The Hallowness of Conservative Claims


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
If he wanted to shift the focus to matters other than the economy, don't you think he would be carpet-bombing Cairo at this point?

The truth is that the President--a democrat who historically have been tagged as soft on defense--is operating a smart disciplined campaign that is delivering great results for his re-election bid.

That it is also the proper step to take in an age where the easy answer delivers political expediency but at the end of the day is wrong is a nice bonus. Egypt didn't attack us. Libya didn't attack us. Terrorists in those States did.

It's a good example of Obama's not getting us into an Iraq situation in Libya. We'd have IEDs, suicide bombers, armed engagements and a committment that isn't ending anytime soon.

I would hope that you all would learn something. But I know better.
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Of course terrorists did. Terrorists who receive support from hostile governments. The answer isn't to bomb these countries but persuade the national leaders who have terrorist sympathizers that it is in their best interests to cooperate with us. And do that while we still can. As the failed obama regime prints more worthless money, we have only worthless money to send as "aid". Soon there will be no financial benefit to being cooperative and we will have lost whatever little power we had.
Pathetic. The man practically stepped over the barely cold bodies of diplomats that HE sent into harm's way and delivered a fucking stump speech in Vegas. :mad:
He's missed more than half his daily security briefings so it's no wonder he's clueless, but to get caught with his pants down on the anniversary of 9/11 is just beyond explanation.
Pathetic. The man practically stepped over the barely cold bodies of diplomats that HE sent into harm's way and delivered a fucking stump speech in Vegas. :mad:
He's missed more than half his daily security briefings so it's no wonder he's clueless, but to get caught with his pants down on the anniversary of 9/11 is just beyond explanation.

You're exhibiting your ignorance and we all know it; an equal number are not surprised by it.

Bush played golf while we were at war--with deployments and everything else. You were strangely silent then.

Fuck off.
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Libs are glad that the insurgents killed the Ambassador and didn't put the LMSM through the ordeal of having to report on another hostage crisis. The death of whatshisname and the 3 others is already swept back under the rug

USAToday headline was something about Romney and polling.
Pathetic. The man practically stepped over the barely cold bodies of diplomats that HE sent into harm's way and delivered a fucking stump speech in Vegas. :mad:
He's missed more than half his daily security briefings so it's no wonder he's clueless, but to get caught with his pants down on the anniversary of 9/11 is just beyond explanation.

You're exhibiting your ignorance and we all know it; an equal number are not surprised by it.

Bush played golf while we were at war--with deployments and everything else. You were strangely silent then.

Fuck off.

Bush stopped playing golf altogether when it became obvious that some citizens were offended by the optics of it.
AFP: Bush: I quit golf over Iraq war
But Obama plays on and on and on. Golf, basketball, ESPN on the tube. But somehow manages NOT to take his daily security briefings. Bush met six a week, two of them each week in-depth, and called for more on a relatively frequent basis.

Barack Obama made some cursory remarks in the Rose Garden, did an interview for 60 Minutes, still managed to NOT take his daily security briefing, and boarded the plane for Vegas. He went to BED the night before, knowing his ambassador was missing but not knowing his fate. He's running for a job he can't be bothered to do TODAY while he has it.

Marc Thiessen: Obama alone: This president does not need intel briefers - The Washington Post
Wait, Who's Political? | The Weekly Standard
Pathetic. The man practically stepped over the barely cold bodies of diplomats that HE sent into harm's way and delivered a fucking stump speech in Vegas. :mad:
He's missed more than half his daily security briefings so it's no wonder he's clueless, but to get caught with his pants down on the anniversary of 9/11 is just beyond explanation.

It is just to much to fathom, the ex-navy SEAL with the Libyan ambassador who worked for a private security firm hired by the CIA was the only non-Libyan personal who had live ammunition. He made it out of the building and went back trying to get the ambassador out when he was also killed.

Then in Egypt:

Ambassador to Egypt Anne Patterson “did not permit US Marine guards to carry live ammunition,” according to multiple reports on U.S. Marine Corps blog spotted by Nightwatch. “She neutralized any US military capability that was dedicated to preserve her life and protect the US Embassy.”

This was Obama's and Hilary's way of keeping a "small American footprint" in the Muslim counties. They are getting our people killed due to their inept and childlike doctrines.
If he wanted to shift the focus to matters other than the economy, don't you think he would be carpet-bombing Cairo at this point?

The truth is that the President--a democrat who historically have been tagged as soft on defense--is operating a smart disciplined campaign that is delivering great results for his re-election bid.

That it is also the proper step to take in an age where the easy answer delivers political expediency but at the end of the day is wrong is a nice bonus. Egypt didn't attack us. Libya didn't attack us. Terrorists in those States did.

It's a good example of Obama's not getting us into an Iraq situation in Libya. We'd have IEDs, suicide bombers, armed engagements and a committment that isn't ending anytime soon.

I would hope that you all would learn something. But I know better.

The inaction is because he hasnt a clue. This has been highlighted throughout his term.......TISSUE?

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