The Greatest Gift The Senate Ever Received


Sep 23, 2010
No, my friends, the term “second political party” is not a typo. It is not an error. It is not a misstatement. The cooperation afforded to that tall, slim fellow who lives in the White House by those who call themselves Republicans can hardly be viewed as the behavior of what one would normally be referred to as the “opposition party.”


. . . it’s time for these very same conservative voters to recognize (and admit publicly) that our nation is being controlled by what is in fact a single party of elitists who simply exchange their roles every few years to continue their joint efforts to maintain the illusion that we, the common voter, control our own destinies.​

As the man said '. . . the term “second political party" is not a typo.' At best, conservative Tea Parties make up a splinter party within the establishment Republican party.

splinter party (noun)
plural - splinter parties

A political party formed by members of an existing one whose views or policies differ from those of the majority.​

Inevitably, Tea Parties must form a true second party.

NOTE: The parasite class from the tax dollar billionaires to welfare state recipients are more than happy with the Democrat-Republican status quo.

As for now, conservatives have establishment Republicans by the short hairs; at least until Democrats and Republicans are forced to drop every pretense and unite into a party under the same banner. Before that happens, conservatives should exercise their clout for all of it is worth. Give the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT PARTY nothing since Boehner and McConnell made it clear they offered nothing in return the minute“Republicans” won both Houses in 2014.

NOTE: McConnell is no better. My guess is conservatives make up the 60 percent:

Poll: 60% of Republicans want Boehner out
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 01/02/2015 @ 10:44 am

Poll 60 of Republicans want Boehner out

Most importantly, conservative Americans should not get suckered into putting all of their eggs into a presidential basket. A truly conservative president is without muscle in Congress. Congressional Republicans-Democrats have the presidency locked up tighter than they had it when Ronald Reagan was in the White House. Bottom line: To hell with the presidency until conservative Americans control both houses of Congress. Then anti-Constitution presidents will do as they are told just as they do now.

I would go so far as to say repeal the XVII Amendment before forming a second party. The XVII Amendment is the single disaster that allows Congress to hide behind the imperial presidency they created for the sole purpose of remaining in office:

Key to this is remembering that members of Congress are holding “temp” jobs. Think about that for a minute. The Founders thought that two years was enough. They had definitively limited what the Congress was supposed to be able to do, so it wasn’t ever supposed to become a career. In fact the members of the early Congresses were paid on a per diem basis! Never mind that successive Congresses, especially since the dawn of the 20th century and the growth of the Progressive movement have distorted the clear intent of the Constitution (as envisioned by the Founders) out of all recognition. These were supposed to be temp jobs. Each member of Congress was subject to replacement in fairly short order.

Is Now the Time for a Second Political Party?
By Jim Yardley January 2, 2015

Is Now the Time for a Second Political Party

The XXII Amendment was a gift to senators. The system would improve dramatically if the XVII Amendment eliminated long-serving senators in conjunction with keeping term limits for the presidency.

Finally, Thomas Sowell reminded us that:

A hundred years ago, the President of the United States was Woodrow Wilson — the first president to openly claim that the Constitution of the United States was outdated, and that courts should erode the limits that the Constitution placed on the federal government.​

Many long-running senators and supreme court justices manipulated the income tax for decades in order to empower Congress over the Constitution. Among them they cut a fat hog in the ass. In less than a century the US Senate became a nest of traitors long after the XVII Amendment set treason in motion:

Like Woodrow Wilson, our current president is charismatic, vain, narrow and headstrong. Someone said of Woodrow Wilson that he had no friends, only devoted slaves and enemies. That description comes all too close to describing Barack Obama, with his devoted political palace guard in the White House that he listens to, in contrast to the generals he ignores on military issues and the doctors he ignores on medical issues.

Both Wilson and Obama have been great phrase makers and crowd pleasers. We are still trying to cope with the havoc left in the wake of Woodrow Wilson’s ringing phrase about “the self-determination of peoples.”

By: Thomas Sowell
12/31/2014 06:00 AM

A year of anniversaries Human Events

If arrogance among senators and judges is a character flaw no different than Wilson and Taqiyya the Liar it must be a wonderful thing to demonstrate they can destroy a free people simply to prove they are smarter than everybody else.

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