political gain. But they will be back with their ‘insane’ ideas of disarming the harmless in the face of evil because they only care about their power, not your safety.
Despite all the strict controls over the innocent and harmless of Israeli society, these did nothing to protect the people. Taking away a person’s commonsense civil rights never works, and yet the ghouls of the gun grabber lobby persist in demanding it.
We live in a dangerous world with the ever-present threat of tyrannical authoritarian governments, terrorism...

Simply, Democrat Socialists of America (aka CPUSA) and Hamas are playing for the same team?
Take for example the couple who were found dead shielding their two teenage boys with their bodies who were also killed by the monsters and think of what it would have been like if they had owned the horrible AR-15 assualt rifle! They may have still died but the peaceful murders would have paid a price! Other than some accidents usually because of carelessness, law abiding gun owners do not cause gun related crimes. This is the myth propagated by the left. Israel is now issuing guns to those who want them. A hard lesson to learn.
The unprovoked attack by Hamas terrorists is solid proof and certainly shines a light on what happens to a disarmed populace.
Indeed, Democrat Socialist, Iran and Hamas are aligned.
There was a story of a young girl, early 20’s who realized the noises they were hearing were different, mobilized the members of her kibbutz and slaughtered the invaders. Hero.
Few people are actually allowed to “own” guns.......
The kibbutz's are organized to defend against invaders, if people get to their positions. Like the great wall of China, fortifications are not symmetrical.
Americans should know by now, your security is your own, You can not depend on the police or the government.
Americans have to ask themselves. Seeing Joey Bai Dung's incompetent actions beginning 2021 and after what has happened in the Ukraine and now Israel, the question, “Why does anybody need an AR-15?” has been answered forever.
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And the myth is that Israel is filled with civilians with guns......

Israel has followed the demands of the left, and had made owning a gun almost impossible for civilians, even the civilians with military service. As your link shows, the government of Israel believed the leftists and refused to learn the lesson of history....the lesson that a disarmed population is vulnerable to violent monsters.....the motto is "Never Forget," and the left in Israel made the people of Israel forget....both the mass murder of Jews in the 30s and 40s, and the violent attacks by the genocidal muslims......
And the myth is that Israel is filled with civilians with guns......

Israel has followed the demands of the left, and had made owning a gun almost impossible for civilians, even the civilians with military service. As your link shows, the government of Israel believed the leftists and refused to learn the lesson of history....the lesson that a disarmed population is vulnerable to violent monsters.....the motto is "Never Forget," and the left in Israel made the people of Israel forget....both the mass murder of Jews in the 30s and 40s, and the violent attacks by the genocidal muslims......

In doing so, the Israeli gov't jeopardized the lives of their people and made them targets of the terrorists. Hence the tragic deaths of Israeli's and people visiting in Israel.
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Usually rifles are no match for missiles fired from hundreds of miles away. I'm sure one of the gun nuts will be by to tell us that you can use a .22 to shoot down an ICBM any ol' time now.
Unfortunately it wasn't rockets that killed these people. It was a mass attack by 1,500 to 2000 Hamas terrorists using AK's, grenades, RPG's and explosives'.
BTW the rockets from Gaza into Israel only have to travel 10 to 60 kilometers.
Who ever D. Parker is, he is a fool for comparing a freaking invasion by rockets and RPG weapons to make a 2nd Amendment claim.

They didn't use rockets or RPGs as they went house to house murdering and raping unarmed the 2nd Amendment argument is on point.
Usually rifles are no match for missiles fired from hundreds of miles away. I'm sure one of the gun nuts will be by to tell us that you can use a .22 to shoot down an ICBM any ol' time now.

Hey, dumb ass.....nice Israeli flag after you support the very leftists who funded the Iran/hamas attack....

And the rockets fired from Gaza were not used by the terrorists as they calmly walked from house to house with their fully automatic rifles and raped, murdered and mutliated unarmed civilians.......had the Israelis not listened to people like you, more of them would have had scary black rifles and 30 round magazines to kill a lot more of the iran/hamas terrorists....saving lives.

The Hamas terror attacks shattered the

gun control ‘safety’ myth

14 Oct 2023 ~~ By D. Parker

Have you noticed that the ghouls of the gun grabber lobby have been awfully quiet the past few days? These cynical control freaks who are all too ready and willing to exploit other people’s pain for their political gain would normally be coming out of the woodwork with all the ‘gun violence’ going on, citing the mass Hamas attack in Israel.
Why has it only been crickets from the gun confiscation crowd?
Despite perceptions, Israel was a dream state for these people. Israel had strict controls on guns, and the people’s common sense civil right of self-defense. That made it nearly a Utopia for the likes of groups with names like Mom’s Demanding Civilian Disarmament in Everytown and Brady United Against Your Second Amendment Right to Own A Gun.
Gun-grabbers are usually out in full force with their astroturf t-shirts, working hand in glove with the national socialist media to push for the next great achievement whenever there is a mass shooting. Remember, we’re always one more ‘gun safety’ measure from Utopia, one more ratcheting of the straps of authoritarianism around Lady Liberty from being free from ‘gun violence.’ That’s the gun control safety carrot that is always dangling a little way away, with the next step to safety just out of reach.
The serious problem for the fascist far left and the gun grabber lobby in particular is that the Hamas terror attacks have shattered the gun control ‘safety’ myth.
They’ve kept quiet this week because they don’t want to remind anyone of their massively dangerous and deadly failures in the Middle East. They’ve kept quiet because once again, sensible people are questioning the wisdom of depriving the harmless of their common-sense civil rights.
They’ve kept quiet because they know they wouldn’t be able to cynically exploit other people’s pain for their political gain. But they will be back with their ‘insane’ ideas of disarming the harmless in the face of evil because they only care about their power, not your safety.
Despite all the strict controls over the innocent and harmless of Israeli society, these did nothing to protect the people. Taking away a person’s commonsense civil rights never works, and yet the ghouls of the gun grabber lobby persist in demanding it.
We live in a dangerous world with the ever-present threat of tyrannical authoritarian governments, terrorism...

Simply, Democrat Socialists of America (aka CPUSA) and Hamas are playing for the same team?
Take for example the couple who were found dead shielding their two teenage boys with their bodies who were also killed by the monsters and think of what it would have been like if they had owned the horrible AR-15 assualt rifle! They may have still died but the peaceful murders would have paid a price! Other than some accidents usually because of carelessness, law abiding gun owners do not cause gun related crimes. This is the myth propagated by the left. Israel is now issuing guns to those who want them. A hard lesson to learn.
The unprovoked attack by Hamas terrorists is solid proof and certainly shines a light on what happens to a disarmed populace.
Hundreds of thousands, if not millions illegally enter the US, the 2ndA doesn't seem to be stopping the influx.
Who ever D. Parker is, he is a fool for comparing a freaking invasion by rockets and RPG weapons to make a 2nd Amendment claim.
Yeah they were threatening women with rockets when they were raping them.
And they were using RPGs when they were walking into peoples houses and slaughtering everyone.
Excellent post!
Considering they are about the most persecuted peoples in the history of the world, you would think every one of them would be armed.
Usually rifles are no match for missiles fired from hundreds of miles away. I'm sure one of the gun nuts will be by to tell us that you can use a .22 to shoot down an ICBM any ol' time now.
No, but if a group of terrorists invaded a village in Florida and tried to kill a large number of people and capture others to use for ransom, they would find the attack more difficult. The majority of people I know are armed and own multiple firearms.
If the Burn & Loot Mob riots of 2022-21 didn't teach us of the need for firearms which can effectively engage a group of people outside the home, nothing will.
That's why the Democrats want us disarmed. So, they can send their militant wing to intimidate us without fear of getting their asses shot.

The Hamas terror attacks shattered the

gun control ‘safety’ myth

14 Oct 2023 ~~ By D. Parker

Have you noticed that the ghouls of the gun grabber lobby have been awfully quiet the past few days? These cynical control freaks who are all too ready and willing to exploit other people’s pain for their political gain would normally be coming out of the woodwork with all the ‘gun violence’ going on, citing the mass Hamas attack in Israel.
Why has it only been crickets from the gun confiscation crowd?
Despite perceptions, Israel was a dream state for these people. Israel had strict controls on guns, and the people’s common sense civil right of self-defense. That made it nearly a Utopia for the likes of groups with names like Mom’s Demanding Civilian Disarmament in Everytown and Brady United Against Your Second Amendment Right to Own A Gun.
Gun-grabbers are usually out in full force with their astroturf t-shirts, working hand in glove with the national socialist media to push for the next great achievement whenever there is a mass shooting. Remember, we’re always one more ‘gun safety’ measure from Utopia, one more ratcheting of the straps of authoritarianism around Lady Liberty from being free from ‘gun violence.’ That’s the gun control safety carrot that is always dangling a little way away, with the next step to safety just out of reach.
The serious problem for the fascist far left and the gun grabber lobby in particular is that the Hamas terror attacks have shattered the gun control ‘safety’ myth.
They’ve kept quiet this week because they don’t want to remind anyone of their massively dangerous and deadly failures in the Middle East. They’ve kept quiet because once again, sensible people are questioning the wisdom of depriving the harmless of their common-sense civil rights.
They’ve kept quiet because they know they wouldn’t be able to cynically exploit other people’s pain for their political gain. But they will be back with their ‘insane’ ideas of disarming the harmless in the face of evil because they only care about their power, not your safety.
Despite all the strict controls over the innocent and harmless of Israeli society, these did nothing to protect the people. Taking away a person’s commonsense civil rights never works, and yet the ghouls of the gun grabber lobby persist in demanding it.
We live in a dangerous world with the ever-present threat of tyrannical authoritarian governments, terrorism...

Simply, Democrat Socialists of America (aka CPUSA) and Hamas are playing for the same team?
Take for example the couple who were found dead shielding their two teenage boys with their bodies who were also killed by the monsters and think of what it would have been like if they had owned the horrible AR-15 assualt rifle! They may have still died but the peaceful murders would have paid a price! Other than some accidents usually because of carelessness, law abiding gun owners do not cause gun related crimes. This is the myth propagated by the left. Israel is now issuing guns to those who want them. A hard lesson to learn.
The unprovoked attack by Hamas terrorists is solid proof and certainly shines a light on what happens to a disarmed populace.
You are an idiot - anyone but you and alike is aware that Kibitzers and Jewish settlers are trained and in possession of arms (automatic weapons to be precise)

Putting their lives at risk, early kibbutz members played a central role in the establishment and defense of modern Israel and in the determination of its borders. Although somewhat less dramatic, kibbutz members’ continued sacrifice today can be seen in their active involvement in various forms of voluntary social, national and military service. Kibbutz members are disproportionately represented in the Israeli army's combat units......

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