the gun forum

you do realize pistols can be revolvers..and they are not a thing of the past...they are easier to clean and do not need the maintenance of semis in a panic....the loading can be harder on a semi....or firing....i am a point and shoot kinda girl
they are having a fathers day special on this one...under 200 bones.....grumpys fingers are to large for it.....son is adamant that i do not get it...son thinks a desert eagle would be a nice pistol lol

How many pistols have you shot?
Which one was most comfortable to shoot?
With which were you more accurate?

Shot placement can trump caliber. 3 well placed shots from a .380 are better than 3 wild shots from a .45

The right ammo for a .380 can perform even better than the FBI standards
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I suggest the S&W M&P Shield. Here in TN you can find them at $350 and there is a $75 mail in rebate from S&W

I'm not a fan or Taurus even though I have one of their snubbies. I had to send it back to the factory right out of the box as the cylinder would not lock up. Works fine now

this is the latest addition to their cc ......less than 1 inch wide...about 6 inch long.....all smooth....nothing to catch....doesnt show under clothes...which personally.....i would like for it to show lol
Sounds....strangely....sexual....for a female.......
they are having a fathers day special on this one...under 200 bones.....grumpys fingers are to large for it.....son is adamant that i do not get it...son thinks a desert eagle would be a nice pistol lol

A Desert Eagle? May as well get a small rifle.
Ruger mark III :D

With heavy long barrel.

Or one o' them 7-shot .22 revolvers and keep hammer on empty chamber.
I'm not a pistol man. :dunno:

A lot of women are liking those Ruger LC9s?

^I think that's the one.
Pistols are the present and the future.

Revolvers are the past.
LOL, Mr.Gun Expert. Wheel guns are here to stay. Very reliable and can pack a bigger punch, no auto mechanisms to operate. Less rounds but in self defense you likely won't use more than two or three. Or you're the dead one.
why is it everyone's voice counts till they own a gun? we need the gun forum back....

anyways....any opines on the taurus pt 709 slim? yes with nc going perhaps for total open carry i am back to considering a pistol.....son is against it..says it is too small for my hand

NC is going for total concealed carry with no CC permit

Permitless concealed carry bill passes NC House, heads to Senate

A good little gun for self protection and inexpensive is
Phoenix Arms Model HP22A is a single action semi-auto .22LR caliber pistol with a staggered 10-round magazine
please i think gun permits are too easy to get....backgrounds checks need to be more in depth

No...they don't....we already have laws that state you can't be a felon and buy, own or carry a gun...when the police make stop, or run into a felon, if they find he is carrying a gun, he can already be arrested......if that felon commits a crime with the illegally acquired gun, they can be arrested.....

The problem isn't background checks not doing enough......we alreay have them....

The problem is that criminals are allowed to repeatedly carry guns and use them in crimes and they are released back onto the streets....the 9,616 gun murders in 2015 (from the FBI) ......the majority of those gun murders were not committed by people who under went background checks...they were committed by people who didn't get background checks to begin with because they used a straw buyer, stole the gun or bought it from someone who did the one of the two things......
skull at this point....a few....some of the bigger revolvers are just too big....i prefer a smaller pistol...
You'll like a .380

here's a nice little pocket pistol


My sweetie's gun is a S&W .357. She rarely carries it, despite having a CCW. But for the house, it makes an excellent defensive gun. The first round fired will be a .38 Spcl shotshell. The next 5 rounds are full power .357s.

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