The Hamas atrocity stories are FAKE

None of the antisemites here were appalled in the least by Hamas barbarity

They only started to squeal when Israel went after Hamas.
There aren’t any antisemites here. There are a few peace loving individuals, but mostly there are genocide loving idiots like you.

Somehow you think what Israel is doing is equal to what Hamas did. Clearly you aren’t good at math.
I watched the video. It is crap. No one can say who it is, or when it was made. I can tell you this, as a shooter, there are MANY problems with the presentation.
Damn! You get dumber with every post.

Stop taking it up the ass for Joe Biden.
Sure thing, sport. Unlike you I am a precision long range shooter. The so called snipers are not credible.

Full stop.
Thankfully dumb fuckers like you are in the minority. Did you suck off Joe today?
It is sort of ironic.

Westwall demands, "show us the pictures. . " and she has it, right there in this documentary, video even, of IDF soldier joking while they scope out pali kids and then snipe them down.
View attachment 870562

And the UN has reviewed them, and made rulings on them, ruling them war crimes, citing chapter and verse. . .
View attachment 870561

Well done, VERY well done piece.
The genocide supporters won’t like her.
Seriously? As if building networks of tunnels underneath hospitals isn't using human shields?

What the hell do you think Hamas was doing in those tunnels? Watching Teletubbies videos on the VCR and making smores?

You either misunderstood my post or you're purposely twisting it. I never claimed that Hamas doesn't use human shields. My point was that when it comes dead civilians, I don't buy the "human shields" excuse every time, automatically, like the MSM folks do. When you have such a massive amount of dead civilians in just a matter of weeks, it's dumb to blindly believe that they were ALL human shields. And certainly the actual perpetrators of Oct. 7 weren’t hiding behind all of them. And unlike some on this thread, I don’t believe in killing children, babies, or other civilians for the crimes of others.

But the human shields thing wasn't even really my main point. That said, I'm realizing more and more that discussing this here is pointless and a waste of time. At least with some here. I'll interact with those who still have some semblance of reason and common sense and value truth more than preexisting misguided ideas or tribalism.
You either misunderstood my post or you're purposely twisting it. I never claimed that Hamas doesn't use human shields. My point was that when it comes dead civilians, I don't buy the "human shields" excuse every time, automatically, like the MSM folks do. When you have such a massive amount of dead civilians in just a matter of weeks, it's dumb to blindly believe that they were ALL human shields. And certainly the actual perpetrators of Oct. 7 weren’t hiding behind all of them. And unlike some on this thread, I don’t believe in killing children, babies, or other civilians for the crimes of others.

But the human shields thing wasn't even really my main point. That said, I'm realizing more and more that discussing this here is pointless and a waste of time. At least with some here. I'll interact with those who still have some semblance of reason and common sense and value truth more than preexisting misguided ideas or tribalism.
These dumb Israeli apologists think it’s okay to mass murder people used as human shields. How sick and inhuman is that?
Thankfully dumb fuckers like you are in the minority. Did you suck off Joe today?

Based on what I've heard and seen, apparently it's true that outside the US people aren't as onboard with the Establishment narrative. Probably because we (the US) are one of the most propagandized nations in the world.

I hate to say this again, but it bears repeating... you'd think that after ALL the previous lies, they wouldn't be so quick to lap it all up, but they STILL do, every time. Which reminds me of this...

Based on what I've heard and seen, apparently it's true that outside the US people aren't as onboard with the Establishment narrative. Probably because we (the US) are one of the most propagandized nations in the world.

I hate to say this again, but it bears repeating... you'd think that after ALL the previous lies, they wouldn't be so quick to lap it all up, but they STILL do, every time. Which reminds me of this...

nail/head Butter......~S~
Based on what I've heard and seen, apparently it's true that outside the US people aren't as onboard with the Establishment narrative. Probably because we (the US) are one of the most propagandized nations in the world.

I hate to say this again, but it bears repeating... you'd think that after ALL the previous lies, they wouldn't be so quick to lap it all up, but they STILL do, every time. Which reminds me of this...

Yeah I don’t get it. After all the war lies that have been exposed promoted our government and media, you’d think all Americans would push back on yet another war.
Yeah I don’t get it. After all the war lies that have been exposed promoted our government and media, you’d think all Americans would push back on yet another war.

I think there are some things that are just too.... how should I say this.... unthinkable? for Americans to accept. So maybe it's easier to turn a blind eye and believe what we're told. Also, there's always such a vilification of anyone who speaks out and goes against the mainstream narratives. So maybe some people prefer sticking with the crowd? I don't know. I think truth should ALWAYS come first.

Btw, I've posted this clip tons of times, but it seems like there are still so many people who need to watch this and understand what is going on....

The most important part starts at 1:50 and goes for about 10 seconds.


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